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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 776 KB, 1000x1288, Vox_Akuma_Portrait[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31496620 No.31496620 [Reply] [Original]

>I was just quoting a Vine

>> No.31496646

This whole situation is funny as fuck to me

>> No.31496690

Well he was but i don't think his retarded fanbase cares

>> No.31496847

OP's mom is a hoe

>> No.31496867

fast synopsis?

>> No.31496953

>Luxiem vs Noctxy collab number 20
>They banter
>It's all fun
>Somewhere Vox was hit and quoted a meme "Whoever threw that, your moma is a hoe"
>It was Sonny
That's it. Except some antis are mad. They are literally grasping at straws. They existed since the Reimu thing.

>> No.31497040


>> No.31497230

The antis have been unbearable, especially pretending to be other groups to get the hate rolling further.

>> No.31497235

is that it? what an absolute nothingburger

>> No.31497336

That's literally it. Sonny got a couple of supa's talking about it and had to tell them to stop and that it was nothing on stream, bilibili watchers want him to graduate and there have even been some clear ESLs here trying to defend the point of view that Vox comitted a grave sin.

>> No.31497425

wtf that's funny as fuck. why can't these wogs take a joke?

>> No.31497495

Their feefees got hurt and now they smeared their stale cunt pheromones onto Vox. Now they just attack him at the slightest whiff of said pheromones. Literal bugmen

>> No.31497670

SEA and chinks retarded confirmed.

>> No.31497742

I mean, it's nothing extreme but for what little was said and done the reaction is kinda extreme. Imagine if they actually did have a little beef. This would've been absolute chaos

>> No.31498649

Chinks are fuckin stupid bro

>> No.31500007

I don't even like the glorified gigolo, but getting butt hurt over a "your mom" joke is some next level crazy. And when it wasn't even directed at them AND is from probably the most well known vine meme ever, I think these idiots just won the schizo olympics.

>> No.31500105

Bugs probably don't even know what a vine is. I don't even care for Nijisanji that much, but I think the whole situation is pretty stupid. It'll be a nothingburger until they can find something else to bitch about.

>> No.31500149

They're actually a lot more intelligent than your average American. You're just too brainwashed in your own warped media and the western side of the internet to see it.

>> No.31500224
File: 46 KB, 428x535, FAUNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vox gets abandoned by chink fujos
>disilussioned, he becomes an omegabased brotuber

>> No.31500266

vox is actually retarded just like his fans

>> No.31500453

>/vt/ I hate wiggers
>Vox *Acts like wigger*
>/vt/ Haha way to go man

>> No.31500560

At lease we're free to be able to act stupid.
not you Zhang that forced to act stupid or you are lost Train ticket privillage or other.

>> No.31500605

>Both Sonny AND Vox had to make statements on it
>Vox lost fans just like with the Reimu incident
He's going to lose his Bilibili channel soon, Virtual Real just got 3 new members they won't need him much longer.

>> No.31500622

Once you do dick sucking asmr you can never be a brotuber, no matter what

>> No.31500669

Sneed akuma has literally made more from his combined youtube+twitch+bilibili in the last 6 months than gura has in 2 years.

>> No.31500701

>At lease we're free to be able to act stupid.
Did you get that from western media? Do you think western media would accurately report the lives of Chinese people...a rival nation in almost every way? Notice how you never hear anything good that comes out of China or the fulfillment of its people? Ever. Isn't that strange, cheeto man?

>> No.31500704

>/vt/ is 3 people
You, me and the other guy.

>> No.31500707

>Chingchong Holobronie
>Changchong Anti
The same fucking deflection every nijipost horysheet

>> No.31500764

So no head?

>> No.31500789

>quoting a vine
Then he should have quoted it correctly.

>> No.31500806

>At least 4 dude
There is this one retarded fujo that I fight every post about males

>> No.31500818
File: 192 KB, 316x331, grasses on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he does blowjob asmr where HE blows (you), he totally could become one

>> No.31500908

I don't know what your horse is but vox already has all the money in the world from doing his dicksucking asmr.

>> No.31500932

This board is really gonna LARP as chinks to try and make a "your mom" joke into drama

>> No.31500933

You speak as if their neighbours Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong like them...

>> No.31501058

Based on what you've heard from western media, again.

>> No.31501063

NTA but Gura's numbers are irrelevant to the conversation m8
When you try to bring something irrelevant deviating from the original issue it is called deflection

>> No.31501090

I'm from one of these places

>> No.31501235

>this guy is on /vt/ and can't read Japanese

>> No.31501247

This is not debate club.

>> No.31501401
File: 134 KB, 474x492, he.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is when I'm online
If you have an issue with it debate me

>> No.31502004

>It's all fun

>> No.31503480

I warned you about going into china, bros

>> No.31503953

Thats all? Its not even directed toward sonny?

>> No.31504139

Not even /vt/ sisters would think to try and make a your mom joke into a drama if the chinks hadn't started acting out again.

>> No.31504216

we warned you about going into china bro

>> No.31504443


>> No.31506460

This is what the bugmen are and always have been

>> No.31506605

vox's fans are unsalvageable, worse than holobronies

>> No.31506646

He said "Sonny Brisko, your mum's a whore," Anon's recap is inaccurate.

>> No.31506753
File: 54 KB, 310x482, Ways-that-are-Dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR reading of 'Ways That Are Dark' by Raklph Townsend WHEN?!

>> No.31507010


>> No.31507108

Apparently dissing someone's parents in china is like saying "nigger" in the west

>> No.31507156


>> No.31507210

cao ni ma

>> No.31507326

Even in /NijiEN/ where they tolerate some shit everyone knows Sonny fans are absolutely fucking psychotic, whether they're /here/ or zhangs, for reasons nobody understands. I'm not convinced the outrage is actually going to amount to anything

>> No.31507352

He said that after he quoted the vine and sonny said it was him - nice try anti

>> No.31507462

Also to continue on that - everyone here besides Luca and Vox(Yugo) are pretty much fullfledged adults. You think Sonny fucking cares? Dude has been on this fucking site before 99% of this board even knew about 4chan.
Grow some fucking balls if some banter makes you emotionally unstable.

>> No.31507630

nice job, now say it in chinese and post it on bilivili so it gets to the people who are actually mad

>> No.31507972

Bullshit. My grandparents and some cousins are from China and the say "ma di" "[cho] ni ma" (fuck x's mom / fuck your mom) and gau all the time. Granted it's more a cuss than a joke, but that's at most a "motherfucker" level and even "bitch please" level when said in a non agressive way. It's nowhere near saying nigga with the hard r.

>> No.31508527

Imagine his name actually being wordfiltered as such

>> No.31509050

He doesn’t say whore you stupid bug

>> No.31509158

well is sonny brisko's mom a whore or not?

>> No.31509233


>> No.31509294

I will never learn chinese

>> No.31509327

audibly says ho you deaf moron

mildly insulting someones mom isn't a grave fatal insult in english. no one gives a shit. shut the fuck up and go away

>> No.31509398

christ your anger seems misdirected, go after the fujos man, not us

>> No.31509408

I know a lot of you retards are young or ESL, but "ho" is a truncated version of "whore."

>> No.31509409

>he didn't even direct it at Sonny
>well okay he did, but it was only the second time so it doesn't count
Almost as laughable as the people trying to change whore into hoe as though there is literally any difference.

>> No.31509519

how can you quote a plant

>> No.31509522

>Sneed akuma
kek I'm stealing this

>> No.31510137

And “special” is a truncated version of “retarded” but they don’t share the same severity. You are retarded by the way.

>> No.31510567

Next you're going to tell me "nigga" is just truncated version of "nigger" as if there is no sementic difference between them.

>> No.31510600

A lot of noise and is just clippers stirring up shit out of fucking nothing, as usual.

>> No.31510647

Honestly props to him for standing up for himself and the west. The CCP has made a culture that is offended for everything and I'm happy someone is clapping back and them.

>> No.31510872

Bruh, you are not my brother, bro.

>> No.31510927


You mean the Chinese, because that's who is doing it. And throwing a fucking fit about nothing is basically the speciality of China and Vox was the one who decided to pander to them, so I don't feel sorry for him at all. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

>> No.31511251


No one in the west actually looks at the Chinese as anything more than bug people. Literal ant colony nation except the queen is an insecure fat dude who banned Winnie the Pooh

>> No.31514986

we warned you about going into china bros

>> No.31515667
File: 778 KB, 220x256, 1656179428519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ drama
>Not a nothingburger
Pick one

>> No.31515750

Do you realise this has nothing to do with vt retardchama?
Just like saying Taiwan was a nothingburger objectively, apparently not for the chinese.
live by the chink, die by the chink.

>> No.31517020
File: 177 KB, 1030x904, 1656326236416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan, while absolutely retarded, was much worse because zhangs felt offended on a national level. Here it's just a bunch of oversensitive fujos getting "offended" over a yo mama joke. Fungus Covid told Vox that he'll beat his ass and nothing happened, Reimu made fujos mad and nothing happened, and nobody will remember this drama in a month too. I know this board has "trauma" over zhangs harrasing Coco, but in the long run, that drama was hilarious as fuck
>Insecure zhangs getting offended because they can't control Taiwan without getting nuked into oblivion by burgers
>Shit half of the internet just to own the amerimut dragon
>Couldn't even back up their death threats because they're poor underaged fags that live in 2 room flats in Beijing
>Celebrated fat menhera crying like it was some epic win
>Holo pulls out from chinese market alltogether, basically GTFOing the whole country for their retardation
>The reddit dragon left the company because Yagoo didn't let her be an all out whore on stream, basically proving how irrelevant the chinks spam truly was
Overall, it was a win - win situation: Holo got rid from the most cancerous member that was turning company into reddit, Chinks got what they wanted and holo pull out from the chink market. Honestly, the more zhangs chimp out, the better.

>> No.31518942

>T. 80 IQ Chinaman
Go focus on your times tables big dog

>> No.31519109

Why are people still pretending actual chinks care about the drama? It's literally all of the chinese fujos who got chased away when Vox's colombian GF called for FNAF help.

>> No.31519708

Best post in the thread

>> No.31520021

Still?! Damn, they need to let go already. What do they want from him...

>> No.31523146
File: 17 KB, 605x600, 1639398821327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ drama

>> No.31523887

why did he pander so hard to fujos.. had to be chink fujos too.

>> No.31528374

The same reason why businesses keep going into China despite the repeated and public examples of what happens when you go into China, he got blinded by the money.

>> No.31531901

He should've quoted a better vine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax27VgI-lVE

>> No.31532127 [DELETED] 

Sure buddy, sure you were.

>> No.31532247

Are you kidding me? Vox has ejected all straight males who could be interested in him bu constantly picking games for women and doing asmr for horny women lol

>> No.31539100


>> No.31540187

What's the yab? Is Sonny's mom actually a whore?
Jesus christ, kids on a school bus are less sensitive than some of you people

>> No.31540405

And now he gets the fanbase he wanted, who will drop him over a fucking 'your mom' joke.
A shame, cause he has the ability to banter, and actually fits in well in Nijicancelled with Selen, Pomu, Enna and the like.

>> No.31543299

go back

>> No.31544596

>you people

>> No.31544841

Do you think chinese people know about Vine?

>> No.31547875


>> No.31551583

Wait, the Italians and Greeks are angry at Vox?

>> No.31555478

we warned you about china bros

>> No.31555923

Not in china.
For the zhangs an insult to a mother is extreme

>> No.31556248 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 467x226, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a sane person, yes. Know what else is a nothingburger to a sane person?
They don't live in our reality, anon.

>> No.31556593

It gave tons of money and instant success, it was a huge boost to his numbers.
The problem is that the cracks are very quickly showing on why pandering to underaged Chinese/OL fujos/yumejos to this extent was a bad idea. Hell it seems practically all the livers hate it by now or even make fun of the Kindred for it.

>> No.31556647

really nigga

>> No.31560446

This whole drama wouldnt happened if sony didnt act like a little bitch

>> No.31562433

Shut up Zhang, go drink you bat soup

>> No.31563311


>> No.31566100


>> No.31567465
File: 77 KB, 726x759, 1653546585792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox is still losing chink subs

>> No.31568549

Nope, not at all

>> No.31569616

Wait, it's accelerating?

>> No.31569639

ayup, that thing has legs in the chinksphere now

>> No.31569705

i miss yogiri :(

>> No.31569720

Last I heard it sparked a fanbasewar between Noctyx and Luxiem fujos in zhangland so that might have contributed to it

>> No.31569793

women dont understand banter
