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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32198613 No.32198613 [Reply] [Original]

>all this kronii drama
>CONVINIENTLY forget about the fact that Marine sued an anonymous anti for defamation because her fee fees were hurt, and recently won

>> No.32198686

Why do you people assume it was Marine?

>> No.32198714

It happened in a Marine thread, who else would fucking sue?

>> No.32198729


>> No.32198736

Because it fits marineschizo’s narrative.

>> No.32198763

literally anyone who cared

>> No.32198798

Are you a vtuber with more than 1M followers?

>> No.32198893

This is the first I've heard of a "Marine anti". I mean, yeah, I guess they exist, but this is the first I've heard it used.

I know that NotRushia was trying to sue someone for defamation before she was part of Vshojo. I thought it'd be about her.

>> No.32198919

good. fuck antis they dont have rights and should be shot on sight

>> No.32199030
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we had this thread yesterday

>> No.32199152

The thread had marine picture on it, so it must be true duh!

>> No.32199229


>> No.32199345

Marine sued him not because he talked shit about her but because he talked shit about her mom spreading toxic hate towards her You dumb fucks.

>> No.32199899

He literally said she was immature because she doesn't have a mother
What a cunt

>> No.32200166

Seriously? That's pretty disappointing, even if she's in the right, I never thought she was that kind of celebrity
I thought she was better than that
Marine fans you tell me, isn't this kinda out of character?

>> No.32200302

Marine lives in Tokyo not Osaka though

>> No.32200323

This is what normal celebrities face every 5 minutes, stop defending her
the only reason why she got away with it is because defamation laws in Japan are fucked up

>> No.32200812

Props to her for making it big enough that she can win trials. The anon? They could get fucked for all I care

>> No.32200946

rofl i cant read any of this ching chong shit

>>>/dienigger/ this is an american board

>> No.32201083

Is that what you call the voice inside your head?

>> No.32201208

Retarded whiteskin

>> No.32201404

Why do you omit that he was their resident numberfag?

>> No.32201409
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>Marine sued an anonymous anti for defamation because her fee fees were hurt, and recently won

YWNBW or be in Cover marineschizo the only you can do is seethe in this chinese forum so ACK your self pls

>> No.32201423

Japanese libel laws are insane. Almost all of the shit you niggers say in this shithole would get you sued over in Japan.
Good on Marine.

>> No.32201781

I'm filing a civil action lawsuit.

>> No.32202244

Marine just blew the fuck out of every copium addict whining that vtubers and the people behind them aren't the same. Neither nijisanji nor hololive agrees with that take.

>> No.32202267

Welp someone didn't censor a bad word
>b-but I was just quoting!
I don't care I'm suing you

>> No.32202530

Hey, hey... Let's not be hasty, now...

>> No.32202763

>right click

even 8yo knows this lmao

>> No.32202775

Why the fuck are you defending an anti? Kys

>> No.32202891

because what she did is extremely against the very nature of being anonymous
I mean, if you ARE defending marine then why the fuck are you in this site? Go to reddit or facebook or some shit

>> No.32203129

Marinefags are all antis who threaten to kill other Holos maybe Marine should tell her retarded fans to behave themselves before she sues people for mild criticism.

>> No.32203594

Apparently the quote is an exact copy of a post on a prominent 5ch Marine thread from 2021 and attacks the vtuber in question about not having a mom in the picture. I don't know how many of the Holomembers have addressed what their parental situation is like but Marine is known for being quite silent with regards to her Mom while talking quite a bit about her Father and Sister.

>> No.32203695

>defends an anti

>> No.32205307

the retard should have shit talked her in threads where she couldn't see his ip then

>> No.32205321

why should I care?
they won so they were right

>> No.32205502
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I hope it actually was Marine and the anti was Marine Schizo

>> No.32207238
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Only winner can define the justice

>> No.32209357

This. Based.

>> No.32210361

The point of 4chan was never about harassing people you personally don't like with impunity, newfag ESL

>> No.32210482

5ch literally post your IP he was just dumb

>> No.32210627

It's about free speech you dumb fucking tourist idiot. It's about saying things you want to say regardless of you feelings you dumb marine shiteater. Go jump of a fucking ditch or go back to facebook.

>> No.32210710

Monkey mad!
Didn't read, stay ESL
Not your personal army

>> No.32210771

i leave the jp shit to the jp retards
not my problem

>> No.32210773

didn't read

>> No.32210931

> Judge Masatoshi Ishimaru ruled that the defendant "wears a representation of his avatar as a costume in his activities," and that it constituted defamation of the avatar. He ordered the provider to disclose the personal information of the poster.
rules for thee but not for me
why is she not being forced to reveal her personal information

>> No.32211551

>muh free speech
If thats the case, why can't you talk about Chuuba's real identities on this board, or post porn?
You're just another SEA monkey seething by the fact that it was now proven that you can't act retarded without facing any kind of consequences for the bullshit you spout.
Now I wish more chuubas would sue their antis precisely so we don't have to deal with subhumans like you who are only dedicated to turning any place they set foot in to shit.

>> No.32212165

>I am going to sue my stalker/anti in court so he can finally leave me alone.
>and I have to forcibly reveal my identity and personal information and thus create a greater danger to myself.
Seriously nigger

>> No.32212179

>Now I wish more chuubas would sue their antis precisely so we don't have to deal with subhumans like you who are only dedicated to turning any place they set foot in to shit.
this only applies to japs, who dont post here anyway
and you're lucky you're posting here because you would be getting sued for that post if you were japanese

>> No.32212227

I am Japanese

>> No.32212257

>some guy who has never even seen you and doesnt know your name or where you live
seriously nigger

>> No.32212332

I thought I knew of this rrat but how the hell did she sue him if she didn't know his name, how does that work

>> No.32212354

omg this is getting my dick so hard

>> No.32212522

>but muh free speech
libel and defamation isn't free speech dumbass

>> No.32212675

they got his IP from 5ch

>> No.32212869

>defending an anti
He deserved it and Marine is based for taking his retarded monkey ass to court

>> No.32212877

What Marine did isn't defamation in all jurisdictions EXCEPT Japan, retard.

>> No.32212998

She's literally in JP you faggot and so was the commenter

>> No.32213219

What's you point? Do you have reading comprehension?
Your argument is that "defamation isn't free speech". What I am saying is that "Japan's libel laws are so buttfuck retarded they treat something everybody considers free speech as defamation". What the anti did is protected free speech in the civilized world

>> No.32213525

nta but what really bothers is him being sued by an avatar.

>> No.32213718

everyday I'm reminded why haachama is the most based and the holo with the strongest mental fortitude

>> No.32213930

All those who complain that Japanese laws are fucked up and that in burgerland it's different sound exactly like the twatter trannies arguing that the anime/manga is pure pedophilia and in the "civilized world" that shit would be illegal.
Japan has its own culture and laws and no matter how much you cry or seethe about it you will never be able to change that.
I'm glad that retard got what he deserved and made an example out of him.

>> No.32214111

No sane person would argue for that defamation law. It's obvious as day Marine is completely taking advantage of how lopsided it is.
90% of all 4chan posts is defamation in Japanese law.

>> No.32214369

Explain Futaba's original existence then.

>> No.32214547

how do we know its a vtuber with over 1M followers?

>> No.32214556


>> No.32214688

Elevenese 4chan, one of its parents, similar anonymous culture in all the ways that matter.

>> No.32214695

>I'm glad that retard got what he deserved and made an example out of him.
you're lucky you will never be japanese or you would be getting sued

>> No.32214697

>Marine sued an anonymous anti for defamation

>> No.32214761

He's not being sued by an avatar just like how he wasn't insulting an avatar.

>> No.32214772

Did you read what I wrote nigger? That's the Japanese legal system, how the fuck can you take advantage of it if it is decreed this way.
Japan is not America where you can harass a person so much that it literally leads them to suicide, in Japan harassment is taken very seriously whether you're a celebrity or not, whether you post in an anonymous forum or not.

>> No.32214951

How is Marine not harassing some innocent guy in this lawsuit?

>> No.32215020
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God, you're so ignorant it hurts.
Having an anonymous culture isn't about avoiding defamation, dumb retard. It's about having the freedom to say things beyond societal norms. Not all societal abnormalities are defamation. 4chan was not created solely to evade legal liability.

Calling Marine a faggot for example is already defamatory in Japan. Saying her mother is a bitch. Etc. And there's nothing you can do about it.

That's not how America, or the rest of the world for that matter, works.

God, you people are children. You literally have no braincells. Why do I bother talking to you fucking idiots.
By the way, I am a lawyer myself.

>> No.32215121

but frivolous lawsuits are not harassment?

>> No.32215131

innocent guy?

>> No.32215237

Yes, innocent. Posting as anon is not a crime.

>> No.32215383

Did he or did he not insult her? That is a crime in jp.

>> No.32215413

would you prefer if someone called you dumb online or you got sued and had your whole life ruined?
it's like getting the death penalty for stealing a piece of bread
the scale is completely different, it's insane

>> No.32215486

I would set Cover's main office on fire

>> No.32215523

It's not morally wrong. He was doing what every other person would do.

>> No.32215777
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>marineschizo want anon to feel sorry for an asshole who making fun of someone for not having a mother
So, marineschizo is a woman or a effeminate male.

>> No.32215794

insulting a fellow human being is always morally wrong, you SEAmonkey faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.32215815

Then try going to Japan and protest those laws.

>> No.32215833

You retards are so desperate to be right that you have to resort to this false equivalence rethoric.
Its kinda funny and pathetic.

>> No.32215854

No it's not.

>> No.32215879

go touch grass nigger
you are retarded if you think yoy are anonymous

>> No.32216088

most ironic post in the thread
it's sad that you cant see it

>> No.32216102

cry about it, one day karma will get you. It will get all of us.
Also, your mother is a cancerous hole

>> No.32216292

Yes it obvously is. It's sad that you don;t understand this, People like you who have IQ hihg enough to use a computer but low enough to not comprehend basic human interactions are the worst. That anti was a nigger like you. ANd niggers like you end up in court. Deal with it. One day justice and karma will come to you and it will be glorious.

>> No.32216456

>Almost all of the shit you niggers say in this shithole would get you sued over in Japan.
I’m suing you for implying the ancestry of anonymous is dishonourable.
See you in court gaijin.

>> No.32216526

Unlike you I'm not mentally ill and I can't see shit where there's nothing

>> No.32216564

I actually think the most ironic post was the one that said anon-posting faggots deserve what they get

>> No.32216649

Good, hopefully more people will follow suit.

>> No.32217697

>By the way, I am a lawyer myself
I'm sorry, it must be hard.

>> No.32218279

Sue "John Doe", demands 5chan co. turn over identifying info. How it works in US, at least, probably pretty similar in Japan.

>> No.32218649

Anyone have the actual court opinion? I want to read that.
I think this refers to Twitter followers, rather than subscribers, but the point still stands.

>> No.32219127

how does the author of that article know it's a vtuber with over 1m followers?

>> No.32219895

Because that's marine

>> No.32219898

Personally, I think it's based when vtuber I like sues people that insult her, but it would be a disaster for the world if vtuber I hate did it.

>> No.32220210

That was taken from the opinion, which isn't linked by the Asahi (which seems to be the original source for these claims). I've asked someone I know with law-research connections to see if I can get ahold of the case.

>> No.32220491

im asking about proof since the article doesnt provide any and for all we care the lawsuit could be made up.

>> No.32221626

it was reported by all of the major newspapers in Japan anon

>> No.32221705

isn't such information confidential though? a private newspaper can't access it.

>> No.32221923

It’s not even comparable to being killed for being poor and hungry.

>> No.32222144

You deserve to be sued next you triple nigger

>> No.32222605

Get back in your cage Marineschizo

>> No.32222713

The Jessi Slaughter saga was funny as fuck, anything that prevents something like that from happening again is shit

>> No.32222928

The problem, at least in the US, is that IP is not definitive proof of whodunit.

>> No.32223241

Interesting. This is te first time I hear about it but in japan you can sue anybody for defamation and win. Someone calls you a whore on Twitter? Sue him and fuck him up. That's Japan for you. lmao

>> No.32223325

Hiroshi has received genuinely hundreds of lawsuits for the content on 2ch, he ignores them and refuses to pay

>> No.32223440

ughh so what happen if marine won? did she get some cash from it?

>> No.32223725

What did you expect from a burger?

>> No.32224088

Who is Hiroshi ?

>> No.32224114

hopefully this happens more and you schizos get taken out back

>> No.32224694

Just a whore doing whore things.
I fucking hate Vshojo but I'd rather watch the Vwhorejos than this dirty fucking whore.

>> No.32224838

Not gonna defend a moron who get caught. Marine is based for this one.

>> No.32225258

she has more power than him anyway, it's disproportionate.
(and petty.)

>> No.32226142

>it's disproportionate.
Go back, twatter troon

>> No.32226271

get rekt marine schizo

>> No.32226458

Hiroshima Nagasaki, the (apparently former) owner of 2ch. He was sued many times by Jap celebs for hosting defamatory content, he refused to ever pay out because he believed since he didn't post it it wasn't his responsibility.

>> No.32226907

yeah thats why he has to hide in france lmao

>> No.32226971

This anon is the only sensible poster on this board. It is not, and never has been a crime in the civilized world to have bants, or to call a shitty person a shitty person. If you want less insults, be less shit. That's always been the standard.

Protecting people from negative opinions is only going to result in a world that does not adhere to nature. People who are bad should feel bad, and be pressured to do better.

>> No.32227173


>> No.32227176

>>all this marine drama
>>CONVINIENTLY forget about the fact that Pekora bought a FUCKING MONKEY.

>> No.32227259

Good for her.

>> No.32227312

It's completely legal to sue someone for defamation in Japan even if it's all facts, I learn that watching Pikamee

>> No.32227389
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>sued for defamation
Japanese make fun of Americans for making lawsuits from silly accidents, yet you'll never see shit like this being pulled in the US. Was two nukes not enough?

>> No.32227388


>> No.32227445

> Doesn't mention the name
> Doesn't have a picture of who
> iT wAs MaRiNe HeRe Is PrOoF!!!!

>> No.32227467

>own website
>someone posts things a rich person doesn't like
>money stolen
Good on him for telling those losers to fuck off

>> No.32227564

OPs a lucky bastard, I wish Marine would enter my head

>> No.32227749

This. If Marine doesn't want to be a called a fucking retard without a mother maybe she should stop being one? Just get a mother.

>> No.32227803

Hear that counterargument? Me neither

>> No.32227914

because fuck that guy lol

>> No.32227919

hilarious samefag
>j-just stop not having a m-mother b-bro

>> No.32227966


>> No.32228019

Do you think she will sue you ?

>> No.32228037

Are you actually calling someone a criminal for using insults online??? What are you, some kind of Twitter retard?

>> No.32228102

>comments posted in the Marine thread on 5ch
>contents refer to Marine
>iT's NoT MaRiNe!!!!

>> No.32228193

>Hiroshima Nagasaki
I just search him on google and wasn't his name Hiroyuki Nishimura ?

>> No.32228277

How the fuck are people in here of all places apparently so appalled by some rando on the internet using insulting language against an internet celeb? Wtf have you been doing all this time here then? Fucking hypocrites, that is fair free speech on every front and anyone who claims otherwise is just brainwashed to accept anything that comes from Japan as good

>> No.32228311

A leak to the media? Surely such a thing has never ever happened in the history of forever!

>> No.32228317

If Marine won then she was right and (You) should kys.

>> No.32228372

Ofc you can't. You're a subhuman who doesn't have the ability to distinguish languages so you cover it up with racism

>> No.32228407

This should be the point where we all boycott hololive until they do something about Marine because this is not acceptable.

>> No.32228435

shhhhhh you're ruining the narrative.

>> No.32228450

Are you scared Marineschizo?

>> No.32228482

Oh, nevermind, some anons said it was Marine.
You're a retard.

>> No.32228582

>some anons said
You're so retarded that you can't even google the example posts from the article?

>> No.32228746

Can you please get a brain? A functioning one

>> No.32229048

>Corporate Vtuber
>Sue anyone
They literally can't because they don't own the character. Only Cover can do that.

>> No.32229240

Why are you so shook about this anyway? I doubt Indonesia or Phillipines or Brazil have an extradition treaty with Japan

>> No.32229896

then senchou should sue the media cause im certain she didnt want any of this leaked
fucking journos are all the same everywhere
pieces of shit looking for clicks

>> No.32229980

jkys marineschizo cause you will be next and you know it. thats why you are shitting your pants so hard. get fucked bitch nigger

>> No.32230110
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>Marineschizo upset because he's being ignored

>> No.32230242

Based marine

>> No.32230476

so who get to decide what 'harrassing' is? you? the majority? the fucking jannies? you wanna be like some random 3rd world countries where a random ass celeb can just pretend to be offended at your facebook meme and snap you to jail so that you cant protect your wife and 14yo girl from being accidentically raped by some unknown gang exacty 5min after your departure? universal right to insult shall not be infringed, and i will defend it until the day i die.

>> No.32230559

>trying to cancel Marine over nothing wrong
Now you are talking like a real twitter tranny

>> No.32230627

Twitter trannies hate free speech. Marine is the twitter tranny here if anyone.

>> No.32230833

Poor Marine schizo putting all that work and still not even getting the recognition of getting sued.

>> No.32230839

STFU tranny, you dont even like Vtubers in the first place, go back to your containment site

>> No.32231048 [DELETED] 

Liteal cluck deflection thread

>> No.32231145

Literal cluck deflection thread

>> No.32231174

You are literally getting mad at a process that has existed far longer than printed press and probably mere moments after people learned how to communicate. Gossip is a part of life.

>> No.32231199

Marine is based I heard her ass was huge and japanese men don't like that that I'd blow a load into her butt.

>> No.32231895

The only mentally ill person are you people. Neither am I in Japan, and you shiuld be glad you aren’t either with the shit you post here.
The fact that you’re able to pull this off is nothing short of dystopian, I’m sorry but this is the best way to describe it

>> No.32232118

Canceling marine is besides the point, what’s the issue here is the fucked up japanese legal system

>> No.32232444

NTA but uh, what the heck is this comment?
>The only mentally ill person are you people. Neither am I in Japan, and you shiuld be glad you aren’t either with the shit you post here.
...So its a good thing that neither you nor them are in Japan so you have the freedom to comment as you please...
>The fact that you’re able to pull this off is nothing short of dystopian, I’m sorry but this is the best way to describe it
...However you feel it is a great injustice that they are allowed to comment like this? So which is it that you want, freedom or a system like Japan has? Right now you're coming off hypocritical in the sense that you want to have the freedom to comment but you seem to suggest anyone who disagrees with you should be held accountable in a way similar to how it works currently in Japan. I'm kinda stunned at the naked self-interest you openly flaunt.

>> No.32232821

Do you think there is anyone on this anime porn site that wants to discuss the restructuring of the Japanese legal system?

>> No.32233055

all that from defamation?
then surely Mel can do something more

>> No.32233063

oh tell me how dystopian it is that you can't insult marine's relationship with her mother. firs of all it's none of your fucking business you mongrel. you need to touch grass and stop acting like a 12 year old faggot.

>> No.32233166

well sue him then

>> No.32233383

That was Miguel Cat nigger

>> No.32233545

>Trampling on the concept of free speech is fine if the one doing the trampling makes my dick hard

>> No.32233600

Some kinda ching-chong name like that, I was close

>> No.32233681

Someone like Gura could sue this website into completely shutting down and a good half of you would just say "UOHHHHHHHHH ANYTHING FOR YOU MY QUEEN IT WAS PROBABLY THE NIJINIGGERS ANYWAY"

>> No.32233736

Whatever, man up and turn on a Japanese IP so I can sue your ass for calling me faggot

>> No.32233834

I would love to know how many people defending Marine have shit on any of the following in the past:
>literally any member of vshojo
>literally any member of nijien

You get the point.

>> No.32234154

You can have extremely high IQ and still be extremely unequipped when dealing with other people

Enjoy being objectively wrong, doofus

>> No.32234303

One of 3rd Gen HoloEN that's debuting soon due to nepotism
>Has gf (lesbo)
Play Bingo

>> No.32234668

>People I don't like should be fined or jailed!
I didn't realize /vt/ had so many trannies.

>> No.32235101

based Maririn

>> No.32236181

So, It's Kronii's gf?????

>> No.32236448

We finally get gen3 after the monster EN has become and we get a fucking frenchie?

I'm out Hololive

>> No.32236690

I read in another thread that it's from corporate

So basically a Reine 2.0

>> No.32236885

have already accepted Australians, the dignity in HoloEN was lost long ago.

>> No.32236910
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>> No.32236978

But Japanese men like big ass like Itadori

>> No.32237219

That's incredibly sad

>> No.32237278

>People I don't like should be fined or jailed!
They should face the wall

>> No.32238137

Japanese women are like 80 pounds on average, Japanese men hate ass.

>> No.32238323

>the first I've heard of a Marine anti
How fucking new are you? There's a schizo in the Marine thread who is so active and vitriolic towards Marine that the entire board knows about him.

>> No.32238808
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Why holomems praise Marine so much for having a big butt if it's not a good thing ?
Same with tits some anon say that japanese don't like tits but holomems always do fanservice with their boobs

>> No.32239011

Women prefer the company of women they deem uglier than them.

>> No.32239411

Well, there you go. I don't visit the Marine thread, anon as she's not my oshi. Kinda difficult for someone to know of something when it's contained in just one thread.

But anyway, guessing that she's not suing that particular anti. It'd be funny tho, seeing a Holomem try to go after someone here.

>> No.32239412

>My ass is so big I always was proud of it
For it was the same as "Look I'm so ugly and fat"

>> No.32239617

Just look at sunday thread >>/vt/thread/S31885411#p31895915

>> No.32240004

Doesn't really relate to my post, Noel isn't sexually threatened by Marine except in woman on woman terms in which Marine is preying on Noel.

>> No.32240490

I think they are pretty equal
Noel wants a butt equal to Marine's despite her's being already pretty big
Marine wants tits equal to Noel's despite having H-cup

>> No.32243702


>> No.32245169

He thought that this was going to be a big deal, lol what a retard

>> No.32245255

Americans should get off the internet

>> No.32251364

nobody cares

>> No.32252963

I think you got your yabs mixed up. That was Rushia after she got fired from Holo and before she joined Vshojo.

>> No.32253070

Based Captain

>> No.32256866

>Kinda difficult for someone to know of something when it's contained in just one thread.
It's not contained to one thread though.

>> No.32258245

This site was never about free speech, retard.

>> No.32258810

marine is so fucking cute

>> No.32259484

Lucky anti got his existence recognized by Marine unlike me.

>> No.32259619


>> No.32263766

freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from its consequences incel
