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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.25 MB, 1242x1696, ACB0E157-B61F-4A7F-BB3E-23DE768E99C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31433757 No.31433757 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Sana there

>> No.31433987

Because she's john cena you can't see her. She only let you see her when she wants you to see her. Seethe

>> No.31434002


>> No.31434045

She un-graduated.

>> No.31434095

This art was made before Sana announced her graduation internally and no one bothered to commission new art.

>> No.31434161

The state of holoen if this was jp they'd commission new art for them. HoloEn is a black branch confirm.

>> No.31434183

OP is a faggot
art looks pretty cool tho

>> No.31434199

Council wants to remember her, because no one else will.

>> No.31434202


>> No.31434307

I hope Sana didn't prepare anything for this occasion before

>> No.31434479

She's been dead for 3 years anon, you have to move on or you'll never escape the coma

>> No.31434613
File: 283 KB, 475x526, cing krimson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning a graduated member
pretty sure baelz will be hearing from her management. brats may want to spend as much time with their oshi as possible, since her days may be numbered now.

>> No.31434705

yeah, holos don't mention graduated members, it has never happened before

>> No.31434776

If so I find it surprising, I'd assume they would know about it from months beforehand.

>> No.31434804
File: 689 KB, 1638x2048, b3p6lxpx9ko81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, bud.

>> No.31434854

Nigger that bitch didn't stream on her own channel, you think she prepared anything for this?

>> No.31434898

>please delete the small girl from the left
>my left or your left?

>> No.31434953

I mean, that's proof they DID intend to fix the art. It's just that the retard doing it got it wrong and then the intern that was handling it didn't notice.

>> No.31435502

She is stuck in the council meeting room it's where she broke her back and they just leave her there

>> No.31435875

I still lose my shit at this. It's too fucking funny

>> No.31436073

This happened twice, right? I think I saw one where they deleted somebody else.

>> No.31436135

I can't believe she chose to graduate just to draw Arknights characters and play more Genshin....

>> No.31436338

I think the other one is from bushiroad booth or something.

She graduates because she doesn't want to spend time singing or dancing in 3D just like coco.

>> No.31436532
File: 1.32 MB, 1242x1696, there is no sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the fix right here.

>> No.31436823
File: 49 KB, 462x433, 1661120955375054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Hololive has become such a vtuber idol hellscape I think they executed everyone in Hololive Fantasy after they made statements about Rushia.

>> No.31437013

They pay these leeches salaries and they don't even know which person they fired. Sometimes I wonder if they freaked out after realizing they'd fired their top SC earner.

>> No.31438058

Ah much better

>> No.31438405

Based yagoo

>> No.31438740

She's gonna play Ark Knights stream this stream is live

>> No.31438845

“FOREVER FIVE” bullshit Gen 5 and Gen 3 have been milking for pitybait

>> No.31439135

Don't they have the okay for Arknights streams?

>> No.31439187

It's called unity.

>> No.31439215


>> No.31439270

When was Aloe Vera mentioned last time?

>> No.31439276

>remove Ru-chan from the poster

>> No.31439396

Its a Chinese game. While I haven't seen any official statement of Yostar reverting their permissions from Cover, it would probably cause an army of Chinese to go into a frenzy until they revert those permissions, if a Holo were to stream Arknights again.
There's still the issue of self-doxxing, so just silently putting any mention of it under the rug is the best solution.

>> No.31440863

I mean the videos are up

>> No.31441560
File: 425 KB, 1242x1696, wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31441660

She will show up, mark my words

>> No.31442258

she unironically will in prerecorded video form

>> No.31442784

In pre-recorded video welcome her back

>> No.31446404

Because this is literally their debut picture.

>> No.31446872

Because people keep drawing pictures of them saying goodbye to Sana rather than pictures of them as a quartet.

>> No.31447709

>Why is Sana there
To make schizos seethe.

>> No.31448001

She will definitely give a surprise appearance in the anniversary stream.

>> No.31448059

"Please remove Ru-chan onegaishimasu."
