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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3165307 No.3165307 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Vtuber that have regular Twitter meltdowns like pic?

>> No.3165319

yeah me

>> No.3165346

my oshi but i'm gonna keep her and her meltdowns to myself so I can be the only shoulder to cry on

>> No.3165358

It's called tard wrangling. Which is exactly what you need for making this thread.

>> No.3165494

Lemme guess. Your one of the mindless drones that think she is a fragile flower that must be protected.

>> No.3165515

If it were any other person, maybe. But with Nerine it's a fucking meltdown. That menhera will drop everything to go on a 10+ minute rant if you say something she doesn't like or perceives as being even remotely confrontational.

>> No.3165531

It’s ok Risu, we’re here for you

>> No.3165599

Literally who

>> No.3165629

Queen menhera

>> No.3165644

she is, the moment you let twitter get into your head you become a retard that cant be criticized.

>> No.3165785

How delusional are you to not know she dug the spot she's in. Takes out her aggressions for throwing away any success she had out on the people that actually cared for her. And those that stayed are only doing it out of pity.

>> No.3165835

pathetic woman, the definition

>> No.3165972

90% of the ENs because 90% of twitter users have mental illnesses. Zentraya or whatever is another example that comes to mind.

>> No.3166377

Why is she tweeting about it instead of telling off the offenders in stream chat.

>> No.3166461

most of them?
some of them even have nothing but twitter meltdowns and never debut.
the vast majority of vtubers are unproductive drama whores.
yet another example of the pareto principle

>> No.3166533

>calling this a meltdown
Do zoomers really? This is nothing.

>> No.3166565

IDK who this is or what's it about but what she's saying seems reasonable to me.

>> No.3166686

so, twitter?

>> No.3166735

If she had a real beef with her chat's behavior, then directly say it to them. I dislike the obsession western women have with lecturing everyone in the internet void on how they should behave at all times in all situations in case someone accidently gets PTSD. Bitch, you do not speak on behalf of every member of whatever group you want to signal to, honestly speak for yourself and maybe I will listen to you.

>> No.3167069

Seems reasonable until you realize the offending message that caused this PSA was completely benign. She micromanages her chat to a disgusting degree and overreacts to anything, on top of letting her mods run rampant and encouraging her chat to attack any would be dissenters or offenders. She's basically running her chat like a cult, if you stand out to her in a way that doesn't conform to her heavily policed expectations you get punished and then used as an example for a lecture, be it on stream or Twitter.

>> No.3167125

So what happened? Couldn’t have been that bad, right?

>> No.3167146

Most of /wvt/

>> No.3167481

Someone is mad that some nobody deleted their old YouTube channel to become a Vtuber. People were mentioning the old deleted channel during the stream which was against the rules and got him banned so he decided to sperg out here instead

>> No.3167527
File: 56 KB, 831x960, Protection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't care if she didn't nuke her old channel.

>> No.3167630

Why does it matter? Plenty of vtubers do that.

>> No.3168109

I feel this way about Mocca. I want to participate in his streams but i feel like he gets irritated/upset very quickly at anything i say.

>> No.3168180

Because the contexts are completely different.

>> No.3168195

I'm not

>> No.3168239

Considering so many vtubers are mentally ill weebs i'm surprised this isn't more common

>> No.3168324

Have you tried not saying dumb shit?

>> No.3168471

A sane person would just ignore those people and ban the really obnoxious ones. Mind you that EXCESSIVE banning might backfire hard.

>> No.3168510

>retard woman crying about it on twitter instead of bonking her viewers directly
Absolute state. It's not even a meltdown, just typical behaviour from a certain type of whore.

>> No.3168839

I love Mocca but he can be a moody bitch

>> No.3168875

Have you?

>> No.3168967

She's right tho.
Coming into somebody's streams and trying to start any uneasy or inflamatory discussion is fucking ass and desu i would ban for it.
Have some brain, people come there to watch anime girls playing vidya gaems.

>> No.3169041

Except that's not what fucking happened, anon.

>> No.3169485

She is right though.

>> No.3169572

Let me guess, pronouns in bio?

>> No.3170364

Any vtuber with a list of rules on their channel longer than a sentence.
Like damn why do you got to complain when you're paid hundreds of dollars to sit on your ass and get paid for playing games?

>> No.3170522

I started with a sentence and it grew as people didn't know how to be normal

>> No.3170541

The shit that happened in her chat are basically those greynames that spam DD/SNZW in HoloEN chats, they're dumb fags and so are you

>> No.3174509

That's Noel.

>> No.3174561

I'm a ESL and i can't understand what Mocca says, he really try so hard to do a faggot voice. I Guess this is how people feel about Miko

>> No.3174569

Reminds me of his tweetstorm (that he deleted) when that German newspaper used him as an example of the German vtuber scene.

>> No.3174599

That's not a meltdown and if you think it is, YOU might be the one that's unstable.

>> No.3174731

stop having meltdowns over some stupid nuts you dumb treerat

>> No.3175490

So provide some context along with the OP pic then you nigger,

>> No.3177914

Little fella just has a ton of complexes and insecurities

>> No.3178334

That bitch is not even menhara just full on crazy

>> No.3178509

Nerine is 100% menhera
>Had anxiety attacks when going to school
>Depressed, best signaled by her constant need to sleep

>> No.3178565
File: 184 KB, 305x382, 1531532117524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encouraging her chat to attack any would be dissenters or offenders.

As oppose to... being a doormat dissenters and offenders?

>> No.3178587

Same, I'll go back to a sentence once viewers stop MY MOM DIED LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO-ing in chat

>> No.3178612


>> No.3178643


>> No.3178650
File: 63 KB, 588x706, nerine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but in all honesty, I find her twitter rants really fun.

>> No.3178687


>> No.3178905
File: 329 KB, 1094x1065, 1618353366679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which doesn't make me very upset personally

>> No.3179055

The context is that if you so much as show a sign of mentioning her old content, which she apparently hates cause she blames it for getting rejected by HololiveEN, her protection squad of a chat will ban you and she spergs out like in pic.

>> No.3179138

honestly with the way she's behaving it's good she got rejected.
not to be a dick but if she acted this way while part of holoEN she'd bring the entire fucking project down.

>> No.3179170

Allow me to elaborate more with what the other anon said. It's pretty normal to have some mod delete your message for reasons they never explain. And I'm not talking about HERposting, I mean normal messages that are related to the stream. Go watch her gaming streams and it won't be surprising that you'll find deleted messages.
Another instance was in a game where mods started banning left and right because chat was saying the names of characters before their names were mentioned on the game.

>> No.3179304

Then don’t bring it up retard

>> No.3179339

Your missing the point. It's not that people bring it up. It's the SUSPICION the people will bring it up that gets to her.

>> No.3179388

Is she still in contact with Mocca? She said Mocca was the super best friend she knew from years ago

>> No.3179636

today's zatsudan stream cancelled again

>> No.3179723

Is any time someone with an audience expresses any emotions a meltdown now? Are we really going to head into dystopian territory where entertainers have to perform with manufactured fake smiles 24/7 without any dissent in order to please people?

The internet really has poisoned peoples brains.

>> No.3179750

stop making excuses soap and stream, your stream schedule these weeks has been a complete disaster

>> No.3179760

The first reply is saying to have a "safe clean/moving day". Yes, this is something you should pray someone does safely.

>> No.3179794

Who even was she before?

>> No.3179882

Thanks for proving my point. No one treats people like actual human beings online anymore. The internet has ruined a generation of people and stunted their emotional growth.

>> No.3180023

Son, she's clearly not well. Who the hell knows why, but pity parties don't excite and hook people.

>> No.3180026

Just don't post about your emotional problems on twitter. It achieves nothing positive and fucks with your community. These threads wouldn't exist if she didn't enable them.

>> No.3180574

It has always been that way retard. If you really want to talk with someone about personal problems, it's much better to do that with friends, family or doctor, not spewing on the internet where everyone can see.
Also a daily reminder of the following rules, not only for a vtuber, but for any content creator
>Don't fuck your fans
>Don't act like a retarded sperg against your fans
>Treat it like a business

>> No.3180674

weren't you supposed to pack your shit today nerine?

>> No.3181179

None of the screenshots sound like personal problems, but being annoyed with chat etiquette. That's literally every streamer on the earth, you should know chats are cancer.

That's terrible advice and why so many indies are failing. You should never treat it like a business, and indies trying to imitate the corporate structure are doomed to fail.
The thread wouldn't exist if anon wasn't a schizo that cares too much about what someone tweets.

>> No.3181441

Nobody ever treated people online like humans, because they're not. Everyone you interact with is ones and zeros, there may be a person entering them but there is a huge veil of etherealness that exists between each user and that veil has consequences that shape how people interact. The only way people get fucked up is by trying to substitute internet interactions for real interactions. This is why trannies get so deranged on the internet, their internet persona is a way of perpetuating their inner delusion and they become so attached to it that they treat that person as the real them. As they slowly realize that everything and everybody on the internet is a projection their minds just fucking melt from the cognitive dissonance and they freak out. Mocca is a shut-in so he can't distinguish real and fake communications which is why he just periodically has freakout sessions and self-sabotages out of fear that his community will get too big and he won't be able to keep up the veneer of a small group of friends

>> No.3181583

Has to be tough to be a vtuber with an audience of mostly manchildren retards.

>> No.3181733

She made analysis videos on jrpgs like the Nier and Atelier series, while also making the occasional video where she just played a game.

>> No.3182171

You sound like a pretentious schizo.

>> No.3182203

Doesn't she have a kid too

>> No.3182251

She's single right now, and never made claims of having a kid.

>> No.3182266

I don't even watch this bitch, but I do think you're a fucking retard if something like qualifies to you as a "meltdown"

>> No.3182294

I might be thinking of someone else then, I could have sworn her twitch bio said something about taking care of a baby or some shit. I just figured it made sense for her to have to cancel streams all of a sudden if kid stuff came up

>> No.3182353

Her baby is her rabbit.

>> No.3182373

well I'm retarded then, I thought that rabbit was just what she called her kid

>> No.3182526

Oh her. I had a feeling from reading the thread. I liked her old content, shoulda figured she was a menhera I guess

>> No.3182621

>english speaking twitter
not even once

>> No.3182627

A schitzo about Mocca or a schitzo about observable facts about the internet?

>> No.3182737

You know someone doesn't have real problems when they need to get mad at problems that haven't happened just because they could possibly happen to someone else.

>> No.3183265

I guess it shouldn''t surprise me Mocca is another menhera

>> No.3183279

>if she didn't enable them
So they need some crazy pills just as much as she does. Getting slightly off topic, but I wish people started treating mental health more seriously than "just get over it lol".

>> No.3183333

Like half of them? Dude all this bitches are menhera.

>> No.3183463

Her name started with V right? Wasn't she a lesbian too.

>> No.3183515

Considering almost everyone on this website has some sort of mental damage, yeah you'd think so right? But that's 4chan for ya

>> No.3183533

Bi. And her name was Valkyrie. No relation to the ethot of the same name.

>> No.3183683

What's up with all this vtuber girls being bi? Is it that hard to find a normal women who is into anime and games. It's always this weird bi le quirky girls, it's annoying.

>> No.3183758

All the straight women are fujos

>> No.3183786

Most streamers are Menhara, if they were capable of being normal and holding a stable job they would do that instead. As a streamer you must feel like you have a ticking clock over your head that you can't see, someday everything will be gone you just don't know when or why. Any job I can think of is better than that anxiety. Char and Slugma are probably the most well adjusted V-tubers out there since they both have normal full-time jobs and just stream as a hobby

>> No.3184084

Sorry Risu but my Granpappy taught me to never give money to a woman I haven't seen without makeup.

>> No.3184094

And yet there are no fujo vtubers. And nk just because they like manga doesn't mean they are true fujos. True fujos are conplete menheras.

>> No.3184215

Huge shame that he basically doesn't use his channel since I definitely watched Mocca on youtube and the twitch platform is a hard filter for me.

>> No.3184283

I didn't know much about Mocca, so it caught me by surprise when nerine revealed they both are long time friends. I guess the move to twitch was because most of his friends are there

>> No.3184421


I'd be fine with that if he kept up with uploading the twitch archives to youtube.

>> No.3184585

That's a general problem with a lot of vtubers that stream on twitch. Nerine also has a vod channel yet she rarely uploads any of her vods, you have to rely on 3rd party uploaders. Dunno why she can't use one of her mods to upload them

>> No.3190624

After two weeks of missing sunday, there's a change in schedule and promises for collabs

>> No.3190697

fuck off coloured

>> No.3190947


>> No.3191101


>> No.3191402

If only. Apparently, he has an aversion to relationships.

>> No.3193468

Because of his aunt or just regular mental illness?

>> No.3193470

I haven't watched him. Some anons were recomending him because deutsch. That and he is friends with that frog

>> No.3199745

I need more lore, did the Aunt abused him or something?

>> No.3203814

I don't get it, whaty's wrong with playing Nier Replicant?

>> No.3207584

He is fun to watch.

>> No.3207658


>> No.3207923


>> No.3207987

Funny that you say Mocca since Nerine and Mocca are siblings and friends

>> No.3208000

>siblings and friends
you don't have siblings, do you?

>> No.3208018

I meant siblings as in same artist and rigger...

>> No.3208096

Ah ok.

>> No.3213471

From what she said, I strongly believe the main reason Nerine was in that big collab was thanks to Mocca that acted as a spokeman for her.
