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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30611111 No.30611111 [Reply] [Original]

Coming here was a mistake.

I used to live in ignorance, and now I can't even stand to watch most of the chuubas I used to enjoy.

>> No.30611204

Personally I find it freeing to see them talked about so critically. Stops you from putting them on a pedestal

>> No.30611218
File: 89 KB, 231x284, 1637248076829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so weak minded
go back to where you belong

>> No.30611230
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1. Not my problem ENfriend
2. Can't relate

>> No.30611295

Go back where you came from, trash

>> No.30611301
File: 111 KB, 250x250, 1621863477192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back. Ame used to love us goslings.

>> No.30611400

Yep, happened to me too. Now i just shitpost because i give zero fucks.

>> No.30611453

This is a bait post made by a falseflagger.
Please do not take this post seriously.

>> No.30611547

>this number is higher than the other one which makes them better.
Maybe for elementary schools students but it's all just bait and shitposts.

>> No.30611576

Your only mistake is being too young to see the realities behind the avatars of celebrities. Get used to it.

>> No.30611624
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I don't think Ame needs you, falseflag-chama

>> No.30611650

Hey I didn't say it was good criticism. Just that somehow its freeing

>> No.30611665


>> No.30611705

but everywhere else hugbox and shitposts, it's the same thing in reverse. Trash is trash, at least our trash is metric-driven

>> No.30611748
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What the fuck? What gives you the right to say I'm not a Teamate?

>> No.30611814

I might be an autistic retard but I genuinely find 4chan (with the exception of /pol/) to be the actual nicest place on the internet. Everyone is on equal ground. It's pretty much the only place without actual bullying

>> No.30612072
File: 312 KB, 638x717, 1616811906130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read every hate thread i can get my hands on
i love the retards and falsflaggers and trolls sperging out at each other i can't get enough
and yet, through all of it, i still only hate mori and bae

>> No.30612124

The less you know, the better you sleep. This is a universal truth. Nice quints.

>> No.30612219

this place ruined akirose for me

>> No.30612343

Ugh. Your weakness is disgustijrky4yng

>> No.30612567
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If you cant come here and post ridiculous shit about your oshi, you're not a real man.
TFW you use your oshi as a bait, and a bunch of anons jump in to defend her.

>> No.30612643

catalog bait threads are just a hugbox for antis

>> No.30612753
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Coward, open your eyes!

>> No.30613404

The more you know about Ame, the less you can enjoy her

>> No.30613956

All of those will leave once other ENs start streaming

>> No.30614144

Improve yourself

>> No.30614534

this is why i hate teashits and watson sucks

>> No.30614550

That's what you get tourist. The funny YouTube video made you think this place was was just a big meme but you just got sucked into the black hole.

Oh and fuck Ame.

>> No.30615663

The problem wasn't coming here, it was letting 4chan do your thinking for you. I'd say you don't belong here because of that, but you're part of the majority on modern 4chan.

>> No.30615743

you know, i only just realized teamates is a pun on 'tea.' i always wondered what the fuck the relation was and thought it was some FPS thing

>> No.30617915

After two years of streaming, it didn't take anything here for me to realise that all the chubba are livejasmin level money suckers who wouldn't be streaming if they weren't money hungry whores. They're not interested in you, they're not streaming for you, their interest in you is fake. They despise you and laugh at you. The jp group isn't much better, it's different in that they are run by real showbuisness consultants, so you feel less of their lies.

>> No.30618104

Imagine letting a bunch of schizos dictate what you get to enjoy.

>> No.30618375

>once other ENs start streaming


>> No.30619024

Good job on improving yourself. Most of their personalities are trash.

>> No.30619222

Post your tits

>> No.30620553

I dont understand the level delusion people like you have. You act offended that they stream for money. You act like they should do it for the love of their fan base or some shit. Do you honestly believe a vtuber should be interested in each one of their thousands or millions of fans? How is that even fucking possible? You are a number, you mean nothing to them and they should mean little to nothing to you. If you find them entertaining watch them, if you dont then move on. Stop thinking that you should matter to someone you have never and will never meet. If you think it should be any different then just end it because you are too far gone.

>> No.30623280
File: 21 KB, 510x546, world's best shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pretty much the only place without actual bullying
No, it's just a place where you can fight back. Take social shaming out of the equation, and it all boils down to who's more skillful in a 1v1. The answer...is me.

>> No.30625608

There is nothing wrong with being paid for what you do. The problem is when you advertise that you're not streaming for the money, but to make friends, be part of a community, do it for the adventure, or your favorite streamer is a member of hololive or because you're interested in idol culture.
But that's all lies to fool the newbies. Once you have enough money, you don't give a shit, you stream less and less, you cancel at the last minute, you suddenly get busy, you neglect member content, you ask your fans if it's really okay to go on a month off, which ends up being 2, and then when you come back you stream once a week.
You collectively shit on your community.

>> No.30625718

Yeah honestly I agree with this. People talk about how anonymity makes people cowards, but I think social group dynamics is what actually does that.

>> No.30629797

Funny enough I started to watch more chuubas because of y’all retards.

>> No.30630988
File: 22 KB, 275x274, 1640214724756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into watching Vtubers a month ago, going between JP to ID to EN and also checking out Niji and some indies. It's like I speedran the Vtuber viewing experience (even a graduation) and I've diligently completed the last of my reps just now thanks to this place. I don't feel good about having done it, but I don't regret it either since I was developing unhealthy attachment to some talent and now I can put it to rest by properly seeing them as real people playing a character, even beyond the expected kayfabe.
The chuubas I was already planning on membering were coincidentally ones that already came across to me as more genuine and have managed to avoid major drama, dodge the ire of schizos and maintain well behaving fans; I'll continue to enjoy them.
So thanks /vt/, I can have my fun without falling into nadir.

>> No.30631897

Such is the price of biting on the fruit of knowledge.

>> No.30634665

How is that a good thing?

>> No.30634840

based and true
I guess you should GO BACK

>> No.30635179

Just hate everything, it's what everyone else does. That way you won't feel bad at all when it all turns to dust.

>> No.30635349

I love you anon

>> No.30635427

Because it dispels the illusion they put on, some much more than others.
******chan isn't some picture perfect ideal but just some chick that found an extension to the streaming/content creation they were already doing that earns them money while they do their postgrad or other pursuit.

>> No.30635624

lemao get the fuck outta here you weak ass teacucks

>> No.30635694

this is what happened to me, but /mans/ saved me. join us, bros

>> No.30635745
File: 316 KB, 561x551, 165807212321111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventured forth through the perilous webs you did
Regretful tears seep down your face

>> No.30636802 [DELETED] 

Solid Quintuple.

>> No.30636936

Quintuple OP, Hololive is finally dead, so sayeth the prophecy

>> No.30638067

/mans/ gives me early /hlgg/ vibes, full of enthusiasm, oc and stream watchers, I hope it stays that way

>> No.30639539
File: 259 KB, 918x1200, 363D2910-7BE0-4708-88C8-F0002768487C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi gets zero hate so I’m only on here to trash talk others and boast about how much better she is compared to literally everyone

>> No.30639790

Finding this board was like finding out wrestling was fake I want to go back

>> No.30639925

Enjoy it while you can, because it won't last. Early Myth was just as good as Tempus at avoiding drama and rrats, and we all know how that ended up. Dramafags will latch onto the tiniest slip-up to create rrats.

>> No.30640115

yeah but they're women..

>> No.30640260

Anon... they're opening themselves up to the menheras at Niji, including the females.

>> No.30640351
File: 61 KB, 208x246, 1656463771313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, used to go to spend some hours at /#/ everyday, but after realizing that I was finding actual enjoyment of seeing Niji's that I legitimately liked like Pomu and Selen get sheit numbers in comparison to some Holomembers (most of who I don't even watch) is the moment that I realized that I was getting mob mentality and bailed on that place.
Now I just check /vt/ once a day, quickly do a scroll down to see if anything "new" is happening (and not the usual copy-pasted sheitposts people bait into everyday) and move along with my day.

You end up enjoying things more when people aren't constantly telling you how shit the streamer that you watch actually is outside their streams.

>> No.30644344
File: 489 KB, 960x460, 1660138012817902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly /vt/ posting has made me jaded on the whole vtuber thing. Nowadays I only watch unou (used to watch lulu) and pic rel. Only come here for watamelon, hornyposting, and making fun of unicorns/schizos/etc.

>> No.30644594

wait a week and it'll be okay, i had the same thing with eddy now i think he's necessary for the role play

>> No.30644661

Marche did nothing wrong.

>> No.30644991

Leave this place, just check streams like normal. People who tell you whats what, should be the streamers themselves, not anime twitter.

Its really toxic here with gossiping twittards who pull things out of their ass. A lot of what comes here has no proof and is really based off speculation.

Just review the topics, , V tubers virginity is questioned... X tuber is a bad person because she didnt collab with this person at this time. X tuber hates her fans because she said "improve yourself" and so called perfect flawless logic anons feel that its an attack. Because X tuber didnt stream, she despises her job, but wait a minute, give it a few days, she is streaming like normal and it turns out she has a valid reason for taking a break.

either get numb and realize its all theory or take a break and go back. Besides, theres no actual streams here. Its definitely more fun elsewhere.

>> No.30645227

>I used to live in ignorance
Assuming this place gives you some sort of "knowledge" that isn't pure rrats, gossip and bait
Don't take anything people say here seriously and just enjoy what you like anon
If you're too weak to ignore stupid people's shitposting and bait you shouldn't be here in the first place

>> No.30645294

Dude it seems like you need to go back to your hugbox faggot lol, spaced out redditard

>> No.30645963

Yo, yo ,you, you mean..... Ame Loves Us?

>> No.30647599


>> No.30648289

I believe in everything you said Watson_Amelia_portrait.png poster.

>> No.30649201
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 12173273237471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad this place further awakened my hatred of Mori and ollie.
I haven't heard their voices in months

>> No.30650112

Not me. Liberated is what I am. No longer pressured by peers to like detestable people because of brand attachment I was able to refine my selection to only the very best chuubas the internet has to offer.
Being critical brings liberation from rotting of the mind. I had the same awakening with movies.

>> No.30650259

you're not brother watson, teacuck.
Even fucking Anya can get 7k playing rust kek, the numbers are to see the holo-storylines.

>> No.30650503

I like the criticisms, it highlights why people dont like ceetain chuubas, while you can say a lot of it is schizo but i think deep down in your mind, a lot of it is also understandable, you watch chuubas because of the entertainment value, once these talents break away from it to try to grandstand or something else, you can pretry much be awake from those moments and expect those behaviours even, especially since /vt/'s autism is so good at research, people /here/ practically know dox info about all the chuubas out there already.

>> No.30652164

I feel like a lot of the criticism is valid, just blown up into insane proportions

>> No.30652972

Same. And I think that applies to vtubers themselves too. Why do you think so many of them don't have motivation or joy in it?

>> No.30653953

/vt/ is what made me realize Mori was (as far as streaming was concerned) satisfied with coasting back in June of last year. A lot of the things that have happened since then made me realize that the earnest and hardworking girl I thought I liked never actually existed.

>> No.30655829

Her brothers went home, slowpokechama, you can stop pretending they're her "boyfriend"

>> No.30658001

Why? What happened?

>> No.30659363

I used to be under the illusion that this place was full of deep and secret knowledge about vtubers, and while it is true that it's far better than most other websites, people seem way too willing to deepthroat bait and swallow any rrat that they find amusing
It probably didn't help that I found my oshi and began to do my reps regarding her as much as possible. Seeing people peddle blatant misinfo about her as fact (or people acting like they know everything because they search a single website with info) made me realize how retarded most of this place is. Just stick to the generals and laugh at catalog cunts

>> No.30662126

Splits can be delusional in their own way too though.

>> No.30662378

>being able to shitpost and saying "nigger" makes me le critical thinker
This is why 4chan is dead.

>> No.30662381

if you read the shit here and take it seriously you're more ignorant now than when you came here.

>> No.30662987
File: 137 KB, 540x253, escapism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better to live with the agonizing truth than to live a lie.

>> No.30663183

People are sad that they're wasting their golden ticket. In the end we're all here because we like the vtubers and want them to succeed and it's frustrating to see them self sabotaging.
If no one cared there'd be no posts instead of badposts.

>> No.30664017

Weak. Laughably weak.
My oshi is Kiara and I've been here before EN even debuted (obviously I mean /jp/, too). I ran into every doxx image of hers possible. I witnessed Orcschizo's rise and fall firsthand. I was here when the catalog regularly turned orange. Eggniggers are trying to this very day to sever my trust in Kiara and my enjoyment of her streams. Despite all of that, not a single stream goes by without me watching it if I can help it. I've never regretted supporting her even though I could have bought many other things out of that money. I will gladly go into a thread talking about her and write my opinion. And I intend to go on for as long as she wants to stream. Either suck yourself up and stand your ground or bow out and find other sources of joy in your life.

>> No.30664151


>> No.30664162

Me but because of numberrot

>> No.30664831

>he puts stock into the ramblings of a 4chan board
my main threads the numbers one these days since theyre a fun lot and if i put any stock into the shit they say holoEN is dead. NijiEN is dead. NijiJP is dead. Indies are dead. Vshojo is dead. And only holoJP matters yet i still dont watch any holoJP outside of fictional horse racing numbers and still just watch the same chuubas ive enjoyed since i picked them up so long ago. Enjoy what you enjoy and look at what people say here critically and youll see more often than not its actually just a handful of retards trying to rile up people for a quick laugh.

>> No.30664860
File: 23 KB, 443x455, 1648839383856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you let a bunch of schizos and rrats determine your opinion on who you like to watch then it's not a /vt/ thing, that's something you need to work on anon.

>> No.30666185

if your perspective on literally anything is shifted from reading the retards here type you should seek help promptly
u use /vt/ to laugh at the schizos brainvomit not actually prescribe to any of it

>> No.30666396

you have to go back.

>> No.30669859

If it's the rrats that bother you, just find a lowkey chuuba.
Or you know, just find someone whose content you actually enjoy for what it is.

>> No.30670574

vt is the most reddit board on the site

>> No.30670616


>> No.30670761

The thing about 4chan is that you're not allowed to like something unironically, so people pretend to hate on everything until after awhile they start actually hating it. You've allowed this place to meme you into changing your opinion, so whose fault is it really?

>> No.30671929

based stream watcher

>> No.30672263

Unironically this, I genuinely started to hate every single chuuba other than my oshi, even the girls that my oshi likes and collabs with... I like them briefly until I start hating them again, and what I hate the most is people just worshipping chuubas, this is especially why I started hating koyori

>> No.30678621


>> No.30678908

I was especially hit hard because I really liked Ina, Ame and Bae. And now I can't stand any of them. The only oshi that survived me coming to /vt/ is Botan. I like some of the other JP girls too but Botan is my OG oshi
