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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30863891 No.30863891 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't all the Fujos and Unicorns just fuck each other?

>> No.30863984

We don't really want sex, we're just control freaks with a denial fetish.

>> No.30864051

Because fujos hate 3D men why would they fuck one?

>> No.30864109

Have you seen the average fujo? Have you seen the average unicorn? They don't want to fuck their sexual equals they want to fuck perfect anime people. If this was the 1300s then the slow farm-hand would've married to pot-bellied milk-maid and had a dozen slow, ugly children but now those people get to see the kind of beauty that literally didn't exist for most of human history and they're entranced by it. It's like giving someone black tar heroin and expecting them to go nuts over a sugar high.

>> No.30864151

too fat to have sex

>> No.30864270

Both think 3DPD
Also it'd be like that one genderbend doujin where the NEET ojisan gets TF then has to be raped and blackmailed by himself because even he doesn't find himself attractive

>> No.30864400

all of Tempus's fujos are dudes who think they're friends with them.
I'm not a faggot

>> No.30866077

Anime, and vtubing by extension, is a form of eugenics. By getting the ugly men and women to give up on fucking each other, and instead focus an impossible dream, Japan has effectively taken them out of the breeding pool entirely.

>> No.30866372


>> No.30866415


>> No.30866420

I could see Magni idly asking this question during a stream

>> No.30866501

That's good!

>> No.30866576

Also the reason recent SJW Blockbusters flopped
People want to see beautiful actors on screen, not diversified casts
Don't get me wrong, you can have minority there, but they must be handsome like Idris Elba

>> No.30866770
File: 356 KB, 552x377, magringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, I just checked my Twitter and people are pissed about that geurilla collab I did with Gura. We should make a Discord channel where her fans and my fans can get together and just fuck each other. That'll solve our problems.

>> No.30866835


>> No.30867432

The vtubers contain potassium benzoate.

>> No.30867519

Holy shit, his model is disgusting

>> No.30868346

He's not really wrong, is he? No after the first few hurdles are cleared.

>> No.30868623

because 3DPD, normalfag tourists like you wouldn't get it

>> No.30870950

Because most Fujoshis are somewhat still doable and would still get sex if they want to but most unicorns are fat neckbeards with micro penises. I suggest unicorns fuck each other instead for better chance of success.

>> No.30871184

Spoken like one who has never had the misfortune of knowing grassspace fujo

Fujoshits are the least fuckable of menhera nerdy girls

>> No.30871315

Yas queen, spoke like a true femcel

>> No.30871566

I've witnessed exactly one that managed a 5/10, maybe a 6 with good make-up, but that was a wild outlier.

>> No.30871933

Because fujos can and do still get laid. Meanwhile, by virtue of being women, they all operate on the 80/20 rule. No amount of self improvement will ever make unicorns an attractive prospect for them. This leaves unicorns shit out of luck.

Honestly, imagine still huffing concentrated bluepillium in this day and age. Bluepillium, not even once.

>> No.30872610

>fujos hate unicorns
>unicorns hate fujos
otherwise they would be fucking already and there would be no /vt/

>> No.30872686

If only it were that easy...

>> No.30872718

fujos would never settle for less, hypergamy

>> No.30872737

Fujos don't want to fuck men they wanna see men fuck other men.
Yumejos do want to fuck men, but very specific men.
Unicorns are the same in that regard, but maybe a bit less discriminate (by like 1%)

>> No.30872971

They could fuck each other until all of them have three kids per pair and still feel unfulfilled.

>> No.30873263

You idiot. You're thinking of yumejos. Fujos would want to watch unicorns fuck each other.

>> No.30873319

Only barafags would want to see two fat sweaty dudes go at it

>> No.30873519

How is that good, now the world is full of gigantic retards who just happen to be attractive, look at 99 percent of zoomers they are the most subhuman hedonists imaginable and need their skulls stomped in, we need a new holocaust I think

>> No.30873561

you cant fuck and be part of them at the same time.

>> No.30873595

You're coping so hard, it's obvious that you think because you are female you ought to bat out of your own league, retarded niggers will fuck you, but you will die alone, and deservedly, because you are a superior piece of shit narcissist who thinks they are above guys who are average. Get monkeypox

>> No.30873643

fujos get pumped and dumped then they die alone

>> No.30873665

Either that or you are said retarded nigger, also die of monkey pox fucking subhuman, how pathetic do you have to be to fuck an ugly girl just because you want to feel tingles in your peepee, I hope you get your head eviscerated by buckshot

>> No.30873673

This thread has definitively answered your question anon

>> No.30873761

What, that women think they deserve better than they do because certain pathetic faggots will completely debase themselves and fuck up the dynamic, also women have become narcissistic hedonists who think they are above normal guys, all of them are absolute subhumans. Have you seen the picture of incel tears vs the incel meet up? The incel guys were completely average and the incel tears group was full of disgusting abominations.desu

>> No.30873809

That both are menhera

>> No.30873826


>> No.30873832

>Fatass projecting
Many such cases

>> No.30873840

It is good because a lot of people being ousted by society will result in a natality collapse and the world will collapse. That's the only way society will improve

>> No.30873949

Says you cunt, how the fuck am I projecting you're a pathetic monkey though. You'd fuck anyone to get laid, because you're a subhuman. Either that or you need to learn where you belong cunt, you aren't above anyone Here. I could curb stomp you and I want to. You're a smooth brained subhuman, that's all you ever will be

>> No.30873980

Oh good point, I actually agree with this, I hate this nihilistic narcissistic swlfish artificial world full of hypocrites.

>> No.30874032

It's hard when 3DPD doesn't look good anymore, 2D is too perfect

>> No.30874073

Check the Bai Lan movement on China
Not participating is the only way to fix the system

>> No.30874275
File: 470 KB, 619x352, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who is projecting

>> No.30874442

This, ugly people are ostracized throughout history and probably into the future.

>> No.30874483

I'm a fat neckbeard with a micro penis you retarded faggot. Stop ruining my blackpill take ffs.

>> No.30874561

lmfao at all the seethes, i know some irl fujos and even use social media with a lot of them and i can definitely say 70% are doable (non fat, non downright ugly, not old)

>> No.30874611

Are half of the right side trannies?

>> No.30874667

IncelTears subredditt meetup

>> No.30874674

Anon both halves of this picture put together look like average burgerland population

>> No.30877521

This. Fuck sex is also exaggerated, it's shit most of the time

>> No.30877581

I WILL fuck a fujo

>> No.30878136

Misanthrophy is a cynical excuse to accomplish nothing with your life.

>> No.30879828

Because sex isn't a necessity for unicorns and fujos, they just want to see attractive homosexual pairings

>> No.30880014

Everyone wants to date or fuck higher up in the chain.
3s don't want to date 3s.

>> No.30880148

because nowadays women refuse to fuck anyone that is not a 10/10

>> No.30880256

t. 2/10 with no charisma

>> No.30882853

you guys are fuckin delusional
playing a game over the internet with each other
while both being in the same company
no one is fvcking each other. Mori might want to bang Vesper tho
i'll bet mori has not been laid in years

>> No.30882977

Yes and? You probably work at a useless job like everyone, what are you accomplishing?

>> No.30883076

Anon it's not women... would you fuck a 3?

>> No.30883268

There is quite the margin between 3 and 10 anon, most of humanity in fact.
The difference being that males quanlify most women as average and females will qualify most men as ugly

>> No.30883275

Imagine being a gigantic retard AND unattractive. I'm sorry for you anon

>> No.30883306

>Why aren't people with unreasonable standards willing to have sex with the lowest common denominator of the opposite sex??

>> No.30883379

When someone replies with a general statement to a particular answer they are deflecting.

So, yeah, what I said, look at your nose first and have some perspective.

>> No.30883559

how can you look at this live 2d model while hearing that retarded voice and not throw up?

>> No.30883637

Humans are aways looking at their noses, your brain just ignores it

>> No.30883705


>> No.30883817


>> No.30883837

because fujoshi want to see men fuck each other, not fuck men themselves you retarded fuck

>> No.30883871

It's time to bring back arranged marriage. The entire civilized world is turning into Eleanor Rigby.

>> No.30885027

>You two are not leaving this room until you FUCK

>> No.30885737

I want to bury my dick deep inside of a fujo...

>> No.30885782

like have you seen any of us? we're repulsive and absolutely hate our own kind. 2d or bust.

>> No.30885852

a basic part of biological life is that the unfit shall not procreate. everything is working as intended

>> No.30885930
File: 323 KB, 640x446, 1658193017966618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because after dating apps happened, even the uggliest, bitchiest, most unhygienic woman in the world can get sex while any man below 8/10 can't has to work their ass off and have all the planets align to get laid.
Fujos are volcels. Women that are involuntary virgins above the age of 14 don't exist. (Don't cite your fucking cousin who is severely physically/mentally handicapped.)
