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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31205312 No.31205312 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>31129878

>> No.31205334
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.31205387

Pikamee, Kson and Nazuna collab when?

>> No.31205455
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She might join the next english lesson

>> No.31205687 [DELETED] 

Cover is a black company

>> No.31205826

Love wife, don't bite bait.

>> No.31206898

Cover is a Japanese company actually. Common mistake.

>> No.31206920
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>> No.31207180

Why does the castle look so much like a dick

>> No.31207410

Wholesome retweet

>> No.31209870
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>> No.31211821

What the fuck is Twunker?

>> No.31212161

Don’t worry about it

>> No.31213615


>> No.31213803
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>> No.31213908


>> No.31213951

he meant live, not live

>> No.31213967

Yes she is still alive thanks for the update

>> No.31214048


>> No.31214084

She followed someone not too long ago

>> No.31214256

It's been 4 days since i came to this thread so idk about much what's happen here . Can you explain?

>> No.31214286


>> No.31214554 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31215458


>> No.31215801

It's a discord group. Damn i hate bunkerfags so much. Bunkerfags can go fuck themselves

>> No.31215896

He cranky because he’s going to miss out on amogus

>> No.31216006


>> No.31217422
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>> No.31218519
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>> No.31218607

Thought that was a can of cat food for a moment there and just sort of accepted it

>> No.31218666

why is a group that jerks off to towa posting in this thread?

>> No.31218711

your oshi also towa posts to this day
Like oshi like fanbase

>> No.31221881
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>> No.31222288

it boggles my mind that after three years people still love the pettan jokes. they crave it. it's been made five hundred times but it's still not enough. pettan! flat! wall! cutting board! people piss themselves in pure euphoric laughter just thinking about how small RuNa's breasts are. Two-thirds of every clip is about a pettan joke, half of all her superchats are a pettan joke. i wonder if she resents having to pander to this stupid forced meme, to go through the whole "NEEEEEE" reaction every single time because the masses love this stupid shit and because it's what gets her clipped. i'm tired of making fun of her pettan. i want to celebrate her pettan.

>> No.31222360 [SPOILER] 
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Love wife

>> No.31222470

なに!!! とずな????? なずわ?????

>> No.31222486 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.31222780

Is learning kanji going to improve my vocab or am i putting my eggs in the wrong basket for learning?

>> No.31222912

Learning kanji is useless for understanding speech

>> No.31223081

if you're doing isolated kanji study to memorize shit like on/kun readings then you're wasting your time
learn words and you'll naturally pickup kanji and their readings from seeing them in different words
you don't need to memorize that 木 is moku or ki because you'll know which reading is used based on the context of the sentence

>> No.31223274

What’s the best way to learn vocab then? Preferably on the phone because i’ll just play games on the computer. I have been putting many hours into practicing kanji with a stylus on my phone to learn to write them and learn their meaning

>> No.31223657

rep a vocab deck in anki like core2.3k + read with a popup dictionary like yomichan or nazeka, or use an ocr on your phone like kaku
otherwise just watch shit in japanese, preferably with some kind of visual that you can use to connect words you hear to what you're seeing

>> No.31224009

Pick out low difficulty anime (for now) from jpdb.io and watch it with japanese audio and subs. Check for whatever word or construction you don't know in a dictionary or grammar book like the Tae Kim one (just an example) or just use google. There are also ways to make anki cards from mpv but you'll need to look around for that, I'm not fully familiar with this.

>> No.31225683


>> No.31225728


>> No.31226048

high quality selfie

>> No.31226550
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schedule is up
MonHun tomorrow!

>> No.31226891
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chat messages too

>> No.31227546


>> No.31228733

SVLN (Super very love nazuna)

>> No.31229509
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what weapons does she use?

>> No.31229654

IIRC she used Gunlance at the start of her last playthrough, but ended up dropping it and used DBs instead.

>> No.31230087


>> No.31231873

Not even surprised. Gunlance is too hard for someone like her and DB is pretty standard basic bitch build for noobs.

>> No.31231954
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>DB is pretty standard basic bitch build for noobs.

>> No.31232283


>> No.31233412
File: 304 KB, 1030x1149, 1635325379035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice ty. I watched a couple collab streams with her but didn't really follow her enough to know. if she has sunbreak then hopefully she likes all the cool shit DB got and maybe picks up the GL again now that people don't have to rely on slaplance to do decent damage.
love this little rascal like you wouldn't believe

>> No.31234233

It's not worth it to learn Japanese. You'd be happier never learning it.
t. someone who regretted learning Japanese

>> No.31236559

Take the black pill. You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.31236908

I just read the subtitles

>> No.31237141

I listen to Japanese everything and pretend that I understand. It will work eventually.

>> No.31240209

I listen to so much Mikeneko and I don't improve in Japanese...

>> No.31241429

That’s how I watch Mikeneko’s twitchcast

>> No.31243909
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New video in her YT channel
APEX highlights

>> No.31244556

Why did she betray us?

>> No.31244697

I like that we can get edited nazuna on top of regular streams but i dont understand why they can pay to love translate 4hrs a day of content and build a new tool to add it o stream but cant use the youtube subtitle function to sub 5 minutes video
Also 1:20 lmao

>> No.31245446

There's also a nazuna/kson minecraft video on the vshojo highlights channel, and this one has subs

>> No.31245693

Yagoo is a woman?!?

>> No.31245994

This collab was so cute, good video

>> No.31247249

That idoltr4sh faggot or whatever his name is moderator is really getting on my nerves. I don't know why his tweets appear on my feed but this man is so tone deaf for someone that's a moderator of her twitch channel. I wish I could report the cunt for insulting her fans

>> No.31247350

Just block him

>> No.31247909

You people say this constantly but I bet it's not that hard. I could probably learn it if I really wanted to with little effort.

>> No.31247953

how do you know he is a moderator of her twitch channel? is there any way to check?

>> No.31248043

it's just taking longer than I thought, I found out pretty quickly I don't have a good brain for languages. at least I know I'll retain whatever I do manage to learn

>> No.31248050
File: 34 KB, 337x343, 304045D7-2265-4752-B2CA-EDBAC0B56647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t have his Twitter feed set to Latest

>> No.31248550

I NEED a Nazuna-Froot-Zen Apex collab.

>> No.31248765

>reading twitch mods tweets
>fabricating drama from the comment section of a fabricated drama
>somehow too tech illiterate to know how to block people on twitter 2022
This is the most pathetic person and bait I've seen in years, how do people like this even exist

>> No.31249564

Give me a fucking break anon, not everything is intended bait. He only showed up on my feed because i've been sorta following the silver/holo drama since it was kinda blowing up and his tweets show up defending her and once I see his username I automatically remember he was a twitch mod of nazu. Don't fucking accuse me of being an anti when it's a genuine fucking concern.

>> No.31250034
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>> No.31250107

if that's the same mod mentioned in a previous thread then someone checked and he hasn't been seen in her chat since debut. he might have been a temporary mod in case her antis made it past the autoban thing

>> No.31250318

You are doing some mental gymnastics to find drama in a nothingburger from a literal who with the same influence as a random twitter fag,block him and do something useful with your time, like watching every nazuna stream archive on repeat while waiting for the next stream

>> No.31250495


>> No.31250556

I don't know how to block a language

>> No.31250687

On the top right of chat, there is a person icon. Click on it to see the list of audience on the stream. You should see a list of mods that are currently watching nazuna

>> No.31251985

Pettan please play Minecraft with Froot today, I need the kawaii multiplier. I don't even like Minecraft, I just want the collab.

>> No.31252317

He's American and is asleep when Nazuna streams. He's in Kson's chat all the time though and is annoying, I hate him.

>> No.31255326
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>> No.31256452

Mike dropped 2k subs on ch.
Guess that face camera stream is never happening...

>> No.31256996

Well, time to make about 200,000 alt accounts.

>> No.31257076

Maybe it will happen when she becomes less popular. She is kind of a pussy though. Festival has done multiple face streams and regularly post her cute face on TikTok. All while being a former idol. Mikebeko can’t do proper fanservice for her ”husbands”

>> No.31257229

This was one of my favorite images of her

>> No.31257986

Probably because she doesn’t stream there

>> No.31259124
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>> No.31259241
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Your wife isn't really my oshi but every time I see one of her models I think about being her human chair. Didn't feel this way about Rushia.

>> No.31259397

The MikeGachi conversion process is going along surprisingly well if I do say so myself.
>I think about being her human chair

>> No.31259476
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, I see this stamp on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm yes indeed

>> No.31259488

It’s never happening because you’re sealed off in the bunker

>> No.31259737

You lost the moment all ”actual conversing” was in the bunker which gives newcomers a twisted image of what the gachi’s are like. If this is a permanent solution. The fate is the great replacement

>> No.31259866

It was a fucking joke anon. He imagines himself being her chair and I was trying to make a joke about it and not be serious, he's already said she's not his oshi anyways. Fucking hell try not to take things too seriously next time in what is obviously a joke post.

>> No.31260060

So today 2 hours of character creation, 1 mission and 3 hours of apex, right?

>> No.31260087
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I was being lighthearted, but I was dead serious about wanting Nazuna to sit on my face.

>> No.31260131

Probably, I am looking forward to it

>> No.31260268
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>> No.31260731

I just sort of assume anyone complaining about the bunker is someone who is cranky that people aren’t as willing to bite their bait. This might be difficult to believe but the natural state of this thread is “bump until something happens.” People aren’t fucking locked in there, they post here too.

>> No.31262334

Honestly I'd rather we be raided with wojackposters than what we had to endure for the past 5 days

>> No.31262690


>> No.31263203

Do you think today she'll address that she totsued into a males stream?

>> No.31263234

Do you think I care?

>> No.31263269
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>> No.31263296

NOOOOOO Nazuna put the throwing object shit on....

>> No.31263329

Can you move the fuck on already? That is if you're not a mf anti and if you is fuck you bitch drop dead.

>> No.31263339

i fucking hate Kson so goddamn much

>> No.31263354
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Don’t respond

>> No.31263360

Just tell her in chat or dono that it’s distracting

>> No.31263362

Kson gave her the stupid sounds
Kson hate

>> No.31263429

i hope I get lucky to be drafted for free sub give away like last month. My thing expired...

>> No.31263489

We were this close to a Nazuna and Froot collab

>> No.31263491

I do
why should I move on when she still hasn't addressed a thing I dislike
you should know better than now to think nekofami will stop replying

>> No.31263622

This should make everyone feel better

>> No.31263637

> Everyone said vei was going to be talking about dicks with her, that only happened with kson.
> Kson invites her to the discord of the Minecraft server to be in a channel so that anyone who wants to join can join.
> Kson shows her annoying shit from Twitch
The bad influences were the girls from vshojo they said

>> No.31263638

>she's implemented the shit chucking
I hope she's ready for what she's unleashed. Not everyone can tank facefulls of household objects like chibi.

>> No.31263645

I like it hehehe

>> No.31263653

what should?

>> No.31263683

>naisu tuu mee chuu
Fucking trranslator-kun lel

>> No.31263685

has she streamed with any more men since the big yab?
i love her interactions with men

>> No.31263696

just tell her it's distracting after awhile. it's not that hard

>> No.31263728

watch streams

>> No.31263756

oh no anon

>> No.31263760

holy shit she's actually talking about it.

>> No.31263762

>she's dragging up the yab
Uh oh

>> No.31263788

I don't like it but I'd actually encourage her to experiment with shit like these on twitch, it's good that she's exploring outside what she was previously doing on youtube.

>> No.31263806

She asks you not to get mad her for collabing with males because all vtubers are comrades. Doesn't apologize.
She'll keep on collabing with males.
Fuck this shit

>> No.31263811

She's literally asking chat if it's okay but the chat is filled with EOPs that will say it's okay

>> No.31263833
File: 107 KB, 726x597, ohsehcanyouseeeeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America wins again

>> No.31263849

schizofags btfo wife wins again

>> No.31263866

I don't care about this, I just want her to go hop in Froot's summoning circle

>> No.31263868

i told her its okay
youre welcome!

>> No.31263876

>BFF with Kirschtorte
I want to throw up

>> No.31263882

Do you people really support nazuna or are you butthurt she isn't your girlfriend?

She's my wife and she can be friends with whoever she likes


Cope and seethe she's a streamer not my personal slut schizos

>> No.31263888
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>> No.31263902

if it gets bad I'll DM her again

>> No.31263909

I just treat her like any other streamer, I dont care about this GFE shit

>> No.31263941

our wife should do whatever she wants with whoever she wants!

>> No.31263979

mark this bitch for death

>> No.31263991

The thing is she still does GFE so even if you don't care about it you have to care about it to some degree if you plan on watching her.

>> No.31264002

sounds like something kson would say

>> No.31264022

VShojo really was a mistake

>> No.31264028

Right now she's still high off her discussion with kson. Let her settle down first before asking her that some of us don't like the male collab thing. The totsu isn't a big deal just the collab and them trying to get closer to her.

>> No.31264034

the creative freedom is palpable
im so happy shes no longer bound by idol culture

>> No.31264041

I don't mean it *bothers* me, what I mean is I don't actually care about maintaining the kayfabe. I don't care if she hangs out with men, cuz I don't pretend she's by fucking girlfrield.

>> No.31264044

I'm done.

>> No.31264049

I wish the night of Feb 19th turned out differently

>> No.31264057

I just want her to make friends, she's incredibly isolated currently.

>> No.31264072

She gets the chucking meta, she'll be a Twitch pro in no time.

>> No.31264073

Ignore the falseflagger with his phone.

>> No.31264076

She's not saying she'll do more, she just wanted to clarify if people are mad about the totsu.

>> No.31264079

>she has that throwing shit feature enabled

OH NO how do I throw shit?

>> No.31264089

her entire fucking chat just told her it's ok to stream with males
the EOPs all said they don't care
who fucking cares she's high off her discussion with Kson, it's pretty obvious where this is going
fucking hell how did it turn out like this

>> No.31264103

which one? the anti gfe or our regulars?

>> No.31264102

>she will collab with males
its over

>> No.31264111

She's not gonna do that if she keeps avoiding collab opportunities when they present themselves. She could hop in with Froot right now, but she's not gonna.

>> No.31264114

no point talking to them normally anon, they don't understand

>> No.31264134

Mikeneko said she wouldn't collab with males
Nazuna goes into a totsu and says it's ok because they're just friends
what the fuck happened to her? it's like i don't even know this girl anymore
when was the last time she did a bits reading? nowadays she just reads the names then leaves

>> No.31264144

She answered very clearly.
She said her kaigai fans were crying. And her response was she doesn't care, instead "don't get mad please!"
She doesn't care about her fans feelings.
That's all I needed to hear.

>> No.31264151

there are plenty of men she could befriend instead

>> No.31264156

She doesn't have gen mates to fall back on like before (Marine, Pekora, Noel, dunno about Flare), so she's on her own and that talk with kson helped her a lot since she was reaching out to have some friends but didn't know how to go about it.

I'm happy about her getting closer to kson but also not because kson is polluted by western ideology and the idea of the "independent woman" and all that garbage the white woman has deceived these women with.

>> No.31264168

looks like you guys really were the minority lmfaoo

>> No.31264175

She got screwed over as rushia due to the Japanese neet's being pissy she isn't their disposable girlfriend, meanwhile EOP's aren't so delusional, of course she's gonna listen to the EOP's

>> No.31264190

she didn't say they're friends retard.

>> No.31264193

any fan that cared already left she has 10% of the viewership and 5% of the income lol

>> No.31264194

I'm in the chat too talkin dumb ass (but I stayed silent when that came up) and you're generalizing about the EOP's. You just saw some we don't know the amount unless you gonna waste your time and count them.

>> No.31264197
File: 67 KB, 701x418, brrrrrrrrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you bring an innocent girl from a more sexist community into one that literally encourages you to do what ever you want cuz fuck everyone else, and there's nothing more American than that.

>> No.31264202

You could say he is a "regular" but he is an anti. Active at this time of the day.

>> No.31264206
File: 458 KB, 1000x1000, kson helping mikeneko with all of her problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the bright side, she's holding back from airing our her dirty laundry on twitter thanks to kson

>> No.31264210

She has only 3800 viewers left right now.
They already left anon

>> No.31264212

Remember, if you cannot stop biting bait, close 4chan and start watching wife

>> No.31264229

it sounds like she was only talking about the totsu
what the fuck is this shit chucking

>> No.31264231

I miss Rushia

>> No.31264239

W-was that a bear?

>> No.31264244

>Active at this time of the day.
You mean when she streams?
I would hope all fans are active when she streams...

>> No.31264249

I still need to know who you're referring to

>> No.31264270

This is normal. The rest came to the fold as time goes back. It's been this way for sometime.

>> No.31264271

3k viewers and when the antis get bored of watching her it will be 1k lol

>> No.31264298

Maybe kson told her that. We'll see if she does a cast and brings it up.

>> No.31264333

I get what you saying when you say that but we gotta move on.

>> No.31264341

I support her decisions and she's still cute but she shouldn't be surprised if her audience drops off a cliff.

>> No.31264358

Why did I waste my money on her? Can I have a refund?

>> No.31264366

she had 5k viewers while streaming a shit tier apex gameplay, if 5000 people were able to endure that trash then this is going to be around that same number during peak hour

>> No.31264374

Please. Those cockroaches are a lot smaller than your projected delusions.

>> No.31264385

Damn shes cute and having a ton of fun with that throwing bits feature

>> No.31264398

The doomposter. Another guy is trying to troll too.

>> No.31264409

move on from what
things are changing, her fanbase is changing, gachikoi have left or are staying silent
I feel like she doesn't care about me anymore
i just miss when i didn't have to worry about things like this, I miss Rushia, hell I miss Mikeneko

>> No.31264443

im saving up for when she has under 1k viewers
then i can make her reliant on me and my money

>> No.31264453

I dunno if it's antis but some people are literally acting like women.
Why you talking like that its embarassing

>> No.31264514

She got to use her crying emotes and stuff at the right time too. I wonder if it's kinda like a stress reliver for her or something.

I still don't like the whole idea.

>> No.31264521

I can't wait until the hype train activates and she gets hundreds of bits thrown at her. Will be hilarious

>> No.31264561

I started watching her with full intention to laugh at you guys but she's so cute and her new model is so sex I can't bring myself to think anything negative about her.

>> No.31264570

Missed a rare opportunity that Froot is on at the same time of her. Would’ve been a cute collab. But unplanned stuff like that is unpredictable so it’s ok

>> No.31264598


>> No.31264620

I'm a gachikoi tf you talking about? I'm a fandead and nekofami and a lollipop. The only thing I'm hearing from you is doubt. Get tf outta here with your weak ass trust in her.

My Rushia is gone, she's barely on Mikeneko and hardly ever took off. She's nazuna now and we still got her cast and stuff.

>> No.31264631

I mean she could pull the ultimate EN move and say "I know I said we were doing X but I've decided we're doing Y". But I doubt she would do that. Not YET anyway.

>> No.31264644

She is very cute and a lovely person with a great sense of humour. Welcome friend.

>> No.31264680

i cant wait

>> No.31264788


>> No.31264825

She's still in the hyper coprorate Hololive mindset. It will take her a while before she realizes it's fine to just send another vshojo member a discord message "Hey wanna play monhun together" and do it on the spot

>> No.31264919

i can't even enjoy this right now
fuck this

>> No.31264967

Well last stream she was praising the fact that she felt so refreshed to be able to change her game at any time. So I think she already knows that. There’s still the problem of she’s too polite to just DM someone mid stream to ask to hang out. Which is fine, not a big deal right now

>> No.31264985

>she likes side face like that
>it looks like mafumafu
i'm not feeling to well bro's...

>> No.31265019

Arent they gonna be on different servers? Or is that not how MH works? Also yes shes quite in the corpo mindset..or JP mindset Kson is too to a lesser extent, switching up games mid-stream and just going live whenever you feel like it is def not something they are used to do Kson did encourage her to try it when she awake at night with nothing to do since EU/NA are gonna be awake still

>> No.31265072

You just know someone's gonna clip that whole talk
Hope you're ready for EOPs to start harassing the few gachikois she has left

>> No.31265086

We asked her to make it look like her moron.

>> No.31265105

ok sister

>> No.31265125

This slapstick gag got old already 20 minutes ago...

>> No.31265135

It seems the viewers are enjoying throwing money at her and actually seeing the visual representation... Kson did good introducing T.I.T.S. to her

>> No.31265144

I wonder if she'll ever become a stream monster. Pretty obvious she's still in the mode of sticking to whats comfortable for her, streaming in her old slot, but when she feels comfortable breaking out of the old mould she'll be able to stream as long as she wants without worrying about overlaps.

>> No.31265174

I hope this bitch hates herself, since she said she hated liars
She has been cheating on us and at the slightest opportunity she is sucking a man's dick
Rushia was already cheating on us when she was after mafumafu's dick
I wish she would have suicide that day

>> No.31265187


cope faggot

>> No.31265204

yeah they can't. ignoring workarounds, vshojo don't play mh anyways.. moreover they played steam version and not switch, there is no crossplay.

>> No.31265225

No, she will prefer to play with her friend Kirsch offstream

>> No.31265228

I'm gonna play mh rise while nazuna streams mh rise and I'm gonna turn off the bgm so I can hear her roars over the monster's roars and there is nothing you an do about it!

>> No.31265235

Oh and just to add on, when she finds out that she can just sit and do react content and chat with her viewers all day. That's when I think things will really change for her. She thrives off chat interaction

>> No.31265246

I can tell that from looking at the eyes numb nuts. What I mean is that since the style is more realistic in monster hunter it looks more like real people than anime and she said she likes side faces like that, which to me looks like mafumafu side face, so she really is attracted to guys like him. retards are going to call me schizo for saying the truth. even the white hair looks the same and mafumafu is a cross dresser. it could be a coincidence or maybe I'm hallucinating but it still looks too close to him imo, makes me feel nervous.

>> No.31265272

>makes me feel nervous
why? you should like it instead

>> No.31265282

So each of the junk people throw to her is money?

>> No.31265307

>Anti resorts to replying to himself to get bites.
Reminder to report and ignore

>> No.31265313

I'm not a cuck like you, thats why. do you like your wife looking at the man she told you not to worry about?

>> No.31265317

no it's a sign, you must become a crossdresser

>> No.31265347

She can make friends and interact with whoever she wants.
That's what her chat just told her and it made her really happy

>> No.31265416

Ever donated to a streamer/vtuber before?

If so you're a cuck by default

>> No.31265422

oh nvm I'm talking to a vshojo newfaggot EOP cuck

>> No.31265429

Dude, stfu you brought up a fuckin man. That shows where you're mind is at closet faggot. Not on the woman's voice and her avatar.

It's no different from these mother fuckin anti's and their homosexual spirit trying to get men away from discussing about Nazuna or continuing to like her instead wanting men to give them the attention they seek. Fucking sick ass cockroaches.

>> No.31265491

I miss the days when this thread went silent when she streamed because people were busy actually watching her. Thread is essentially unusable

>> No.31265506

You can't change what happened
remember when her entire chat told her they wouldn't like it if she collabed with Mikey, a fucking fictional character?
wonder what happened to those people

>> No.31265520

It's one guy replying to himself using his phone. The usual one. Just ignore him.

>> No.31265521

worst post in the thread

>> No.31265578



>> No.31265583

why is she so good at this voice

>> No.31265646

They died with rushia

>> No.31265684

you're right I'm just paranoid. I'll calm down, jerk off, and try to relax while watching

>> No.31265739

Don't get involved with menhera women

>> No.31265790

God she's adorable. I love her.

>> No.31265796

Don't tell other men you gonna do that faggot.

>> No.31265824

Yes, TITS or Twitch Integrated Throwing System, takes input from viewer Bit donations, i think it can also work from normal donations but Nazuna doesnt have those, the more money you send as bits or just 100 Bits x 50 times and you can burry her in junk basically.

>> No.31265829

Dude, I am loving her doing different sexy voices and teasing us with what she's doing with her game char.

>> No.31265873

Someone needs to throw 10,000 bits at her for the lulz.

>> No.31265887

Bits throwing showing you just need to slap her around a bit to keep her in line

>> No.31265939

Seeing this thread makes me feel sad. This girl really did a number on you

>> No.31265965

go back faggot

>> No.31266022

why does she keep talking about naruto

>> No.31266028

Also ik her YT audience that are watching probably dont like this cus thats not how YT does stuff, but on twitch this is liked even expected also twitch viewers def throw more money if theres incentives, look at Zen her whole shtick revolves around chat interaction them throwing stuff at her or just trolling her with sound bits... its why you can have 500 viewer streamers quit their RL jobs and just focus on streaming

>> No.31266057

>look at Zen
ah my eyes kimoi

>> No.31266070

>look at Zen

>> No.31266132

The whole point of a superchat is to have your message read by the streamer. They get it and I think Twitch incentivises donations a lot better than Youtube does. People forget but before the Vtuber boom youtube streams and superchats were considered a big joke

>> No.31266133

I'm okay with a male collab, I like watching anyway

>> No.31266193

id say im more than okay with a male collab honestly

>> No.31266236

Twitch can have donation reading too, but noone does it...or they do it mid-stream as soon as the donation with text comes, or they have TTS activated and 9/10 donations are troll spam. So while both places have a similar system , on YT atm its def treated as something different

>> No.31266352

oh no, I forgot about the animal customization

>> No.31266369

holy she's still making the character?

>> No.31266385


she's at ~6.8k now....

>> No.31266440

Rushia took 3 hours to make her character

>> No.31266472

Think she got a raid from someone?

>> No.31266490

she has kson's bits -> hit with stuff thing now


>> No.31266492

Froot just raided BUT she was at 4.8k before raid , it seems 5-6k is her average

>> No.31266517

Anon a lot of OG fandeads are gone, it's just new post nazuna vshojo fags now
Of course they'll be okay with it

>> No.31266572

>They're still samefagging and trying to bait
Women really can't do anything right

>> No.31266596

gfe with males? how does that work?

>> No.31266603

It's different because it's not a potential event it's something that happened and it was seen exactly how it was.
Since it wasn't flirting, teasing etc what is there to complain about?
The fanbase is treated with more intimacy.

>> No.31266635

Don't reply to me with your goalpost moving shit, you're not a fandead

>> No.31266665

>unicorn schizo still at it
Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.31266666

Cuckolding fetish

>> No.31266691

VShojo fans are used to it

>> No.31266712
File: 147 KB, 1017x1386, 1644310534442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entire thread is just the one schizo anti going back and forth pretending to be outraged at a non issue then posting making fun of himself for it

>> No.31266715

This isn't an argument and what you're saying is you're trying to score points.
You either understand this or don't, nothing else to it.

>> No.31266724

>nice to meet you

i don't think she's doing her reps...

>> No.31266803

I understand that every genuine fandead would have never been okay with it. Even Mikeneko fans, considering she reassured them she'd never do this.
And now we're in a reality where she asks if people mind if joining men and 99% of her chat goes "of course not, we're not toxic, you can do anything", reassuring her she might as well stream with them anytime now.
If you try to tell me that's the same audience she used to have then I don't know what to say.

>> No.31266882

same way it works IRL if you ever manage to get a hot gf - you spend the entire relationship being paranoid about every man she ever interacts with, until the day she inevitably cheats on you or dumps you

>> No.31266887

Mate, are you actually a man? Like have you matured from boy to man, seriously?

>> No.31266894

I just want her to be honest when she see's an attractive male in game that she likes. Tell us that she finds the male attractive and what she likes about the male.

this guy was talking about how the old fans were so based that they didn't like her collabing with even fictional male characters.
but I think thats too much. my problem is when she collabs with real life male characters (including vtubers since theyre real people). if she just told us what guys she liked in game then I would be happy because then I could try to become like her kind of man.

>> No.31266995

As someone who doesn't like male collabs either, if you are very uncomfortable with this I think it's time for you to leave the fandom and find another chuuba.
This is not some kind of threat, this is caring advice.
As we already anticipated in the past days now most of her audience is fine with this and maybe even more.
So the only barrier to this for Nazuna now is just if she feels like it or not, there's no given promise or audience "betrayal".
She could perfectly do a one-on-one collab tomorrow with this random 3-views fag, he's just a friend after all apparently.
Don't go crying or doing more goalpost moving in the future, I warned you already.

>> No.31267010
File: 81 KB, 1150x1150, Faa_1QBVUAATp8M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much schizo outrage
It's literally nothing burger.
So what if she collab'd with a male?
As long as my wife smiles while talking to another men then I'd be a happy husband.

>> No.31267085
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, 1636769169866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wish I had left when Rushia died. If I had foreseen the future it would have been the better ending really
It's not the same anymore and it never will be, it'll only keep becoming more and more different

>> No.31267090

things are the wrong color time to switch to apex

>> No.31267089

>He's still going back and forth talking to himself

>> No.31267108

yeah but gfe is one way communication.
she can't talk with you personally while you're going to watch her talk and laugh with another man?

>> No.31267110

this is the cuck mentality

>> No.31267170

This literal faggot anti is so desperate for men's attention.

>> No.31267179

she fixed an OBS problem by herself? how she has grown

>> No.31267184

ok so who is this "male" she's going to collab with? is it connor?

>> No.31267207

>hit with bits
>domestic violence

>> No.31267271
File: 139 KB, 306x240, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazuna slays all the remaining unicorn holobronies itt
holy based
I love my wife

>> No.31267323

Seeing some of the replies here, no wonder we got spammed with the "queen of the male collabs" towa here from time to time.
You know, after seeing her Collab with 2 dudes for like a few weeks almost every day in a row until exhausting all possible collabs,
is when I realized they can get away with anything and the current gachikoi model is hanging on by a thread.

>> No.31267335

Connor is going to Hokkaido to do a week-long bike stream journey for charity, he aint gonna collab with Mouse let alone anyone else anytime soon

>> No.31267339

it's RPR

>> No.31267349

based, as an anti this is the best case scenario for me. the less people watch her, the happier i am.

>> No.31267403

why is it always this dude?

>> No.31267409

>the less people watch her
her gachikoi left already, the people left wouldn't mind male collabs
hell, I think they'd be happier if she did them

>> No.31267414


>> No.31267413

You will like her even more when you see her laughing and flirting with her new "friend" while she ignores her chat.

>> No.31267467
File: 3.39 MB, 1750x974, 1631160628878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31267468

because he used to be good at apex and jap whores love apex

>> No.31267480

It's not him, I don't think she has even met him. It's some random jp 3 views called Kirtchoft or something like that.

>> No.31267529

>whore loves man playing same video game every day
if only it was that easy

>> No.31267550

That'd be hilarious. But no.

>> No.31267555

See shes already adapting to tits, already learned how to milk chat even more with some S&M play

>> No.31267561


>> No.31267567

Goalpost moving still going strong I see. 1on1 male collab in 3 months.

>> No.31267572

>Her gachikoi left
what about orca? does he still count. I see him fucking around with chloe now though so I guess he's not so much a gachi

>> No.31267583

He is a random 100 viwers and the people he hangs out with are 5 viwers, plus he is repellent.
I 100% prefer rpr

>> No.31267589

she didn't say she's going to Collab with RPR or that other guy.

>> No.31267606

Most of her Gachi are still there anon. They just adapted.

>> No.31267624
File: 72 KB, 780x780, FaISu7bVUAQiBHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much
I can't wait for the male collab kino

>> No.31267668

the bits -> thrown objects thing is a pretty good idea

>> No.31267703

while I like the more frequent streams I'm not sure which I like less between apex and monster hunter

>> No.31267722

My sincerest condolences.

>> No.31267724

i wish instead of objects we could throw our cum at her and it would be like a bukakke

>> No.31267764
File: 9 KB, 558x98, 1654234714357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many bits to the face

>> No.31267775

Pass this one on to Melody.

>> No.31267787
File: 472 KB, 750x3225, 1645419745260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy trained you cucks well, I'm glad.

>> No.31267797

orca left for chloe

>> No.31267813

It's unironically over. She is leaving her "toxic fans" behind who protected her back in february. The great replacement was real. The bunker was a mistake. The only cope i can think of is that she loved having a bunch of DMs from her fans that have supported her forever begging her to not collab with a male. I highly doupt that's the case though. She will probably be collabing with more men. She probably saw Silver's interview and had Kson encourage her to purge her Gachis. I feel bad for you guys. You can't catch a break from the suffering

>> No.31267842

Orca is still there, but he doesn't care for her as much
He seems happier with Chloe

>> No.31267863


>> No.31267966

does the size of the object thrown change with the amount of bits? 100 seems to get you small fish sized things

>> No.31267974
File: 664 KB, 2480x3508, FaKnMLgX0AEm8yS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't invite a guy while he's having a romantic night with his wife.
Why are you even here?
Are you an anti or a lollipop?

>> No.31267977
File: 700 KB, 850x1204, 1637788102980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this elf was right about nazuna

>> No.31267991

why do you treat gachikoi like it can only be monogany?

what ever happened to having a harem? I don't want just one women, I want a harem of women. thats why I don't think orca hasn't ditched rushia for chloe. he just wants to be a harem king. it is the natural instinct of a male to want a harem anyway, monoganous relationships are not natural.

>> No.31268018

pretty sure the only thing that changes is the amount of things. the items that get thrown are random

>> No.31268023

do you have a clip of this? it seems funny.

>> No.31268045

Please don't fall into this line of thinking. It might seem like you're making things easier for yourself but you aren't.

>> No.31268078

Orca is just keeping Chloe as backup
He saw what was going to happen and started grooming Chloe early

>> No.31268114

What did she say ?

>> No.31268125

why? I don't see any downsides but having less money to throw around your waifu as you have to spread it out more

>> No.31268182

fuck this shit

>> No.31268209

>monoganous relationships are not natural
inshallah brother

>> No.31268265

stop arguing over nonsense and enjoy the stream

>> No.31268308

>enjoy the stream
I wish I could

>> No.31268372

jesus christ, get a grip you hysteric fags

>> No.31268387

is it over?

>> No.31268404

unironically yes

>> No.31268419

is her shirt designed to be see through? it looks like I can see the skin underneath it but I'm not sure. Especially if water was splashed over it I'm sure that we would be able to see through it. If twitch were a japanese site then I wish we could see that. Instead of objects being thrown I want it to be water or slime so we see through her shirt. And to cover up her nipples she could wear bandages. But unfortunately twitch is a western site so she has to stream on niconico for that to happen

>> No.31268472



>> No.31268509
File: 379 KB, 700x782, 1655397524417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazuna-chan... your stamina... you need to eat... you're gimping your DB

>> No.31268629
File: 89 KB, 1218x1138, FZ-u9-5VUAAAad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we being raided by holo pagpags again?
We all knew she's going to have fun with men when she joined vshojo so i don't see what made them lose their minds this time.

>> No.31268678

>pag pag
Why is indonesian food so gross

>> No.31268695

so many falseflaggers

>> No.31268721

It's rushia and mikeneko thread before nazuna so

>> No.31268971

What weapons did she use before? She was DB main?

>> No.31269055

草 www

>> No.31269139
File: 19 KB, 803x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31269176


>> No.31269193

is this the cope for now?

>> No.31269207

>We all knew she's going to have fun with men when she joined vshojo so i don't see what made them lose their minds this time.
Lmao what the fuck?

>> No.31269241

You think they watch the streams?

>> No.31269245
File: 1.83 MB, 1500x1005, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say

>> No.31269265
File: 3.05 MB, 1753x981, 1635578494434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31269267

Talking about m*les?
Meh, whatever.
Enabling the throwing shit.

>> No.31269320

throwshit is based for her whimps and crying alone

>> No.31269393

>Falling for an obvious falseflag
Anon...Any variation of "Noooo we're cucked" posts or "I'm ok with male collabs" is an anti post.

>> No.31269403

exactly. I'm looking forward to the connor collabs. Really the gfefags should get the rope, she isn't your girlfriend, she isn't your friend, she can do what she wants. This is Vshojo and she has talent freedom, get used to it.

>> No.31269404

Stop biting these homosexual anti's and schizo anti's dumb fucks. They want your fucking attention.

>> No.31269413

you know what i meant nouSEAgi

>> No.31269471

>"I'm ok with male collabs" is an anti post.

>> No.31269495

If you're not an anti you'd be ok with male collabs
It's what she wants to do

>> No.31269550
File: 706 KB, 752x1062, The rope is the only solution for you cucks... .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon (You) said as much so it must be the truth after all!

>> No.31269556

bruh, holos stayed with Hololive, what you're slaying are 100% rushia only gachis getting annihilated. I can only laugh at them for not seeing this coming, especially the english ones, she fucking joined vshojo, it was obvious.

>> No.31269628

Looking at old threads its funny how much the thread changed
Oh well

>> No.31269669

denial stage in bunker

>> No.31269683

ignore the 1 guy replying to himself

>> No.31269709

I remember when people said things wouldn't change
what a joke

>> No.31269735

Some of these antis are going to kill themselves in the next few months after realizing all the time they spent for nothing.

>> No.31269819

It's actually retarded that this argument is even happening. She asked if chat was mad she was on the Totsu, something she's been worrying about for a while, she didn't ask whether or not if she could collab with guys nor made any mention of future collabs, it was chat who said it's okay for her to collab with guys. She made no mention of it herself.

>> No.31269827


>> No.31269833

well there goes the controller...

>> No.31269872

yeah that was a loud thud lol. the joys of monhun

>> No.31269888
File: 210 KB, 463x453, 1656898675053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these cuckposting
please not again...

>> No.31269891

if it's 1 guy replying to himself isn't that a rule break? Which would that be under? flooding?

>> No.31269933

It's spam but good luck getting them to moderate.

>> No.31269979

It's actually disgusting how much her fanbase has changed in just a few months
Her gachikoi are being drowned out and if you don't want her to collab with a guy you're an anti
You just know some faggot clipper is gonna clip that entire conversation and the entire situation will get worse

>> No.31269981


>> No.31270030

>doesn't like male collabs
Yeah Sure cuck

>> No.31270051

They actually do moderate /here/ surprisingly. If it gets bad that is.

>> No.31270055

>it's okay for her to collab with guys
no one from /here/ wants this btw
anyone who disagree is an anti

>> No.31270077

The only thing hanging should be you and not by a threat but a rope, Nazuna can collab with who ever she wants.

>> No.31270092

is the bird usually that hard?

>> No.31270169

No but it is Hub quest, those are harder than Village ones. So its a bird up.

>> No.31270214

>if you don't want her to collab with a guy you're an anti
>No one wants this if you disagree you're anti

>> No.31270227

Who gives a shit about the clippers with that agenda. It's Nazuna who'll decide to drowns us out or not that matters if she receives more western poison that is.

>> No.31270249

I am happy she is been more happy lately, that is all it counts for me.

>> No.31270266

Speak for yourself, all I want is for wife to be happy. If her wishes cause the rest of you seethe, well, then I'll pick her over you.

>> No.31270393

a hub quest with starter gear would be pretty difficult in general. the peck move is super scary if you're not careful since it'll combo you into a cart but thats about it

>> No.31270458

The only reason she didn't kill herself was because of us. Now she throws us away for a 2view.
Is this what it feels like to be Sayaka after caring for Kyousuke forever and sacrificing her soul for him just for him to pick Hitomi instead?

>> No.31270512

you got your engagement ring?

Actually I'll make that a question everyone, did you get yours?

>> No.31270542

I went to go look at the totsu in question but distressingly I was reminded that I cannot understand japanese and so am having a hard time getting upset.

>> No.31270558


>> No.31270593

Nazuna has lost her mind lol.

>> No.31270608

as long as she keeps people like us around she'll be ok

>> No.31270640

she must have lost it when the alien told her to fuck off

>> No.31270794

1000 bits isn't alot anon. This is the guy who used to max akasupa.

>> No.31270839

well they are the bit leader so that means they give more overall than everyone else

>> No.31270851

Bros... They're laughing at us in the VShojo thread again...

>> No.31270907
File: 231 KB, 1283x1200, 1648403020035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really say no to this face when she asked you for a diverse and inclusive stream?

>> No.31270945

after how long this thread kept reminding people that she would never collab with males and that she would respect our wishes? yeah I don't blame them for laughing after it blew up on our faces

>> No.31271004

Just checked anon, they aren't. They don't really care, anon is just trying to start a thread war.

>> No.31271052

Reminder your years of red superchat and DMing her with that username which she recognizes, doesn't matter one bit to her

>> No.31271121


>> No.31271138
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x2299, 1654311083606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot understand japanese
fix it
it only takes like 1 to 2 years to do if you do it every day

>> No.31271139

she really likes the new bits thing huh

>> No.31271204

pretty sure they're battening down the hatches over there with niji and holo fans coming for their asses over that silvervale interview, they don't have time to laugh.

>> No.31271218

not all lollipops are unicorn or gachikoi
some of us genuinely likes her as a streamer
don't let the bunker's vocal minority fool you

>> No.31271240

You like her constant Apex and Monhun streams?

>> No.31271257

if it didn't have a sound, it wouldn't be so annoying

>> No.31271269
File: 2.21 MB, 1754x983, 1641278392214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazuna has evolved

>> No.31271278

A lot of cope ITT

>> No.31271312

what's not to like?
she could drop the gfe entirely and i'd still watch

>> No.31271359

I sent her a DM, hope she likes it

>> No.31271375

I just think the song is funny, and she is cute too and I like her laugh.
I dislike the aggressive GFE and actually find the whole selling mass produced wedding rings thing very fucked up and that filtered me from her before so If she is making a break from that kind of thing it's probably more healthy for both her and her fans desu

>> No.31271377

the face bounces based on the direction of where the bits hit, that's pretty cute

>> No.31271401

Can whoever makes the next thread get rid of rushia
She's not related to whoever this Nazuna person is

>> No.31271417

if she constantly played monhun I would actually become parasocial and complain about male collabs and anything nonmonhun related

>> No.31271430

yeah you're not fooling anyone here vshojo sis

>> No.31271465

Nazuna fans are VShojo fans now
get over it

>> No.31271490

Someone just reminded me of that thing where Pekora's chat told her that they didn't mind her collabing with guys. And look at all of the male collab Pekora did after that?
Kek. Thread is obviously being raided thanks to the catalog bait thread. 84 unique ids?

>> No.31271501

a dm on her instagram? what did you send? she explicitly said NOT TO SEND HER DM'S . so why the fuck did you send it?

>> No.31271524

>They're still at it
Anti bros you know we're talking somewhere else and laughing at you right

>> No.31271526
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>> No.31271527

so fucking cute

>> No.31271540

She also explicitly said she wouldn't collab with males

>> No.31271555

Ultra cute.

>> No.31271563

nah fuck you for attempting to normalise this shit

>> No.31271566

I watch hololive, but I honestly refuse to watch chuubas who sell merch like that.
Crosses a line for me, it's a perversion of a commitment between two people and just on it's face it is a complete farce to sell rings to thousands of fans and quite apart from all of that it is implicitly asking said fans to be "faithful" and not look for their own happiness whilst asking no such commitment from the chuuba selling them.

>> No.31271594

my kokoro...

>> No.31271614

There's no one under the quilt except her, right?

>> No.31271626
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she's good

>> No.31271643

According to 5ch

>> No.31271648

We have to deal too with her being thrown shit and making every possible intimate moment into a comedy gag?

>> No.31271667

>semen tapioca
do I watch too much porn or is this a lewd joke?

>> No.31271671

romantic moments are just a comedy act for her now
deal with it

>> No.31271689
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>> No.31271724


>> No.31271725

how long until someone edits the picture and puts the 2view guy next to her?

>> No.31271759

Very cute

>> No.31271771

Well, she was trying this time so maybe i had too much expectations...
Thought if she really wanted to do this she could turn off that shit.

>> No.31271785 [DELETED] 


>> No.31271787
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>> No.31271831

the only thing I fear now is when the westerner's get a hold of this, Nyanner's already said she hates loli before so you know what the vshojo audience is like. hopefully they just ignore it or something

>> No.31271852

took a quick shower and honestly thought I'd come back to more apex. I'm currently slightly relieved

>> No.31271875
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>> No.31271883
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>> No.31271894
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>Nyanner's already said she hates loli

>> No.31271895

I feel so loved by my wife, bros
Can you say to me with a straight face that you're not willing to share this dork?

>> No.31271896

no she hates those that like loli, she doesnt hate loli and yes that means she hates herself

>> No.31271911

I hope vshojo fans try to cancel her.
Her losing her unicorns and vshojo fans in one stream would be hilarious

>> No.31271920

Don't worry, Nyanners herself is far too much of a pushover to make a stink out of it, unless the her mod team of 20 who are all ex-tumblr users who sometimes seethe on Twitter force her to say something

>> No.31271931

Nazuna in ero mode

>> No.31271943
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>> No.31271957
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>> No.31271979
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>> No.31271982

>Wonder if the people on twitch are okay with my yab
>We don't mind
>These weaklings... They don't hold up. I have to re-educate them myself
>GFE bed scene
It all makes sense now. Never doupt the queen

>> No.31272061

bed-breaking baby-making sex with nazuna.....

>> No.31272064

[Spoiler] miko [/Spoiler] looking different today

>> No.31272081
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>> No.31272129

I fucked up

>> No.31272158
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you faggots were replaced and displaced, this is the price for you loyalty and support

>> No.31272179


>> No.31272215

see >>31271982
He is being sent to the ministry of love as we speak

>> No.31272222
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>> No.31272257
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godspeed + checked

>> No.31272263

how much money has she made from bits today?

>> No.31272268

I want her to stream on youtube so we get member only streams again. or at least open up an account on niconico for member only streams. I know a vtuber that made a nico account for member only streams because youtube was too restricting and its working fine. I want a gfe stream with her laying in bed the whole time like just now, thats my dream. and without having to worry about westerner's trying to cancel her

>> No.31272278

fitting for a miko post

>> No.31272379

the only people who've tried to cancel nazuna so far are the people who'd tune in to her member streams

>> No.31272440

Let's try to make her raid Miko that have started streaming in Twitch right now.

>> No.31272474
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The dude is a machine.

>> No.31272502

Twitch has members-only stream

>> No.31272510

You have not the slightest idea of the amount of nijiniggers, holobronies and general antis she had since her NND days, retard.

>> No.31272526

can't a man have a night out with her wife without some vshojo tranny breathing down our neck? fuck

>> No.31272563

there are a million bit badges now that she turned this bits addon on.

>> No.31272572

>a man have a night out with her wife

>> No.31272576

Nyanfag here that also loves Nazuna. Way back when people were freaking out about Nyans Nekopara collab, Nyan did one of her alt streams. During the stream she talked about how she honestly does not give a shit about the loli thing anymore and that it was just her trying to be confrontational when she was young. (remember those comments happened about 7 years ago so she was 21-22.) Of course she cant just come out in the open and say that though, because she will 100% get canceled. So she is in an awkward spot about it.

To be clear her current stance is
1. She never hated loli characters.
2. What she does dislike is loli porn which is still true, it makes her uncomfortable.
3. She no longer cares about other people liking it. Everyone has their weird kinks and she thinks its a little problematic, but is just whatever about it now.

>> No.31272626

im too mad too think

>> No.31272691

I've never seen a twitch streamer do a members-only stream. What i did have seen it's greys sperging over someone suggesting doing this. It's just against their culture.
Just hope you don't get normie zoomers that are scared of being genuine and liking something and try to play something like that as a joke or whatever.
