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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30579776 No.30579776 [Reply] [Original]

If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be? What kind of model would you want to have? Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?

>> No.30579843

I just want to become a chuuba to fuck the girls

>> No.30580045

No but i would know my place.
If i was female vtuber i would staple my cunt and do gfe.
If i was a male vtuber i would cut off my dick and never collab with women.
I respect this industry

>> No.30580182

I once planned to become male Pippa but Pippa herself destroyed me

>> No.30580862

I wanna be a skellington

>> No.30581221

Yeah sure. Seems fun.
>If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be?
I guess it would technically count as retro gaming, though I don't like using that word for this console ggeneration. But I'd play my PS2 and Gamecube. And my Xbox when I get around to ordering one. I'd love to stream Steel Battalion.
>What kind of model would you want to have?
I think a skeleton would be cool. With oversized neon-colored sunglasses.
>Would you pander as a /here/

>> No.30581396

I once shared my voice here and we decided I'd be the LONDON LONDON chuuba so I'm going to hold onto that, I doodled a little concept of a britbong and everything but it's funny because I'm part italian and I'd probably do a second reveal halfway into my career and go full papa pizza girl

>> No.30581924

>I think a skeleton would be cool. With oversized neon-colored sunglasses
Unironically sounds really cool

>> No.30582665

I wouldn't. I just want to play the games I like, and not Minecraft/apex/FOTM streamer game and karaoke for views. It sounds like torture.

>> No.30582791

Yeah that's fair, but then again that's why I asked what kind of content you would WANT to make. As in, an ideal scenario where you can just do what you want without some arbitrary quota that has to be met.

>> No.30583944

I wanna become lamy

>> No.30584936

>If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be?
I'd want to be a vsinger-type, preferably with Stars. Play guitar, sing, write my own music. Then if I'm streaming and not performing, I'd probably stick to puzzle games, force my taste in scifi down peoples throats in watchalongs and talk about TTRPG stuff, maybe run one if I have the time.
>What kind of model would you want to have?
Anything that is aesthetically compatible with the rocker vibe, as much as I'd loathe to be another lean demon with dark hair that's probably the thing I'd get slapped with if I were corpo.
Jumping from one cliche right to the next, I do like the fantasy hero aesthetic and wouldn't mind being a Paladin or a Wizard of some kind. As long as I had long hair, maybe glasses and a reasonably good looking anime guy bod I wouldn't mind. I *did* have this idea of being a egyptian-themed babuniku as an indie with a goa'uld voice effect on but it would get annoying quick and is more just justification for me to be a futa.
>Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?
Does playing/listening to old prog rock and metal count as pandering to /mu/? I think I'd struggle to hide my shitposter power level for too long but would never cross the line into blatant dog whistling or anything. Thing is, I'm norf fc so I doubt I can grip the BFE audience so I kind of just have to vibe anyway. No interest in collabing with girls unless explicitly invited and in a group setting, the cute ones intimidate me and the others annoy me and I just get on with lads better anyway.

>> No.30585152

I've been considering to get FaceRig for a while so I can download the FE Fates Arthur model and just sperg out on TF2

>> No.30588636

I'd be a singer (I can't sing) who can sing with both an high and low range (I can only do low) that allows plays a variety of games (I'm trash at most)

>> No.30588736

Id want an ugly bastard chuuuba.

>> No.30590095

Isn't there one already? Or am I just schizoing.

>> No.30590659
File: 128 KB, 640x480, 10a7e01afae91c27ffde1720284da761_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hoi4 and mas simulator autism vtuber, and avatar would be a man in balaclava

>> No.30590948


>> No.30591023

Already am.

>> No.30591357

A shota. Sadly I do not have the voice for it

>> No.30591608

I would use it as a means to force me to play through my backlog. I'd put up a list somewhere of all the games I've bought and play through them all on stream.

Don't care too much about the model, just no fujoshi bait. Don't want to deal with that shit on the regular. Just give me a guy with dark hair, give him a mask and I'm good

>> No.30592102

Please be in Florence.

>> No.30594431

I would be the kind of chuuba to be called [your oshi] and have copious amounts of sex with my boyfriends (e.g. not you)

>> No.30594721

I'd do it for money, I got burned too many times in normal jobs. I'd probably try to play more obscure multiplayer games so more people would be willing to try them, and I'd like to play bad games to complain about them. I'd probably have a character that looks like a nerdy hikkiNEET.

>> No.30594789

I'd be one of those vtubers who doesn't stream. As someone with no interest in streaming I feel that's my true calling.

>> No.30595036
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I was thinking about this earlier today. I think it would be fun, but I would go about it in the most cynical, cashgrabbing way possible.
>Loli model to immediately capture lolicons' attention
>Retro and strategy games to capture the boomers' attention
>GFE to capture the lonely bastards' attention
I think I might go for it once I have some money saved up for a model. But I'd need to get some vocal training first so I can pull off a loli voice.

>> No.30595149

i would gain a huge audience and then be the first chuuba to kill themselves live

>> No.30595271

I have a very unique data analysis skill in high demand and think I'd be a very good work skills / data analysis vtuber with prepped videos instead of streaming but I'm well-aware that nobody on the planet wants that. Also I've got a cute voice.

>> No.30595556

I mean you never know unless you try anon. Video essays are quite popular now and depending how you spin it, data can be quite interesting. There are mfs who make videos about sorting algorithms and people fucking love those, for example - you never truly know how big is your niche until you just throw yourself out there to see it.

>> No.30595570
File: 1.58 MB, 1408x1031, 1654621382573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing around with the thought of becoming a chuuba for a long time for a variety of reason. I feel lonely as fuck, don't really have anyone I could share my interests with (or just very bad at talking about it) and also feel very sheltered and disconnected from many things and therefore want to learn again to step outside my comfort zone.

>If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be?
Variety streaming. Majority of it will probably be gaming, but also want to include things like cooking, playing DJ sets once a week or maybe even working train models the same way other chuubas stream working on their craft. And there's much more I could see becoming streaming content in some form or variety. Not meaning to re-invent the wheel through my streams, but giving it a bit of a personal twist.

My dream would be to start out as a small chuuba and grow an audience that is excited to share with me these moments of novelty, passion and otherwise just like to chill.

>What kind of model would you want to have?
Nothing overly complicated, but also not too minimalistic like some /asp/ chuubas. Some sort of kemonomimi probably with a rather cuteish tendency since it fits my voice and character.

>Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?
Would just vibe since I'm not interested in pandering to /here/ in particular.

>> No.30595718

> I think it would be fun, but I would go about it in the most cynical, cashgrabbing way possible.
Unironically based.

>> No.30599586

I’d love to be a kind of showhost or talkshow type chuuba. Sadly, I have no practice and don’t know anybody worth interviewing. Where would I even start?

>> No.30599934

Realistically, I would want to make as much money as possible. If that means getting a bishounen model and fujobaiting while playing FOTM, I'll do it.

>> No.30600444

>what kind of chuuba would you be?
I’ve always loved making stuff, so cooking, making drinks and retro games >What kind of model would you want to have?
Probably something to do with my heritage
>Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?
I would probably just vibe and try my best to not reference this place, I’d be concerned about crazy people from here trying to find out who I am because my name is pretty unique and I’m terminally online.

>> No.30600900

If Vesper is able to hold an audience with boomer chatting, then you can too.

>> No.30601000

I also do resume reviewing pro bono and would love to do a stream on that, but can't think of a way to make it anonymous, really

>> No.30601365

you can't make friends by streaming. Find a website that isn't autistic about organizing any kind of social interaction and make friends that way.

>> No.30601907

Bishonen with the personality of Frank Reynolds

>> No.30601932

no, i don't think i have the skills for it.
of course, i have had an idea for a character to do if i was capable of it. basically it would be a Mediaeval English peasant, complete with talking like i have golf balls in my mouth and sticking to fantasy and historical themed games. and the thing that would really set me apart would be that i never break character. no talking about my personal life, no referencing modern shit, just an endless LARP where i call the French a collection of cunts and complaining about the Lollards causing a ruckus. i think that that would be the best kind of vtuber, where you get the character and nothing else.

>> No.30602081

I'd be a budget ESL Vesper with more swearing and fewer complete sentences

>> No.30602121


>> No.30602168

WFH coder chuba

>> No.30602278

>If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be?
a guy who plays video games and either is good at them or wants to be good at them. play exclusively debuff games and aim to be knowledgeable enough or engaging enough to even things out.
>What kind of model would you want to have?
a human skeleton.
>Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?
i am /here/ so i imagine there would be an some amount of vt-isms in my speech would make it out but i don't even know what there is that a vtuber can do to directly pander to the interests of /vt/ users that wouldn't tank your reputation among normal people by way of you being a fucking weirdo

>> No.30602837

No, because I'm not particularly interesting or entertaining.

Plus I doubt many folks would be interested in watching someone play games like Tainted Grail or Crying Suns.

>> No.30602901

>"improve yourself" the chuuba
all jokes aside please do this, if done well it could be a real niche

>> No.30602912

Haachama is the closest to how I'd want to be as a vtuber.

>> No.30603234
File: 915 KB, 1923x2218, danbooru.donmai.us 4372555 1girl ahoge bangs black_hairband blonde_hair blunt_bangs bow bra braid breasts full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be a chuuba with huge tits bouncing around every 3 seconds, making horny jokes and talk so I can turn on my viewers and make porn of me.

>> No.30603963

I would try to expose other vtubers and talk about politics just to get bad reactions from the Vtuber community.

>> No.30604247
File: 197 KB, 1924x2060, MMPUFireman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you become a chuuba?
>If so, then what kind of chuuba would you be?
Grumpy disillusioned 0view boomer who clings to the past, dislikes ironic weebs these days, doesn't respect authority, distrusts women like the plague, shits on modern anime and vidya, has a constant ongoing love affair with the late 80s to late 2000s, sings the shittiest karaoke you'll ever hear (earplugs not included), and plays games nobody would ever watch with nothing but the deadest of air
>What kind of model would you want to have?
Cool (but not too cool) robot, like something from the Rockman/X franchise
>Would you pander as a /here/ like many others or would you just vibe?
Fuck no. Compartmentalization is important. Not everything has to be integrated or centralized. And personally, I think is a chuba's whole personality is literally just "I use [insert social media]," that chuba needs to find a real passion and get themself some individuality.

With that said, if things went horribly wrong and I ever became popular, nothing short of having better things to do would stop me from incessantly shitposting about "anon unity" and "honor amongst anons" in whatever general was applicable to my literal donut steel. You would read my essays, you would get >he doesn't know'd, and I'd relentlessly pity the shit out of every other chuba. That...would be the pure, unbridled absoluteness of my justice.


>> No.30604349
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 23259382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> like something from the Rockman/X franchise
if you chose a classic mega design you'd be my oshi

>> No.30604470

i'd be the kind that makes so much money i didnt even have to stream anymore: ayame, aqua and gura are my heroes. having subhumans just spoonfeed you money for gracing them with your presence? what a life

>> No.30606295

>VShojo wants to know your location

>> No.30607320

I would be a legal shota, appearance based on Squaresoft's Brave Fencer Musashi. Probably be myself and stream h-games with goofy overlays to censor them.

>> No.30607540

Become a chuuba purely to become anime

>> No.30608851

Anon please become a chuuba, male or female I will follow you to the end of your service.
