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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31434735 No.31434735 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, how can we remove him from Nijisanji?

>> No.31434928

Who? Fuuchan? If so then no, hes a based Niji-unityfag

>> No.31434930


>> No.31435024

He's the only good guy there.
I would rather delete everyone besides him

>> No.31435054

Enough internet for today.

>> No.31435291

He's unironically the most entertaining man on the english branch. Too bad he's dumb and pissed off so many people right out the gate.

>> No.31435324

And i tought tempiss lovers were faggots

>> No.31435552

Ironically despite everything, he's an anti-numberfag. He said pretty early on that he purposely filtered everyone on debut then switched immediately switched it up on his 2.0 stream so he could have a smaller audience. He even took a random 3 week break when the new wave debuted to debuff himself even more.

>> No.31435658

Lol you dont even know the half of it, his fanbase calls him their wife and enjoy decapitation art of him. Apparently its all yumes but I dont believe it

>> No.31435719
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Hi catalog readers. If you noticed a drop in the quality of /vt/ and wondered what the numberniggers are having a tantrum over, it's this! Expect every dead bait thread about niji to be bumped.

>> No.31435786

He still had a stream in which he talked about how much he regretted "the thing he did". I'd assume it was the discord leak, albeit it could had been the time he dabbed too much on Vox too.

>> No.31435826

oh shit its toya, suiseis bf

>> No.31435847

Fulgur is great, stop living in March 2022

>> No.31436047

Nah. Fuu-chan is great, remove Uki instead

>> No.31436168

the timeline adds up, he was discussing the discord leak. millie talking with him kept him from graduating

>> No.31436174

How did he piss them off?

>> No.31436276
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Fulgur is pretty based and one of the better en guys

>> No.31436349


>> No.31436374

"Council didn't do as well as they expected"

>> No.31436463

he literally said nothing that wasnt true

>> No.31436509

It's just silly how for the past year, a Nijisanji stream doing well just automatically means spam on the board for the following day.

>> No.31436688

lmao, did niji always "win" their shitty sport today ?

>> No.31436716
File: 248 KB, 750x897, 64D98F7B-21BC-4253-AC75-06EF8F4B734A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should we? He's great.

>> No.31436808

It sucks that he got so much hate, it's embarrassing that NijiEN got outed for gossping in private like that but they weren't even talking shit, just numberfagging. he wasn't even wrong and the "all out war" comment was obviously about the companies and obviously true.

>> No.31437062

>millie talking with him kept him from graduating
why would she? he bring shame to the Nijisanji's name and he should be punished for it and millie could go too for all i care

>> No.31437167
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>> No.31437340

Besides >>31436374 he also btfo Vox too much in the beginning. Kindreds couldnt take the banter and at a point even Vox himself shut down during a smash bros collab

>> No.31437397

Fulgur is a good boy
I want to matingpress his cute ass

>> No.31438986

Wash your vag

>> No.31439389

Isn't this one of the nijikeks that got caught tribalfagging in their seethcord?

>> No.31439482

The males call him that too.

>> No.31439635


>> No.31441772

Hes the only one that said anything remotely tribal and even then it was just numberfagging, the rest were joking around unless you take offence to "Hololive tech in shambles"

>> No.31441870

The ultimate unity man can't be defeated.

t. Fulgur

>> No.31442133

Will never forget how fulgur destroyed him so hard ingame and irl that he had to take 1 day off
After that fulgur treated him like a little brother and not an equal.
Also he regreted the thing he did at the start because of all the fucking hate it brought, not because it made him less popular - he doesn't care about that.

>> No.31443389

All out war guy

>> No.31445287

Ask your mom

>> No.31445471

I gave this fag a watch after the leak to see what's up. I don't enjoy him, but I can at least see why people like his streams.

>> No.31445515

Nah Fulgur is good. Is the OP image supposed to be you since this board has been seething over that for months

>> No.31445588

The fact he single handedly destroyed any possibility of a Niji and Holo collab... and it was all an accident.
Who know if anything worse has been said there by other people, but what Im more curious to see is the discord reaction after the leak happened and how they freaked out.
Do any holo people even follow him?
