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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31957340 No.31957340 [Reply] [Original]

>attend the collab my senpais worked hard on?
>nah my dog, I don't like the cube game
>I'll make a members stream to get my next paycheck tho

>> No.31957844

>worked hard on
nigga they barely even lifted a finger this year because of all the other events and rust.

>> No.31958092

>collab my senpais worked hard on
>the very same senpais who spend their streams on Rust and almost forgot about Minecraft
roru rumao even

>> No.31958235

Link me the Botan rust streams retardo. Also what the fuck has Mori been working on in her streams other than her usual project of forcing homo shit into hololive

>> No.31958400

>forcing homo shit into hololive
She is just collabing with them. And what the fuck do you care? Let her do her own thing and not ruin collabs like you would say.

>> No.31958440

honestly this year's summer fes was boring as hell

>> No.31958563

Definitely not enough threads about this already. Please keep creating new ones.

>> No.31958710

>Mori let this collab go by
>Noooooo you can't do that
/vt/ranny Mental illness

>> No.31958877

She fucking sucks either way. A literal tumour who refuses to try or mingle with any of the other Holos because shes a cunt who wishes she could be in vshojo instead

>> No.31958939

she really needs to graduate already

>> No.31959054

She's animating her MV you dumbass

>> No.31959141

Botan gives a shit about Minecraft? Okay.

What about the rest of JP?

>> No.31959342

>Sure, do you want to join the festival and interact with some JP senpais?
>lol no way cube game is le bad

>> No.31959437

Sure is convenient how IRyS isn't mentioned anywhere in this post even though she tweeted she was watching it instead of participating.

>> No.31959651

This. >>31959389

>> No.31959874

>bitch doesn't play children's block game
>board loses its mind
if you needed any proof watching vtubers causes legitimate mental illness

>> No.31960038

>watch some good bantz between mori and magni
>watch a meandering, boring minecraft event full of dead air, women pretending to have fun and general passive aggressiveness
Mori is finally the better choice

>> No.31960150

It's not about the game, retard. Her genmates and over 20 seniors prepped a huge annual event and she couldn't even pass by for some fucking reason. Gee, i wonder why.

>> No.31960415

>Her genmates and over 20 seniors prepped a huge annual event
Eh, none of ENs didn't do anything this year.

>> No.31960531

Well, they still attend the event anyway. Even the laziest ones manage to attend. She has no excuse.

>> No.31960849
File: 164 KB, 1536x1620, 1652983615440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori truly is the queen of /vt/. She does anything and gets multiple threads. She doesn't do something and gets twice as much.

>> No.31960856

>general passive aggressiveness

>> No.31960888

Anon, IRyS also didn't attend either.
Why? Who knows.

>> No.31962085
File: 131 KB, 625x400, screen-shot-2018-08-16-at-10-17-30-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of pretending to care. About idol culture. About their brand image. About wholesomeness. About Hololive. You can't expect me to give a damn about their feel good moments, but all the while they turn around and let their vtubers engage in all sorts of unseisou conduct. I've been ironically carrying idolfags' water for 2 years now, and my shoulders are tired as hell. Now what do I have to show for it? Ayame on permanent hiatus? Holostars EN? Hololive EN increasingly collabing with men and becoming just another Nijisanji? I'm sorry, brother, but I just can't do it anymore. Fuck minecraft.

>> No.31962194

Aren't there a bunch of EN's also not playing
Why single out Mori

>> No.31962303


>> No.31962696

They barely done nothing note worthy this year if you consider the mc rust and elden ring wankfest note worthy please neck yourself.

>> No.31962736

Godpseed hulkster

>> No.31962810

Not enough brothers 1/10

>> No.31962916

Literally everyone except Mori showed up.

>> No.31962937

For that matter, do you know that her roommate will stream right until mori collab with holostars?

>> No.31962988

>muh Mori forcing homo shit
She’s just collabing with them, there’s no agenda at hand here, you mouth-breathing subhuman.

>> No.31963099

IRyS didn't.

>> No.31963129

Damn, kinda jealous of the Deadcucks now...

>> No.31963144

You're mad behind a computer screen. You're fat, greasy and will never feel the warmth of a woman yet she's getting paid to exist. You are a sad worthless nothing and you're never going to make it. Getting mad about an anime girl is all you have. No woman will ever love a man who gossips like a teenage girl. Pathetic.

>> No.31963238
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Hulkster explain this

>> No.31963255

Trying so hard there, Calli.

>> No.31963274

Iroha is literally a minecraft autistic

>> No.31963314

Get checked for schizophrenia. Now.

>> No.31963566 [DELETED] 

weird projection kek. Fan behavior from deadcucks is demonstrably leagues more unhealthy mentally than any anti post I've seen. If you think someone is a fat, greasy retard because they don't like your boring oshii than it sounds lik this hobby is too much for (you), not them t

>> No.31963657 [DELETED] 
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>the incel seething over male collabs you love to see it.

>> No.31963745

Stop shaking and crying and type your message properly. I'll wait.

>> No.31963822

IRyS was watching between recording not running a members stream.

>> No.31963967

Mori was also recording and got out and is having members stream right now.

>> No.31963970

Post tits, or manboobs to be precise

>> No.31964133

members stream instead of while everyone else is mingling is a horrible look

>> No.31964343

Not really. At least she is streaming and I doubt her fans care.

>> No.31964377

Or maybe minecraft is a boring shit fest and she's simply not fucking interested because it has no appeal to her? Opinions are like an asshole everybody has one you rotted brained dickhead.

>> No.31964960

those senpai are literally all whores who screw their bfs daily. At least mori is being real.

>> No.31964987

Irys is probably with the sound engineer.
Based, fuck minecraft. Fake unity hinges on idol culture, and Hololive doesn't enforce it.

>> No.31965286

I used to think not caring is the way to go about it until Stars invaded all the HoloLive communities I took part in. Not caring is the absolute worst thing you can do at this point, these fucking assholes will hijack your circles and attack you if you're not okay with it.

>> No.31965604

Whoa chill woman
There is no need to shame others live style just because no one wants to take you to prompt night

>> No.31966674

I'm convinced she has the most crippling autism known to man.
If she pulled this shit as a man she'd end up an isolated incel with no friends and her family would act like she didn't exist.
She can only get away with this shit because she's a woman.

>> No.31967979

>She can only get away with this shit because she's a woman
Yes, that is how society is structured now. Women get away with everything and have no self awareness.

>> No.31968129

Don't try to reason with a Deadbeat. They've become experts at justifying Mori's cunt behavior.

>> No.31968329

But at least she is streaming especially to her members. She easily could have not done it.

>> No.31969169

I'd rather a vtuber be honest than do a stream they dislike and phone it in.

>> No.31969250

>worked hard on
>pekora slapped it together out of thin air with 0 planning

>> No.31969357


>> No.31969416

>ditch to hang out with ironmouse

>> No.31969754

I don't like Calli also but fucking come on anon

>> No.31970046
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>Mori doesn't attend schizo she's fake bitch she disrespecting "muh weeb nip idol culture by ignoring the event!
>Mori does attend this bitch ruined everything by just being there oh lordy just die you whore!

The state of mind of 4chan schizos

>> No.31971172

The former are fake schizos. Nobody's really mad that the Holo who doesn't do idol culture didn't force herself to attend an idol meeting and do cringe fake politeness. Mori being in collabs she doesn't care about is fucking awful.

Also, EN's makeshift facsimile of idol culture is unironically dead. Dbd collab killed it. Time to move on.

>> No.31971198

It's a tale as old as time. The newest community meltdown is the "Rings of Power".

>> No.31971234

Surely by her you mean Mori right?

>> No.31971334 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeats are in full defense mode today. Why does this place feel more like reddit everyday?

>> No.31971419

>Cuckbeats are in full defense mode today
They are just glad they got their members stream. They probably even prefer it.

>> No.31971544

Everyone prefers it. Deadbraps get their comfy member stream, while stream watchers don't have to suffer Mori being cringe, awkward and forced. Also, fuck minecraft. Everyone wins.

>> No.31971753 [DELETED] 

Mori is a cunt, but she did the right thing today. I'm glad the deadbeats were in a members stream rather than having them shit up other members streams screeching "DAD" the second they hear that fat, near diabetic, lean connoisseur's fat girl voice drowning out everyone else on the voice chat with her dumb fuck cowboy impersonation.

Mori if you're here and still conscious after that megadose of Xanax, whiskey and convenience store junk food, please continue to stay far fucking away from everyone else. That is all.

>> No.31971874

>please continue to stay far fucking away from everyone else. That is all
Anon, the collab...

>> No.31972006


>> No.31972030 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeat deflection post.

>> No.31972238

Don't care about who is in that collab. They would all be doing a lot better without Mori there. She's an infection. A plague on both Live and Stars houses

>> No.31972499

To be honest, I think vtubers have wound up being so hypocritical and insincere, at this point Mori looks better in comparison.

>> No.31972789

>antis mad about Mori NOT participating in a collab

They really are tsunderes

>> No.31972850

You are defending the Queen of insincere. Nothing she says has any sort of weight if it does not directly involve her. There is nothing natural about her interactions with anyone outside of her immediate circle of friends. If she wants to be just work friends with the Holo girls, then more power to her; but every time she opens her mouth to pay lip service to the others she just comes across as insipid and backed into a corner.

>> No.31972938 [DELETED] 

So we know that Mori is next right?

>> No.31973085 [DELETED] 

Many fans already know this. I forget when, but she "liked" the L2D modelist on twitter.

>> No.31973097

>There is nothing natural about her interactions with anyone outside of her immediate circle of friends
Do you mean TT?

>> No.31973150

Among others.

>> No.31973208

Fuck this fucking piece of shit Holostar whore

>> No.31973213

it's just a matter of when. It's good for both. I don't think a lot of the hololive fans care about her anymore outside a handful of doxxbeats and JPfans who think her music is cool but otherwise don't care about her. Let's just hope she's going to do a graceful exit unlike Nazuna and Kson

>> No.31973277

Well I can pretty surely say that there is nothing natural about her interactions with TT either. Like they are using her she is also using them to get connections and other stuff like the usual e-celeb relationship.

>> No.31973319

>Singlehandedly is destroying HoloEN with her cocklust for HoloshitEN
Fuck this slut. I want her to graduate

>> No.31973348

You do know she can't leave until her UMG deal ends and that is at least 2 years.

>> No.31973832

Right, but she's sincerely, transparently insincere. Everyone knows when and how she's full of it. The others, not so much. And that's the issue. You never know when they'll do a 180 and go back in something they said.

>> No.31973841

If she joins vshojo, she will only be the second mori.
Even Ironmouse will be concerned about mori for the first three months, but one day the interaction will cease.

>> No.31974096

Dunno about this thread but yes the nijigirls are smaller to them in comparison but they're inclining slowly but surely. HoloEN on are just a bunch of lazy, probably hates their fans, insincere, & entitled women.

>> No.31974228

Mumei knows hololive fans are crazy.

>> No.31974284

what are you talking about? coco had a graceful exit, the fact that holo fans think she has to do what they say after ONE YEAR of leaving is their problem not hers,
besides, anyone who leaves holo will be criticized by her fans no matter what, just remember sana's posts.

>> No.31974306

I'm gonna be honest. I'm still salty that Botan spent an entire stream farming tropical fish, and never used them to grind a blue axolotl.

>> No.31974581

well, nazuna then. her numbers aren't doing good, kson's too...

>> No.31975427

Kiara believes the same about Rust but still plays it out of decency

>> No.31975508

IRys was tainted by Mori

>> No.31977711

Not as egregious as Korone taking holidays during every Minecraft mass collab.

>> No.31977787

Based. Those collabs must be suffering to participate in.

>> No.31978514

You only have to log in once a year to watch what the other girls build. You don't even need to play the game more to participate.

>> No.31978699

Didn't this whore say that she would play the block game during the summer festival?

>> No.31979224

When will the new vtuber model for the other channel drop?

>> No.31980736

Anon, you underestimate how much of a hard filter dirt block game is for people who don't like it.
