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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30860317 No.30860317 [Reply] [Original]

It's been 714 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Cover's VTuber agency Hololive Production.

And also, it's been 2 years since Mano Aloe debuted as part of the fifth generation of vtubers from Hololive Production.

I will always remember her


>> No.30860446
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>> No.30860500

You need to let go. She's happier where she is now.

>> No.30860517


>> No.30860536

Go back to /るみな/

>> No.30860785
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I never got over those like 3 streams she was in. baka fr fr srs bro

>> No.30860786


>> No.30861364

Wasted design. Should've stayed.

>> No.30861551
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I hope her eventual joining to VShojo gives her the boost she deserves.

>> No.30861556

What exactly happened to her?

>> No.30861723
File: 361 KB, 1080x1408, IMG_20220726_005112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eventual joining to VShojo
>shitposter still spamming his fanfictions
Aloe has said multiple times that she doesn't want to join a company and has turn down DMs and emails asking her to join shit
She also has told kson to fuck off several times

>> No.30861917

>Aloe love
>Never forgive
>Never forget what the niji fags took away from us

>> No.30861919

>She also has told kson to fuck off several times

>> No.30861936

These pics are dumb as hell but I can't help but smile when I see them.

>> No.30862238

>posting fanfictions
>She also has told kson to fuck off several times
also she literally didn't say she's never joining one, cope

>> No.30862464


>> No.30862650

Good to know that she will never join Vshitjo

>> No.30862734
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I can't wait for all the Holo5 fanarts

>> No.30863326


>> No.30864273

>makes a mistake (not in that order I know, fuck off)
>gets a suspension over it
>turns out she might be a bit of a bitter asshole
>quits over it
>gets extremely depressed because her careless mistake cost her a once in a lifetime dream job
>blames all her shortcomings and problems on her parents
>airs dirty laundry to the internet for over a year straight
>”aLoE lOvE nEvEr FoRgEt”
What the fuck is wrong with Aloefags? Good riddance and a bullet dodged for 5tth gen

>> No.30864732

Her mistake was ever trusting or associating with nijifags in the first place.

>> No.30865188

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.30865227

I wanted the CEO of Sex to take my vriginity...

>> No.30867446
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>> No.30867829

People like you shilling Vshojo as the Akatsuki agency that will give their members the taste of revenge towards their former agencies. You think that's something awesome but it actually looks pitiful. Vshojo will be branded as trash agency, a destination for any outcasts, sooner or later they will become a joke, especially if they fail to deliver the promise of revenge.
Gathering outcasts in one place is not a good concept in real life.

>> No.30868088

It's proven talents getting hired by an agency wanting to expand. You are overanalyzing this shit.

>> No.30868126

>sooner or later they will become a joke
They already are a joke.
Rushia and coco barely hit 2k views when they stream

>> No.30868400

Kson is at 4k and Nazuna is at 7k on Twitch.

>> No.30868439

Will i ever forget? Will i ever "get over it"?
No. You don't forget your first Oshi.
Mano Aloe, i still love you...

>> No.30868716
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>> No.30870595

she literally self destructed. I used to think it was cover that made her quit. Now I know she was dealing with mental health issues( prob born with it) and the bullying and pressure made it explode.

it wasnt even her careless mistakes that cost it. She could have survived and been successful, but her condition was really bad.

she is doing better now. She is actively exercising and controlling it. Doing all the doctor and fitness recommends. Though she dont stream in youtube actively. I think that will take more time.

>> No.30870808

I believe in aloe and I still support hers as delu. I'm a member in her fanbox and watch her streams. And I strongly believe that she will not make the mistake of joining vshojo. It is just not who she is. You can be horny, but that doesn't make you a whore. And aloe is not a whore

>> No.30871126

Leaked her live2d model got suspended whole bunch of Japanese fans harassed her Hololive did nothing to stop it, she became mentally and physically unwell so she graduated.

>> No.30871518

>be jp ollie
>apply to idol company
>get blown the fuck out by unicorns
As much as I would've liked to see a redemption arc...nothing of value was lost.

>> No.30871611

She was not jo ollie, and we actually lose a very valuable person. The ones who failed there where we. It was our responsibility to protect her, and we failed

>> No.30872057

Kek. Seriously though, if I ain't fuckin' her, she ain't my responsibility.

>> No.30872154
File: 484 KB, 1707x2048, FW8lZVKagAAikR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.
I will not forgive Cover.
"Protection of talent" bullshit.

>> No.30872251

Imagine irys had this model instead.. This is the best design to cum buckets its a shame we will never see much of it anymore.

>> No.30873173

how "good" is she?
why hasn't she joined another company?
it seems she barely streams lately.

>> No.30873495

protect her? by provoking japanese on their site? yea nice save retard

>> No.30874092

>she barely streams lately.
Lurk moar

>> No.30874235

I missed Gen 5 debut, and to this day I still don't fully comprehend what happened here.s0xtar

>> No.30874899

I miss Aloe and hate this black company so much

>> No.30875006

Can anyone give the full chronology that make him leaving hololive? Some people say it was her fault, another say it was her genmates fault

>> No.30875010

nijiniggers smelt blood in the water and harassed a hololive vtuber into quitting by triggering her stepdad

>> No.30875124

The saviorfag in me will never forget Aloe.
I still want her to return to Hololive. To make Gen5 whole. It could probably work, but I am not sure it is what she would ever want.
The way I understand it, Cover has an open door for her if she wants to return but won't push it, which is about the best I could hope for on Cover's side.
For now she just needs to find herself and get stronger.
If she joins Vshojo down the line, I'd understand but I'd also be a bit disappointed at the missed opportunity to rejoin Holo.

>> No.30875142


>> No.30875371

Short version from what I remember off the top of my head in barely chronological order
>Accidentally left up a test stream which leaked her model before debut via the thumbnail or something esoteric.
>People started doxxing her and revealed some less seiso stuff from her past (like before 18 shit?)
>People started harassing her online and in IRL (calling her home phone at her parents and stuff)
>She got a suspension by Cover for the leak (like for the Taiwan incident)
>Before the suspension ended, she quit entirely

>> No.30875584

After she was suspended, antis started calling her home which drew the attention of her abusive father who had no idea what she was doing. That was probably the thing that killed any hope of her coming back, even after he was thrown into jail since that wasn't until months later.

>> No.30875628

It's so funny to me how people simultaneously worship anyone associated with the Hololive name even if they didn't do anything, but also depict them as the bad guys working for a genocidal maniac.

>> No.30875708

Hi TriangleMA are you going to give a comment on /vt/'s shameful exit from the 4cc

>> No.30876254

I will never forget her even if I get dementia

>> No.30877363

hololive unicorns found out she is a slut who wants to eat dick's sashimi and they fear she will be bad influence to their pure oshis

>> No.30878242

Sounds pretty retarded

>> No.30879951
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>> No.30880160

Thank god shes been gone for that long

>> No.30880360

I'm giving up on her if she won't do anything by the end of next month

>> No.30880672


>> No.30883111

so sad...

>> No.30884911
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Never forget

>> No.30885644

JWU how's her 2nd anniversary stream?

>> No.30885713

she was retarded for model leak, she was retarded for not deleting the traces of her horny past, but the way things developed into the worst thing i can imagine is funny but pitiful and made me can't forget about her. in the end i still blame her incompetent manager, sorry for my ESLness EFL-sama

>> No.30886316

The fans tried to save her and only made it worse by spurring on the antis.

>> No.30886796

was it really worth suspending her over?

>> No.30886850

>I may accept a good offer if it is extended to me
she's joining vshojo retard

>> No.30892034

Mano "CEO of Sex" Aloe will never be forgotten

>> No.30892264

>Kson is at 4k and Nazuna is at 7k on Twitch.
Congrats she gets 2k more than Vesper

>> No.30895275

anonchama... she was ecstatic when kson noticed her in twitter.

>> No.30895399

her design is ugly as fuck so i'm still not sad she left
