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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 38 KB, 640x480, images - 2022-08-17T102005.397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31045407 No.31045407 [Reply] [Original]

>Is there a reason why no one talks about her in this board?
>what do you think of her, anons?

>> No.31045574

she's not a vtuber.

>> No.31045646

case closed

>> No.31045653

She speaks in a nigger dialect, and I refuse to watch any such streamer.

>> No.31045709

FF Chara

>> No.31045723

She’s not really a vtuber. She’s like the people who call any show with a vaguely Asian looking art style anime

>> No.31045732

Neither is Kson.

>> No.31045818

wow! This post sucks!

>> No.31045876

She does more 3DPD than "vtubing" and she's unironically a whore

>> No.31045949

She used 3DPD once out of the dozen streams she does a week and you still can’t let it go

>> No.31046148

>On this board.
Literally nobody's talking about her in any Vtuber-related spaces, unless it's very forced and in more "wow Twitch streamer! wow impressive tech!" generic fashion.
Is she a Vtuber or not is debatable but for damn sure she's forgettable as fuck.

>> No.31046191

>Nip slip IRL stream
>nobody cares about it
this says it all

>> No.31046291

too real to be a vtuber

>> No.31046422

>>what do you think of her, anons?
Great tech, it's a shame she have the personality of a plain cardboard.
She is the proof that personality>>>>>>avatar.

>> No.31046423
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>> No.31046466

I was living a happier life before you reminded me this garbage exists.

>> No.31046480

got a pic?

>> No.31046519

Its not Live2D. So its not vtubing.

>> No.31046528

>>Nip slip IRL stream
>>nobody cares about it
kek, seriously?
must have been a sad looking nip haha.
can you tell me where i can find it to laugh at the sad nip haha.

>> No.31046547

she's too woman for my taste

>> No.31046566

Its a 4 word google search do it yourself retard

>> No.31046626
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>> No.31046867

The tech behind the avatar seems really cool. Sadly her personality and content is dull and less enjoyable than my chemotherapy session.

>> No.31046950

I want an anime girl, not a hyper realistic wanna be video game character.

>> No.31046957

That's a bit more than a nipslip...

>> No.31046981

If she's not a vtuber, how come this happened?

>> No.31047054

to be honest she does play the character well and is entertaining from what little i've seen - it was interviewing twitch streamers, with awkward, piss-taking humour. but its far too engrained in zoomer twitch culture for me to watch beyond a few clips like that and ever think about her again.

but what is there to talk about? you could make a general thread for her but i don't see it living for long unless there are somehow a bunch of dedicated fans lurking here. no one here really cares and if it's not creating the fervent admiration of an Idol, it doesn't really match up with /vt/'s interests.

>> No.31047291

Faggot tourist promotion thread
Learn to use greentext, nigger, you fucking glow.

>> No.31047506

In other news I just gave myself the fattest cock award everyone please acknowledge it

>> No.31047578

nice cock man

>> No.31047587

Because that award is a fucking joke.
It's basically their version of Best animated film on Oscars. No one that votes has any idea what they are voting for.

>> No.31047623

She talked shit about melody one year ago, that's why she is blacklisted by twitch vtubers

>> No.31047857

It is a twitch streamer run award show for twitch streamers and their friends. You could tell this by how all the nominees were either friends or friends of friends of Qtcinderella who made the event.

>> No.31048073

Who the absolute fuck

>> No.31048178
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>best vtuber of the year
>3 vshojo and 1 who

I can't even find it funny, just puzzling. This whole awards feels like watching a crowd having collective hysteria.

>> No.31048183

>I have some dignity


>> No.31048264

It's really funny when she pops up in vtuber chats and she gets ignored. Saw it with Nyanners

>> No.31048296


>> No.31048355

She's boring. There's nothing about her content that is watchable.

>> No.31048382

Ludwig girlfriend. Which puts her in the same friend group as Tyler1, Asmongold, sodapoppin, xqc, Nymp and indirectly makes her connected to vshojo.
She is also a friend of codemiko.

>> No.31048461

t. found vtubers with Hololive last year when it was spammed on /v/.
Your opinion doesn't matter, she is a vtuber, period.

This. She's insanely boring.
No amount of good tech... "good", will make up for a boring or outright shitty personality. She's already knowingly and openly been jealous of that Melody chick.

>> No.31048493

I think her content is boring and not for me, but I give her credit for getting laid off, learning a new skill, and becoming well-known in a burgeoning industry. She seems like the industrious, hardworking type of menhera

>> No.31048536

>Your opinion doesn't matter, she is a vtuber, period.
This thot goes meat all the fucking time.
Playing a persona is literally the whole point just having an avatar you sometimes put on screen doesnt make you a vtuber faggot.
If shes a vtuber then pokimane is too

>> No.31048668

I want to have sex with her. Not interested in watching her streams though.

>> No.31048893

She streams often IRL and she's too far associated with the fleshtube normie streamer community.

>> No.31048938

Ultra boring content.

>> No.31048943

Not a vtuber

>> No.31049016


>> No.31049023
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she has the personality of an A4 sheet of paper

>> No.31049216

like the tranny shark she's just a very boring person. it's always wierd when negative charisma people try to do something that requires social skills

>> No.31049485

Oh, she had an in with Ludwig? That makes so much sense why all these random people who didn't give a shit about vtubing all gave her interviews.

>> No.31049572

If you show your face constantly on your main channel you're not a vtuber, you're a grifter trying to get in on a new trend

>> No.31049740

who even watch vtubers to see super realistic models? I can understand liking models that are more ''cartoon'' but holy shit models like codemiko are boring as fuck ''hurr durr look at my hair such technology almost REEEAAALL''

>> No.31050133

>Playing a persona is literally the whole point just having an avatar
t. found vtubers with Hololive.
Kayfabe is NOT a requirement for vtubing. Period.

And? Mixed reality vtubers have been around before the term even existed.
She's shit, but she is and always will be a vtuber content creator. You'll just have to die crying about it, but that's how it is.
Doesn't matter if it is this retard or Tamaki, or the countless vtuber sluts that have been around before all these companies that rule the market now.

>> No.31050238

That's like asking "wow, who likes realistic CGI films? That's SOOO boring, just shoot it for real".
Yeah, who could like realistic CGI. Certainly not a large percentage of the film-going fanbase. Na, couldn't be them.
Hers is shit stuck in the middle of stylistically good and realism, kind of like PS1 games were stuck between good 2D and shitty 3D.

>> No.31050411

>not interesting
>personality of a spoon
>grating voice
she is more like a tech demo for vtubers with a 3D model

>> No.31050481

I hope you're not retarded enough to think CGI is in every movie now because people like it
CGI gets made fun of all the time
It's only used so often because it's more convenient and cheaper than practical effects

>> No.31050692

Shes been doing interviews for a lot longer than shes been friends with QT or Lud,, people did those cus its basically a comedy skit aking to Space Ghost Coast to Coast tv show.

>> No.31050739

Im not saying they need to put on a voice or have some autistic verbal tic you fucking retard
Nice strawman tho

>> No.31050810

Yeah, bad CGI, janky shit like fucked shadows, or Supermans hilariously bad moustache.
Marvelshit has entire cities rendered in CG. The city at the start of uh, Endgame I think, the entire thing was CG, every building, all of it.
99% of the people watching that film would never know any different.
No, Infinity War sorry.
Then you have stylistic stuff like Shrek or your other animated movies.
She's just stuck in that unfortunate period between shitty realtime CG and great realtime CG.
Nvidia is actively working on this area right now and has had demos shown off the past couple years mainly aimed at film making but they've recently took an interest in VR, vtubing and dumb metaverse shit.

>> No.31050899

Then what are you saying? Do you even know? Or are you repeating some dumb shit you read in another thread last week?
They literally don't need to do shit.
A lot of streamers are amplified versions of themselves at best, but they don't NEED to do that.
Whether they make it or not is another question, but most couldn't give a single fuck about "making it" as they do it for fun.

>> No.31051410

This retard thinks having an avatar is all it takes to call yourself a vtuber

>> No.31051548

And you're a newfag trying to force "vtuber" to be something it never was.
And don't even bring up Kizuna, you never even watched her.

>> No.31051642

Come on Anon, not even Hololive Gen 0 uses Live2D.

>> No.31052497

Good that you don't classify three major talents of Hololive as vtubers

>> No.31052548

Cute model, seems nice, terribly boring.

>> No.31052696


>> No.31054188
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People did those interviews because her tech is genuinely fucking impressive and it felt like being part of the future to get into an interview with her. She fell off after major interviewees dried up because she has the charisma of a wet paper bag and it takes people about a month after every huge tech upgrade to realize the vast majority of her appeal comes from tech alone and not her ability to be entertaining. Every tech upgrade she gets only spikes her popularity temporarily because people want to see what all the fuss is about, and then drop her when she can't maintain the boost thanks to being boring.

Funny thing is a few months ago it seemed like she wanted to try and make in-roads with the Twitch vtuber community since she had basically no connections to any of them. Then when she won the vtuber of the year award you can see the genuine shock on her face because even she would be the first to tell you that she didn't deserve it over the other 3 mostly Ironmouse and it kind of killed any potential she had to improve her standing with the rest of the community. VShojo's pretty popular on the platform so it felt like a sleight against people that are recognized and liked as big names in their vtuber sphere while people who don't like VShojo already didn't like her because she's barely a vtuber in the first place. It was a total lose/lose lol.

>> No.31055637


>> No.31058392

Of course not. It has to be animated too otherwise they're a pngtuber

>> No.31058468

>no true scotsmanning being an anime girl
faggot she is a streamer with a virtual avatar, how many fake commandments do you need to add over and above that?

>> No.31058627
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so talk about her, what exactly does she bring to the table? what makes her interesting? why should i watch/talk about her?

>> No.31058784

>mixed reality vtuber

Fucking westoids

>> No.31059188

This is all true, however I don't blame Twitch for why they gave her the award. The term vtuber itself is so ambiguous that it's hard to make a distinct line that covers the entirety of the subculture's spectrum while also ensuring no popular names are left out.
What makes a vtuber? Is it the stylized nature? Is it never using irl stuff? 2d/3d? Playing into the kayfabe? Could a nonvtuber turn their account into a vtubing account?
At the end, I'd say Code Miko is a vtuber just due to the lack of definite answers. Does she deserve such an award? No. Did any of the other candidates deserve it? No.
Because at the end of the day, all 4 contestants sucked. So who cares.

>> No.31059240

Yes and Dream is my favorite vtuber

>> No.31059266

Japan was doing it before they even knew about it.
Shut up, you dumb fake-weeb fuck.

>> No.31059426

Twitch didn't give her the Award. QtCinderella, Ludwig, OTK and their friends gave her the reward and made it seem like it was an actual event where she beat all the other vtubers in the year when it was legit just her vs 3 Vshojo.

>> No.31059466


>> No.31059578

My bad. I also didn't watch or know anything about it. I just think anyone is better than your typical vtuber. Especially if they're vshojo.

>> No.31060259

Yeah she streams with an avatar TOO
She isnt a virtual streamer shes just a streamer that sometimes uses an avatar
This thot is like 50/50 meat

>> No.31060707

It was a vote tho as i recall, like it wasnt just QT giving her the award cus wants to, it was voted by the communities. Vtubers at that time were still not that popular among the other crowds on Twitch and also VSJ was splitting votes basically...still that award did indeed snuff her chances of making proper connections with the vtuber community on twitch and since then ive noticed she went from 95% avatar to like 50% tho i doubt those are related.

>> No.31060719

Still doesn't change the fact she comes under a vtuber content creator, just like she does under a webcam content creator.
So do THOUSANDS of other people that do mixed webcam and vtuber shared channels. Many that have been doing it for more than 5 years at that.

You can jump through as many hoops as you want to, you will never change this.
You CGDCT faggots are the worst. Fuck off back to your animu and mangoes. Then fuck off from /a/ too because you ruined that board.

>> No.31061115

It was voted if I remember correctly on a site that was linked specifically on their twitter and the main people twitch bringing it up.
At the time of this voting was like february which was just after council and HoloX debuts, Gura had over a 100k people watching her Atlantis Outfit debut and Soda was trying to get noticed by her.
They weren't small, It was just that anyone on the JP side who watches JP vtubers, anyone on the Youtube side watching NijiSanji Hololive etc did not even know about it until it was over and people were putting up news reports about how she is the greatest vtuber of the year.
So technically it was a vote, but it was not a fair vote.

>> No.31061180

Main people on their twitch bringing it up*

>> No.31061234

I don't care if she clears the requirements to be considered vtuber. I will not recognize her as a vtuber. I don't even want to acknowledge her existence.

>> No.31061292

There's nothing to speak of.

>> No.31061424

That austin OTK cabal ruined twitch. It's just fucking shit and fake content all the time.

>> No.31061452

Oh we can agree there, that's for sure.

>> No.31061574

cope seethe

>> No.31061731


>> No.31061840

WTF is that ugly shit

>> No.31061904

>muh dignity
>read as: I'm a total normalfag party whore and won't reduce myself to pandering to incels
She doesn't want our views

>> No.31061931

Dont you love it when hundreds of people doing something wrong makes them right

>> No.31061981

She's the vtubing equivalent of those western 3D porn games on Steam.

>> No.31062256
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>pretends to be playing a character
>uses webcam to capture the actor
>lives on the Internet
XQC is the largest vtuber. Dilate

>> No.31062289

she's the ugliest vtuber i've ever seen

>> No.31062341

Holy shit kek. You're right.

>> No.31062502

Someone post like, a single funny clip of her, anything

>> No.31062678
File: 455 KB, 1080x898, Vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude's a vtuber too, right? I mean it says it right there

>> No.31062922

If he has used any virtual avatar at some point, then yes.
If no, then he's one of those retards abusing tags.
It's not hard. Don't be obtuse on purpose.
So is Tamaki despite streaming as Norio on webcam on the same channel. or Imoguri https://www.youtube.com/c/%E3%81%84%E3%82%82%E6%A0%97imoguri
You can cry about it all you want, doesn't change facts.

>> No.31063049

Just to get it out of your system
Here's a (You)

>> No.31063056

It was focused on Twitch, but even then Miko got less than half the views of the other 3, while Ironmouse specifically was breaking records in her subathon and getting articles written about her.

>> No.31063266

big cock

>> No.31063280

>her tech
she didn't invent anything, shes rich and bought a bunch of shit and brings nothing else to the table

>> No.31063603

The site definitely says it was Twitch, Facebook, Youtube etc. Ludwig was already a part of Youtube with I think two others who are in their friend groups.
You are right about the views things. Looking at the categories the best LoL Streamer has Tyler, Doubelift, Emiru and Lilypichu. 2 of those are stretching it being LoL streamers and Tyler is friends with multiple larger League focused streamers. Seems more like they just didn't count the votes of people not friends with them while saying they would.

>> No.31063667

Pewdiepie is the biggest Vtuber on YouTube and Pokemane is the biggest Vtuber on Twitch, amazing!

>> No.31063772

Doesnt she pay like 4 grand every month to use that shit suit? like damn she could have just gotten a incredible l2d or amazing 3d instead

>> No.31063781

As is Hiroyuki, the owner of this site.
Why else do you think he graced us with this shithole. Based owner, unlike that cunt moot, he never gave us anything fun.

>> No.31063970

She developed a lot of stuff herself and does extensive work in Unreal Engine. It's legitimately impressive. One of the little things I saw her do when giving her a shot was essentially using a pic of her irl room as a backdrop for her streams but applying lighting to it so when she would walk away from the computer and past a lamp the "light" from it would actually affect her model. She's boring as fuck as an entertainer but on the tech end she does have more than just an extremely expensive mocap suit.

>> No.31063988

You can buy the suits outright, they aren't that expensive. A reasonable suit is like $8k, a decent mid-range is around $15k-18k, top tier in the $20-30k ranges.
Groups like Xsens brought the cost down considerably without much loss in fidelity.
The whole industry in that area is going through a bit of a revolution over the past 5 years. (why do you think the likes of Cover and Anycolor are in the hardware side of things with their custom studios they rent to people)

>> No.31064376

I dont really see the appeal in this stuff
3D will always look inferior no amount of mm accurate tracking will change that

>> No.31064652

Unreal engine? Wow! Is she gonna floss like my favorite Fortnite character???

>> No.31064827


>> No.31064893
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>> No.31065368

Based funny shark

>> No.31065648

Melody is a self-proclaimed socialist whore, and not the good kind of socialist. Fuck her, everything said against her is well deserved.

>> No.31065882

either way her getting the award proved that the award itself and her by extension are not really relevant to the main vtuber subculture and more of the normie appeal. It's like how all the movie award shows are dying because they're just circlejerks for the movie crowd and not people who actually watch movies but in a microcosm of a specific subculture.
Ironmouse seamlessly plays around in both crowds because she's got a personality for it. Miko not so much.

>> No.31066135

she is a whore

>> No.31066388

>too much dignity
she literally sold nude photos at one point. Also she even admits that miko has no personality and programmed a glitch gimmick to give her personality. This isn't as much shitting on melody as showing how she knows all she has is her tech.

>> No.31066616

And it seems like she's feels shame about it so she has at least a little sense

>> No.31069235

most holofans are biased to praise the sincerity of the persona our chuubas put on (mostly because that's all they've got). but that's not the only thing that works in an industry huh?

should codemiko work on being herself to integrate with the chuuba community or should she keep putting up a mask and work her ass off instead?

>> No.31069494

>all these names of literal who the fucks
Are these known personalities? I mean, am I an "out of touch boomer" for not knowing who the fuck all these people's whose names you just rattled off are?
Or am I just not a faggot and therefore not knowing the names of random trashwhores is no bad thing and I should just go about my day happily?

>> No.31069592

>t. found vtubers with Hololive last year when it was spammed on /v/.
Except it was pomudachis and dragoons shilling their whores on /v/ all day.

>> No.31069725

you should at least know tyler1. the rest are nobodies banking on zoomer attention spans

>> No.31070096

Looked him up. I've seen the odd image of him on here in various maymays. Only one I remember is a headphone head dent thing. Didn't know if it was real or whatever.

>> No.31070142

They never even existed when this spam was happening. At least not that form.

>> No.31070512

It's not that her model is semirealistic it is just that she is a hyper normie social climber with the IQ of a bag of dog shit and BPD. She makes for better IRL content because she is messy. Nobody can convince me Miko did her own modeling and rigging. She is actively more stupid and ignorant than most female streamers I have seen.

>> No.31070731

>not the good kind of socialist

>> No.31070889

I got into vtubers to watch anime women, not uncanny valley women.

>> No.31070896

>her face is actually 2D
maybe she is a vtuber after all

>> No.31071006

They are some of the bigger creators on the platform, though mainly the ones that guy knows. Ludwig is a guy who knows he's not very interesting but is extremely good at networking so he's affiliated himself with basically every large streamer so he can set up events and shows involving them

>> No.31071148

Name one

>> No.31072047

At the very least, you could've posted her new look.

>> No.31072203

Lmao seriously? Meanwhile some YouTuber I watched got a 1-week ban because he showed in his video a Spanish twitch stream in which we could see for a split second the nipple of a woman.

>> No.31072206

>Kayfabe is NOT a requirement for vtubing.
It is not a requirement to stream with a character model. But it obviously fucking IS a requirement for what people found attractive about vtubing.
People use the wrestling comparison, but clowns, jesters, and magicians also create a greater than life persona to performs.
DrDisrespect is far more of a vtuber than CodeMiko will ever be.

>> No.31072286
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>> No.31072396

Love you Lulufag, I prefer her reincarnation though!

>> No.31072436

get this (you) and fuck off, bait another thread

>> No.31072804
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>> No.31072971

That model she's using for these nudes is really creeping into uncanny valley territory. The vacant, dead stare in it's eyes is chilling.

>> No.31073006

Lmao those awards really did her dirty.

>> No.31077076
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I feel a little bad really because she was talking about it literally right before she won the award. Losing would have benefited her far more than winning did since it delegitimized the entire thing in the eyes of people who actually watch vtubers.

Also the clip wasn't linked but there's more than just the shocked face >>31054188 she keeps that expression the entire walk up, and you can clearly hear Rob, the presenter, who himself watches a lot of vtubers, just kind of shrug it off saying he has no idea how she won while she assumes it was a mistake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCURZWkLHPE

>> No.31077727

damn nothing can save her from that face, could drive a humvee between those eyes

>> No.31078122

God that's so awkward, I honestly feel a bit bad for her.

>> No.31082973

She had nudes of her out online before she ever became code miko

>> No.31083387

Ironmouse and vei are legitimately terrible streamers, and in no just society would they ever get an award for best entertainer.
Nyanners is a decent entertainer, but nowhere near the ability to win an award for it.

>> No.31084826
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