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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31531524 No.31531524 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save her?

>> No.31531687

Personality debuff too big, she's already turned off way too many people.

>> No.31531763

she killed herself from the very beginning, as soon as she mentioned her interests. She would be better suited for a western company instead of a Japanese one

>> No.31531766

Are you kidding? Her personality is her strong point. She's great

>> No.31531811

She needs a massive amount of rape correction

>> No.31531831

NijiEN has a bigger, deeper and systemic problem. And that problem is fucking SJW pajeetoid Noor and chink fujobitch Paul Li.
The both fucking ruined NijiEN with their gender faggotry and fujochink pandering.

>> No.31531850

marriage, with ike

>> No.31531914

>Somehow more annoying than ren during pico park
>Completely quiet and sounds like she wants to go home during amongus
>Sounds the same during luca's planking stream

Out of the three girls she's easily the worst. Scarle is unironically moe and cute, and chuuniGOD's covers, art and solo skills are top notch.
Aia's selling point is definitely not her personality. Her model is basically all she has going for her.

>> No.31531983
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Flopsanji status?

>> No.31532001

I really like her deep voice


>> No.31532021
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Ike can't save her

>> No.31532053

If anything ike is a debuff

>> No.31532076

I always forget, when you're around hololive fans everything's about numbers.

>> No.31532120

>Anything but adoration means you're a holobrony

>> No.31532161

numbers numbers numbers numbers

hololive fans always talking about numbers literally all the time. That's the only thing they have to talk about

>> No.31532208

unironically that's why I unsubscribed from her. she had a mental breakdown during an endurance stream because she had low numbers and went on a tangent about overlapping with luxiem and a collab and I never watched her again.

>> No.31532313

Aia was spotted in the chat of a Tempus Collab actually. Even got a shout out

>> No.31532315

Reminder that Aia said during her debut that her NijiEN oshis were Nina and Mika.

>> No.31532322


>> No.31532597

And yet, numberfags are despised in /hgg/. What a contradiction

>> No.31532727

Nobody can

>> No.31532820

Here is my experience seeing hololive fans in the niji thread
>immediately talking about numbers and ccv
>recommending they stream rust
>recommending they stop diversified streaming schedules and just spam buff-games (to maximize ccv, because ccv is the only important thing)
You spot them like a sore thumb. They're so obnoxious. Truly the most toxic fanbase.

>> No.31532851

Her debut killed any chances of me watching her and I think a lot of people feel the same way.

>> No.31532931

I like the way she sounds, and she isnt bad at making conversation with chat though not exceptional either, her game choices are very lackluster and boring, and she is awful in collabs which is NijiEN bread and Butter, There could be a solid chubba in there but she has much to improve

>> No.31533131

I can't be bothered to find the exact time when she started actually breaking down but she first started mentioning Luxiem at like 3 hours and 22 minutes here if you can bear to sit through 95% dead air. Saviorfags from this stream is the only reason she has fans /here/

>> No.31533511

Tuned in for a bit, she has a cute voice

>> No.31533514

What can she improve to be a more entertaining streamer?

>> No.31533574

Says this when nijibros have been touting the numbers of Iluna on debut against Tempus not that long ago.

>> No.31533586

The only way to salvage her is go hardcore on GFE, nijiEN still doesn't have that type covers, you don't need personality or any talent for that so even a boring girl like her can do it as long as she has vagina and boob

>> No.31533733

You haven't watched her. She's not boring at all

>> No.31533814
File: 297 KB, 750x622, skåol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, associating with Swedes irreversibly damages one's soul and psyche. There is no way back for her now.

>> No.31533870

Comedy and improv reps onegai

>> No.31533971

> Calls herself an intellectual
> Thinks streaming the same time as Luxiem is a bad idea

Hun, as a fujoshit I can tell you now nobody who watches Luxiem would give two fucks about her stream to begin with.

My money is that she graduates first because her streams are such garbage. Her personality is bad enough, but her collabs are cringe and unless the chat is talking to her she sits in silence. There's nothing interesting about her

>> No.31534083

yeah everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves even fucking ren, and it seems like he's the most hated of the bunch.
I feel like she needs to collab more with scale and maria.
She needs someone to boost her confidence.

>> No.31534629

and Shoto-senpai
she deserves this fate

>> No.31534636

holy shit, the femcels REALLY hate aia. she's giving a Luxiem member finana numbers

captcha: GAYDGJ

>> No.31534745

>That low with Luxiem
Do literally all of Ike's fans leave the moment he goes near a woman? I know nothing about him somehow, probably haven't even heard his voice.

>> No.31534782

Den var morsom

>> No.31534856

They just hate aia

>> No.31534858

I'm a homo, I just find her and ren annoying during luxiem collabs.
Ren either tries way too hard to flirt or is cringe. Aia is just annoying as fuck.
Scarle is wholesome though, I would let her shove her heels in my ass.

>> No.31535059


ASMR streams

>> No.31535240

She is a male collabing whore
can't be saved

>> No.31535322

He doesn't do collabs often but no, it's just Aia. also he's streaming 12 hours later than he usually does.

>> No.31535377

Aia debuff

>> No.31535640

Kek, you retard are the one starting first. Brag about number on Tempus & holoID pre-kobo.
And your niji chuuba & staff is fucking chronic numberfag, fuck off.
Nijicope and their lie

>> No.31535846

I like her, i just think she hasn’t found a niche. I think the DnD content would be fun if they let her do it.

>> No.31535975

Sell out to coomers like Finana

>> No.31536038

youtube is just bullying her at this point

>> No.31536158

Thats how i know you never visit any hololive general and hologirls gen, no one like numberfag there.
You're hanging out too much in /#/, nijicuck always lying.

>> No.31536874

>numberfag lingo
>immediately mentions ID
Allowing SEA to post here was a mistake.

>> No.31536929

ngl I wanna see a full on screaming nigger at the top of your lungs type breakdown from a corpo vtuber

>> No.31538239

DnD and ASMR would be good.

I noticed that even though her live viewers are always low, her VOD views are pretty normal which probably means she's not streaming in a good slot for her audience. Unsurprising given that literally fucking all of ILUNA sans Maria occupy the same couple of hours a day to stream.

The streams she does a couple hours earlier than normal usually do well.

>> No.31539655

Fuck that's a lot of circles on top of the letters.

>> No.31540935

She could pull off ASMR streams, she doesn't even have to go coomer like finana. She wouldn't even have to talk much at all

>> No.31541419

But that's what I want

>> No.31542137
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Me emptying my cock into her vagina will don't worry

>> No.31543262

>hate vtubers
>hate vtubing culture
>become a vtuber because its easy money
Guess not lol

>> No.31543536

That's Nina though

>> No.31543605

I made this post.

>> No.31543743

i don't even dislike her, there's just no point to watching her. she has no skills that stand out or anything that makes her unique compared to her genmates

>> No.31543949

I feel the same way. I love her design and kinda like her voice, but I tune in and she's just boring. Her jokes/comedy are bad and she isn't good at talking even about nothing to be a "comfy" streamer. I'll probably keep tuning into random streams every few weeks because dear god that's one of my favorite vtuber designs ever, but then turn it off until she can do something to actually grab me.

>> No.31545353

I was filtered by her pre-debut Twitter interactions and actual debut, but I still gave her a bit of a shot via cherry-picked clips and collabs. There are certain things she's revealed about herself that I actually really like, and I think she has potential, but she gives off vibes of being completely new to streaming. I haven't done reps on any PL of hers and I don't care to, so I don't know if she actually has streamer experience, but AnyColor must have seen something in her.

Wasn't Finana also a complete noob to streaming when she started? I think Aia should probably seek some guidance from Feesh. An odd couple to be sure, but could be fun to see them together.

>> No.31545394

Imagine the pre-debut twitter interaction was less sjw and her 'interest' slide when debuted isn't exist, or edited by manager before her debut. She would be strongest Iluna.

>> No.31545460

Don't save her so I can have her to myself

>> No.31545551

>>31545353 (me)
Oh yeah, in terms of technical things, I think she can either be extremely soft-spoken to the point of awkwardness (see: Amogus) or she speaks way too fast and mumbles her speech a bit.

Now that I think about it, I think she can share the tabletop niche with Fulgur. Fulgur makes anyone work, he can make Aia work. Hopefully, they can get permissions and/or work with Reza on a project.

>> No.31545903

I was deeply suspicious and skeptical of Nina, but I think she has proven she's turned over a new leaf. She has stated she was very unhappy in her old life, and is better now. I believe her. Can Aia do the same? Maybe, in like a year, she can prove herself, but nah, for now she can eat a bag of tofu femdicks or whatever her sort enjoys.

>> No.31546402

>She has stated she was very unhappy in her old life
To be honest, this is not a high bar to clear. The worst threat you're under in NijiEN is, what, maybe some ESL manager DMs you about numbers or merch or scheduling. Meanwhile in the left-wing milieu Nina was in you're always watching your back waiting for one of your 'friends' to cancel you so they can take over your clout for themselves.

>> No.31548872
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Don't worry, nobody can outperform the queen

>> No.31549349

I think she'll do great in vshojo

>> No.31549847

ASMR would work if she doesn't speak at all. She doesn't have the voice for it.

>> No.31553794

What a shit attempt at trying to make her appeal to woman haters considering that walking drama factory tumblr feminist makes fun of men and calls them incels on the regular just like scarle does

Outside of maybe Maria this wave will only appeal to groomed children that will 41% themselves in less than 5 years. I know this board has been infiltrated by discord trannies and children but trying to get anyone here to actually watch iluna will just turn them into haters because they're just a polar opposite of 4chan culture. Only Maria seems to be able to reel her personality in and not make it about her and her politics but time will tell if her genmates turn her into a twitter activist as well

>> No.31554040

>Her personality is her strong point. She's great.
No matter what reddit faggots and discord troons will tell you. This hobby is dominated by people who were pushed out of other hobbies by American woke tards and are now gate keeping as hard as they can.
Her debut stream was fucking career suicide. Vshojo already dominates the woketard market. These people don't watch Jap corpos. She'll never recover.

>> No.31555073

He is heavily debuffed by Aia. His usual numbers are 4-5k at least.
