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31072340 No.31072340 [Reply] [Original]

based or racist

>> No.31072596

I still dont get the yab.

>> No.31072652
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I believe in Mumei Supremacy

>> No.31072672

based on my cock retard

>> No.31072749

it's not a yab, it's how rust works. you show dominance

>> No.31072760

Indofans have a massive inferiority complex and SEETHE over any perceived slight, real or imaginary. They will in the same sentence complain about imaginary double standards and do the exact thing they accuse EN/JP fans of doing in their hypothetical. In other words, they project really hard.

>> No.31072812

so, basically chinks

>> No.31072872

I thought the holoserver rules didn't allow people to play Rust the way it was meant to be played.

>> No.31072919

They’re right though. It was a bad thing to do. SEAs aren’t wrong always the time lol.

>> No.31072956

Based racist.
It’s not an actual yab, it’s just that something about birds in HoloEN causes schizos (usually SEA or EU) to seethe for no real reason.

>> No.31073117

>It was a bad thing to do.

>> No.31073118

why are SEA and Eurocucks like this

>> No.31073163

>plays the video game
>"But she's not doing it the right waaaaaay!"

>> No.31073200

No peanut butter and corn syrup every meal

>> No.31073211

you still don't explain what happened

>> No.31073433

>Mumei thought Kaela was a computer
>killed her
>Kaela and Moona team up to kill Mumei
>Moona whiffs her shot trying to kill her
>Mumei kills her instead
>they come back
>Mumei feels they are still aggressive and knocks them down then they resolve the misunderstanding but Kaela dies again and they go gambling the rest of the night
Sounds like RUST being played pretty tamely to me?

>> No.31073459

>playing rust
>based or racist

>> No.31073466

Mumei is trigger happy and reflexively gunned down both Kaela and Moona twice.

>> No.31073558

...ok? It's rust.

>> No.31073595
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It was a fun game, everyone know indonesian is full of schizo and american is full of psychopath.

>> No.31073629

It was in bad taste given it was Indonesian independence day when Indonesia celebrated independence from the Dutch
You couldn't have picked a worse person to play the role of the oppressor, the optics are incredibly bad. Almost like she was deliberately putting them down.
It would be like a British person fucking up Americans on July 4th.

>> No.31073652

She didn't even take their stuff, you fucks are more sensitive than people on fucking twitter.

>> No.31073699

Not really a yab but you could tell Kaela was at a loss at how to react and Moona let slip her frustration/annoyance with that pronounced "what the fuck" she slipped in. Fortunately for Mumei it didn't blow up into anything but she did come across as a bit retarded in terms of social interactions.

>> No.31073703

>She didn't even take their stuff
Holy shit she let them get their stuff back and people are bitching? In RUST?

>> No.31073748

> Moona tried to show off her RPG
> Mumei thought she was going to kill her and shoot first
> She thought Kaela was going to kill her and shoot her too
> Moona saw Kaela getting shot and tried to kill Mumei but failed again

>> No.31073781

There isn't one just a bunch of SEA losing their shit >>31070643
it was good content and Kaela and Mumei even sat and gambled together for a long time afterwards.
You can absolutely kill and grief but they just don't want the members to do it to offline members (who can't defend themselves) the JPs have been doing it a lot


>> No.31073785

That’s why it’s not an actual yab and it’s just a bunch of seething SEAschizos.

>> No.31073818

ok but how does calli even related to hiro

>> No.31073880

Mumei used her massive WHITE PRIVILEGE to FORCIBLY COLONIZE the indigenous peoples of the rust server by use of MICROAGGRESSIONS with her gun.

>> No.31073892

Weren't these two trying to take shit from the other girls?

>> No.31074038

Hot! She should have made them lick her feet and suck on her toes. How humiliating that would have been!

>> No.31074154

It was good content once things settled down but for a couple minutes there it had potential to go south. Mumei was spazzing out, acting like the victim while her actions were that of an aggressor and you could tell Moona was getting real sick of the double act. Fortunately Moona realized that Mumei was truly panicking and in over her head and talked her down from rolling the boulder further down the drama hill.

>> No.31074167
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>> No.31074177
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>> No.31074189

Nobody gives a shit about the 4th beyond eating fatty grilled foods and blowing shit up. This is an attempt to once again excuse the actions of brown people acting like children.

>> No.31074255

EU bro here. This board is full of central and south americans. Can you at least add them to the mix sometimes?

>> No.31074275


>> No.31074278

The SEA energy in this thread is off the charts.

>> No.31074505

They’re more prominent during NA primetime.

>> No.31074508

I was worried Mumei was on the verge of nearly pulling a Shion Social Media meltdown (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or29XGdM1mU)) and wasn't sure if Kaela or Moona were capable of playing the vital role Coco did in the moment.

>> No.31074752
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Imagine if it was reine who's getting shot ? even kobo kneeling to reine after AOE2 stream

>> No.31074965

I actually want kobo to play rust because I think she would be the one who brave enough to just kill people, she actually killed pekora on their first meeting in minecraft

>> No.31075051

Rust is not her thing, give it up

>> No.31075083

KEK what is it with Rust and always causing drama?
Iirc the Rust Twitch event had to cancel because of some huge drama in the server

>> No.31075127

drama and shitting on people is 90% of the reason anyone plays Rust, it's so fun

>> No.31075218

>play fps game
>get shot

>> No.31075309


>> No.31075320

I am not entirely convinced moona wasnt gonna use the bazooka

>> No.31075484

nah Moona definitely won't use it at least until she got shot but didn't die, but this is Rust why wait someone to shoot first

>> No.31075578

Even Americans, as ridiculously self-centered, jingoistic, and pompous as we are, wouldn't bitch about getting killed in a PVP game just because it's the 4th of July. Your bait is over the top, go back and try to think of a better one.

>> No.31075624

That's what she said about Minecraft

>> No.31075682 [DELETED] 

Cry more indog faggot.

>> No.31075814

Literally the first ten minutes of her stream.

>> No.31075884


>> No.31076039
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>tell kaela to avoid pego sachou during loot drop
Moona know pegora got issues now she will add moom to her "avoid" list pretty sure

>> No.31076236

Please understand, they lost the war to the dutch so badly they felt bad and gave them independence

>> No.31076268


>> No.31076321

dan dan colonize indonesia

>> No.31076365

it's based to be racist

>> No.31076458

Remember how they also got upset about Mumei riding on a horse and running down Ollie with Moona working in thhe background saying it was supposed to represent Indonesian slavery?

>> No.31076514

She owl both of them? Awesome.
Kind of boring to see no one try to attack those ID but Moomer changed that

>> No.31076593

Rust is designed to cause drama and bad blood between people, it's a persistent sandbox world with a huge emphasis on pvp. All of its systems and mechanics exist solely to give people the ability and incentive to raid other people, that's all.

>> No.31076665

Reminder that Mumei's RM is of Dutch origins and that's what's fueling the Indodog rage. They don't like their old colonizers coming back to finish the job.

Pay no attention to Reine being colonized by the Austrian though.

>> No.31076669

I don't think they were upset about that tho, many mention it but no drama came from ID for that

>> No.31076867

Imagine if one of these girls acted like Stimpee for just a day.

>> No.31076901

People take it so seriously when it should just be viewed like a PVP game through-and-through. Don’t attach feelings to a game where people will kill you on sight, just git gud.

>> No.31077286

SEA really is South America but again

>> No.31077674

The real fault is the JPs who gave Mumei a gun that girl is legit paranoid and will shoot that shit at the drop of a hat
Reminder she almost gunned down Roboco when they met

>> No.31078807

learn english

>> No.31079033

based 2nd amendment supporting owl

>> No.31079167

I’d like to believe that this is Mumei trying to deflect so people don’t connect her hatred of niggers to her actually being an Afrikaner instead of being Dutch.

>> No.31079324
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>retards beg them to play a pvp game
>Nooooo you are not allowed to do pvp things!!!!

Fucking holobabs man.

>> No.31079580

Dutch, Afrikaner, the difference is nothing. They hate subhumans just the same.

>> No.31079656

moona will bring peace to the server and dominate every single one of them to bring her free foods everyday as an offering

>> No.31079763

I agree, I’m just pointing out that her racist remarks are usually directed at blacks and Asians.

>> No.31080004
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I didn't realise mumei was a dangerous person.

>> No.31080052
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the trigger pull on moona was a little bit suspect but gunning down kaela was 100% understandable, she was full fight or flight mode when she domed the blacksmith

>> No.31080137


>> No.31080488

its been about a year since i first saw this, time sure flys

>> No.31080781

true, now i understand why she didnt go out so much, stay home moomer

>> No.31080824

People often think Moom is harmless, but she's a predator as well

>> No.31081475

I mean it's moomei being moomei, nothing new here

>> No.31083112

I mean the crazy bitch tried to make Fauna, someone she actually likes, eat herself. Shotgunning a couple of indos is tame compared to that.

>> No.31083281

So Mumei acted like Mumei, glad she is consistent

>> No.31085342

Kaela repeatedly coming back to get her stuff, dying to stupid shit then giving up and leaving all while Mumei is in her fucking foxhole on the roof being a schizo was great. Love both these dumb bird girls

>> No.31085608

Moona was so fucking tilted here. Moomers killed them both twice on sight. The JPs typically will talk for a bit and cooperate until they want to kill and loot the other person but Mumei is American and the Castle Doctrine demands she eliminated intruders immediately.

I do hope she apologized afterwards off stream to both of them. Sometimes Mumei's sperg side comes out.

>> No.31085781

only in a fucking vtuber community will killing someone else in RUST be a yab lmfao

>> No.31086054

Based. And the schizo indogs seething because they don't understand how a game works is just further proof that we need a range ban

>> No.31086119

Botan said she's a veteran Rust player and she plays so viciously and vindictively she's made plays break down crying. Basically a total griefer so she refuses to play on the Holoserver because everyone would hate how she has "fun".

>> No.31086143

already done

>> No.31086215

Ah yes the ESL cope

>> No.31086297

hi sea friends, good larp

>> No.31086541

based, sasuga lalion

>> No.31087103

Wanna see how white I am I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours brown man

>> No.31087160


>> No.31087283

She should do it two days before server whipe just to see how far she can make it against fully geared holos lmao my guess is she'll get in three good kills with a stupid fucking bow and be fully kited for raiding

>> No.31087296

stop with the delusional please, itll hurt you more than i do

>> No.31087411
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>> No.31088853 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31089310

god damn glizzy hands

>> No.31089695

How old and black do you have to be to still use glizzy?

>> No.31089926


>> No.31090116

Yep, its just that Rust brings out the worst in communities.

>> No.31090194

Sure why not

>> No.31090558

faggot trying to prove his white on pdt primetime

>> No.31090735

Mumei's first time in Minecraft by herself led to Gura murdering her. She's not taking any chances in Rust

>> No.31090849

later in the stream she became Zeta's sugar mama. Owl is too powerful.

>> No.31091011

Ogey and? I stuck by what I said and posted because I'm not a lil bitch like some people

>> No.31091090

anonchama its a zoomer thing..

>> No.31091315

senyap kau. you're making it worse

>> No.31091376

Yeah from DC....

>> No.31091756

who? moona and kaela? no... the only sneaky thing they've ever done is pretend that they're poor so they get the water plantation unlocked crate loot

>> No.31095484

>Am I being Groomei'd?
Yes, by an actual autist at that.

>> No.31095702
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what the fuck
why are third-worlders so fragile?

>> No.31095955

That'd be pretty funny. I'd point out that brits can't even own butter knives and ask them if they got their fapping license yet. Have you tried saying something funny about the dutch?

>> No.31096267

They said they are resetting the server in the chat, what for?

>> No.31096287

So, basically actual niggers? Aka 13%ers?

>> No.31096402

an EN girl looked at Pekora and she threatened to crush her pet monkey under her heel on stream if management didn't make separate servers.

>> No.31096425

>moona the autist
>now this
That's growth.

>> No.31096574

Are they really going to separate the JP and EN? seems retarded if true

>> No.31096649

a little retarded but makes sense i guess
can't have the hugbox and the actual players mix lest there be confusion and hurt feefees

>> No.31096750

sounds like gura fans

>> No.31096860

yeah JP server will be separate, I'm guessing ID and EN will be on their own servers as well after little miss trigger-happy's yab.

>> No.31096953

So I take it this is why her stream chat was set to subs only?

>> No.31097018

this cant be a result of that no?

>> No.31097028
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>based or racist
What did he mean by this, fellow based Channers?

>> No.31097048

timestamp me

>> No.31097056

idk, I'm making all this up

>> No.31098803

>Showing his fingerprint
Anon you OPSEC reps...

>> No.31099343 [DELETED] 

as indog, i blame this on moona since she refuse to play rust in a rust way, if moona just seriously retaliated, there would be no indogs seething over iofi incident or using independence day as reason condemning racism, oh god i'm surprised my fellow indogs are fragile just like twitter retards

>> No.31099440 [DELETED] 

remember that third world indogs are the reason we will never get this level of kino outside of jp

>> No.31099629


>> No.31099923

Serious question. If moona retaliated, will EN fanbase seethe about it? I'm getting mixed answer here.

>> No.31099995

Moona was annoyed at kaela?

>> No.31100222

yeah. Kaela plays a lot of 5D chess when it comes to Mumei because Kaela's oshi is Kronii, and she wants her attention. This means she SHOULDN'T shit on Mumei, because she's tight with Kronii. However, if Kaela's just a complete doormat she'll always be in Mumei's shadow. Add in her intense autism, and she's basically always overthinking how to act around Mumei. Moona was frustrated because she just wanted to try and kill Mumei, and call a truce from there.

>> No.31100332

LOL this did happen

>> No.31100582

No, she said she just want to show off her weapon to mum and she just shoot her wtf.
Try harder faggot

>> No.31100781

Moona got shit on for removing a berry bush from the Bunkeronii, you tell me

>> No.31101260

Kronies going schizo isn’t an indicator for other fanbases, though that does show which ones in particular you’d want to avoid.

>> No.31101408

It's Mumei fans who seethed

>> No.31101437

i want psycho suisei to kill both en and id

>> No.31101618

Holy Kino

>> No.31101723

I have seen absolutely nothing of the sort from Hoomans. Kronies are usually the ones who flip out about something happening to Kronii or the bunkeronii.

>> No.31101744

>saying something funny about the dutch
The retards wouldn't even understand what you said, just shiver from their drug withdrawals and die from aids

>> No.31102313
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lol jk, based
gotta show that dominance in rust

>> No.31102594

Why is this thread still up, shouldn't the mods have deleted this and banned op for racism outside of /b/ for 3 days?

>> No.31104704

>3 days
>shitposter isp
oh no no no… not the 5min cooldown!

>> No.31104961 [DELETED] 

>He literally thinks its racist because a holo killed other holos in a game and some faggot made a thread about it asking if its based or not
