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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32199714 No.32199714 [Reply] [Original]

Stay tuned, Kronii's lean moment should be happening any day now

>> No.32199846

>lean moment
So a big nothing will happen?

>> No.32199883

She's going to culturally appropriate niggers?

>> No.32199919

It does indeed feel like that time, just stop, if you ignore it will go away

>> No.32199968

This is a clipfag comment chain too. It's not even her own channel

>> No.32200012

>UNFORTUNATELY there is because of that gosh darn evil idol culture

>> No.32200037

Why is she doing this? She had a great members stream about it that cleared it all up. Who cares what clipfags think?

>> No.32200168

Is Kronii a bigger dramafag than the SEA creatures that inhabit this place?

>> No.32200185

>Kronii: "don't ship us"
>some time later
>Kronii: "you know what? it's fine, you can ship us"
>clipnigger uploads the don't ship us part
Perfect timing, I was actually expecting something dumb like this to happen

>> No.32200306 [DELETED] 
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Anon... the yab is near
And so we face the cuckold sermon
Anon, I'll say it clear
Abscond my badge, oshi desertion

I've simped, simp life that's full
I avoided each and every cuck way
And more, much more than this, still caught in cuck way

Chuubas, I've had a few
But then again, too few for option
I did what I had to do
Gachi it through without contrition
I paid each super chat
Each donation along the simpway
And more, much more than this, still caught in cuck way

Yes, there were times, cuckposters knew
When I hint off signs of insecure
They bait it all, cuckspam was loud
Ogey it up and Rrat it out
Deflect it all, filters befall, and hid the cuck way

I've 'slinged, I've simped and 'corned
I've had my fill, my share of cooming
And now, as jizz subside
I find it all so absolving
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a cuck way
Oh no, Oh not like this, Just did the cuck way

For what is a simp, what has he cucked?
If not himself, then he still is fucked
To cucked by girls he truly feels
And not the whores who rob your meals
The archive shows
I gachi hoes
And did the cuck way

Yes, it's my.... cuck way

>> No.32200433

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.32200635

>because unfortunately idol culture is a thing
We somehow managed to find someone who hates hololive more than Mori, also even more disrespectful

>> No.32200739

she's overreacting or something happened yesterday at the sc reading?

after all, she doesn't read /vt/ to see real schizo

>> No.32200885

truly the new mori, kek

>> No.32201005 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.32201060

Where else do you think she reads those "twisting her words" that makes her panic like this? She knows she did something wrong and is hastily defending herself by putting the blame on her fans.

>> No.32201200

>Lean Moment

So Nothing will happen and vt will create text to speech raps?

>> No.32201349

>Joins idol company
>"Unfortunately because of idol culture"

>> No.32201367
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I love this timeline

>> No.32201456

Yes, she's overreacting and somehow cares what fucking clipwatchers think

>Where else do you think she reads those "twisting her words" that makes her panic like this?
Clippers and their comment section. That's why she points out that this specific clip is the best one cause it has more context, as opposed to other even more clickbait ones.

>> No.32201505

>I like chocolate cake
>I don't like horseshit cake

>> No.32201798
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>> No.32202450

HoloEN was a mistake.

>> No.32202729
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>blames idol culture instead of accepting it as human nature
>overtly passive aggressive and catty
>thank you and never come back
Going full kson at this point.
Bitch doesn't seem to understand that being a Hololive vtuber is a job. Her job is to make us have fun. Her fun should be kept to her off hours, unless it would damage the Ouro Kronii brand in some way were it to ever get out or be leaked. This is full on "I just joined Hololive on a whim" tier whining. While I sympathize with her as a person, I also have no hope for this one and wouldn't trust anyone else to properly rape correct her (considering improper/amateur correction is why this happened in the first place).

>> No.32203727

She has no obligation to pander to deluded schizos and could have been successful if she went the Mori/Bae route from the get go. She can't have her cake and it it too though if she wants to whale unicorns with deep pockets but also be able to interact with an autistic ojisan. She's within her rights to try but, shchizos gonna schiz.

>> No.32204010


>> No.32204040

lol her last member stream is gonna be everywhere soon, massive yab

>> No.32204087

A moment that unites /vt/ and twitter towards dunking on a vtuber

>> No.32204184

Unfortunately she cares

>> No.32204197
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Yes, human nature can only be found on /vt/ appearantly.

>> No.32204328

Good album

>> No.32204525

almost none of them understands that their popularity relies heavily on idol culture. It's like they joined hololive thinking "I'm so good I'm gonna change something that has worked extremely well for decades". So they leech on idol culture for a while and then come up with shit like this, and act shocked when their fans are disappointed.

>> No.32204976

>Mori/Bae route from the get go
That's the thing, she never acknowledged the Stars before 2 weeks ago. The Mafia cover was the first time she ever mentioned any of them, so for pretty much an entire year she fed this illusion that she wouldn't collab with guys, and the moment she does instead of understanding schizos would schizo out and just ignore the brunt of it she tries to explain herself in the worst way possible and keeps fueling the flames for literally no reason.

>> No.32205424
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>Cover obviously would always side with the Holostars and the girls agaist a rambling schizophrenic mass of retards
>most people are happy with the collabs
>Cover for EN3 will select people that are more like Bae and Mori: on fucking debut shout out to Holostars senpai, making very cleae where stand
The future the schizo chose

>> No.32205524

Why aren’t you banned yet

>> No.32205599

No normie is sticking around longer than 2-3 years, vtubing will die after all the hardcore fans have no reason to stay

>> No.32205633

Honestly this isn't as big a deal as Kronii thinks it is, and none of the schizos here matter but thinking about this post I think this whole thing could legitimately cause Kronii to spiral into a depression and make her do something stupid.

>> No.32205861

Was the winning move since square
one to just not respond at all?

>> No.32205940

Pretty much. Accept that shitpost would happen and move on with her life.

>> No.32205958

Can't wait.

Whose got the popcorn?

>> No.32205976

Well the comment section for the video just got turned off.

>> No.32205981

Speak for yourself fag, I'm going to keep supporting my boys so Vesper can finally body Yagoo in golf and you're gonna be the tourist that checks that out. Bye bye.

>> No.32206096

It usually is

>> No.32206140

Anon she barely acknowledges jp hololive. Almost like there’s a bit of a language barrier.
Tempus are also her branch mates unlike stars jp and live jp

>> No.32206236

It works for Gura

>> No.32206324

Mentally ill unstable fuckers are more dangerous, not because they can potentially kill one of the girls but
>are NEETs because their mental state can't just make them have a job
>are prone to suicide
Normies are what keep this show going

>> No.32206387

KEK HoloEN is a fucking mess

>> No.32206428

okay but does anyone look at myth and think “yeah those are idols”
EN is not an idol company it just inherited the burdens of one

>> No.32206449

Just terminate HoloEN already, what a mistake of a branch, western women are unsalvageable

>> No.32206476
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Nonbinary chick gonna yab out and I can't wait

>> No.32206491

>Implying she didn't write this while being high on weed

>> No.32206543

green sus

>> No.32206883

I wonder how someone like AZKi feels when some random EN bitch is calling her unprofessional for being married.

>> No.32206885

>hates idol culture
>joins otaku pandering, japanese company that's adjacent to the idol industry
Should've turned Ina/Sana down and become a Niji where she could openly be a Twitter troon.

>> No.32206927

You know its bad when the clipper is acting more responsible than the streamer.

>> No.32206980
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>Hey it's not like I have script or anything
Tsuntsun warden of time

>> No.32207030

For a time warden, she sure has awful timing

>> No.32207111

>I can't believe she really care about some clipniggers
I need my whales back

>> No.32207189

>calling her unprofessional for being married.
Clippers don't want the drama coming from their channel. They just want to capitalize on the drama from the vtuber themselves. No one wants to be Otakmori

>> No.32207215

>okay but does anyone look at myth and think “yeah those are idols”
Yes, Gura does. She literally cried tears of happiness after the last holofes because she finally felt like a "real idol". I'm not kfp, but I imagine Kiara does too. This whole anti idol culture shit coming from the post-en reddit fags is ironic weebery.

>> No.32207236

wow western whores only care about money, who would've guessed

>> No.32207304

Edging ERP next?

>> No.32207387

Kronii needs Vox to fix her daddy issue

>> No.32207390

plenty of girls do, and literally all of them profit from idol culture. "EN are not real idols" is cuck cope.

>> No.32207437
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Unless of course she just meant it's unprofessional for Holos to bang other Holos.

>> No.32207530

Mori 2.0, I mean better.

>> No.32207546

>blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up and just be a cute girl doing cute things. That's your entire job. I don't need your fucking opinions.

>> No.32207573

The essence of gap moe

>> No.32207578

Spoken like a man. Except she's a woman, and nobody trusts women not to be whores.

>> No.32207705

I think that's exactly what she meant, which is retarded because noone is accusing her of that. Freudian slip?

>> No.32207726 [DELETED] 

What was she expected?Rumao

>> No.32207731

>Freudian ship?

>> No.32207849

What was she expected? Rumao

>> No.32207847

Did she run this by manager or her holo friends before engaging

She’s gotta realize there’s no winning with responding consistently to these people

>> No.32207859

I'm starting to suspect she was enjoying her dynamics with Altare and now feels guilty

>> No.32207927

>unicorns schiz out when they see a m*le on stream
>homobeggars schiz out when they can't write cuck fanfic
Mental illness galore...

>> No.32207961

The closest EN has to idols is Ina (who openly despises her fan base) and Gura (super lazy shark which a roommate who is not idol material).

>> No.32207986

her manager already told her to shut up and let it drop but she proceeded to make several twitter posts, made comments on a clip of her talking about it, did an unarchived members stream talking about it, and made another comment on the same clip to follow up

>> No.32207993

She needs paizuri correction

>> No.32208151

woman moment

>> No.32208186

It was from the start of her member stream. She didn't see the community post chain only the comments on the clippers who were baiting people with the Altare makes kronii truly laugh shit.
People were spamming Altare x Kronii shit and she was scared that it was going to end up spreading and leading to people posting it in her chat or art tag or something. Which could mess with her income since then the goslings and unicorns might leave.

>> No.32208214

Gura was right

>> No.32208278

she literally instructed clucks to defend her online during her last member stream. It's only gonna get more and more annoying, see

>> No.32208304

Kronii is a troon. They're highly opinionated and think that having the last word means being right. This is expected.

>> No.32208346

Yes, but...I think we can all agree, Kronii has the best woman moments.

>> No.32208355

Then her manager doing shitty job, kek

>> No.32208380

Flashing lights is the only good song in that album.

>> No.32208423

He should've changed her account passwords and only given them back after a day or two had passed. Women can't be trusted to not do shit like this.

>> No.32208443

Can't wait for the "Minecraft WITH MY COWORKERS"

>> No.32208456

Kronii hates males and that's cringe. I will be cancelling my membership with her.

>> No.32208524

She btfo'd you and now you run crying to /vt/ to pretend like it didn't happen?

>> No.32208555

I'd usually laugh at you but after the last member stream I don't know anymore, all the rrats about her seem to be true

ok cluck

>> No.32208574


You can't hide from the truth you demoralized Kroniecuck

>> No.32208644

Can we call her wokeronii?

>> No.32208680

Get fucked. Her being completely oblivious, naive and retarded is pure gosling fuel. Right now, I'd actually shed manly tears if a graduation was announced.

>> No.32208694

You can call her whatever you want.

>> No.32208741

So what’s worse, Ame’s straight up and down attack/expulsion of the Goslings or this absolute disaster of a backpedal and not being sure if she wants to banish or pander to her own Goslings?

>> No.32208739

I personaly prefer whorii, but I'm open to suggestions

>> No.32208769

Look what your oshi has done. Lmao. Now compared her to Mori or Bae.

>> No.32208814

>/vt/ and twitter unite
no thanks, even I have standards.

>> No.32208894

Hololive isn't an idol company, anon

>> No.32208910

this is much worse, she's literally manipulating her members to act as her personal army. Ame just had a woman moment and thought she was too good for her audience. Bad, really bad, but not horrible.

>> No.32209046

It's kinda funny because I always thought kronii didn't even had goslings since I was under the impression that she doesn't really pander to this group, so I expected this collab to be a huge nothingburger just like Mori's, but then people can't even go "kronii sure enjoyed her collab with altare" and kronii herself went crazy and started shouting "NO IM NOT FUCKING HIM PLEASE STOP DONT SAY I HAD FUN WITH A MALE"

>> No.32209128

Yeah, knowing how deranged some of her fans are

>> No.32209256

nah whorii plays the helpless/damaged role to perfection, of course she'd had a legion of goslings

>> No.32209310

fucking clipfag turned off comments wanted to see it was legit

>> No.32209369

Sounds like she's admitting some of the Tempus boys are married or in a relationship.

>> No.32209387

>Hololive isn't an idol company, anon
>the girls call themselves idols
>"idol meeting"
>wear idol dresses during concerts
>Hololive isn't an idol company

>> No.32209393

fuck off

>> No.32209446

Hololive managers don't do anything.

>> No.32209476

I'm still dumbfounded she decided to go with that angle
>Some of her viewers expressing their dislike of male collabs
>"What you don't have female friends? Don't ship me with other members. I'm not fucking any of them. You shouldn't think I am."
I was so confused watching this in real time

>> No.32209497

too much text
as if she's trying to cover for something
too bad she's fucked up
stick with the the deadbeats more,
Mori got a universal shit to back her
she has nothing but her whales that she just pissed off.
just graduate there's tons of other oshis to find

>> No.32209512

She can say whatever she wants, she already did a collab with dudes and there's no going back

>> No.32209554
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>> No.32209560

you forgot
>idol money and popularity
but it's just cope, ignore it

>> No.32209602

yea but she just yabbed about an hour ago reddittourist

>> No.32209622

Have you not seen youtube apology videos? addressing the drama usually fuels the drama

>> No.32209635

lol, I hope she keeps making things worse

>> No.32209659

this post made me buy a membership to her channel

did I do it to own the unicorns? to save her career?

no. I did it because she's earned my respect

>> No.32209710 [DELETED] 

This is what happened when you can't leave your pronouncation behind while working in hololive

>> No.32209740

>Just had a concert with a background that literally says "idol hololive"
The fuck is with your revisionism?

>> No.32209744

And then she did this >>32199714
And even reddit went "Just stop", before thread got deleted

>> No.32209785

why are all women either bipolar or bisexual and why are the constantly online ones always both

>> No.32209832

>most of you aren't creeps
God, she's so wholesome yet dumb. I might actually consider watching her member streams from now on. Probably not, but damn...she's such a fucking whore. It's decided...I'll forgive her if she masturbates while doing asmr. Forgive me /vt/, for I love autistic damaged slanty eyed whores.

>> No.32209878

Do you think she is disgusted by Noel and Flare?

>> No.32209982


>> No.32210006

>It's expect to follow the success of JP pioneers
Okay retard

>> No.32210024
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>> No.32210028

no wonder gura's numbers are shit when she's not even speaking

>> No.32210030
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She's probably jealous she's not the one who get's to bury her face in delicious chocolate Elf pussy on a nightly basis.

>> No.32210083
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lmao fucking damage control

>> No.32210141

i hope the fire is fun,
if u want freedom go be a solo artist, like erm
that'll make you popular

>> No.32210147

Pronouns menhera bitch kek

>> No.32210232

Kek. The panic is setting in.

>> No.32210263
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, [UNCUT] Kronii Addressing Some Fans Worries About HoloStars EN Collab 3-39 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.32210266

>idol culture... BAD
Why'd you sign the fucking contract? Why'd you purposefully join Hololive knowing the type of standard you'd be held up against? Stupid bitch.

>> No.32210270
File: 85 KB, 1220x426, kronii shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i could find, did you edit it yourself anon?

>> No.32210302

>Kronii cleared things up by admitting she hates males

>> No.32210321

lol she must have been so triggered to say something like that

>> No.32210325

Damage control succ asmr when?

>> No.32210338

nice try anon, this is the clipper's, not in Kronii's channel

>> No.32210378

What attracted her to hololive if she dislikes idol culture?

>> No.32210386

Going the Ame route huh?

>> No.32210394

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.32210397

comments LOCKED!

let the fire burn
hope she takes a huge hit to her income

>> No.32210437

money, women are inherently whores

>> No.32210445

The pic from OP was a second comment she made and the one I'm guessing that made Nerrev private the comment section because EVERYONE was pretty much telling her to just stop.

>> No.32210465

the clipper is a day 1 member, he finally thought of stopping his oshi from shooting herself in the foot

>> No.32210467
File: 73 KB, 888x499, 2nztoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kroni be like

>> No.32210527

Axel had someone in the room with him last night and went asked the boy who score a girl friend first between the 4 of them and was ignored lol he too fucking base and retarded but ironically that why i watch him. Kek

>> No.32210538

Money and the promise of doing the bare minimum, just like the rest of the EN2 whores. Worthless retirement home generation. EN1 is also shit, and also fucking lazy, but at least there were a few months after debut where they were working their asses off.

>> No.32210566
File: 575 KB, 900x555, illust_100922440_20220901_091020_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii and Altaire sittin' in a stream

>> No.32210572

I fucking hate that you can't check the comments after they are turned off. Wanted to see people shitting on her

>> No.32210577

yeah they get harassed by unicorn men for one and showered in money by lonely /u/fags for another. It's not 'bad' or 'good' it's harassment or money, retard.

>> No.32210599
File: 104 KB, 291x272, 1653649429860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys actually not? How hard is it to be friends with people you see day to day?

>> No.32210605

Should've ignored them

>> No.32210660

Men and women cannot be friends. Men will always want to fuck their female friends. Women will always turn to their male friends for “comfort” (read: emergency dick) when the need arises.

>> No.32210664

You might need to work on your comprehension skills. It's obviously 'bad' and 'good'

>> No.32210687

And so the Streisand Effect kicks in. There's going to be mountains of artwork involving Kronii fucking HoloHomos.

>> No.32210755

Me on the left, correcting kronii and making the /u/ fags seethe.

>> No.32210784
File: 340 KB, 1220x1868, E_LJvTbVIAM381P.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been. Out of all of HoloEN, she's consistently the most professional and drama-free.

>> No.32210813

How can they be Homostars if they fuck women though?

>> No.32210814
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>> No.32210859

so this is what happens when they stream, they should just do the Ayame strat and hope for the best.

>> No.32210884

I am honestly curious, are all these Vtubers new to the internet?
This kind off bullshit is basically what the internet is known for (Heck it happened even before the internet, tabloids and shit)
Why bother addressing it and make yourself a target?

>> No.32210928

Yeah, helps to ignore most of the fans and just do your own thing with no explanation. Let's the imagination project only good vibes.

>> No.32210930

Money, I have to accept there are women who genuinely kind, loving person but there's also fake bitches like this which is unfortunate.

>> No.32210949

Kronii is playing 4th dimensional chess and all of this was carefully planned so she could get schlicking material

>> No.32210948

>I am honestly curious, are all these Vtubers new to the internet?
No, they're just women who got too used to abusing their 'being women on the internet' pass to do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.32210966

you're correct, it doesn't make sense. 'homostars' has always been a stupid insult, not because 'homo' is off-limits but because it's only used when someone's afraid Regis is gonna plow pussy

>> No.32210982


>> No.32211020


>> No.32211024

Well, Kronii... was it worth it? Was all of this really worth it?

I'm not angry, just disappointed.

>> No.32211077

We're now realizing the only reason altare sneaks out at 3AM is so that he can fuck everyones oshi's behind their backs.
Sasuga, based leader.

>> No.32211110
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Unironically yes, you should keep some distance from you and your fans, it'll be better in the long run.

>> No.32211153

when people say cover is 'unprofessional' this is what they're talking about. It doesn't matter if every other corpo is better/worse, all of vtubing is years and years away from being an actual professional business. Having Kronii come back and say "well you misunderstood me but it's your fault" is going to piss off 100% of parties involved and she never should be fucking clarifying this over youtube comments. This whole industry has no idea how to be professional.

>> No.32211173

Yeah, I wasn't there before the comments got locked. But I did see the reddit thread that also talked about it, before that too was eventually deleted by the OP.


When the lechers from that hugbox are even telling her to just "shut the fuck up", you know that you made a big oopsie.

>> No.32211174

Anyone can "potentially" kill anyone else. What a stupid fucking argument. You'd be a great politician though, playing into blind fears.

>> No.32211201

What about Fauna?

>> No.32211222

it was the unicorns' fault to begin with

>> No.32211254

Yeah Mr. "Non binary pals" with asmr mic definitely fucked a biological woman kek

>> No.32211286

Normies coming to watch the debut and then leave, this is the trend, anon. They love to push agenda like this but not caring enough to support the said streamers.

>> No.32211291


>> No.32211311

he fucked a girl for her father's chili, you can't get any based than that

>> No.32211321

>do GFE
>shit on GFE by collabing with a dude
>this is your fault

>> No.32211338

>Anyone can "potentially" kill anyone else
sure, but only mentally ill men have harassed and killed idols, so in the real world it's a perfectly logical argument

>> No.32211351

What clip was it?

>> No.32211354

Council has some good examples of how to handle audience interaction, but Gura's been around longer.

>> No.32211393

Can't you just fiverr a guy to rap this?

>> No.32211400

>purposefully play into the parasocial aspect of VTubers for easy money
>this is everyone else's fault, never the woman's

>> No.32211420

Kronii isn't even GFE faggot, only JP does that

>> No.32211424

Gura is Fauna's oshi and she seems to follow in her footsteps

>> No.32211432


>> No.32211517

Probably more interested in the dad

>> No.32211521

I'm guessing those good examples aren't sperging out in a clipper's youtube comments?

>> No.32211566

>Nice voice
>Nice tits
Yeah, I've found my Kronii replacement.

>> No.32211576
File: 395 KB, 721x633, FbkoOOLWAAAnvN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I wonder how this whore will milk her viewers now when they all disappear

>> No.32211603

>He doesn't know that it's a bit

>> No.32211605

lol still can't believe it happened. She has to be so full of herself

>> No.32211618

we're back to the beginning of the joke, people only use 'holohomo' when talking about them pounding girls, you're literally just repeating the joke you fucking moron

>> No.32211629 [DELETED] 


>> No.32211673

Yeah, me.

>> No.32211685


>> No.32211693

Yeah, me.

>> No.32211714

kronii fans have attached themselves to the phrase "accidental gfe" which is fair in the sense that "e" never implied intent but absolutely fucking schizo in every other sense

>> No.32211723

pray tell me how is "I love Mumei" "I love Kronii" and "I'm depressed but I'm hot." play into parasocialism?

you're the only ones attaching yourselves to her then throw a fit when she's collabing with guys

>> No.32211734

Kronii is a man hater and deserves every bit of criticism in response to that fact.

>> No.32211810

>being this obtuse

>> No.32211828

There is no such thing as "accidental GFE" or "realistic GFE," that's just absolute faggots coping because they know they won't receive actual GFE.

>> No.32211866

you clearly don't watch him and I'm not gonna spoonfeed you, believe what you want

>> No.32211869

I wonder how Ame will handle it when its her turn, after the improve yourself bit you would assume she wouldnt make another dumb mistake like this

>> No.32211884

>this is everyone else's fault, never the woman's
Yeah cause you fall for it every time.

>> No.32211907

I really thought she was over that shit, man I fell for her hard

>> No.32211973

and you are being unreasonable, I never see her as a girlfriend to begin with so if anyone's getting cucked, it's you

>> No.32211986
File: 1.83 MB, 1092x1686, 1649475144808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about her fat t&a

>> No.32211984

He's just another woke zoomer and no one is going to watch him no matter how hard you shill him in unrelated threads.

>> No.32212043
File: 17 KB, 880x127, 1647668987696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't kid yourself. I dropped her ass immediately when her laziness became apparent.

>> No.32212080

>no one is going to watch him
>proceeds to have 1k to 4k people watch him every stream
roru rumao even

>> No.32212082

she's a disgusting tranny so who gives a shit kek

>> No.32212093

I don't know why she's even saying anything about this, so fucking dumb. She should just act like Pekora did when her monkey died and not say anything.

>> No.32212094


>> No.32212141

The fuck happened to Ankimo?

>> No.32212152

So you're just a dramafag then?

>> No.32212230
File: 346 KB, 621x678, 1648225801436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not, no. Nor do I think such a thing is possible, unless the man is hard gay. And this is coming from a boomer who has been with my partner for almost 15 years now - she's the only female friend I want/need.

>> No.32212331

>joins idol agency
>plays it straight for almost a year
>plays the part of the helpless/damaged girl
>profits from it
ok cluck

>> No.32212405

>the other thread hits bump limit
>this thread starts getting posts
Hmm I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.32212440

You're like those weird people who say you can't talk shit about a game unless you play it, and then when people do you option-select into "If it's so shit, why did you play it?!"

>> No.32212452

You should post more.

>> No.32212515

>Kronii is a part of the rainbow faggots
I rest my case

>> No.32212536
File: 1.45 MB, 1739x1497, 1651164327016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pleasure

>> No.32212616

is she one of the """nonbinary""" 'i just don't feel like like the rest of women' women? That's barely a troon.

>> No.32212620

keep coping

>> No.32212629

Kronii started laughing really hard out of nowhere during last SC reading to one-up the Regis laugh.
Kronii parasocials should feel pandered to, because they are. That's why they were so happy after the member stream.

>> No.32212638

That's a pretty generous margin considering outside of super buff content like minecraft or leeching he's lucky to hit 2k.

>> No.32212680

why would men want women as a friend ? i have many female coworker and in the college and they are just boring, their topic always about celebrity, cosmetic and parroting any popular topic from mass/social media. They rarely have hobbies

>> No.32212699
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>> No.32212704

Why is she giving a fuck about this jfc

>> No.32212751

guy said no one watches him, I proved to him that there's at least a 1k who do.

>> No.32212817

More like, if it's so shit why do you continue to play it?

>> No.32212846

anon, your hobby is watching anime girls have meltdowns in youtube comment. this is not the time to shit on normie hobbies.

>> No.32212893

t. woman

>> No.32212899

We play FFXIV together

>> No.32212909

You need better female friends, cuck

>> No.32212928
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>> No.32213039

Not ture, my female friends want to fuck me but I'm gay. They only want to fuck you if they can't

>> No.32213079
File: 379 KB, 3824x871, kroniix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes people were superchatting messages about it, can only imagine the chat being worse

>> No.32213112

Based, anons you should all drop chuubas that are not worth your time/money.

>> No.32213143

I can't possibly be faggot, I'm here engaging in a hobby

>> No.32213172

based desu

>> No.32213209

you sound like someone who has only ever seen women from a distance and your impressions come only from 2000's "tomboy" romcoms

>> No.32213220

wish I'd had your foresight, can't believe how manipulative she turned out to be

>> No.32213235
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>> No.32213315

>I'm throwing you money and if you want me to keep funding you don't do this thing I hate.

Yep. Unicorns are the real cancer. To go this far for something that isn't even an off-collab.

>> No.32213328

im not a kronigger, faggot. And you are a faggot for having woman as a friend. Unless you both are fuckbuddies, i give you that

>> No.32213371

Man those people have problems

>> No.32213471

when gachis write in the tone of the 'emotionally fragile supa' are they putting on an act or do they really just type like that in other scenarios? I always get the feeling they're one second away from tears in even the most boring gachi supa

>> No.32213476

I'm looking forward to what portion of her fanbase she will shift the blame of her own actions to next.

>> No.32213528
File: 1.56 MB, 1012x955, 32424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collaps with males once
>50 billion threads over several days
>vt holobronies are absolutly mindbroken

Go outside guys.

>> No.32213550

from this point on it's gonna be people who "twist her words" which unfortunately is going to be pretty common because she contradicts herself a lot

>> No.32213557

tell me your female friends hobby and what you both do when hanging out together and i'll rate whether you are a boring faggot and should kys or not.
Unless you both are fuckbuddies, i give you that

>> No.32213625

No. I'm waiting for apology masturbation asmr.

>> No.32213626

Now what? is it a boring useless shitty hobby?

>> No.32213639

speaking of going outside, Selen should try going for a run once in a while

>> No.32213655
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, 1662029175836139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average homostarsfag

>> No.32213708

What drives a person to become like this?

>> No.32213759

Extreme autism

>> No.32213761

anal sex

>> No.32213783

Lack of pussy.

>> No.32213786


>> No.32213819

they want to fuck anime girls anon, they see a guy, they scream

>> No.32213824

>nyoooooo, nice things only please :(

>> No.32213842

>schizo from vt is the poorest

>> No.32213845

lol every cluck cope post reads the same

>> No.32213876

Everytime she talks she makes it worst.
She is turning into a second Kiara ffs.

>> No.32213890

I love that the rhetoric constantly shifts between "you won't do shit" and "wtf why are these guys doing shit" depending on which argument people are trying to combat.

>> No.32213932

Wanting to fuck the clock pussy. Happens all the time, many such cases.

>> No.32213949

>it's 2022
stop living in the past

>> No.32213961

Nah, fuck that. Stars fans hate clipfags as much as you.

>> No.32213966

Based. If you cultivate an audience like that don't be surprised at the reactions. Too late to undo it.

>> No.32213969

It's almost like you're arguing with different people.

>> No.32214008

Then why do you all sound the same?

>> No.32214032

how many of these guys are actual members of Kronii's stream and not greynames?

>> No.32214041


>> No.32214062

Starsfags are the ones seething the most over reddit and throwing "incel" at everyone who doesn't not care to see them.

>> No.32214091

>nobody's depressed if you don't, but some people are depressed if you do
Not the worst argument. Obviously the word 'depressed' leaves a lot to be desired, but when you put it like this it does just seem like a basic business decision she coulda made

>> No.32214092

>those last two

>> No.32214187

>they are using alt accounts
We will never know for sure

>> No.32214214

>Current year argument
>Not realizing Kiara is still the same

>> No.32214219

Probably because anyone who disagrees with you sounds the same to you.

>> No.32214275

people has created alt accounts to send extremely jealous tier supas before so it's possible it's the same here, or not who knows

>> No.32214281

The Sapling meme didn't spawn from thin air anon, there are in fact hypersensitive gachis out there

>> No.32214285

anon, no one hates Kiara now. I know you want to feel special but this is not the way

>> No.32214350

right, time to go undercover

brb buying a membership

>> No.32214455

unironically, yes.
>inb4 y-you, too
i dont have oshi, and i just watch them casually, i watch clip as a demo to decide whether a stream is interesting or not, if it is, i'll watch the vod

>> No.32214475

yeah sorry, my question was more specifically if they type like that in emails, forums, texting people, or if it's a register they solely bring out for supas

>> No.32214494

He went to Chicago...

>> No.32214512

Why shouldn't someone who portrays themselves as an idol but attacks idol culture be killed? I hope someone does it (not me obviously).

>> No.32214587

What is it with EN girls getting super defensive and shooting themselves in the foot after skimming a few negative comments?

>> No.32214609

Dude, reddit Starfags are some of the most pathetic people from that place. They don't watch streams, clips, music videos and can barely name more than 3 StarsJP members. Unfortunately with Tempus they apparently increased in number, but none of the old fans who actually watch streams like those cunts.

>> No.32214661

Western women were not raised with the tools necessary to deal with backlash on any level.

>> No.32214699

Gura does, and she is carrying EN

>> No.32214701

anon, are you ok? take a break from /vt/ if you need to

>> No.32214717

Why all you faggots twisted the situation into blaming Tempus then?
You know it's the females fault.

>> No.32214737

Unironically this is what happens when there's no pussy or ass in a mf life. You might think my answer is cliché but I assure you it is not. They should just use that money to hire and escort and get their dick wet so they can snap out the fantasy cuckold dream they relive with animated avatar of cartoon girls.

>> No.32214814

Which is why kronii is getting all the hate while the tempus guys are getting one fraction of the shitposts?

>> No.32214826

pussy inflation

>> No.32214886

NTA but what are you talking about?

I know a hardcore gachi and he does have that horrible discord/texting typing style that uses the big-eyed crying emoji and generally just comes off as a dweeb in all of his typing mannerisms

>> No.32214891

>Im okay with /u/ shipping and not hetero shipping

so why would people here be mad?

>> No.32214928

So they're angry at someone that didn't betrayed them in the first place? I've seen more people obsessed with Suisei and never got used when she collabed with Stars because: "She never wanted to be your girlfriend"

>> No.32214940

You mean false-flaggers?

>> No.32214943

I didn't? I don't even really give a fuck what they do, they're allowed to exist in the little space they've carved out for themselves. The women who keep fucking up need to be leashed and retrained.

>> No.32214959

you're LCI

>> No.32214971

kek out of all the replies in this whole thread, THAT'S the one you mental health check? Maybe you're in need of a break.

>> No.32214993

/vt/ anons are intimidated by other men's dicks.

>> No.32215011

I still haven’t recovered from that rap. This board is the most retarded one I’ve read on this entire website

>> No.32215123

>playing FFXIV
99% of "females" in final fantasy 14 are trannies who rp as uwu whores

>> No.32215120
File: 242 KB, 1200x955, 1660293610621031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vt anons mostly look like this

>> No.32215193

vt unicorns*

>> No.32215255
File: 520 KB, 2048x1536, 1655576415845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When most of them look like this of course jealousy of another man dick is to be expected.

>> No.32215302

No, the 4 I play with are females I met irl. If they are trap they were pretty passable to no complaint from me

>> No.32215309

look at this dude, saving pics of fat men

>> No.32215374

>know one of the 1% actual females
>she's already married
Feels bad man.

>> No.32215437
File: 1.11 MB, 1451x816, 1654972534154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be the reason someone's marriage collapses.

>> No.32215444

Yeah, to me.

>> No.32215477

Well, yeah. You do all sound the same.

>> No.32215529

I thought this was a joke until I saw Sanallites from here posting photos on Twitter.

>> No.32215608

For fuck sake Kronii just get off from internet and lay low for a while
Some Holos can't take notes from past cases of "nothingburger"
The best way is to not adress the "nothingburger"

Damn she's retard

>> No.32215771

Based unicorns. Not the biggest fan of them, but they're better than the cancer that is normalfags.

>> No.32215829

yeah i dont get this part, she accepeted unicorns even if she wont undertsand them and call ehr fanabse on not attacking the. Shutdowns homoshipping but accepts lesbian one.
seems like a win for whatever kroni fanabse name is for the most part or vt schizos since she isnt attacking unicorns and defende them to some degree

>> No.32215840

Sounds like supacha from /vt/ dwellers

>> No.32216323

based minifort

>> No.32216340

This is what happen when you attacked the holy unicorn and idol culture

>> No.32216703

Being too based

>> No.32216890

Why are they "homo"beggers if the reason you don't want them interacting with women is that you get jealous?

>> No.32216903

>Caring about politics
>In /vt/
I keep forgetting that this board is full of people who scream and cry because they got cucked the moment their oshi breathed oxygen.

>> No.32217059

Shouldn't you be watching blacked dot com cuck boy? Unlike you we value purity.

>> No.32217075

I don't know if you know this but calling someone a homosexual can also be a demeaning insult and not a literal statement based on their sexual orientation. For example, you're a faggot. Do I think you suck dicks? Probably not, but you sure act like someone who does.

>> No.32217074

Holy kek

>> No.32217120

Watching nothing but rom com anime and anime with "cute girls doing cute things"
Also kronii fed the trolls.
Either allow all shipping or have no shipping at all.

>> No.32217333

>Imagine feeling this threatened by males who just play vidya games.
>Imagine feeling this threatened by males who have had the most collabs with males than females
Why do these people choose to be cucks and have the cuck mentality?

>> No.32217393

>an anime woman talks to an anime man on-screen, therefore they're a couple and fucking
sometimes I wonder how these "people" function in the real world

>> No.32217665

Or maybe they just don't like the content and how it divides the fanbase?

>> No.32217667

You seem retarded. Are you a woman by chance?

>> No.32217693

>imagine being threatened by another man's penis going in and out of your wife's pussy
Smdh why you so insecure, if you're better she's going to choose you right

>> No.32217724

>I want to see anime girls not anime boys
>Lesbianism is not real
>Yuri means more girls to be dicked by me
>Girl on girl means I can't get cucked because girls don't have dick
Those are the usual reasons can be found at /vt/
Tbf, Hololive is famous for its "girls only club" vibe and I'm quite sure a lot of viewers, whether it's consciously or unconsciously are watching Hololive because of that very reason
To put it simply, if I went to a steakhouse I'm expecting to be served steaks not some cheap fast food
If I want to fast food I will go to fast food restaurants instead

>> No.32217841

Idol vtubers are escapism from the clownworld that we live in, if you prefer that world then why exactly are you watching vtubers?

>> No.32217904

>>Lesbianism is not real
It isn't, it's a phase some women go through, with some not growing up and out of it. That's why Japs don't care about /u/ shit pandering, because it's treated as training for when they get into a real relationship.

>> No.32217944

They cant function in the real world because they lack the capability to tell what is real and what is fiction.
They spend all their time in anime land watching the things that wont hurt their little cuck feelings.

>> No.32217966

Literally no one takes same-sex ships seriously, be it schizo unicorns or lifelong shipfags who like to watch. Male-male ships are considered a literal joke, female-female ships are considered cute fan service, but neither of them will ever be considered real. When it comes to mixed-sex ships that's when the gloves come off.

>> No.32218058

So you're saying Kronii had sexual intercourse on stream?
Source of the stream and timestamp?

>> No.32218191

No can do. America outlaws prostitution to torture incels. This is why we have mass shootings.

>> No.32218192

Double standards. Either have all ships or no ships.

>> No.32218317

>This is why we have mass shootings.
The victims of mass shootings are primarily normalfags so I don't care.

>> No.32218339

If you hate idol vtubers and the industry then why are you commenting on this? Go an watch blacks run around with a ball or w/e.

>> No.32218374

How edgy, dude

>> No.32218405

Why do people like chocolate vs vanilla? It's just personal preference. There isn't anything more or less moral or ethical about liking male collabs vs not liking them.
It should be obvious that people that don't want male collabs would watch Holo. These people just want to preserve that feeling and are afraid at the current trend in EN becoming the norm with the weekly collabs and more members joining.

>> No.32218415

Sorry, I mean "my thoughts and prayers are with them."

>> No.32218444

I was talking about me fucking your wife dude

>> No.32218451

Sticking my cock in some chicks cunt didn't magically solve all my problems when i was in school.
If it did, i would be much happier that i didn't have to work a shit job and i would have more free time to devote to my hobbies.

>> No.32218483

Neither do I, but they could spare themselves by just letting a man get his dick wet. Tragic. Institutional.misandry is truly a threat to public safety.

>> No.32218551

>racism outside of /b/
Why are you conceding?

>> No.32218602

Kiara has stated in interviews she doesn't see hololive as an idol company

>> No.32218719

I mean..I actually agree with this point. The girls I'm friends with are just part of my nerd circle and I've never had romantic interest in either of them even back through school, they're nothing more than my bros. I'm sure they feel the same way because when we go as a group to an animecon even now we all put money into one big room.

>> No.32218774

But i fucked your wife?

>> No.32218843

You do know that /pol/ is the heart of 4chan, right? Why don't you fuck off back to twitter or reddit?

>> No.32218994

If you want to go on about off topic drivel then go back to /pol/

>> No.32219376

That's what you did retard

>> No.32219549

>Sticking my cock in some chicks cunt didn't magically solve all my problems when i was in school
That's because the problems kids face in school are different from the problems adults face. Different problems require different solutions. When you're young, you oughta be focused on building yourself up. Screwing around is a distraction. After that was when you were supposed to get your dick wet and start a family, kiddo, back before neoliberalism took a sledgehammer to gender relations.
>they're nothing more than my bros
Anon, stop trying to get special treatment by signaling your womanhood.

>> No.32219662

Do you watch steams? She is the last person you should be calling that. Mind your tongue.

>> No.32219709
File: 551 KB, 720x720, 1614037210998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching streamers of the opposite sex together equals hating idol culture equals liking niggers
terminal fucking brainrot, go back where you came from and stay there

>> No.32219789

Yes it is all equivalent because you're a faggot normie and should fuck off

>> No.32220044
File: 605 KB, 623x527, 1637310134503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii clarifies things to a point where an elementary kid can understand it
>retards still get upset and try to spin it into something bad

>> No.32220040

As someone who would be considered one of Kronii's unicorns I fail to see what she said wrong here. I thougt we didn't want male/female ships, now people are sperging because Kronii explained why we shouldn't have them? This makes no sense, I think most of you here are from the discords.

>> No.32220061

>They told me to have sex
>Have sex
>Still miserable
It's a tale as old as time. Fact of the matter is that everyone has problems, there are distractions everywhere.
People try to find things to help ease the pain of their problems and most of the time they fall into traps thinking that if they do this one thing, it'll solve everything.
Then you have people who have nothing but problems so they go hard into escapism and when that escapism is threatened or they realize they're just spinning their tires, they lash out.

>> No.32220156

please understand, zoomers think sex, not intimacy, is the solution to all ailments

>> No.32220159

>People get mad
It's not rocket science.

>> No.32220182


normalfags leave this place

>> No.32220242

Way to prove my point.

>> No.32220342

So all these threads are being made by homobeggars. Ah, this makes so much more sense.

>> No.32220468

Kronii was initially called out for the double standard and then she doubled down on the double standard.
Either way, this would have been a nothing burger if she had just kept her mouth shut and ignored the mental degenerates in her members community.

>> No.32220653

It's not like she wasnt warned, and she decided to go for it anyway.

And now that she faces the backlash that she was warned about, she starts whining.

Troonbros you were wrong, this is the final proof that she is, indeed, 100% female.

>> No.32220673

Low effort attempt. It's because she deflected from addressing the real issue or doesn't understand it at all. Apparently it hasn't sunk in that her fans are all chudcels who wanna run a rape train on her. It's actually kind of sad. She's so incredibly naive and apparently wants to see the best in people, but doesn't realize vtuber fans are actually comprised of two of the worst types of people (woke homobeggars and unicorns).

I'd love to see her reaction when she realizes the truth, unless she's been bullshitting the whole time and just pretending to be retarded. If so, that'd actually make me unironically hate her.

>> No.32220832

>Anon, stop trying to get special treatment by signaling your womanhood.
Sorry, but I'm male. I've just never considered to make either a gf. I guess it helps that one of them is a fujo and the other loves shota? Granted, they both know i like loli too

>> No.32220953

>Sorry, but I'm male
Anon, just...stop lying

>> No.32221186

I'm not questioning people's preferences. I'm questioning why people would pay money to superchat this shit.

>> No.32221327
File: 234 KB, 952x1165, 1646482657008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've stayed away from the males. Truly a problem that could have been avoided.

>> No.32221375

It's not a double standard by any definition.

>> No.32221797

rindo, please come back

>> No.32221843

Is it that hard to believe? I don't get why it would be.

>> No.32221971

Could just castrate members of Holostars?

>> No.32222252

I didn't realize that the shippers were so aggressive, especially beggars who also happen to be shippers. Read my lips: No male ships. The Kronii has spoken. The shippers should feel grateful she backed down from her initial no ships at all stance. Apparently they do not know how to read.

>> No.32222415

>a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.
it's quite literally what you're doing

>> No.32222438

Because faggotry is a meme, and only a woman would honestly consider women bros. Unless you're in the room with women now and fronting to save face, in which case allow me to take a sledgehammer to your larp.

>> No.32222638

You can believe whatever you want but there's no need to force what you believe onto me
I'm just a simple yurifag
>because it's treated as training for when they get into a real relationship.
And this is the second time I have laughed from this line

>> No.32222759

Believe what you want. When you're close enough to a girl to know her favorite hentai tags and what gets her off the hardest you lose all sexual interest in them. I dunno maybe being to close to my sister growing up too fucked with my perception of girls

>> No.32222854

>Literally no one takes same-sex ships seriously, be it schizo unicorns or lifelong shipfags who like to watch.
>female-female ships are considered cute fan service
I have an important question
Do you only watch EN?

>> No.32222895
File: 201 KB, 640x480, 1660645422662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm getting from all of this is that idol culture can be traced back to shipperfaggotry.

>> No.32222912

>comments disabled
No cojones

>> No.32222989

>Kronii's lean moment
She's going to admit she's always smoking weed?

>> No.32223102

Nobody takes NoeFure or OkaKoro seriously either.

>> No.32223242

Anon, please, I can already guess their favorite tags. But if you don't want 'em, be sure to send 'em over to your ol' Uncle Anon.

>> No.32223284

>another unicornfag thinking that idols never interact with males
Don't you sully the word idol with your insufficient knowledge
Real life idols or the so called traditional idols only has the unspoken rule of no dating but they still interact with males for their job, they even interact with males more than the Holos
