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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31347775 No.31347775 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

PRISM Project Auditions are open!

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread:

>> No.31347945

First for Willow love!

>> No.31348037

I love cute hag Clio!

>> No.31348151

ok so what's the deal with airplanegorilla?

>> No.31348308

Someone will probably post the discord screenshot now.
Fuck visagecord
Fuck viewercord
Fuck all /asp/cords


>> No.31348455

op forgot last thread

>> No.31348503
File: 91 KB, 486x524, 1646599071225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your advice to those who enjoy streaming and want to stream more but just can’t present well at all?

>> No.31348819

Don't you mean JJ? airplanegorilla is normal and talented in comparison.

>> No.31348924


>> No.31349022

The only way you'll improve is if you practice

>> No.31349046

Calm down Jignx, have some ice cream.

>> No.31349063

Viewercord is shit talking all you /asp/cord males behind your backs. The girls are scared of you. You're "creepy."

>> No.31349114

Angry sperg who hates male vtubers and rants over in viewercord when the male aspies dare to interrupt the females that groomercord was created for him to stalk in the first place.

>> No.31349121
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Rebelearthsky in this picture isn't the /wvt/ rebel. That's Bunzel, Visage's cocksleeve. He will say anything to keep /asp/cord from falling even if it means protecting someone with 0 experience in content creation like Visage while shit talking Lance Maverick for being a 2view.

>> No.31349123
File: 150 KB, 1920x1017, 20220822_002743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clio love!

>> No.31349141

Who is the least creepy male?

>> No.31349176
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>> No.31349209

thunderk is that you?!?

>> No.31349213

That guy's daily expatiations about his mental illness is cringe and off-putting

>> No.31349243
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Fuzuki Miki is airplanegorilla in this picture.

Why does it make sense to take guidance from Visage or Bunzel who is also a babi that women are creeped out by?

>> No.31349252

This kind of shit is why I don’t feel welcome whatsoever
Ever thinking that I could be a Vtuber was a fucking mistake

>> No.31349268

I want to rape kaiser until he stops being a babi and becomes a proper cocksleeve shota.

>> No.31349300

Is this Kaiser?

>> No.31349314

It's just viewercord. This thread and especially the visage discord is just a honeypot to groom and stalk new girls.

>> No.31349320


>> No.31349347
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Yes but the "babis" are the creepy ones.

Protect us chad viewercorders!

>> No.31349425

Because they use female models?
Or just how they act?
Is it all babis, or just some or most of them?

>> No.31349436

Visage wants him there because he knew a guy that made a remix that a few million zoomers watched once.

>> No.31349456

Ask bunzel. He's the one who DMs the girls PRIVATELY and talks about how the babis are creepy. When HE IS A BABI

>> No.31349474

I'm thoroughly convinced that there's enough drama that everyone is anonposting as their enemies to attempt to make them look bad.

>> No.31349548

Match the chuuba to their enemies!

>> No.31349580

Since when is Bunzel a babi

>> No.31349612

o m g sister no way bunzel did that??

>> No.31349676

His model has tits, it's a shortstack female.
Cope viewercord faggot. Post the viewercord user list if you think this is all a joke.

>> No.31349905

Hello /asp/, rate my pitch.

A channel with Video Game reviews and occasional full playthroughs. In addition to that anime figures and lLego sets reviews with OC footage (but can be anything requested by viewers). Can also include drawing streams after some time.

A v-tubersona is a lanky MALE wizard/necromancer/cultist with purple and green color scheme.

>> No.31350036

Thanks doc

>> No.31350389

I keep reading about JJ and his amazing work but I can't find anything except a dead Twitch channel and a clip of him using obvious voice changers that he's proud of.

>> No.31350416

Hauntlich already did it

>> No.31350455

Acting lessons are a great start. Learn to exaggerate and be emotive, and practice lots and lots!

>> No.31350529

You don't know what shortstack means

>> No.31350579

I don't mean to be unencouraging, but this doesn't sound particularly engaging or new. Not saying you can't pull it off, but based on that pitch alone I'm not sold.

>> No.31350631

>R*belearthsky in this picture isn't the /wvt/ rebel
Bullshit, they have the same writing style and share the same sentiment, there's no way they're not the same person unless one of them is skinwalking the other.

>> No.31350669

Lance unironically. He's happily married so there's not a grooming vibe to him.

>> No.31350681

If you want to be a schizo ok. RebelEarthSky is Bunzel. Still doesn't change the fact on what he's saying.

>> No.31351045

Cow is recruiting more souls for the Planetarium Project.

>> No.31352602

Can someone explain why babis are hated here?

>> No.31352679

they do not please the cock

>> No.31352704

the only people who *hate* babis are the ones who are looking to groom. most of the time, it's just people not liking the voice disconnect or feeling bad for them if they're trying to make it as an anime woman.

>> No.31352786

Babis are superior to male and female vtubers and have a buff, that's why everyone hates them.

>> No.31353058

Babis aren’t hated they are just not realizing the full potential they can achieve and are adamant on not changing.
A more boyish youthful or feminine design but still guy works infintely better than going straight female and mismatch
Its for their own good really, they can’t even get LGBTQ support as a trans person or nb because they don’t pander that way either leaving them from the source that would accept them even if they put no effort but support politically.
It is a question of priority and pride of the babi really and doing it on purpose even when pointed out why they won’t succeed or are less likely to succeed than a nonbabiniku counterpart.
They’ll keep seething though because they can’t stand these facts and the fact of the matter is statistically it’s way less likely to make it as a babi then as a guy even.

>> No.31353223

Babiphobics everywhere!

>> No.31353270
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, 1656002071628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you gonna hate on airplane gorilla then you should hate on nekolatte ain too or its gonna be hypocritical of you

>> No.31353304

I solely seek out babis to jack off to the avatar as I mute the stream

>> No.31353825

I don't hate either of them, anon. Neither gave me a reason to hate them.

>> No.31354026

None of the males are creepy, at least that I've noticed. All of them just want to stream games dude, there's nothing wrong.

>> No.31354229

If you are a babi you are NGMI and girls think you're a creep
It's not too late to change however, just get a male png and work your way up from there
I believe in you

>> No.31354401

I'm still going to think you're a creep. I think some other women are creeps too. I do feel sorry for babis that they get hate when women playing male characters are adored.

>> No.31354468

Yeah we gotta make sure to obsessively and persistently observe these people to make sure they don't stalk anyone.

>> No.31354477

Would you watch Clio mark essays on stream?

>> No.31354524

You can be a creep as a male too it won’t change the contents of one’s character but atleast it’ll be a step up

>> No.31354530

Life is sadly full of double standards, for both sexes
That's just how it is, so you may as well not handicap yourself further

>> No.31354529

I wish Clio would mark my essay if you catch my drift

>> No.31354599

No I have to double down to own them but then never actually achieve any height because babi or not i’m not actually entertaining

>> No.31354685

The girls like me more than the guys desu.

>> No.31354783

Is your essay on hag loving?

>> No.31354787

The sad part is that despite one or two autistic women almost all of the hate comes from horny-brained men. That also says a lot about the industry and what really drives a lot of it too. It's not impossible to break away from sex work lite which is what a lot of chuubas end up doing, but you need some serious talent and a lot of luck. Male or female, most of us are screwed and forced into ultimatums if we want to succeed.

>> No.31354823

All this schizoposting and this faggot still hasn't posted the visage nudes

>> No.31354912

The stream of consciousness schizo never stops. Everyone has to hear about his angry opinion about everything all the time.

>> No.31355027

Wrong thread? Or she taking EN?

>> No.31355072

I liked it better when half the shitposting was just mundane smalltalk about food and shopping

>> No.31355110

Now it's all about being an opinionated big shot that has nothing to show for it but passes judgement on everyone else.

>> No.31355276

Required watching for all aspiring vtubers! This panel filled panel 4 at Otakon 2022! They stopped letting new people in! 200 ccv! No raids!

>> No.31355388

Wow this is bullshit you just stacked the audience by filling it with viewercord members

>> No.31355497

Remember when viewercord was for viewers?

>> No.31355531

so lance?

>> No.31355569

I watched it but it was terrible. I know that you know better than the advice you gave and know that the quality is terrible. Stop trying to shill it. Delete it and make a good video without your professional viewer friend and I'll give it a watch but I'm not watching that again.

>> No.31355582

Only like ten! Perhaps two hundred viewercorders next time!

>> No.31355620

Is Lance secretly JJ?

>> No.31355663


>> No.31355919
File: 174 KB, 449x675, deprived kuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deprived run of ds3, lets get to agony maxing.

>> No.31356064
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Even if this was true a lot of good that did. One month 4 average viewer count. Sorrel isn't a vtuber. Nobody gives a fuck about your circlejerk podcast.

>> No.31356192
File: 103 KB, 270x270, All falseflaggers are Sorafags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See. SEE! You guys now realise that the viewercord is evil. However... you young naïve foals have yet to understand WHY! Sure the cords have groomers but you do NOT realise who creates the groomers. I saw this happen in the /wvt/ thread. I tried to fight it in /trash/. I gave up in the /lig/. All problems can be sourced to one, ONE(1), being. Schizos. You know wh9 are the biggest schizos? A N Y A P O S T E R S! They soften up /trash/ so it could be over run and ruined. They DESTROYED /wvt/ so now it is SLOW! THEY ARE RUINING /lig/! HELL I BET ALL OF THE VIEWERCORD IS RUN BY ANYAFAGS! IT ISN'T THE VIEWERCORD RUINING /ASP/! IT IS A N Y A S!!! HEED MY WARNING OTHERWISE SUFFER THE SAME FATE AS TRASH YOUNGINS!!!

>> No.31356285

Several people came to me about how good the advice was! So I have on good authority that my panel did some good! Which was the goal!
I don't really care that much about viewer count bro... It doesn't mean anything... It's made up!
What is a VTuber?
It's not my podcast!

>> No.31356350

Bunzel seems to care.
Aren't you good friends with him? He seems to think it matters a lot.

>> No.31356376

I'm not Bunzel! Silly ass!

>> No.31356424

Nobody likes you ironic faggot.

>> No.31356460


>> No.31356603

You mean there are other classes than deprived?

>> No.31356634

Why are you still linking streams in /asp/, you're supposed to move onto /wvt/ eventually dude.

>> No.31356801

no. someone with a functional brain could have predicted it after seeing leaflit there

>> No.31357107

>some 2view joins a server
>"oyyy vey muh private circlejerk is no longer for viewers!!"

>> No.31357153

>2 view

>> No.31357174
File: 486 KB, 585x543, 1634360880795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Maple to cook me lunch so I can sneak up behind him, hold him tight, and softly kiss his neck until he's moaning and begging me to bend him over the sink and pound his little boihole.

>> No.31357196

Did it do good if people say it did or did it do good if it translates into actual results for people? There is a market for this kind of content and all you did was meet their mid needs. The advice is trash and you know it's trash. Shill it in a community that enjoys spending their time watching a thousand of these videos.

>> No.31357205

None of viewercord watches her they're too busy watching childlike sounding vtubers. She's only in there because of mightygerm.

>> No.31357239

kill yourself

>> No.31357271

are they married or something?

>> No.31357323

I mean, I can always follow up on what it did for them months down the line, which I plan on doing.

>> No.31357481

It didn't do anything man. There is a market for that stuff and this ain't it.

>> No.31357482

If there's a chance of Asari getting on my server I would let Leaflit join my viewer exclusive server anytime, anyday, anywhere.

>> No.31357525

they're the same fucking person

>> No.31357575

I did something right! After all - I filled the panel room.

>> No.31357713

>Hi mister Stephen King, yes answer my question. I am le aspiring author. How do you write and come up with ideas?

Maybe after he's given the same canned answer for the millionth time someone will use the advice to publish a book.

>> No.31357819

has anyone else ever noticed that lance and visage have very similar voices?

>> No.31357986

Imagine being this mad about 10 people on a Discord instead of improving your own content.

>> No.31358028

It's an introductory panel with limited time for people who don't know anything - for more depth, my DMs are open!
I don't remember what Visage sounds like imma be real

>> No.31358070

Otakon filled the panel room. They would have watched a dog take a shit and still asked questions.

>> No.31358227

>for more depth, my DMs are open!
What depth? You're less than 10 ccv.

>> No.31358260

Lance sounds way more handsome and chad than Visage. Lance has a wife and a house! Visage has a Discord server.

>> No.31358336

Yeah but I had twice the audience of the kpop group q&a in the room right before so clearly I did something right

>> No.31358352

But are they married?

>> No.31358380

People might talk about improving content if those 10 people shut up for a minute.

>> No.31358388

And you retained none of it because they realized you were a talentless loser.

>> No.31358413

Yes mightylit is married to leafgerm.

>> No.31358437

Pal, I've been streaming longer than most people in this thread have been able to drink
Clearly you aren't a Sorrelsister

>> No.31358484

They must have confused you with Nyanners. It's an honest mistake really.

>> No.31358488

No, but I'm engaged to Asari

>> No.31358499

You're the one who keeps posting about them. I don't even know who half these people are. Do they even stream? They all have like 15 names.

>> No.31358536

Happens all the time :,(

>> No.31358653

Lucid is probably the worst viewercorder. Don't trust Australians.

>> No.31358677

Are the posters here children or are you just all emotionally immature brats who've never held down a job before?
Just read the last 20 or so posts and I don't see how a fully-functioning adult could act like this.

>> No.31358711

>Pal, I've been streaming longer than most people in this thread have been able to drink
With your numbers, that isn't something to brag about.

>> No.31358755

Streaming for years and not making progress doesn't make you seem like you know what you're talking about. I would have been more interested if your panel was how to fail as a vtuber and about what lessons can be learned from your failure. Instead you're taking the unimaginative route of aggrandizing with literally a handful of viewers.

>> No.31358835

Or maybe, just maybe, otakon selects for aspiring vtubers more than it does for kpop fans. Maybe there were an army of 2-views like yourself that picked the panel because "hey, I'm a vtuber too! might as well!" Maybe you weren't the factor in them coming whatsoever. I think you're just joking around, but if not, please be honest with yourself.

>> No.31358837

I'm not the one that keeps posting about them FYI.

>> No.31358842

Is it true he's doing a grand tour of the world to fuck all the vtubers he's groomed

>> No.31358867

Who knows? You cannot understand the babi brain. Must be full of holes like a Swiss cheese.

>> No.31358872

Oh yeah?
Where did you get that post? The toilet store? I have made progress silly billy!
Where do you think you are?

>> No.31358912

Okay mate. Then tell your other friends here to knock it off.

>> No.31358956
File: 184 KB, 540x565, 6D46E2C9-17A8-40F2-89C7-F713ADDC5F51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the various charm points of the /asp/ies?

>> No.31359009

You're just Shania 2.0

Except he actually had better viewership than you.

>> No.31359038

Kaiser is cute!

>> No.31359046

We're not friends AFAIK none of them have ever messaged me privately.

>> No.31359175

My unironic opinion is that the panel succeeded because the other vtuber content there was just kind of "yeah" and not really informative at all. The panel was at primetime for panels. There's also a lot of people who wouldn't watch a youtube video but would watch a live lecture on the subject at a con, since they can walk in. As for why the kpop had less showing than I did, I'm at a loss. I'm having a lot of fun right now.
Huh??? I'm not schizoing... Can you say the same?

>> No.31359212

That post is giving you a really great idea. The fact you react like that and keep trying to shill awful content like it's hot when it's already old says enough. You can't force yourself to go viral with this mate, but you're unwilling to try different tactics.

>> No.31359218
File: 27 KB, 838x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? More like negative progress HAHAHA

>> No.31359238

>reddit spacing
Ok newfren, I'm totally sure (You) know how shania was like. Ohio and all.

>> No.31359259


Brit or Aussie detected. Time to disregard.

>> No.31359352

Hot take but your panel was just "yeah" and not really informative at all. Try some introspection.

>> No.31359417

Bro the line is literally going upwards LMAO

>> No.31359459

>he doesn't know
Anon I...

>> No.31359465

>line goes up

Is this a bit???

>> No.31359564

Neither but disregard it and someone with a clue will do it anyway and do better for being so clever to invert the same old boring ass pep talk crap.

>> No.31359583

Fair enough!

>> No.31359672

Holy run-on sentence Batman! I change my hypothesis: You're a Malay.

>> No.31359680
File: 16 KB, 833x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you looked at the stats the only stream he had viewers was the post otakon stream which skewed the line. Going from a 2ccv to 4ccv isn't impressive. Last 180 days.

>> No.31359776

180 days worth of progress

>> No.31359906

I still went up bro... Sorry you didn't have a stream like that!

>> No.31360007

You actually would have went down if it wasn't for the viewercord cirlclejerk watching you after Otakon. Congratulations on your 0.1 average increase after 180 days of streaming.

>> No.31360094

hi guraposter!! :3

>> No.31360132

You're a failure. Your video was a failure. Barely past 200 views after two weeks. You shilled this everywhere, in the thread, in the discord. You told people to watch it multiple times. Some actually gave you support and watched it. In return what we get is you being a fucking asshole too proud to be real and honest with us. What do you expect? You're a loser, the kind nobody wants to be like. Shit flinging to defend your 2view pride, please end my life if I ever turn out like that. Fucking Vschizos.

>> No.31360171

What did he mean by this?

>> No.31360200

He is the pride of viewercord. This is the type of person that is in the server.

>> No.31360265

I still had the viewers tho?
I'm not being an asshole bro, I know it could be better!
Can you share your view average? You really fixate on that...

>> No.31360266

Post the userlist! I need to see who else to support!

>> No.31360349

>mass replying
Someone's salty that they got called a redditnerd.

>> No.31360376
File: 263 KB, 220x2910, 1645480228499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old userlist. Sorrel hadn't joined when this was leaked and many of the vtubers are using a different alias in this picture.

>> No.31360415
File: 2 KB, 131x85, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops I dropped this my bad

>> No.31360430

This is the babi mind at work. Viewercord can really save their money since they get to live in his head rent-free.

>> No.31360470

This is old as shit.

>> No.31360527

Sorrel post the viewercord userlist right now and I gift you 100 subs.

>> No.31360528
File: 607 KB, 619x691, they are merging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's alright

>> No.31360680
File: 263 KB, 220x2910, 1661104865271299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bro

>> No.31360715

Got something to hide? Why is it so secretive?

>> No.31360748

im not in this picture

>> No.31360775

DM Mightygerm for an invite... Join the good side...

>> No.31360822

Post the userlist. Mightgerm and Bunzel control you?

>> No.31360925

I have a security clearance specifically for Viewercord (an apparatus of the US Department of State) so I cannot show new information. Sorry, friend.

>> No.31360954

Yes, they have blackmail on me. It's too late for me, don't get sucked in. I have to dance to their twisted tune but the rest of you can be free. It's why there's so much schizoposting, they control us all with blackmail and threats.

I wish I had never joined Viewercord.

>> No.31361038

>sorrel bows to mightgerms cock
Kind of pathetic. Creepy too how the userlist is so secretive and private.

>> No.31361064
File: 101 KB, 1178x923, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leeks, anyone?

>> No.31361196

I always knew that lamyfag was a schizo

>> No.31361208

>who is it?
>who posted it?
>which one of you did it?

>> No.31361331

Show the current member list.

>> No.31361349

It's probably because there are a few unhinged assholes but there are also innocent people that will get caught up in it.

>> No.31361378

We can't. Germ has so much control, you don't even know what he could do to me. I shouldn't even be talking here.

>> No.31361397

Maybe they should stop hanging around scum then?

>> No.31361415

Just dm germ to join it isn't that scary he's nice

>> No.31361417

You first.

>> No.31361475

No, you first.

>> No.31361492

I'm with the CIA (Chuuba Intelligence Agency) we promise to take you into protective custody once you become a whistleblower on the Viewercord terrorist organization.

>> No.31361521

You'll just end up removing yourself from every community and becoming a digital hermit. Saints don't succeed, not even the religious vtubers.

>> No.31361557

My ancestors are smiling at me, babi. Are yours?

>> No.31361578

what lamyfag?

>> No.31361599

too afraid to make anything because of spies and schizos

>> No.31361620

I'm bunzel nigger. I created the babi.

>> No.31361642
File: 1 KB, 263x209, 1659535280633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this screenshot from the server

>> No.31361753

Leak something interesting. Like your name

>> No.31361829

randolurk3r. He shat up /wvt/ too. Pure attentionwhore.

>> No.31361886

stop doxxing right now

>> No.31361919

You can call me Nemo.

>> No.31361932

wow this thread is now more about random discords than vtubers

>> No.31361944

leak the shit talking channels on lancecord first

>> No.31361951 [DELETED] 

heh heh

>> No.31362011

he isn't nice. he is one of the old 4chan users and very toxic

>> No.31362054

Could you let your discord know that I just spilled cheezits over myself

>> No.31362100


>> No.31362153 [DELETED] 

Heh heh heh

>> No.31362164

It's not hard to stay out of the drama. I was shocked by some of the things people posted at first but just don't get involved. Focus on making things and improving your craft.

>> No.31362196 [DELETED] 

he knows

>> No.31362222

Just have fun.

>> No.31362244 [DELETED] 

Shut it down.

>> No.31362267




>> No.31362274

I haven't had this much fun here since antman

>> No.31362313

yes sir

>> No.31362462

its lucidchama you have to dm to get in now

>> No.31363184

Jignx is that powerful, kneel.

>> No.31363374

>viewercord timeloop
So this is the power of fomo...

>> No.31364634
File: 85 KB, 1033x499, 6q0x1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake the fuck up, pupet

we got a WEEABRUNCH to burn


>> No.31364678
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1660937278588211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 4th time- enough bullshit

i'm looking for someone to stream Elden Ring with

discard drama. embrace the call to adventure. deep in your heart, you know that this is the only truth

>> No.31364757

>4th time
maybe people aren't interested in your idea? ever thought of that?

>> No.31364814

DM Sorrel that sounds sick

>> No.31365265

Sync room

Still need to be relatively close to your partner in terms of ping though.

>> No.31366179

I’m so glad I don’t understand like 90% of the shit that gets posted in /asp/ these days.

>> No.31366348

Hello anons, I'm one of the many thousands of aspiring pngtubers.

My voice is not very good, is it still possible for me to make an attempt at streaming if my content/personality is interesting enough? I'm pretty sensitive to sound myself so if I don't like someone's voice I don't tend to follow them. What do you guys think?

>> No.31366448

>My voice is not very good, is it still possible for me to make an attempt at streaming if my content/personality is interesting enough?
If you are a male don't bother women are way more superficial than men they wont give you a chance if your voice is shit

>> No.31366519

Not very good in the sense that you sound like a squeaky nerd or not very good in the sense that you don’t enunciate clearly? I’d say as long as you’re fluent in the language you want to stream in, can speak clearly and are entertaining that the majority of people aren’t going to be turned off by your voice. If this is something you want to do, you have to have some self-confidence.

>> No.31366649

By what metric is your voice "not good"? Who's to say it's "not good"? You can always attempt to stream and find out. You won't get a more clear answer than to just try it yourself. But if you think your voice isn't good, then do something about it. Practice your speech reps offline, talk to yourself more, talk to people IRL.

>> No.31366671

Is the click test a good test for if a VTuber talks enough? You click through a VOD and see if they're talking at random points.

>> No.31366717

I just have a very generic, uninteresting tone to my voice with a very slight lisp. I have no problems talking and can carry conversation well, but I am concerned by the sound itself rather than how I use it. I could fake either a deeper or higher pitch, but I don't wanna be a faker either.

>> No.31366765

You can work on it to make it sound better by practicing outloud and working on inflection
Voices and vocal range can generally be trained you need to and can get used to it.
Just needs a lil practice and patience
Easiest way is to record yourself reading outloud and listening to it tryign to pinpoint what you deem unpleasant and finding other traits or thigns to adapt instead.
Maybe you talk to fast so it’s to hard to understand you and you don’t realise.
Take it as a systematic approach to getting better.
This also can been done as a process of vtubing itself or starting out don’t be discouraged at all

>> No.31366841

Stream with Eraxs, easy

>> No.31366918

there are plenty of Vtubers out there who have a normal or nondistinctive voice and do well! You just might have to try harder with your content but I'm sure you can do ok

>> No.31366929

Just be genuine and stream stuff that you’re enthusiastic about. I think you’re worrying a little too much. Just talk to yourself and other people as often as you can. There’s not really any such thing as a “generic” tone of voice.

>> No.31366941

You're playing a character. You can give it whatever voice you want, as long as you're consistent with it. If you're more worried about the sound, then just test it out on OBS or whatever you plan to stream with. You can monitor the way your voice sounds. There are plenty of tutorials on how to improve your mic quality.

>> No.31367359

Time for the first stream I guess. I feel like playing video games.

>> No.31367555

Thank you for the responses everyone, didn't expect it to be this constructive and welcoming to be honest... it's very much appreciated. I'll keep working hard and maybe someday I can live off of this job too.

>> No.31367597

Dog bussy...

>> No.31367678
File: 1.28 MB, 858x1080, 1630543058519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly wrong. Anyaposters created /lig/. It bears the <Global> mark since the very first day.
They also have been running this very thread since the Hopeful tripfag left a year ago. Check the OPs.
It's over. You can't stop it now.

>> No.31368012

Go back to your cytube

>> No.31368057

Gary Busey...

>> No.31368654
File: 101 KB, 305x311, 1654525684082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You are in my thread now not your thread
>and I got friends on the other side

>> No.31369489

Does doing NSFW content auto bar you from applying for corpos?

>> No.31369559

Everyone does in reality. Imagine hearing some of those distinct vtuber voices in real life, it's not happening.

>> No.31369577


>> No.31369595

Maybe some, but not all. Polka's previous incarnation did some NSFW stuff, if I recall.

>> No.31369640

>using kikemaha
not even once brother

>> No.31369826

anyaposters i appreciate you on the days where i didn't make a new op but i was the only one making threads for a very long stretch of time

>> No.31369846

You mean her previous corpo life or even before that?

>> No.31369892


>> No.31370073

You're welcome. I want that for myself too, but it sure is going to take hard work. There will be highs and lows, but if you keep trying to improve your streams or videos and stay dedicated to doing so, you're going to get a lot out of this.
There are still a handful of us left in /asp/ that are likeminded; you just have to be able to filter out all of the thread vs. Discord nonsense and the low-effort trolling from those people.

>> No.31370573
File: 72 KB, 259x259, 1636420906640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but aren't you an anyaposter yourself, ******* ******?
The anyanetwork says its you making these ops

>> No.31371055

It's the same 4 people who screech about it every thread, despite multiple babis seeing consistent growth. Pay it no mind.

>> No.31371276
File: 618 KB, 850x1118, 1660292224870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just like lyricanya a lot

>> No.31371503

Viewers too

>> No.31371800

Previous corpo life, though from stuff that came out afterwards, seems said corpo pushed her into specifically that type of content.

>> No.31371990

There isn't one

>> No.31372603

Maple is back after having an attention whore meltdown and "i quit" moment

>> No.31372832

Sincerely good for him, quitting in such a rash way always end up as a regret.

>> No.31373076

I'll draw him some returner art when I'm done with the other /asp/ies

>> No.31373102

But what does wvt have to do with being an aspiring vtuber
Attention whore? I mean he never is /here/ shilling himself he's just had maple sex posters

>> No.31373179


>> No.31373182

Depends which corpo. Noel still does literal titty streams on the side.

>> No.31373637

Quitting was smart for him, he is never gonna be sucessful in streaming.

>> No.31373824

Quitting was dumb for him, he is gonna be successful in streaming.

>> No.31373977

Him quitting made me sad, but also I will try to watch him more though I fucking hate twitch.

>> No.31374179

so who was the dying aspie?

>> No.31374214

Me. I'm literally dying each passing day.

>> No.31374290

aren’t we all?

>> No.31374352

Correct, but death is not the end of things. It's simply a part of the cycle of life.

>> No.31374373

at least you're not given a date. still wondering who that poster was.

>> No.31374586
File: 31 KB, 1248x160, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple is a slut

>> No.31374956


>> No.31375750

Do you really need to build up an audience on twitter and hype up a debut? I just want to stream, and eventually do a debut if I actually pop off

>> No.31375905

what even defines a debut?

>> No.31375934

No, you don't have to do that. I think you have the right idea, personally. I have the same plan in mind.

>> No.31376249

No, you don't. But how will people know about you if you don't advertise anywhere?

>> No.31376296

Audience on Twitter? Nani?

>> No.31376449

The "nice voice" guy from the last thread was Adrian

>> No.31376459

#lewdtuber trending on Twitter has me wanting to commit acts of violence. suggest a vtuber for me to write fanfiction about.

>> No.31376479


>> No.31376551

Question for the thread, Me and some buddies have a small vtuber podcast we do on youtube, and wanted to do an episode on smaller indies/startups. I thought it'd be cool to bring up /asp/ as one of the talking points, but idk how you anons feel about here being name dropped.

>> No.31376630

The catch 22 is that if you're at all popular (which you aren't since you're here) associating them with /asp/ would be very damaging to their image, but if you're tiny (which you are) they won't care and it won't matter anyway.

>> No.31376678

/asp/ is a public space, we can't tell you shit. And /asp/ is not a collective, some people will agree, some people won't.

>> No.31376721

>>>>>>>>>/asp/ is not a collective

>> No.31376780

How are you going to gain attention on twitch alone? Literally impossible

>> No.31376877

You have to ask permission from viewercord since they run this place

>> No.31377094

remember when xia was all "oh don't worry I'll still be around in your chats?"


>> No.31377206

>And /asp/ is not a collective
They can't even think for themselves without Jignx tardwrangling

>> No.31377214

I wouldn’t do it if I were you, given how low quality the threads have been lately. I don’t meant to say that it would be a bad idea to bring this place up; I just wouldn’t do it myself.

>> No.31377247

the viewercord isn't even real

>> No.31377263

haha wonder why she'd wanna distance herself from you freaks

>> No.31377289

Time to let go.

>> No.31377352

A shame most of you guys aren't eligible to join the babicord
It's a cozy place, no homo

>> No.31377392


viewercord faggots really have been swarming around the thread ever since their hive got exposed, you love to see it. go make some friends jesus christ

>> No.31377427


>> No.31377468

They can’t and won’t. I wonder how old these guys are?

>> No.31377529

27 images for 282 posts.
The less images, the shittier the thread.

>> No.31377544

just wonder if you actually have hope for this place
or why you're even still here
haha pretty funny of you!! hee hee!! kill yourself

>> No.31377545

Pretty sure Rin is part of lancecord

>> No.31377615
File: 592 KB, 3000x3000, FX04s3RUYAszmTz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still 25 posts left in the thread to salvage this

>> No.31377667

my association with this place has always been very loose, and I have zero hopes for it. Even lesser are my hopes for viewercorders as they are blatant social retards. Say what you will about aspies but some of them can at least carry a normal conversation. Jignx and co. wouldn't even be able to look me in the eyes when speaking

>> No.31377698

I’ve never really agreed with this, especially in a thread like this one.

>> No.31377878

That's funny you say that when Adrian said when he met up with Bunzel he constantly avoided eye contact.

>> No.31377973

Bunzel on the other hand said Adrian tried to grab his ass, wouldn't trust him much

>> No.31378030

A lot of successful chuubas are terrible in IRL social stuff so we can't exactly judge them for that.

>> No.31378132
File: 26 KB, 500x313, lainwadare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a good rule of thumb. If an anon took 2 seconds to attach a picture, it shows he cares a little bit about his posts. And that he's not shitting on a thread on his phone to kill time at work.

>> No.31378248

/asp/corders will blame viewercord but post their links here but not /wvt/

>> No.31378297

Bunzel is a classic ITG

>> No.31378308

appreciate the input, anons. We weren't planning on name dropping specific startups here. Thought it'd be cool to bring up but idk whats the line for something thats too containment breaking /here/

>> No.31378334

I don't really agree at all, especially when the images are mostly just /vt/ sisters reaction images or Discord garbage.

>> No.31378395

I think I'm part of the elusive gen 5

>> No.31378985

Is it like a girls' sleepover but gayer? Do you share makeup tips and how to tape and tuck?

>> No.31379018

I think I know the Based God

>> No.31379091

sounds blessed

>> No.31379180

i've seen her in some servers still

>> No.31379583

Is gen 4 already over?

>> No.31379826

gen 4 never started

>> No.31380622

Technically that's just crossdressing. I miss the old days when crossdressers and transgenders were different people

>> No.31380637

Which is the better corpo, holo or niji? I want to be able to curse and be raunchy.

>> No.31380729

We know he banned yellow cat as soon as you joined so I don't think he'd let Rin in.

>> No.31380811

Any gender preference?

>> No.31380859

Babis are more crossdressers or drag queens than transgender so it fits

>> No.31381758

They still are. It's just that some people can't think of anything worse to call someone as in insult than trans. On the other hand people can't think of anything worse to insult a trans with than drag queen, transvestite, cross dresser and man. People are obsessed with gender insults.

>> No.31382143

She was in my chat a few times. She's still around, anon

>> No.31382809
File: 200 KB, 1142x1369, jaysmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trying to find a male lover in cyberpunk 2077

>> No.31383291 [DELETED] 

>Monkeypox spreader

>> No.31383564

Someone tell me the difference between the discords
Where do I go if I want to have genuine chats

>> No.31383974

Not either one. Find some chuubas that you like and join theirs.

>> No.31384065


Join this one and you'll see that it's just nice people talking about being vtubers instead of the boogeymen the thread schizos about.

>> No.31384269

the vtubers there are nice. the viewercorders there are not, but they don't talk much there. instead, they just talk in the viewercord behind everyone's backs. it's not rocket science, really- you don't want to make yourself vulnerable to these snakes

>> No.31384510

>join a streamers discord I really like
>They're small

>join a streamer I like
>They're big
>conversations make no sense and mostly mods circle jerking

>> No.31384605

That's how community works.

>> No.31384833

How do I break this and talk with chuubas

>> No.31385079

I'm glad my followers are slowly starting to forget about me. I feel less bad about things now. I love you all, /asp/!

>> No.31385144

For reals:

Probably most "friendly" if you fall in line and not say anything that's not kosher.

You can relatively say anything you want. Watch your back though. They're worse than high school girls there.

The most circlejerk of them all. You gotta jerk Lance to join.

>> No.31385476

Best software for 2d tuber, 3d vtuber and pngtuber? And is the software available already beyond holo and niji soft?

>> No.31385712

Dont do it, this place is a disaster.
Talk about wvt instead

>> No.31385723

Pray tell what is this fabled babicord

>> No.31386033

God he’s so cute. I want to rape the menhera argument spergery out of him. More catboxes

>> No.31386831

I joined lancecord and I've only spoken to Lance once. Stop making him a boogie man

>> No.31387021


This is reddit spacing newfag election tourist.

>> No.31387163


>> No.31387305

What's so boogeyman about that, you thin-skinned motherfucker?

>> No.31387485

You're misrepresenting something out of malice.

>> No.31387530

I'm not gonna mince words with you fuckers.

>> No.31387532

Visage is the schizo

>> No.31387582

Okay viewercorder. Show proof that you have to jerk off lance to join

>> No.31387627

Post invite.

>> No.31387727

cribeti crab, snibeti snab

>> No.31387738

You have to be a streamer which is a big ask for the groomers

>> No.31387751

I'm not a mod cadence Elliot or Lance have to do that

>> No.31387775

Why bother when there's viewercord logs as proof that those people are shitheads?

>> No.31387783

That's what I thought.

>> No.31387861

Can you post an invite to viewercord?
