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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31859289 No.31859289 [Reply] [Original]

HoloKR fucking when Yagoo?

>> No.31859370

Why do they have multiple movie cameras? I count four that I can see on that set alone.

>> No.31859388
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>> No.31859420

first time seeing a stage?

>> No.31859693

Probably within a year. I don't see why else they're putting so much work locally in Korea otherwise.

>> No.31859939

I give it 6 months.

>> No.31860305

this gives me nuremburg rally vibes

>> No.31860671

14 words. It's the bored ape yacht club all over again.

>> No.31860987


>> No.31861835

Management problem. See: ID.

>> No.31861919

Nijisanji just sucks at foreign branches

>> No.31862442

then why is their EN branch better than Hololive's

>> No.31862689

roru rumao

>> No.31862831

It's not though. It's pandering to stay afloat. Iluna didn't do as well as expected and Finana has descended into a 3 view now.

>> No.31862913

finana will be a 4view when she fully embraces coombaiting

>> No.31863131
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And other hilarious jokes nijiniggers tell themselves

>> No.31863463

I know both companies have enormous JP audiences that might watch the debuts and not stick around but how is it so much more pronounced with Niji?

>> No.31863545

Kpop fans are complete schizos you don't want this to happen

>> No.31863715

Anon, NijiEN used to be in the 1-2k range.
I'm still completely amazed they're starting to get streams over 5k on a regular basis. That used to NEVER happen, outside of full-branch collabs with tons of advertising and hype.

Being in the 2k range is perfectly normal for nijiEN

>> No.31863882

is wal-mart better than louis vuitton since more people shop there? according to holofag logic, it is

>> No.31863908

There's a common thing that nijifags often tell newfags that come into their community "don't bother trying to watch everyone, just watch who you like" and that results in a ton of people showing up for debuts to give them a chance, but also results in those same ton of people dropping them if they don't immediately scratch their itch. This is how you get less than 5% retention from debuts.


>> No.31863937

I mean, I'm a holofag who watched the iluna debuts to see what the hype was about. I saw the absolute joke that it was and never tuned in again. I guarantee you there's a lot of cases like me

>> No.31864035

Niji has a huge selection of people no one wants to watch. That makes you Sears.

>> No.31864112

The holoEN talents are lazy as fuck. Their streams are quite boring.
I turn on a niji stream, I hear laughter.

>> No.31864247

>make thread about HoloKR
>nijiniggers turn it into a why nijisanji is better thread
Why are they like this?

>> No.31864265


>> No.31864309

Extreme inferiority complex please understand

>> No.31864378

typical Nijisanji collab
>8 hours of laughing
>actually friends with each other
>almost forget they're streaming, just a typical conversation for them

Typical hololive collab
>Boring, awkward, force laughter.
>Not actually friends.
>Ends after 90 minutes

>> No.31864561

>60% male
The absolute state of Nijibeggars

>> No.31865888

>Comparing Selen to 3 of the most autistic EN holos

>> No.31867812

I hope soon. the fact that we don't have a single Holo that streams themselves browsing Youtube and TikTok is ridiculous, we need HoloKR to fill that gap

>> No.31867928

You know what'd be a weird twist. If StarsKR ends up being more popular than HoloKR

>> No.31868898

It's being blocked by Ayame threatening to quit.
They're ensured money from her paypigs, but entering an entirely new market that their competition failed in is basically murky, uncharted waters.

>> No.31869031

>"typical holo collab"
>nijinigger of course cherry picks the low hanging fruit that is mori
lmao desperate

>> No.31869047

They have to open auditions for people from Korea first, they will not choose from people who applied to HoloEN

>> No.31869216

They aren't putting any work there, EN are just appealing to them

>> No.31869421

imagine being on /vt/ and saying this

>> No.31869546

I need my kr noona and oppa.

>> No.31869717

name a single instance where /vt/ schizos sent poison, knives or blood covered objects to a vtuber

>> No.31869793

/vt/ would if given an opportunity

>> No.31870092

it's not like there's any shortage of vtuber dox out there. /vt/ schizos are paper tigers who can't even match chink spammers, much less the kind of kpop schizos that send packages booby trapped with knives to their (former) favorite. the absolute worst we do is to turn against ourselves and spam threads with gore and CP

>> No.31871381

Never. They'll do the same thing as before and put at least one gook in every EN generation, and the gooks will like it.
