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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31084479 No.31084479 [Reply] [Original]

Thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji. Talk about your favourite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly. Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous thread: >>30660530

>> No.31084837

I’m sad and angry bros

>> No.31084847
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>> No.31084895

pain and suffering

>> No.31085137

At least he left this banger kek

>> No.31085204
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This year has been really rough for Edengumi, huh...? I feel so sorry for the Axiabros here.

>> No.31085302
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Take care, Axia. I'm sure everything will be okay. We'll see you soon.
I laughed out loud listening to that. I love him.

>> No.31085374
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New costume for some of the boys. Apparently might replace old model(?)

>> No.31085813

Didn't realized the height disparity between some of them. More images:

Looks like this "Hello New World" project also includes some prizes like Armani lipstick and a Bilibili cup.

>> No.31086005

Eden bros I guess it aint the year for us but I'll wait for the full comeback I hope for the best for Axia

>> No.31086083

I hope Yomiya still have his horns toggleable.

>> No.31086311

It sounds like he's doing okay, so I hope he has a nice break and rests up. Glad they're taking action. I'll happily wait for full Eden-gumi again

>> No.31086859

Fucking schizo jop antis are the fucking worst.

>> No.31086920
File: 212 KB, 2241x1401, 【怪物】约错了曲绘也要坚持投个稿② 【友夏Uka】 [344383439_part1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King, but it's actually Monster, by Uka:

>> No.31088855
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I wonder if fantasia rehearsal has started. It seems everyone in day 2 got home around the same time.

>> No.31089298

This had no right being so catchy

>> No.31090482

pretty much. i knew this would happen when people started spamming unrelated liver's chats with long blocks of copy/paste text about axia and hima (this happened in like three of akina's early fall guys videos) and then fans of those livers started bitching in axia's tag for him to do something about it. a bad situation all around. but i'm glad he's taking it into his own hands, am happy to hear he's otherwise in good health, and hope this break helps repair things. my top three livers were akina, axia, and mayu, so i don't want to lose another oshi over this.

>> No.31091062

Hasn't it been mostly Thronez? Or did something happen to the others? Haven't been keeping up with Eden for a good while, but I thought they were doing well overall...

>> No.31091234

Thronez is still edengumi. They haven’t been able to all collab for a while because of the stuff that happened

>> No.31091303

Leos having absolutely shitty luck in Koushien.

>> No.31091544

>They haven’t been able to all collab for a while because of the stuff that happened
this is one of the worst parts. the five of them had such great chemistry.

>> No.31091833
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the day I lose akinyan is the day a part of me dies

>> No.31094461

Is Axia's break going to affect nijifes? Wasn't he in one of the main visuals or something?

>> No.31094632

he's pulling out

>> No.31094757

Akina is one of those livers I can't picture Nijisanji without...

>> No.31094940

He won't attend, there are other people that can replace him, so it's fine.

>> No.31096684
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>> No.31097398

as much as i also love fuwa, i think losing akina would be my breaking point. losing mayu was hard enough, but i don't think i could personally stay into vtubers and nijisanji if akina graduated.
thankfully, he's been super clear over the last couple months that he has absolutely no intention of quitting. but the fact that it's always a possibility shows the volatility of this hobby.

>> No.31098235

saw the translated clip of the announcement and wow didnt know it was that bad

>> No.31098471

It's rough and there's no telling what exactly is going on behind the scenes, but it'll probably end up okay. He was right to step back and take a break. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, even if it's hard.

>> No.31098643

this isnt anykara's first rodeo with legal action so that side is probably okay but the situation with his yumes are pretty wild...

>> No.31098825

It had gotten pretty severe. He was very blunt in his announcement video though; I'm just going to trust that distancing himself from those fans for a while will work out for him in the long run. It's best not to linger on it for too long, I think. He'll come back when he's ready.

>> No.31098959

Anykara's announcement mentions harassment since Spring, but antis and "fans" have been ragging on him since at least January. The video where he did the impromtu collab with Hma has dislikes rivaling the amount of Lauren's pov valo stream which is fucking wild.

>> No.31099160

i hope this doesnt turn into vox's situation and they turn into antis that send him death threats

>> No.31100050

I feel you. Akina and Meschers as a whole were some of the first livers I ever watched. He isn't my oshi, but he is very near and dear to my heart. I'm not even going to start thinking about his graduation though, because he'll definitely be sticking around for a while.

>> No.31101568

were these jp or cn fans? I remember izuru having some pretty insane fan that kept superchatting him about having a gf and cheating.

>> No.31101580

will it? i already some of them on twitter acting like theyre not the problem.

>> No.31101616

he didnt say but its most likely its JP since axia could understand what they were saying.

>> No.31105047
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https://youtu.be/ZNS34KgnC1w Detective trying to keep a family survive in post apocalyptic world.

>> No.31106597
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>> No.31108917

What do you do?

>> No.31109982

Bump of Chicken

>> No.31110068
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that axia rap reminded me of the time mysta made a rap about his haters and performed it on one of his syreams

>> No.31111481
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>> No.31111519
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>> No.31111760 [SPOILER] 
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Kaida & Genzuki look cute together. Although I believe Genzuki is more of a muscles person.

>> No.31112533

nowa bros... finally...

>> No.31112638

based taste genzuki, same.

>> No.31113143

Axia being on breaks already hurts me ( I didn't check twitter before coming here and thought he was going to g-word )I think if akina leaves, I'll drop vtubers as a whole

>> No.31115627
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I wish a very painful death to schizos

>> No.31115997

I'm so excited

>> No.31116812

I've been wondering why Chronoir's songs aren't in Spotify yet, nice.

>> No.31117476
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>> No.31118261
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Somehow Axia's disgust for being called cute reminded me with how Shellin prefer being called funny or interesting than being called cool or cute, this includes saying his voice ikebo.
It made me wonder if he adopt his current loud goofy personality to avoid those annoying fans since his PL and early Shellin weren't as loud (he was more soft spoken kinda like Kanae). He originally didn't plan to be this type of character but rolled with it because he like this type of character.

>> No.31119505
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>> No.31122144
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>> No.31124274

I like them and you need a bump

>> No.31124623

Yog is ordered by his senpai to argue with himself for one minute. Also, the only thing he can say while doing so is "I like it":

>> No.31126160
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me at the bottom

>> No.31127263

This seems to be normal occurrent in JP, I have seen people comparing what happen to Axia with K-Pop/Johny stans.
Which remind me when Kuzuha was collabing with Yamada first time he was spammed by "please take care of my Yamada" post.

Schizo's gonna be Schizo's, they already headcanoning that Axia entering rebel phase.
I felt like this is the time Thronez united fully as unit.

>> No.31128243

whatever makes them cope. i guess. i mean i have been an overzealous fan girl back when i was a teen so i understand hormones and all that shit but i do hope they get a reality check and maybe do it in some forum where he cant see it.

>> No.31129906
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>> No.31130893
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>> No.31134417
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>> No.31135186

togabito should learn from axia and finally call out their fujos

>> No.31137902
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>> No.31140955

Do togabito fujos bother them that much they play it as a joke so often. A year ago Gaku yelled at his fans for being weird and I don't think there's been as big issues anymore

>> No.31141079

You should never let fujos get comfortable.

>> No.31141378

Internet as a whole should have never allowed them the comfort to leave their locked circles for both the benefit of the fujo and the vtuber but it's over thanks to EN.

>> No.31146543

Emotional morning talk

>> No.31150473
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>> No.31150591

They'll need to fight Utako and Kazaki to do that.

>> No.31153791

interesting, i always thought it was so funny that there was a gap with his hot voice and goofy personality. honestly i prefer him being so over the top and silly, and it's the reason why i like him. i can't really imagine him otherwise.

>> No.31158769
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>> No.31158785

I don't watch a lot of Yog's solo streams, but he seems entertaining in collabs. Always good at being bullied

>> No.31161779

this general only speeds up when something bad happens. where did 3/4ths of our regulars go, were that many really mayu oshi

>> No.31163518
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wageslave life is killing me and I've been focusing on doing my reps so less time to actually watch streams and post here
anyway I'm very happy about the amount of cult leader Kanae fanart coming from this lamb game he's playing

>> No.31164749

Future sadist?

>> No.31165734

https://youtu.be/rvpHaFJYSQk Nijinoon with Gakkun, Umise, and Shiishii
My ears are already broken

>> No.31167436

Mayuyu wasn't my kamioshi, but I have been a little bit burnt out from watching VTubers ever since his graduation, and I started university again so I have less time for my hobbies. I watched Koshien though, and I've kept up with a few livers still. I'll get back into it more soon most likely.

>> No.31169965
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Shellin is winning big in this segment, eating a bunch of cream puffs for free.

>> No.31170474

Jill stuart pls let me buy

>> No.31173487

how many crowns does akina have left?

>> No.31175491

Last time I checked he was at 32 I think? I had to go before the stream ended though so he could've gotten more.

>> No.31175974

that was a comfy stream from Kagami

>> No.31177160

Vtubers were a mistake. Streamers steal the spotlight any day.

>> No.31177569

Could've avoided such a severe situation by responding to those comments right then and there rather than waiting silencing for so long to get till this point.

>> No.31177731
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A Roiyal costue soon!

>> No.31177769

What's stopping his channel to get monetized?

>> No.31178256
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Haven't been posting about my wife's streams lately because a lot of it is just recycled for shitposting. There was a time that someone was spreading around the eng subbed clip about him dying before getting too old. I felt really put off by that because the person was inserting it into every unrelated conversation just to spread it around.
>○○○ is 30 years old
>Did you know Kanae wants to die when he's 30???
I'm still here but I don't really feel like contributing to more shitposting by spoonfeeding info or stress myself by replying to obvious shitposts so I just post pictures in this thread occasionally.
Also it's funny how a few people are acting like kanaetai are some fanbase boogeyman of gachikoi unicorns that hate females interacting with Kanae when the reason that I started watching him in the first place was that clip of him and Nose playing PUBG.
He interacts with girls a lot.
And he literally just said the other day that the closest to him in VSPO was Nose and that he talks a lot to Nose, Reid, and Met offstream.
I'm sure there are some but a majority of fans are like me and just enjoy his interactions with his friends.

>> No.31179816

Those people simply don't watch any of the vtubers they talk about. They are just assuming stuff.

>> No.31179847
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I'm still posting stuff and still watching my oshi, but not gonna lie I've been losing interest posting here due to how fast the board lately (plus killing the thread early) and the increased amount of shitposts.
Kanae is honorary Vspo at this point, also vspo's best girl.

>> No.31180727

Took my friend 3hrs to check out god these neesans

>> No.31180746

>Another 60 seconds! stream
He really want to win, huh. He's been playing this for 6 hours and still hasn't win even once.
Compared to last year or earlier this year, where he barely streamed, he streams almost every day now despite Nijinoon and Fantasia prep (his Nijifes stage with Luis probably don't really need much rehearsal since it's mostly a radio). I'm feeling really full lately.

>> No.31180837

Late but he's at 33 wins, he needs 17 more

>> No.31181283

i couldnt get them, took me 4 hours to be able to access the website and then the chekis were sold out online :(

>> No.31182239

Normal fans exist it's just that no one will be quote retweeting or compiling screenshots of kanaetai number 720,289 saying Kanae and Runa and Vanlla made a funny joke together, they'd rather focus on schizos from the schizosite

>> No.31182452

I stopped posting when Axia started uploading video's two weeks ago because I could already feel the break coming. Had to distract myself with other things.

>> No.31184489
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https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app/status/1560537088428281858 Oliver 3d
Now it just makes me sad that we could've had full edengumi 3d...

>> No.31184563

I'm sorry but I kinda write off anyone who is sad about not having full Eden 3d, now that Axia is on break, a fucking dramatourist. Lauren made it very clear public knowledge that he wouldn't have a 3d debut for a while.

>> No.31184634
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3/5 eden 3d im still holding out by this year ;; i want full eden collab again bros i miss them

>> No.31184667

Really excited for Oliver’s 3D! I’m looking forward to seeing him tower over other livers

>> No.31184691

currently traveling overseas for a couple weeks so all streams are when i'm asleep, mayu (oshi number two) graduating, axia's (oshi number three) clear burnout, various other nijisanji things making me feel kinda sad and nostalgic, plus the unfortunate cycle of the general constantly dying for days on end making me less likely to check some days
anyway, finally getting around to watching fuwagusa rajiotaiso. i feel healed whenever they're together, and as much as i still miss full meschers i'm so glad these two are inseparable nonetheless.

>> No.31185006

This thread has always been dead, in fact, every single nijisanji thread that is not EN is slow. In the beginning this place used to die with only 2 or 5 replies. It's fine like this.

>> No.31185482

his character is 6 3 right?

>> No.31185769

Idk if she got the chekis with it coz even browsing the site was painfully slow man im so sorry the resale sisters would be selling the chekis for 20x the value on mercari soon enough

>> No.31188494
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From smartnews Nijinoon after talk, Shellin went to teddy bear museum recently, CUTE OJISAN IS CUTE!

>> No.31188540
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He's been playing with Rio alot these few weeks
It's cute how close they are

>> No.31189785
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>> No.31191638
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>> No.31192049

Wife talking about wife's 3D

I'm very excited to see the height difference between Oliver and the rest of the livers.

With Axia's 3D debut delayed too, I wonder if he and Lauren will end up having theirs back to back. That'd be a really nice way to continue Thronez activities. Hoping it's not too long til both of them can debut without worries

>> No.31192105

>>31192049 (me)
Also, wife new key visual soon

>> No.31195647

I'm interested in Susam's. He looks completely different.

>> No.31195857
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>> No.31196302
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>> No.31196575
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What a king...

>> No.31199763
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>> No.31199834

I was thinking about that as well. I'm sure they'll try to do them close together since they couldn't debut in the same timeframe as the rest of Edengumi

>> No.31200988
File: 334 KB, 1728x1080, 集体新衣装??男子冒险企划【Hello新世界】最新情报公布 [857119514_part1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the VR boys are having a relay for their "Hello New World" outfit event.

20 August (CST):
https://live.bilibili.com/23260856 19:00 Yomiya
https://live.bilibili.com/23550793 19:30 Uka
https://live.bilibili.com/23550749 20:00 Yog
https://live.bilibili.com/3032130 20:30 Susam
https://live.bilibili.com/22605469 21:00 Tanoshiba
https://live.bilibili.com/23017349 21:30 Tocci

Based on the current backgrounds in their live rooms, they also have a number of collabs in the days after, as well as what seems to be an original song.

>> No.31201006

lots of detail. looks cute

>> No.31203332

a new song...i'm excited

>> No.31204595
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>> No.31205919


>> No.31207064

I always found this interesting about him as well, I love loud goofy Shellin the most especially since he seems to enjoy it so much but I have to admit I wonder what a reality where the gap was less emphasized would be like.
I can't help but think of him as a cute detective but I would never want to annoy him with it.

>> No.31208747
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>> No.31210344
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>> No.31212454

Ty for the work out mengen. All the panting noises are bad for my heart

>> No.31214549
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>> No.31214669
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>> No.31214778


>> No.31216821
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>> No.31218157

damn missed kanae's mengen twitcast anyone got a recording?

>> No.31219562
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>> No.31220968
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made for kisses and love

>> No.31222224
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>> No.31223786
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>> No.31225382
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>> No.31226831
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>> No.31229329
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cascading male homo sapiens

>> No.31230120

my wives chu chu

>> No.31232076


>> No.31234893

any voltaction anons here? how was the board game offcollab?

>> No.31237913

His face is so cute

>> No.31239457
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you'll enjoy the artist's other works
also wife is streaming

>> No.31244234
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>> No.31244836

By the way, any of the VR anons in any of the liver's fan group or something or have access to some secret art/content? I don't have access to those social media.

>> No.31248688
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>> No.31248943

Cute Shubert, I need to see him in a high ponytail

>> No.31251290

i need to see him stuck in a wall

>> No.31251842

why are fujos so horny lately?

>> No.31251861
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I really hope those rumours are just bs.
my poor heart couldn't take it

>> No.31251961

what rumors? is it the g word

>> No.31252024

What will be, will be.

>> No.31252263


>> No.31254326

everyone on this board is constantly horny what's new
sex with shu btw

>> No.31256316


He recently posted a members only video talking about personal stuff and his future plans. It got a mixed reaction by his fans.
from what i understand he talked about keeping the actual video format, doing less live streams and not collaborating as much with Nijisanji

>> No.31258736

so he's going to become like an old school youtuber lets player? i dont mind.

>> No.31260855

Is Akina okay?

>> No.31263174

The usual

>> No.31266332
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>> No.31266393

Mashiro's drawing is truly unique...

>> No.31267772

Oh wow, it's actually six new models

>> No.31267869

saw the latest one with petra. pretty cute editing. too bad it was short. i wish i could see him ride the coasters in deezneyland

>> No.31267890
File: 1.00 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220820-181301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomiya costume

>> No.31267922

nice. doesnt he have horns?

>> No.31268168

Not in this costume apparently. At leaset not show yet.

>> No.31268234

I like his jacket

>> No.31268704

Uka's costume reveal

>> No.31268940
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>> No.31269324
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My kisses and my undying love

>> No.31269574
File: 878 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220820-185043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those pajamas? He looks pretty geeky with those glasses

>> No.31270242

Some of the other VR Livers are also doing their own watchalongs of the outfit relay:
https://live.bilibili.com/21696950 Aza
https://live.bilibili.com/282208 Nox
https://live.bilibili.com/23805059 Sybil
https://live.bilibili.com/23805078 Karisa

>> No.31270283
File: 817 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220820-190803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Susam costume reveal

>> No.31270416

I've been watching Aza's watchalong. Very comfy.
All the outfits have been model updates of some sort, but Susam's is a straight-up redesign and a sex change. Going to be weird getting used to that.

>> No.31270678
File: 895 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220820-191700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max sus

>> No.31270751

why lol

>> No.31271189

Yog costume reveal

>> No.31271599
File: 112 KB, 860x524, Screenshot_20220820-193952_One UI Home~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31272578

Tanoshiba costume reveal

>> No.31272694

he looks like he's going to drag me into a back ally and fuck me

>> No.31272855
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>> No.31273961

Tocci costume reveal

>> No.31274945
File: 948 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220820-205323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere energy?

>> No.31275507

i like this one

>> No.31276292

Tocci "INSANE" cover:

>> No.31276790

Thank you for posting vr stuff in this thread anon. I watched them for the first time today and I am walking away with a new oshi. Even though I understand 0 Chinese it was still fun

>> No.31279135

That's cool to know, anon. Who was it? Think they are doing an original song together and stream together tomorrow.

>> No.31281938
File: 407 KB, 828x1792, 55ad726fed0b25853f29c26b122f77286853766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the new VR boys' models, I like Susam's the most. I think it's a big but nice upgrade to his old model, in terms of design.


>> No.31284985
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>> No.31287142

He's not fit for idol vtubing so he left for good, but seriously, anyone would call him cute.

>> No.31287365

What's his lore, did he detransition or some shit

>> No.31289107
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salaryman love

>> No.31291461
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>> No.31295415
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>> No.31297199

I only paid attention to the last bit of this time's lore video, but he basically went through a printer and this is the result. He still called himself "mom" during this model's debut though

>> No.31300283


>> No.31302103
File: 256 KB, 851x721, IMG_20220819_002120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.31302868

He's like an android male programming but before he had female hardware.

>> No.31303213

(me) Also, all this takes place in Dreamland (maybe the same Dreamland as Yomiya's) so dunno how it'll work out lorewise.

>> No.31303422

Mysta Rias

>> No.31303995
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I love them

>> No.31304335

I was like "Where is the 3rd member of Mescher's then I remember the sad info.

>> No.31304778

If I'm not mistaken, his new lore says he was a male, human weapons researcher in what looks like a dystopian world. He later breaks into a research facility and is shot to death by the guards, but not before uploading his dormant consciousness into a purple-haired female android. The android awakes and escapes from the facility and becomes a streamer. The male researcher then says he himself only awoke some months ago and that the prior experiences and skills acquired android have been inherited by him. He wonders whether he could do things over again and receives a mysterious printer which he uses to create his original body. Unfortunately, it's not a perfect job and the purple tip of his ponytail is a remnant of the android Susam.

There's also some parts about a female friend of his who was being used as a lab rat for AI research, which is part of his motivation for breaking into the research facility. I think it's implied their consciousness is also tied to the female android, but I'm not really sure if I'm understanding this part right.

>> No.31306745
File: 370 KB, 1748x1181, IMG_20220819_001211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's in our heart now

>> No.31309193

not sure i understood everything but i think i understand that sex

>> No.31309405

That hurt

>> No.31313844
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>> No.31321612

>Page 11
Is this the end?

>> No.31322644
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>page 5

>> No.31327604
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>> No.31330669
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>> No.31334723
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>> No.31337049
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>> No.31339588


>> No.31339594 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31340405

who made a cover of this? i remember listening to a nijimale cover this but for the life of me, i cant remember who did.

>> No.31340698

nvm i heard the song from yt jp rewind lol

>> No.31341066

fuwacchi did https://youtu.be/A-XOKwvFM-0

>> No.31341911
File: 2.34 MB, 1600x900, unknown-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomiya's new original
The new costume boys talk collab

>> No.31342046

Ako and Chima also covered it

>> No.31343072

Sorry for the late response but I absolutely loved Tanoshiba. Generally interested in chubas who play instruments but I also liked Tocci.

>> No.31343841

thanks. i think i just heard it from the youtube jp rewind lol. thanks for the vids though!

>> No.31345820
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>> No.31347253
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Are you?

>> No.31348670
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>> No.31349506

Recently I've been completely infatuated with Shachou more than I ever have been in years and it keeps getting worse

>> No.31349730

There's going to be an offline meeting between the VR boys who got new outfits per Uka

>> No.31350253

Oh. Concidentally, the 5 besides Yomiya were the same 5 that did a full instruments cover for White Day. They all play something, dunno their proficiency but some played on stream before.

>> No.31351541

Everyone and their mom are releasing covers or songs.

https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Da4y1f7k4 Susam's "Loop"
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ot4y1J7Rn Tanoshiba's "Samba Catina"
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FV4y1x7Xd Uka's "怎么我睡不着你不来救我"
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Da4y1f7nW Yog's "Boi"

>> No.31353138

>Uka's "怎么我睡不着你不来救我"
Hm, the soft background voice sounds more like Susam than Uka to me

>> No.31355123
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>> No.31355161

Oh this is interesting. Per Uka, VirtuaReal apparently didn't let the Livers know wave 17 was coming out, so it caught some of them by surprise

>> No.31356983

If ebio graduated I'm going to drop vtubers

>> No.31361677
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>> No.31366971
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>> No.31370945
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>> No.31373746

chaichai is here today

>> No.31375319

>In the beginning this place used to die with only 2 or 5 replies
No we had more discussion they were just mostly from anons asking meta shit. It was never a fast general but I do agree it's slowed down more than usual, discussion of certain oshis has dropped to almost zero so it does feel like we're missing some regulars. Since I use this thread to see what the other boys I don't follow are up to

>> No.31378353
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>> No.31379380
File: 461 KB, 1452x2048, E9fXP3lVIBMMGZb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife's birthday please say something nice!

>> No.31379815
File: 104 KB, 900x1200, FasYjmWUcAYTk7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy 16th (season 4) birthday to anon's wife

>> No.31382940


>> No.31383229

What about it? Did he say anything significant?

>> No.31383554
File: 1.32 MB, 1274x718, 1109904590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zuha event in compass live arena. vid shows two of his own songs and two covers.

>> No.31386659

what did he say?

>> No.31389574

I train hard in the gym so Genzuki will one day fall in love with me at first site & we'll live happily ever after.

>> No.31389803
File: 214 KB, 1486x1758, IMG_20220822_023325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like when artists draw Kaida like this. A really great mix of pretty & handsome.
Also remove the stick & you have an immediate R18 art piece. I think that's what this artist intended really

>> No.31392674
File: 426 KB, 1441x2048, Faa-T7yVQAURiI8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exclusively eat fast food and never work out so i can become a fat bastard and NTR your wife

>> No.31392883

gm anon

>> No.31393306

gm wife

>> No.31398930
File: 1.46 MB, 1455x820, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posing skills 100

>> No.31401962

Susam, stop it, you're going to go to jail...

>> No.31407665
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1440, 1661145939430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come by tomorrow to see debut of VR wave 17. Seems to be 2 guys but who knows.

>> No.31411249

>mengen then privated
ah fuck

>> No.31411837

Ebio anons it’s not as bad as I’m thinking right?

>> No.31412870

It has nothing to do with his thoughts on the stream change and something to do with clearing up a recent collab video partners

>> No.31413164

Ok not as bad as I was thinking. Thanks

>> No.31418705
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>> No.31420651

Lookin good

>> No.31422916
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>> No.31423054
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>> No.31423584

I don't think they held hands so Kanae probably didn't get pregnant and they aren't married.

>> No.31426254
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>> No.31426268
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>> No.31428651

Joe sounded amazing today

>> No.31428985

Nothing, he's turning superchats on again when he does the first karaoke stream of his new channel.

>> No.31431358

Is dazzlegarden addicted to Minecraft?

>> No.31431670
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>> No.31431750

a couple of them are.

>> No.31434155
File: 588 KB, 1786x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of maikura, chaika, yashiro, ibu and ex are in this three day long minecraft event.

>> No.31434277
File: 529 KB, 1510x2085, IMG_20220819_175800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday to this boy

>> No.31434405


>> No.31435083

Happy Birthday, boy!

>> No.31438067
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>> No.31440788


>> No.31443007

Akina was playing valorant at near 3am

>> No.31445577
File: 786 KB, 1080x1920, FDIRhv8aQAAROJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agosisters, wake up...

>> No.31447080

Sounds unconcerning.

>> No.31448756 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 763x700, Faw9FCtVsAEO4zU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been months since I've been here

>> No.31451562 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31452678
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I will become ago anon just for this day

>> No.31452760
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>> No.31452867
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>> No.31452967

May be late, but happy birthday to Ago!

>> No.31452994
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>> No.31453332
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welcome back Suha anon

>> No.31453847


>> No.31457377 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31460788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31464470

me on the left

>> No.31468591
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>> No.31468728

Looks like we'll reach the limit this thread. This was a very active thread.

>> No.31468858
File: 181 KB, 1000x875, Fazm-huWYAEcCag-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished drawing Ren Zotto and Arcadia. If you got ideas, tell em and I may draw em

>> No.31469306

Do you have the art of sugar waving hi you know the one

>> No.31472422

S-suha anon?

>> No.31473158

i like how you color

>> No.31473427

Maybe draw Iluna males threesome?

>> No.31480401

My grandpa continuing English studies feat pengu sibs Shu and Petra


>> No.31485646
File: 45 KB, 702x206, ezgif.com-gif-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VR wave 17 revealed but no debut stream yet

>> No.31485772
File: 297 KB, 718x1000, 2bc05227c203f372bb40a8aa5300b047dadac4aa_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sort of lion guy

>> No.31485922
File: 249 KB, 718x1000, 8750699cad6ccbbbcec4a2375687a4f92e164dc3_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ancient fox guy

>> No.31486256

Lion man is named Leo, Fox man is named Era and Bird girl is named Sui

>> No.31491643

He's my favorite

>> No.31493959

I like their designs

>> No.31494058

the csgo collab team this week

>> No.31496787
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>> No.31498573
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>> No.31499017
File: 829 KB, 2232x3109, IMG_20220822_235810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife tummy CHUUUUUU

>> No.31500020

This thread is nothing much about jp males but more about vr and nijien. I wonder if that day is long gone.

>> No.31500362

You sure? There is hardly en on here and JP is still the main talk it feels.

>> No.31501260

dont know where you got that idea most of the discussion itt is still about jp males

>> No.31502279
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>> No.31503533

Leo's Chinese name sounds like "lion" lol. Altogether, he's "Lion Leo"

>> No.31503950

I think I lack the critical information. Who are the 2 next to him? What are they up to?

>> No.31504729

he'll be back

>> No.31506104

with an uglier model so the fans he hates get filtered
