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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32131354 No.32131354 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive are supposed to be idols, or at least idol-like. You're not supposed to think they're your girlfriend, that's just a warped Western perception of the culture. The point of an idol is that they're meant to be enjoyed by everyone who is willing to be a fan, not for (You).

If you're in it for the GFE, indie vtubers are your ticket. They are the actual desperate ones who crave attention and WANT to be groomed. The best part is, you might actually have a chance of personally getting closer to her, but good luck competing with the other schizos in her chat. I implore anyone who feels 'betrayed' to take the indie pill before you get burned harder by people who are in it to be entertainers.

>> No.32131647

what is the fucking wall of text?

t. Regis

>> No.32131730

fuck off, nobody is supposed to be an idol. the entire concept of an idol is a poison pill that rots your brain.

cover is a corporation that manages vtuber entertainers. stop being so goddamn asinine

>> No.32131870


>> No.32132057

It's easier just to say vtubing isn't a dating service for vtubers.

>> No.32132188

Idol culture doesn't exist in the west I don't know why is it hard for these faggots to accept western people acting like fucking westerners. They want every body to live in their japanese weeb fantasies. Hololive En is for western audience just like ID is for their audience. Western women aren't shy talking with boys and vice versa why is this a fucking foreign concept to retards?

>> No.32132384

Thank you for the sanity.

>> No.32133581

It’s hilarious how warped /vt/‘s view on idol culture is. Actual Idol fans don’t get upset about idols professionally interacting with males, what they get upset about is when they have BOYFRIENDS. Meanwhile the schizos here who rant about muh idol culture literally have the reverse opinion.

>> No.32133813

I mean they're used to having waifu from anime shows that can't say no to them they brought that twisted logic and inserted it into idol culture and created their own cuckold fantasies from it.

>> No.32133953

>that's just a warped Western perception of the culture.
No it isn't.
Fans should keep whores in check.

>> No.32134010

Fuck off and die, cucks. And take your whores with you.

>> No.32134069
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>> No.32134101

This. Go the indie route, unicorn man.

>> No.32134330

>You're not supposed to think they're your girlfriend, that's just a warped Western perception of the culture
clap clap next shit post tranny nigger.

>> No.32134441

Idol = vtuber that doesn't talk to men and whose roomate is a virgin.

I don't care about old ass 80s 3dpd slant eyed jap definitions.

>> No.32135168

I keep seeing this and still don't know what it is. It sounds like something awful, though.

>> No.32135981
File: 32 KB, 644x800, you are supposed to enjoy things THIS way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care lmao

>> No.32136244

There have only been two girls in the last two years that have aspired to be an "English idol" in this black company, and one of them is a turbo whore. You are living in a deluded fantasy

>> No.32136411

>says the unicuck placed on suicide watch.

>> No.32136559
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, happy valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not supposed to be your gf

>> No.32137399

Fans are free to think whatever the fuck they want, stupid faggot. The only western tendency in your post is that one of bending over and taking the corporate cock in your ass while been told how to enjoy and cooomsume media, lobotomized monkey.

>> No.32137515
File: 31 KB, 424x424, IMG_20220718_223346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.32137798

This is literally the opposite of what unicucks say. Unicucks get mad at the girl working professionally with guys but claim they are ok with them dating on their orivate life.

>> No.32137938
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1659167582179783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idol = vtuber that doesn't talk to men and whose roomate is a virgin.
So there isn't a single idol VTuber in existence.

>> No.32138007


>> No.32138019

Anon, fans of idols in japan go fucking ballistic if she talks to a man. They all hide their boyfriends and it's a constant emergency to quell scandals whenever one of them is caught with a boyfriend or husband. That's the reality of idols
