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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30827875 No.30827875 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30827955

Shame what happened to her.

>> No.30828143

antis hired a fake dentist who removed all of her front teeths

>> No.30828911

>leeching off of the sapplings

>> No.30829324

Should keep her on a leash so she can't get away. Then she is always with you.

>> No.30829471

Two-faced whore and her fans hate Hololive so this is effectively stealing memes. Maybe go shill her in Niji threads next time, I'm sure the Dragoons will love her excessive pandering Selen never could do.

>> No.30829615

Keep seething streamlet.

>> No.30829629

Exactly. She's unoriginal, her fans are unoriginal. All they care about is stealing memes and popularity to "own" the Holofags

>> No.30832343

sharing memes isn't hate anon, stop being so selfish. Pippa is hononary Holo

>> No.30836284


>> No.30836526

Wish this one stayed dead like the previous one.

>> No.30836811

Who are the other essential pickme Vtubers to watch while she is gone?

>> No.30837707

Pippa is a bad influence on Lisa so it's for the best she's gone.

>> No.30838364

Kiki Pyon Pyon

>> No.30838447
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>> No.30838486

>stealing memes

>> No.30838496


>> No.30838525


>> No.30839278

I bet she was quietly suspended for that mass shooting clip she did.

>> No.30839380


>> No.30839502

I don’t know the proper timelines but I did see a clip of her probably drunk with her screaming about wanting to shoot up some building with the in Minecraft at the end. Even if she wasn’t actually suspended because of that an had an actual dentist appointment still a very bad look for phase connect imo,

>> No.30839856

pippa tried to shoot up an FBI office, it was on the news

>> No.30842840
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i miss her bros

>> No.30846012

me too

>> No.30847297
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Give up she is a leech >>30829471

>> No.30847799 [DELETED] 

fuck off kiki, everyone hates you

>> No.30852323


>> No.30857097

is this the new sapling erp thread

>> No.30858365
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I miss Pippa too

>> No.30863212
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>> No.30864663

kill yourself falseflagger

>> No.30868376

pippa is gone and she took the key to my chastity cage and made me wear her pippanties

>> No.30868889
File: 412 KB, 816x1174, Screenshots_2022-08-15-01-04-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa does not care, she'll happily share around her want to shoot things up. Fish also does not care, no one's surprised about what Pippa says anymore and she still brings in money

>> No.30869412

and then the walmart shooting happened after.

holobros wish their oshis were as relevant.

>> No.30871993

Hi Lumi. Stop being jealous, you have your 5 paypigs that watch you stream the games they tell you to play

>> No.30872275

>Pippa is hononary Holo
lmao even

>> No.30875381

It's not like Walmart shootings are rare, a quick Google tells me yesterday's shooting was Albuquerque, the day before Pendleton Pike, today's was in Grand Prairie. "The" Wallmart shooting was El Paso in 2019 though so long before Pippa.

>> No.30875597
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She also posted this, i think she going to shoot up blacks soon

>> No.30875764
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I miss her so much but she won't miss me. Everything I did I did for the sake of her, my Kamioshi, my inspiration in life, my Mega Idol.
And now she considers me the Traitor and won't forgive me, won't even listen to me.
So be it. If you treat me like Judas, then let me be your Judas. I hope your teeth rot more. Each rotten tooth is a monument to your mistakes. Let Pipkin Pippa suffer in the same Menhera Hell I am in, for eternity.

>> No.30876378

Meds Henry, meds

>> No.30877563

she's just a female Mr Metokur

>> No.30877667

You don't understand. Beneath all that shitposting she's quite philosophical. She feels less like a Vtuber and more like a friend you can have debates with.

>> No.30877823

Nah, Metokur's whole schtick is being desperate to not appear cringe at all costs whilst Pippa embraces cringe.

She's also not dying of cancer so she has that as well.

>> No.30879581

Apparently he went completely nuts and is now OD-ing on alcohol and drugs

>> No.30881467

Shut the fuck up virgin faggot.

>> No.30881502

Neither did taiga now everybody has blacklisted him.

>> No.30882333

Taiga was a man?

>> No.30882652

Yes? He never pretended otherwise.

>> No.30883028

Alright, so was Lanced Jack a woman?

>> No.30883080

Is "honorary holo" the euphemism for "I like that girl but I can't force my tribalfag ass to acknowledge the existence of other corpos"?

>> No.30883524

I'm still scandalized by the time Lisa say the f-word in Ami's stream. Pearls were clutched. Fainting couches were fainted upon. That being said, Pippa/Lisa collabs are the only time i really watch them because they're hilarious together.

>> No.30883774

I watched her stream and she wasn't that good.
Do you guys like her because she's going to be the next active shooter funded by the FBI?

>> No.30883855

She is dying of malnourishment and tooth-rot though.

>> No.30884080

Her SO is spending time with her right now while you are here making shitty threads about her like a huge kek.

>> No.30884109

Jesus Christ not that Taiga.
Why the fuck was that even the first thing you thought of? Have you really been letting them live rent free in your head for 10 years because they shat up /a/ for a month or so?

>> No.30884158
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what kind of retarded question is that


>> No.30884645

Women never become good active shooters, hell people still idolise Nasim and her score was fucking 0.

>> No.30887014
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You did it, anon! She just announced her return! Pippa will be back in 35 hours.

>> No.30890377

no anon, that's just you projecting

>> No.30890586

i miss the stink of rotting pus, stale doritos, mold and unwashed vagina too.

>> No.30895160


>> No.30897091

I wonder if she got it put back in.

>> No.30897519


>> No.30897695

lol who tf even cares?

>> No.30897740

Everything I read about this bitch just makes her seem like the biggest pile of trailer trash. It's frankly amazing she is still alive.

>> No.30898187

seethe kiki

>> No.30898779

Shes reaching Sam Hyde lvl of based, even Ethan Ralph blocked her on twitter

>> No.30899001

She’s also a lefty tumblr-type fur fag. Watch her bring stream to get a sense of that. But she plays the part of a half-schizo cringe-fag well. It’s entertaining. She’s like a retarded little sister, except without the sex appeal.

>> No.30900507

she's not lefty as much as simply liberal

>> No.30901139

Yep, Hasan is totally not a lefty

>> No.30901230

she doesn't simp for Hasan

>> No.30902113

She's not lefty. She knows too many right in-jokes and, as much as I hate the fucking term, dog whistles for her to be lefty. She's probably center to moderate like most non-autists.

>> No.30903502

Fine. “Left-leaning”. That’s more text than lefty. It’s funny because trailer trash is usually a right-leaning type of poor. “Inner-city” is the left-leaning poor.

>> No.30904657

For someone who is left-leaning, She seems to be very friendly with a lot of right wing grifters.

>> No.30904721

Has she ever brought up Hasan positively?

>> No.30905427

That’s because she’s right of Hasan, and understands things like humor. But she’s a convention-type furry. So you can guess her political LEANings.

>> No.30905651

For someone who loves to think and read it's surprising how much of a retard she is. Seriously, swelling in the mouth and she doesn't go to the dentist for months? It's a horrible thing to happen to someone at such a young age but she deserved it for neglecting her own health in such a way

>> No.30908785

Why would you watch someone you don't think of positively?

>> No.30909420

where do you think we are?

>> No.30909509

too busy vtweeting and coming up with hot takes to get twitter followers

>> No.30909534

When has she ever brought up, or been spotted watching him? Please provide evidence because these are serious and damning claims.
