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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 425 KB, 1660x2500, gawr and gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30587467 No.30587467 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that >Gura has a driver's license schizo?
Why do Gura schizos always get BTFO? The only rrat that ever turned out to be true was the pissing bed/diapers one

>> No.30588051

Gawr is based????

>> No.30588073

Literally all Americans have a driving license. They use it in lieu of IDs

>> No.30588145

Since when did she wear diapers and piss herself? that was made up

>> No.30588282

you can get nondrivers licence IDs. Some states/cities even give them out to criminal rapists from central America
since the off collab

>> No.30588406

Yeah but that holds as much weight as me saying I had sex with Calli last night. Where’s the actual proof?

>> No.30588444

You coombrained degenerate, stop sullying the name of your own oshi. How do you think she would feel knowing you willfully spreading such lies?

You have no truth. You think only with your shriveled penis.

>> No.30588655
File: 32 KB, 1077x199, guba members 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they give them out at the DMV, they are as valid of an ID as a drivers license. You need to prove who you are with things like birth certificates and bank accounts to get one, unless you are a mexican rapist, then they will just give you one no questions asked because otherwise that would be racist
Gura is literally into diapers, dude

>> No.30588758

Idk I feel like this would be a bigger deal outside of 4Chan if it was real. Or this board is taking a joke as gospel, which also wouldn’t shock me. I doubt Gura is small enough irl to fit into diapers

>> No.30589144

No they don't. So you have proof of a single ID given to a " Mexican rapist"

>> No.30589358

Where else do they discuss these things? And they make diapers for adults. Plus Gura is legit under 5 feet tall. She is shorter than Bae. She is significantly shorter than Kiara as seen in the poptart stream with how Kiara keeps looking down and Gura looks up and Kiara is 5'2". Her model matches up with her pretty perfect, as seen by her picking a wedgie on the arm wrestling stream, where as with La+ you can tell her eyes are around the spot where her horns are and her hands are at the ends of her sleeves or how Mori is fatter than her model. Also during the bar fight collab with Ame, Ame's pov was like neck high with the NPCs and we know Ame is like a head shorter than most men, Gura's pov was legit belly high and she couldn't see over counters Ame could.
>IDNYC benefits all city residents, including the most vulnerable communities - the homeless, youth, undocument immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, and others who may have difficulty obtaining government-issued photo ID.
>As of July 1 2022, 18 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico issue driver's licenses or permits to some or all of the population residing without inspection in the United States.

>> No.30589379

Do you people live in an alternate reality? The American government and people are racist af.

>> No.30589449

I wish that were true. I live in a "sanctuary" state that steals money from American taxpayers to give free college and legal representation to illegals. Illegals should be given the death penalty

>> No.30589479
File: 501 KB, 595x423, 09EDDEEB-B1EB-4A12-A72A-DAAF40BE5AE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30589563


>> No.30589575

>Gura antis are Trump supporters
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.30589581
File: 140 KB, 867x700, ihatethissomuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30589600

>Gura is literally into diapers, dude
Your "evidence" is fake news perpetuated by fetishists.

>> No.30589674

>Le fake news
Kys faggot, accept the truth.

>> No.30589722 [DELETED] 

>Muh fake news
Not an argument.

>> No.30589754

the joke is that Gawr and Gura are opposites so if Gawr is against segregation, Gura is for it
A. Gura is a Trump supporter, so is Ame. All humans are
B. People posting the Gura piss/diapers stuff are all chumbuds doing it to shit up anti Gura threads
she mentions diapers on stream all the time and threatens to piss on people all the time
>why is the most famous vtuber a popular topic on a vtuber board

>> No.30589770

literally mental illness

>> No.30589809

no no, chumbuds like Gura's pee, so the Trump supports must be fans.

>> No.30589919

calling political opponents mentally ill is a well known communist tactic that has been used for decades

>> No.30589998

>why rrats and shills constantly make new threads to get their attention boner taken care of

>> No.30590158

there is a hide thread and a filter thread function

>> No.30590366

case and point
