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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3092157 No.3092157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they doomed?

>> No.3092326

They're recently try to copy Hololive's Holograffiti show (3D animation skits on Youtube) too

>> No.3092405

I don't know, how about you fucking go back and ask reddit.

>> No.3092485

No one will ever be able to match HololiveEN 1

>> No.3092499

Even Niji fans want it to fail.

>> No.3092526

Anon, this board is reddit.

>> No.3092537

Weren't those done ages ago before Holografiti was a thing?

>> No.3092630


>> No.3092851
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>> No.3093014

Doomed would imply that they had a chance to begin with until this news dropped. Outside of Japan, Nijisanji is relatively unknown. It's more like they are handicapped already and they are making a huge gamble with nothing much to lose. I'm sure people will be interested whenever they drop or announce who are in Nijisanji EN. The test will be on their first impression and how much attention they retain within the first month. Also with how it's managed and I don't have much confidence in that since we know what happened with IN. With this recent announcement of new EN outfits, Vsingers and Gen 2 Legend announcements can't be that far off.

>> No.3093158

For every day that passes without news, getting ghosted by the audition process feels increasingly like a blessing in disguise. Especially after IN got done dirty.

>> No.3093208

They don't care about anything or anyone outside Japan borders, every non jp branch are either a fotm clout chasing experiment or straight up abandonware.
The only reason NijiID hasn't been disbanded yet like NijiKR and Niji India ended up was Cover doing marketing works for HoloIN and the girls shilled up NijiID, and Han luckshitted out some clipniggers for the western viewers baiting up.
Now Ichikara is doing the same with NijiEN (it's comming, try to catch up their debuts because we sure as fuck won't tell anyone about them, nor we will market them, we don't care they aren't Japanese).

>> No.3093301

idolbu... .live... your 3d shorts...

>> No.3093314

>disbanded yet like NijiKR

Ichikara lucked out of Bora being decent in Japanese and being good at Apex

>> No.3093339

Maybe nobody's talking about them because there's nothing to talk about. Who knows if there's anyone interesting left in the english sphere who'd work for them, either.

>> No.3093347

NijiKR have debuts happening in a few hours? Almost everyone that feels the need to share their opinions on this topic seems to have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.3093368

They didn't disbanded? Jesus is really that fucking hard to get anything out of Nijisanji that isn't japan

>> No.3093383

it's not even .LIVE, game-bu did 3D shorts first.

>> No.3093404

That's what I meant. It felt like Ichikara didn't really give much of a hoot about the KR branch until Gen3 and Bora came along and got the JPs to watch her Apex gameplay

>> No.3093407

Can't expect /vt/ - Hololive to know about them friend

>> No.3093435

These threads are always filled with retards pretending like they have any knowledge in how the Indonesian or Korean Vtuber markets work. Kill yourselves if you continue to post in this thread.

>> No.3093451

Honestly if you're following nijisanji in any capacity it's kind of hard to miss. There's been threads about it on this board even. Posts about it on their reddit and twitter. JP and existing KR members retweeting their debuts.

even 774 have them I think?

>> No.3093454
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only seanigs cares about them.

>> No.3093485

Now put hololive in those comparison charts and see how many care about them more.

>> No.3093497
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EN will very likely at least be bigger than KR and ID and they seem to be perfectly fine with those two branches, so unless your expectations are at HoloEN levels (in which case lmao) then no, there's no indication of them being "doomed" as in the branch outright failing. It'll likely have more of a side project status unless there's some unexpected visibility explosion, but it's a very safe side project.
I'm more curious what they'll do with it, if they're gonna do something weird or unexpected against Hololive playing it super safe. One good shot they could have is getting into the western male vtuber market since Kanae and Kuzuha are probably the most clipped Nijisanji vtubers right now and Holostars is a joke.

>> No.3093529


What we need is a JK Gumi EN branch; that's how we get the Western Audience's attention

>> No.3093617

The hell is a JK Gumi going to do to western audiences who aren't even aware of the concept in the first place?

>> No.3093673

Not a bad spread, EN might in the end not be to the same level of the main Hololive branch yet (perhaps ever), but its definitely a successful overseas branch in the Western world, quite an accomplishment. and is worthy of a place in Vtuber history. Whether its a paragraph or a chapter remains to be seen though. Hoping that vtubing will continue to grow in recognition and Western Vtuber groups along with it. Growth in the pie is good for everyone, even if some groups monopolize a larger percentage.

>> No.3093697

I hope NijiEN will learn HoloEN's lesson and prioritize hiring professional streamers over anything.

>> No.3093718

>hiring pro streamers

>> No.3093792

Why not

>> No.3093988

What's the point of wanting an already established streamer enrolling into a company as a vtuber? You can watch them right now all you want.

>> No.3094056

I don't want to scout myself to find a good one. Nijisanji has an opportunity to find them and filter good and best ones and I'll just believe their sense of great entertainer

>> No.3094081
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Implying you're not seanigger

>> No.3094095

okay so i'm not going to say that it's going to be easy for nijiEN but if they have good talent they can draw in viewers and that can change the western audience's viewing preference.
the numbers may reflect the present but the future is up for grabs.

>> No.3094179

Why is the European money so low even compared to Canada?

You would think they'd come in second given their population is like ten times the size...

>> No.3094223

>watching fucking real people without anime avatar

>> No.3094243

Primetime JP is kind of awful for EU? Should be right in the middle of work/school for most people.

>> No.3094278

And HoloEN is late night/early morning.

>> No.3094295


I assume Euro money is low compared to Canada because there isn't a Hololive talent focused on EU.

IIRC, only Ina (out of the EN friendly Holotalents) stream during EU hours.

Gura has tried streaming EU hours before but she gets worse numbers than when she would stream at peak NA and SEAnig hours

That's why you see some people here on /vt/ hoping that at least 1 person in EN2 will be streaming during EU hours.

>> No.3094332

That's why I don't understand why you want to bring real people without an anime avatar into vtubers. And then obsess over them as if slapping an anime character and a brand on your twitch streamer makes them different from what they were.

>> No.3094371

I forget now that before the pandemic I used to just spend all evening watching archives of streams I missed all day.

>> No.3094403

>Implying HoloMyth have no professional experience streaming or making videos

It is literally one of their requirements to apply for the job

>> No.3094430

>The only reason NijiID hasn't been disbanded yet like NijiKR
Retard, KR just announced a new wave and they're debuting this week.

>> No.3094458

>only Ina (out of the EN friendly Holotalents) stream during EU hours
Kiara streams afternoon/evening EU for quite a while now.

>> No.3094507

At this point in time Nijisanji needs to drop any attempts at building their own EN, just buy VShoujo and rebrand them accordingly. It's the same retarded fanbase anyway.

>> No.3094515

NijiKR is a JP branch now. I bet the gooks hate it.
>가 공개된 2월 이후에는 니지산지 본토의 팬들이 유입되면서 니지산지 KR 멤버들의 일본어 사용 비중이 훨씬 높아졌다.

>> No.3094519

We're called yuropoor for a reason.

>> No.3094528

and Ina gives 0 focus on SC so SC will obviously be lower

>> No.3094537

They're debuting in two hours actually.

>> No.3094554

Nijisanji fanbase has more overlap with Hololive than VShitshow. Have you ever peeked inside the /vt/ Niji thread? Half the posters there are holofags.

>> No.3094637

Yea by Gamebu and oldies but Nijisanji never tried those 3D things until now. Even came out with EN subs.

>> No.3094684

Well the biggest in NijiKR currently is Bora who plays APEX, which is mostly popular in Japan for Asia. CR is a popular Japanese team and made up of Koreans but the game is still not that popular in KR. Maybe NijiKR needs a cute anime girl who's good at League because Japanese people, like Kuzuha and Hajime (I think its Hajime), are not.

>> No.3094693

It's honestly baffling why they never did 3d shorts until now. Since last year thry have the best 3D tech out of the vtuber companies bar kizuna ai, a large amount of 3d models, and talents who long to be involved in more official programs.

>> No.3094738

Maybe its a pain in the ass to do or they didn't think it would do well because streaming.
>talents who long to be involved in more official programs
Do we actually know that?

>> No.3094771

They should start doing their other shows with subtitles. They've got a weekly half an hour long 3D show that's never been subbed besides the first couple of episodes. It can't cost that much to hire someone surely I remember people always going on about how crunchyroll TLs get shit money.

>> No.3094839

Blame youtube for killing community subs. Hololive only recently added subs for this radio thing:

>> No.3094844

No, Nijisanji is known in all major EN vtuber circles. To be fair, they are known as "Hololive's main rival", but that's enough to generate the nessecary hype for everyone to give them a chance.
Beyond that it's up to the chuuba.

>> No.3094845

getting a show where you're a regular, or a label conract deal, is a blessing. levergacha, nijiquiz, nijibara. Shiina and chaika complained multiple times when are they going to get their own regular show (and jokingly hijacked levergacha once)

The members for Raindrops, the music group signed under NBC was selected via auditions.

>> No.3094897

Kill yourself. It was original Himawari idea and it's on her personal channel

>> No.3094901

it seems they are more into old-style vtubing content like during kizuna ai and 4 kings era. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od-6-sn8n2g

>> No.3094926

No idea what Koreans like but maybe thats the right move if KRs like those. Appeal to the region you're in like Maha5 and ID.

>> No.3094943

The idea is older than Himawari, Niji or Holo. Kill yourself.

>> No.3094980

I like how with their very first short they went straight for the self deprecating(?) joke. You know people meme about how many vtubers they put out and then they make a short about making everyone in the world into a Nijisanji vtuber.

>> No.3095067
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You will ALL be Nijisanji.

>> No.3095121

it fucking annoys me how this won't be deleted by a meido

>> No.3095199

>Half the posters there are holofags.
It's unavoidable. Any ESL into vtubers in 2021 is basically a holofag then branch out from there

>> No.3095214

numberfag threads makes for a good motivation boost (out of spite usually) for me to clip more niji

>> No.3095220

*ESL and EOP

>> No.3095245

you clearly don't follow nijisanji so don't talk about shit you don't know like most holofags only people do.

>> No.3095254

I think it's more that it's a fucking screenshot of reddit

>> No.3095277

Most holofags don't even follow Hololive.

>> No.3095433

That's true. Although there's discord trannies who do that

>> No.3095518

yeah but fucking reddit? really? You still have to go back

>> No.3095600
File: 163 KB, 550x323, 20210430_174234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we numberposting now? I just want more people to watch flare's sister

>> No.3095658

Why did they lighten the colour of Chigusa's hair in the new outfit?

>> No.3095695

>literal reddit OP
>takes two posts to tell him to go back
Is /vt/ doomed?

>> No.3095765


Most of /vt/ dwellers and its meidos are reddit crossboarder(your oshi also redditors), this kind of post feels right at home.

>> No.3096043

flare's sister looks like a goblin.

>> No.3096201

please learn how to type your thoughts on perfect English next time, ESLchama

>> No.3096695

Which one is flare's sister?

>> No.3096807

Do you think they're waiting until the very, very last minute to reveal NijiEN? Kind of like how we didn't know of HoloEN officially until like two days before their debut. Hopefully this means they're not going to premiere in May since it looks like Hololive is going to have a lot of stuff going on then.

>> No.3096927

Im starting to believe the rrat that Cover will debut their Vsinger chuubas the same week

>> No.3096933


>> No.3096982

A-chan already teased something with Hololive's music department coming up.
Vsinger probably not far off.
Nijisanji will probably announce EN at the same time to try to take hype away like last time.

>> No.3097130

Are you the same retard are are there multiple people who do this shit?

>> No.3097164

this is the worst thing they could do, announcing NijiEN at the same time that Vsinger EN will kill any chance they have to grow

>> No.3097178

Reddit gold

>> No.3097247

Holo or NijiIN is a dumb idea, I can understand ID since they love Japanese shit (even have their own AKB branch). India has a big number of people but not much interest in anime shit. NijiIN might've had a better chance if they got a vtuber who somehow is able to talk about WWE.
I don't think a Vsinger would be as hyped as a second generation of HoloEN or the first generation of NijiEN.

>> No.3097337

Anon, both holofags and nijinigger cant tell the difference between IN and ID

>> No.3097596

I will agree with you if this were their JP branch, but nijisanji doesnt have the same fanbase hololive had when they debuted EN. At this point a Vsinger debut from hololive will bring more attention than nijiEN debut

>> No.3097787

Anonchama?? Even Holo ID2 debuted to 40k viewers each. Assuming that Cover's scouting department continues to pull aces and Vsingers is something like gamers, they would monopolize all Chuuba hype up to the end of their 1 month collab ban at the minimum. Unless Ichikara was able to hire fucking Jerma or xQc they sure as hell won't want to go head to head with Vsingers.

Also, watching NijiKR debuts and seeing them not even getting above 1k viewers is sobering. Holo numbers really do mess with ones perception.

>> No.3097901

Not the first time they tried to one up hololive.
They do it a lot when holo has a big event planned.

>> No.3097907

>watching NijiKR debuts and seeing them not even getting above 1k viewers is sobering
Holy shit, they really don't support their members
Even Re:AcT can get above 1k on debut

>> No.3097953

nobody watches Flare at the first place

>> No.3097972
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>even Re:ACT
What did he mean by this?

>> No.3098006

Are you the same anon in that fake Mito thread? Why even put his name there along with xQc? Jerma's no way close to being as big a deal as xQc or top dudes like Ludwig or Dream. I'm gonna assume you like the NijiKR pirate the most of the new batch because POG.
Like that Niji event during Towa's 3D that kenzokus were doomposting about? I still don't think they're all on purpose.

>> No.3098019

I thought leafs get $2000 per month in free money. What happened?

>> No.3098055

Thats what having a shitty looking initial L2D does to you. Doesn't matter what you're content is if people aren't even going to watch it/give it a try due to your looks not being able to draw them in.

>> No.3098137
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>same time

>> No.3098208

Not the same anon but Jerma I think has enough clout to at least turn heads. Regardless, no point on dwelling on something that ain't happening.

Going back on topic. If any Niji intern is currently visiting this shithole, for the love of God, DO NOT Debut your EN branch in the same month as Vsingers or EN2. Niji kinda lucked out on not debuting their EN branch this coming week because of all the costume shit that Cover is rolling out that would have drowned the hype of the announcement. But at this point I'm kinda left wondering when they can actually debut them now?

>> No.3098223


>> No.3098371

>fucking power ranger squad

At least bolos pretty creative with their zoo animals,but this is just sad...

>> No.3098403

Didn’t realize it was that big of a gap
They missed their window in April when not much was happening in Hololive.

>> No.3098494

niji really does wait for hololive to announce first before they do theirs lol

>> No.3098618

Niji bros, it pains me to say this but if Niji KR debut is of any indication, NijiEN will most definitely flop ain't it?

>> No.3098629

kek you are right, literally the same colors

>> No.3098659

According to what metric? This is better than plenty of vtubers.

>> No.3098674
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suck my cock nigger>>3092157
>Are they doomed?

>> No.3098682

Would be dumb of them to announce Niji EN this week while Holo EN does their costume reveals. Would get lost in the shuffle and might piss off some Holo fans if they think Nijisanji is traying to steal their oshi's moment. And at least initially the only people that would even bother to check out Niji EN are Holo EN fans.

>> No.3098707

this, the first two weeks of April was the best date for them now I think they lost their chance

>> No.3098743

No one cares about costumes lmao

>> No.3098838

Holobros, I hate to tell you this. But holo EOP fags on reddit will watch them just because they are EN.

>> No.3098862

Only if they would know they exist.

>> No.3098888

Nijis are off topic and the threads would get deleted.
Most you would get are the ones who go to the vtuber subreddit.

>> No.3098893

I remember cover delayed a project supposedly release this week.

>> No.3099019

They delayed the announcement of HoloAlt details.

>> No.3099910

Good,I already prepared bots to spam nijien debut with "hololive rejects kekw",since now we knew its gonna flop those niggers cant ignore the spam

>> No.3100093

>Yea by Gamebu
I miss these niggas so much

>> No.3100158

Kaede and Cocoa were very cute. I enjoyed their skits on youtube but its so bad in that Virtual-san anime.

>> No.3100185

>special events that add variety to a streamer's repertoire
>"le EKS DEE nobady kers OMEGALUL"
Social media was a mistake...

>> No.3100421

If they dont focus on 'attention-getters' and clip-baiting they're finished. They need some sort of 'wow factor'.

>> No.3107423

It will be mid-May. I think NijiEN won't do bad, simply because from what I have seen a lot of holoEN fans know of nijisanji they just don't watch them, English branch will change that at least slightly.
>After Golden Week
>It has been almost exactly 3 months since the talents were officially accepted

VSinger will be May/June, May if the girls announce her in the group collab or if she gets revealed during it on Twitter, June if not.

>> No.3107593

What are you talking about? Ban set a record for highest viewers during a KR debut

>> No.3108145

Vsinger should be May.
A-Chan strongly hinted at it today by mentioning something big coming from their music department.

>> No.3108898


>> No.3108964

I think its pointless to speculate how successful they will be. Streaming is so volatile, one of them could suddenly win the lottery and do something that goes viral during their debut or even before their debut on twitter. Whether they can sustain views if they do blow up is a whole other thing.

>> No.3109074

She spoke a lot of English too so that's a good sign

>> No.3109075

Wait, which stream was A-Chan on today? The classroom one?

>> No.3109368

It was a tweet.

>> No.3109519

She also put out the POG, which anons will hate, but you gotta do it. I wished she sounded cuter in English, like her KR and JP voice. Too real in EN.

>> No.3109950

>EN will very likely at least be bigger than KR and ID and they seem to be perfectly fine with those two branches, so unless your expectations are at HoloEN levels (in which case lmao) then no
>and Holostars is a joke
Holostars are doing fine and are competitive in terms of growth with other second tier vtuber agencies (Animare, etc). don't forget that they are just a side branch too
according to Ichikara's statements, for as many KR livers as there are the branch isn't considered a failure like IN was despite lackluster performance when compared to the main branch. they still sell voice packs and such. NijiEN won't have the highs of HoloEN but that really doesn't matter, numberfagging isn't be-all and end-all metric for success

>> No.3110069

I found the interaction in twitter interesting. Almost the same number of reproductions but results way different.
