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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32011107 No.32011107 [Reply] [Original]

Based Nuxanor calling out e-whores hijacking spaces meant for VTubers

>> No.32011747

Why does he type like a teenage girl

>> No.32012052

The batman with personality of a Joker

>> No.32012311

Because that's the west view of vtubers.

>> No.32012898

I don't know why you non unicorns just don't watch these streams in the first place. Just watch rl whores be whores.

>> No.32014735

Twitch is run by insane communist trannies who should all be in prison

>> No.32014913

Oh, Nux still exists?

>> No.32015265

You could've just said Californians.

>> No.32016164

Because its not about the streams or content, its about "owning" the unicorns.

>> No.32022750

No pls Nux.. Dont show me your dick again.. I cant fill it whit my mouth again..
Pdt: All based on author's thread

>> No.32022866

STILL more successful than your oshi

>> No.32023330

dont care lol

>> No.32023552
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/meat/ was right all along
we need to beat and eat them all

>> No.32023889

They want you dead. This isnt a joke.

>> No.32023923
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Not surprised a Pomudachi would he alingment adjacent to /meat/

>> No.32024080

is there a term for people like nux who constantly talk about how people deserve freedom and cancel culture is terrible but then turn around and have super strict views on what should and shouldnt be allowed

>> No.32024155
File: 319 KB, 1920x2560, fairysoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen her smooth soft body? She's like whitefish! You'd be damned not to strip away her juicy meat

>> No.32024274

Based he's back but, oh no ! because he lost versus VShojo "we" have to hate him.
Once again he's is calling out evil but he will be ignored or called a drama/attention whore or something.

>> No.32024331
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 6826727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea the term is called alt-right

>> No.32024399

A hypocrite or alternatively >>32024331 Also ironic that /vt/ complains about 3D whores 3DPD etc. all the time but basically defends them when Nux is in the right on this one trying to defend their precious 2D waifus.

>> No.32024635

tag hijacking should be a corporal offence. the amount of slavs on cb using the asian tag is too much

>> No.32024675
File: 20 KB, 480x360, shiggy diggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up vei, you're not needed when your best version exists

>> No.32024718

Twitch is also run by Amazon which uses identity politics for union busting and to drive down wages.

>> No.32024824

Someone who doesn't implicitly use the continuum fallacy.

>> No.32024918

I mean technically eastern ones can but if you have proof it's Western ones doing it I see your point.

>> No.32025266

no both situations are bad, it's an ethnicity tag not a geographical tag. I'm not getting hard knowing someone borders manchuria.

>> No.32025276

>calling out evil but we must hate him because of the VWhore fiasco

Are you retarded? All he's doing is trying to leech of a popular situation. This is nothing but virtual signaling. This whore put on a bikini and jumped on the VT tag and this fucking mongoloid just gave her exposure to his entire following, just like every other retarded bandwagon jumper did. He is not a "hero", he is an imbecile, and so are you.

>> No.32025496

Vtubers are never going to respect or associate with him ever again, no matter what he does.

>> No.32025935

>Bro twitter trannies ruining your career because you said the n word is definitely the same as porn stars pedaling porn by abusing tags and websites minors use.

Whoa it's almost like you're fucking RETARDED jesus how'd you do that?

>> No.32026007

Ren @'d him and he and shoto are really close friends. On top of that he's super good friends with technicals and zer0.
Vshitjo didn't shut him out of anything.

>> No.32028217

These fucking thots should know their place. Based KING Nux will show them the back of his fucking hand, epic style. Heh, they should really know better by this point.

>> No.32028357

I'm going to let you in on a secret:

Strippers make more money than fake anime girls and Amazon is their pimp.

>> No.32028436

Literally no vtubers except some desperate scrubs will even work with him.

>> No.32028524

Like twitch is gonna care about what a Jew that is hated by vshojo says

>> No.32028616

VTuber viewers aren't known for their intellect

>> No.32029093

>Go on the stupid whore website
>Be surprised when you see stupid whores
Twitch hasn't been about video games for a while and it definitely isn't for vtubers. It's for vapid vain e-hookers and pog-faced soibois.

>> No.32029886

This is like some faggot who only watches CGDCT anime because he hates males asking people who watch romcoms "if you like your girls interacting with guys, why don't you just watch porn?"

>> No.32030139

Ok but if you like romcoms why do you want to force the cgdct fans to watch romcoms by deleting cgdct? Wouldn't someone forcing you to watch cgdct instead of your romcom bother you? Why can't you just watch your own genre instead of forcing others to watch it too?

>> No.32030450

The thing is your unicorn entertainment isn't getting deleted. You were simply projecting your unicorn fantasies on girls who weren't explicitly pandering to you. I watched Myth from the start and most of them didn't give me the "ew guys gross I only want to interact with girls" impression.

Also you still have girls in Hololive JP who will never collab with guys even if you put a gun to their head. They still exist. And if you need someone who speaks English why not check out Kawaii? They're strictly against 1-on-1 collabs with males and even then there's only one girl out of 12 who joins big group collabs with guys. Kawaii is your ultimate sanctuary, you should be enjoying them instead of projecting your ideals on HoloEN.

>> No.32030513

IRL whores are the same as V Vtuber whores
Same thing same audience

>> No.32030584

Ok so imagine a show you really enjoy, and then the next season is a completely different genre. First season was cgdct and now it's suddenly a romcom but you hate romcoms, can you not be upset about this? Also stop projecting your own impressions on the girls.

>> No.32030638

Well there was 1 person who def had the right to bring attention to it and that was a small indie vtuber whose avatar this cam girl stole and put on her stream as an alert or sth like that

>> No.32031569

>stop projecting your own impressions on the girls.
But you're the one who had the wrong impression.

>> No.32033747

I think Nux is a fucking manchild retard, but half of the people in this thread are even worse.
Why are you retards trying to defend fleshtubers using the #vtuber tag? Is it just because this is on Twitch, so most of you fags don't have a horse in the game?
