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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31928705 No.31928705 [Reply] [Original]

>get doxxxed before having to change names and location.

>go on a rant on how Nux is getting you and your friends doxxxed with your own cyber security guy that reviewed his video for 3 hours.

>Go to a certain forum having a dedicated stan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY know where you and your BF are because you two were stating where you went ,who visited you that I am starting to feel disturbed looking at that forum thread and feel convinced he might pull off finding your location.

So do antis and fans have an agreement that the Nux drama was staged because someone that is so against getting doxxxed on discord wouldnt get doxxxed again right? If they both have 4 year degrees than I guess an airhead like silvervale is more brighter than them and probably on the legally blond scale.

>> No.31929307

She's a hypocrite, nothing new, move along.

>> No.31929361
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>> No.31930187
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>> No.31930261

nyanschizo, is this another nothing burger? Be honest with both me and yourself because I think we both know the answer.

>> No.31930304

Nijinigs can't meme.

>> No.31930328

da fuck did I just read. I'd say this was bait but this is too wildly incoherent to be bait

>> No.31930535

>Go to a certain forum having a dedicated stan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY [Embed] know where you and your BF are because you two were stating where you went ,who visited you that I am starting to feel disturbed looking at that forum thread and feel convinced he might pull off finding your location.

simon/blackjack is a well known schizo on Vshojo threads and we wish he can just go off himself.

>> No.31930918
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What would early /vt/ been like if antis didn't spent the previous year trying to cancel the Pink Cat?

>> No.31931112

Perhaps we would've gotten more memorable shitposts but I can only imagine a blank void if those weren't there to fill it.
Either that or more Artemis shills maybe?

>> No.31931333 [DELETED] 

>Go to varishangout, some dude is trying to pinpoint random Mexicans searching hvac companies to find nyanners, close thread on my browser.

You can't make this shit up,

>> No.31931703
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Check out this bimbo Nyanners.

>> No.31932565

Nyanners was my oshii, and I watched her nearly every stream. I met her at AX and she is an absolute psychopath. I went up to her and kindly asked for an autograph, but she just laughed and knocked me down the stairs.

I was afraid and I didn't know how to react. She held me down and started repeating "you like that huh?" I started crying then she said "I will do you in like I did LilyPichu". She kept choking me and wouldn't let go of me. After about 30 seconds passed, I started pissing my pants.

I thought I was going to die until Lord Aethelstan came up behind her to put a hand on her shoulders and said "that's enough". She couldn't stop giggling and hopping when Aethel escorted her away. The fact that she could laugh after such a cruel act terrified me.

I don't understand how people can't see her for what she is, a menace and a danger to society. I don't think I will ever follow Nyanners again. The trauma I have suffered with due to that incident has effected me deeply and I haven't been the same since.

>> No.31932780
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Holy sex! I NEED to meet Nyanners.

>> No.31934281

dude... No amount of meds will help you at this point. KEK

>> No.31934627

Pedophile alarms ringing real loud.

>> No.31935775

>that artstyle
>schizo gaiafag typing
>shit humor
no fucking way... bob ross is /here/ and i thought he was dead

>> No.31936022

Sadge aging whore who probably wants to get struggle snuggled to validate her sense of self worth. Cuckoldstan must not be doing it for her. Not volunteering, btw. Y'all can have this one.

>> No.31941113

She doesn't feel victimized enough so she's trying to get someone to pay her a visit so she can cry victim again. Gotta get those numbers back after everyone abandoned her for blowing her bf on stream

>> No.31941288

Vwhorejo fans are not guardians like noble Hololive fans. Someone saw Kiara on vacation and didn't go full psycho on her and instead observed from afar like a proper knight. Meanwhile some Vshojo shit stain is going to find Nyanners, kill her boyfriend and rape her if he finds them.

>> No.31941392

Based. I call that fan freedom.

>> No.31942042

>Go to a certain forum having a dedicated stan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY [Embed] know where you and your BF are because you two were stating where you went ,who visited you that I am starting to feel disturbed looking at that forum thread and feel convinced he might pull off finding your location.
Is this just schizo code for kiwifarms managed to dox her current location?

>> No.31942131

Nyanners to me is proof this board is full of newfags because any oldfag who disliked her could have just dumped chatlogs from the 4chan associated IRCs she used to hang out in or old archives of her saying nigger to hurt her reputation.

But no, its just butthurt 12ers mad she no longer dubs loli related comics.

>> No.31942212

>4chan associated IRCs
Anon, I'm not that much of a loser

>> No.31942289

If you weren't in them just to make use of xdcc to get new fansubs as fast as possible you are and always will be a zoomer

>> No.31942378

nibl is not 4chan associated

>> No.31942422

#/vt/ chads laugh at this board

>> No.31942557

Nigger, just set up an RSS feed to grab the links, you don't actually have to read that faggotry

>> No.31942665

Help your mom out more around the house, anon, it's bad enough you're a jobless waste of space you can at least do something productive. Wash the dishes or something, it'll really help her mentally

>> No.31942877

>4 year degree

Where they get their degree from? Hustlers University? :3c

>> No.31943962

>rss for xdcc

>> No.31944662

>they both have 4 year degrees
Nyanners dropped out of college.

>> No.31947375

Oh, I have seen the posts on that forum. Is she really dumb enough to leave enough behind so that she can be doxxed a second (or third) time?
I think most Nyannersfags would actually enjoy that.
That sounds actually feasible and would be befitting for her.

>> No.31953898

Shut up faggot. Stop trying to get her doxx

>> No.31957587

>vei bitched about nux using her content.
>some anon said mouse bitched about nux using her content.
>some anon said that nux made silver cry.
>became annoying as shit to snuffy not taking no for an answer to see Logan Paul's forest suicide video.
>caught zen in a bad time that she was watching diarrhea asmr is what I heard when nux came to her channel but I heard they made up.

I mean yeah it is obvious the whole thing was staged to get rid of him and not just nyanners being an OPSEC specialist was the only proof that they set him up but wanted a reason not to do anymore content with the guy and it worked.

>> No.31958777

They could have just stated that he was being a dick directly to him instead of doing this entire shit. And it's not like giving some of the vshojo members millions of views on his channel worked against them to give the members a bigger audience. Vei is a known airhead like silvervale talking about wanting to get botox, and her denial of wanting to get more video views of her from nux is like her being a bum refusing a 100 dollar bill.

Nyanners also disliked how nux was to some of her members is what I heard from some anon here, or pissed off that some jew has a youtube channel that has more subs than her which is why she wanted to get rid of him from their circle because his channel besides the members got a bigger audience.

>> No.31960799

Rent free

>> No.31961524

please understand, they are women.

>> No.31961618

nice reddit spacing bro

>> No.31964163

They lost some viewers because of that and many people that were unaware of Nyanners past adventures first got to know this side of her and the also dubious morals of the other "talents". VShojo also got big image damage from that. Unprofessional and all.

I don't think that this approach was worth it for her/them at all. Would have been easier to sever contact with Nux in other ways.

>> No.31964774
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>> No.31964840

I hate the whole vshojo nux drama because now you have fags unironically defending that jew nux

>> No.31965391

>4chan associated IRCs
were discordniggers before discord. they were uniformly full of retarded drama and somehow the channel ops were always furries. maybe they were usable in 2005 when 4chan was still an SA splinter.

>> No.31965505

you're aware everyone can pick up on your writing style and see through your samefagging, right?

>> No.31966149

Nux is annoying shit with a horrible voice, he’s still crying about Vshojo to this day.

>> No.31966163

>I guess an airhead like silvervale is more brighter
More brighter...
The irony...
OP is retarded

>> No.31966335
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>> No.31966638 [DELETED] 

varis is the one with the nyanners thread


I wonder if the fruit farmers are going to go there since their vtuber thread is down?

>> No.31966792

Thing is, people hated vshitshow long before the doxxing incident.

Not all vshojo haters are because of Nux. A lot of people couldn't give a fuck about him. What does he even do these days other than being orbited by FeFe?

>> No.31967207

I don’t care about the drama, i just don’t like him or his content. I agree that the situation was shitty but him bringing it up every chance he gets is annoying.

>> No.31968876

>mouse bitched about nux using her content.
She specifically was upset that he recorded her offstream and then used that for his content without asking.

>> No.31970262

He could have milked it way more imo. And he should have because a bitchbattle between his fans and Vfags would have been funny to me. Don't get me wrong, he is a clout-chaser and pretty annoying sometimes but he was in the right during the whole Doxxer incident. He ran everything by Vshojo before, the corp even thanked him and then the girls started piling on him. Just pathetic, just makes him look so much better by comparison. I think Mels betrayal stings the most for him.

Also, there would have been no dirt on them if they just did the usual "official domains are only these, don't give out info"-disclaimer on their site ffs.

>> No.31971944

He still milks it to this day, that’s what bothers me but he just does it with his friends on some ordinary podcast. I’m pretty sure he’s mentioned it on most if not all of the episodes.

>> No.31972236

He could have dragged it out back then, that is what I primarily meant. I would have released all off the communication I had with the cybersecurity guy, what was discussed in the group with Gunrun, Mel and him etc. He backed down instead of going for a full confrontation. Them actually fighting it out would have been amusing. But oh well, he learned an important lesson anyways.

>> No.31975003

he was so wrong that the dude he blamed for the dox was let go by the police and made a video mocking nux. Yeah.

>> No.31975112

The West can't meme

>> No.31976230

Sources for these claims? I just knew they didn't like each other.

>> No.31978873

God, i want to piss on Nyanners.

>> No.31983025

What a silly cat.

>> No.31986968


>> No.31987035

>nyanners has a degree
College degrees really don't mean anything anymore huh.

>> No.31987082

Ferrousmouse is likable, pink whore doesn't even have as many antis as the other pink whore it's just that people would rather ignore her since she's a genuinely unlikable person.

>> No.31987181

westernsisters... it's over...

>> No.31989281

She doesn't, she dropped out.

>> No.31989774

That's good that's good.
