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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32128303 No.32128303 [Reply] [Original]

>/vt/ went from worshipping Tempus to loathing them within a week
What went wrong?

>> No.32128423

Management member Osamu Hideo forced a collab.

>> No.32128428

They haven't awaken their self insert prowess

>> No.32128466

Collab ban was lifted

>> No.32128471

Speak for yourself krocuck / unicorn / baitlord they're bayzed

>> No.32128490
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Not enough money to pay those astroturfers

>> No.32128542
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I literally always hated their concept and them on principle.

>> No.32128546

Watch streams, you faggot

>> No.32128574

>one person seething and samefagging is /vt
Fucking retard

>> No.32128604

I don't give a fuck about dudes and whatever they do, but I'm glad that they are exposing the whores.

>> No.32128606

>one person

>> No.32128646

Yeah one schizo posting multiple time didn't you see the amount of deleted post?

>> No.32128652

they didn't stay in their lane is that simple

>> No.32128680

>one person

>> No.32128685

yes you absolute retard

>> No.32128692

What? Only a minority ever cared

>> No.32128761

you're right, everyone on /vt/ hated them from the start despite the mag spammers trying to force their meme, the vesper spammers telling everyone about his epic wholesome comfy /ourguy/ zatsus, and the shills trying to convince anyone that this was acceptable

>> No.32128774

It went from people wanting brotubers and loving Hololive to being invaded by the niji fujos and gays jumping ship from Iluna. Now it’s just people wanting to own le unicorns and turn it into NijiEn 2.0

>> No.32128783

And if you'd like to know how many is that 'minority' is just watch Tempus streams

>> No.32128812
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>> No.32128893

Ugh, don't even remind me of those shitty memes...

>> No.32128986

I actually hate them, and now kronii too

>> No.32128985

This, you can't just step all over things that are already there, but to do that you need an ounce of awareness.

>> No.32129465
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All the forced memes during debut made me go from indifference to hatred, I hope they all die and all beta cucks shilling them as 'bros' deserve the rope. I will never watch a male larp as an anime character cuz I'm not a fucking faggot

>> No.32129550

Money for paid shills ended in Cover.

>> No.32129651

They're ruining hololive with male female collabs.

>> No.32129697
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Imagine needing to watch male vtubers because you lack real friends
Tempiss was the headsmans sentence for this hobby. And now all we can do is watch it burn.
We had some good times

>> No.32129734

Only people actually invested in HoloEN hates them. I find it hard to believe those people even exist, since they have been stagnating for almost a year, but it seems they do.

>> No.32129850

JP is still going strong though?

>> No.32129871

I don't hate them and still support them to some extents, though. My oshi is smart and nice to her fans enough that she has been ignoring (or barely acknowledging) them so far

>> No.32129921

I still worship them
incels are just throwing a tantrum, pathetic as always

>> No.32129955

7 years sheepcuck

>> No.32129973

Isn't it funny that the memes completely stopped after debut. Organic.

>> No.32130006

I only hate Regus. The rest are fine.
He's the Mori of his gen.

>> No.32130055

Why not let the faggots know how much you hate them? >>32117254

>> No.32130156
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Imagine needing to watch female vtubers because you can't interact with females
HoloEn was the headsmans sentence for this hobby. And now all we can do is being cucked because you are too parasocial.
We had some good times

>> No.32130162

As organic as the sudden speculation about EN3.

>> No.32130168

Any attempt to astroturf with fucking leddit memes on this place only achieves to make me hate what you're shilling.
Never gonna watch males, cope

>> No.32130175

Uhh, Tempus appreciators are still on /vt/, they just post in their general and don't shit up the board like you, OP, you bundle of sticks

>> No.32130218

We not your personal army gabe, you hanged yourself yet?

>> No.32130219

It's hard to make friends who are willing to talk about anime and gaming at the age of 36, anon. Please understand...
Most of the time when I hung out with my friends in the last few years, we only talked about either careers, children, the economy, women, wives and politic craps. Long gone the time we could just talk about fun innocent stuffs like the latest Warcraft / DoTA / HL tournament match, hours long raiding on WoW or manga.

>> No.32130287

faggots and women are fickle.

>> No.32130379

Schizos are only a minority don't lump them with the rest who does not give a fuck about any of this and just want to enjoy the stream.

>> No.32130422

I would rather have no friends than watch redditors that are barely competent at games with the most surface level anime tastes. Just seriously neck yourself if you're a straight male and watch anime fags.

>> No.32130426

I already predicted this would happen.
>Tempus hated because males
>Turns out they Vesper and Magni are actually cool
>Everyone loves them for a month
>Collab ban is lifted and they're forced into a bunch of collabs in a short period of time.
Soon it'll change to..
>As time goes by we'll get less female collabs and everyone goes back to liking them.
Whores like Bae and Ollie will still collab constantly with them. Aparently Kronii too. But noone cares about them.

>> No.32130607
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if you even remotely dislike Tempus or hated that collab you have no idea how bad things can truly get, you picked up some cool, talented bros who have a policy of others needing to contact them first for collabs (no randomly hopping into a girls' VC, no joining member streams, basically no non-twitter interactions unless your girls REALLY want it) and still have the fucking nerve to complain directly to Kronii?
Y'all have the ideal male vtuber situation if there ever were one

>> No.32130617

>Whores like Bae and Ollie will still collab constantly with them. Aparently Kronii too. But noone cares about them.
Look. Dumbass all these collab shit are hosted and invited by Mori.

>> No.32130728

i still watch 'em
and i'll keep watchin' 'em too, cuz they're entertaining.
if they do something i don't like, i'll dislike the video and won't watch it, just like i do with the girls.
it's not that hard, but vtubers were never a parasocial thing for me. i like watching virtual idols have fun and play games. i dislike unidol like behavior but i won't hate them for it. i want 'em to be themselves. if they shift into a mode of content i don't like, i'll simply give my time to someone who does content i do like.
i see a lot of people when drama comes up, that the way holos handle it is wrong, and they should stay silent, but the same holds true for the fans. if you're discontent with someones content, silently fade away and do something better with your time than shitting up this place. that tuber will slowly fall out of relevance, if they're really doing anything fucked up. look what's happening to kson.
spend your energy celebrating who you like. if you like no one, you probably shouldn't waste your time here.

>> No.32130848

The ideal male vtuber situation is lack of existance of male vtubers.

>> No.32130868

What a surprise, another day another Mori yab. This bitch needs to fucking graduate.

>> No.32130966

Way too make M + F collabs.
Those should be far in-between but have been happening non-stop since the collab ban was lifted.

>> No.32131050

>What went wrong
It's just you.

>> No.32131127

I pretend that I only care about cgdct to deflect accusations of being a simp

>> No.32131132

like 80% of them are with Mori who is basically a man

>> No.32131175

They left their lane. Simple as.

>> No.32131306

>he unironically thinks he needs to be romantically or sexually attracted to the png in order to enjoy his content or watch him at all

>> No.32131363

What are you talking anon.
The reason I don’t like Tempus collabs with females is because they have to hold back from talking because females get easily offended and from playing to their best or else they will stomp the females.
It was disgusting seen they praise all female small victories and make fun of all male small mistakes.

>> No.32131379

>Ban lifted
>Boys believe that to grow their fanbase they have to rely on their solo content
>Be Mori
>Do not believe in anyone's privacy or respect the company culture
>Organized and invite the boys for the collab to make vt seeth

[Mori organized the collabs] https://youtu.be/J8Y3t6m32D0?t=6635
[Vesper thoughts on collabs with HoloEn] https://youtu.be/FglhuBm9QY8

>> No.32131651

there's a lot of horrible people who treat online entertainers like shit. get some real friends, you contrarian fucks
I love the boys, which is really fucking surprising considering I did not give a shit beforehand.

I'm 40 and i've somehow managed to be in the same room as women and not fuck them. in fact the times when i've fucked a coworker are literally zero. I'm sure people here must have lots of experience of it happening to them

>> No.32131655

>he unironically thinks the png is good for anything other than sex

>> No.32132080

Cry more, wizard.
