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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3051057 No.3051057 [Reply] [Original]

Kinda tired of how Mori acts to cool for everything she does, especially in collabs.
We get it Mori, you don't care.

>> No.3052090

It’s a character

>> No.3052175

Kinda tired of not being close enough geographically to kiara to beat the shit out of her.

>> No.3052186

Ok schizo

>> No.3052217

Shit thread. Fuck KFP.

>> No.3052225

What do you think all of this is?

>> No.3056447

She simped for a card in a card game.

>> No.3056534

I am TIRED of not being able to EAT OUT both KIARA AND MORI'S PUSSYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3056577


>> No.3056612

take your meds mamaloni

>> No.3056657

she hates weeb shit, of course she doesnt care

>> No.3056724

go die in a fire, falseflagger.

>> No.3057121

the fact you insistently call her by her last name suggests you don't, either.

>> No.3058199 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Everyone on this board calls her that.

>> No.3058664

>Mori acts to cool
...are you watching the same Vtuber as me? Calli’s the most awkward Vtuber I have ever seen

>> No.3058733

OP is autistic and can't understand subtleties like this

>> No.3058934

>begged her mother to go on a 40 minute drive to get pocky sticks and some manga

>> No.3058962

>she hates weeb shit, of course she doesnt care
the fuck is she doing in Japan then lmao

>> No.3058992


>> No.3059057

Kinda tired of Mori having to be part of this corporate ship.

>Mori acts low energy
>Oh it just shows how close they are as friends that Mori doesn't need to act!
>Mori does something mean to Kiara
>Oh it's just Mori being tsun guys so cute

Mori can literally tell Kiara to fuck off and their schizo fans will lap it up as tee tee tsundere it's pretty brilliant

>> No.3059190

It's not acting, she genuinely doesn't care about streaming.

>> No.3059213

lmao, thats just you not knowing anything bout her, i dont see her being like that to other people other than kiara. They close in real life nonetheless, even if they act like that learn to differentiate the characters they play in to their RL personalities

>> No.3059409

hahaha I just saw dragon ball z and read naruto volume 1
im such an otaku, that's means nerd for you baka gaijins hahaha

>> No.3059446

>differentiate the characters they play in to their RL personalities
>"ya boy is so tired today"
>"ya boy is so busy all the time"
>"ya boy wished there was more time in the day"
>"ya boy is a corporate employee but treats it as a side gig"

Her character is just annoying, simple as

>> No.3059612

I am watching T3 VOD right now and she seems to have fun and being cute but i guess it makes sense as she actually cares about this tabletop stream more than shilling stream.

I do agree that they should just stop the yuribaiting because takamorifags will still eat that shit up.

>> No.3059641

>he enjoys the taste of both african and asian cum
what a developed palette, monsieur

>> No.3059709

I don't know why she can't be consistent though. One of the best stream recently was where she actually has a good attitude was when she was doing a drawing stream finishing her senchou art. She wasn't complaining. She was very instructive and insightful. She didn't fill the dead air with a lot of weird sounds. She should just try to just do what she thinks will be entertaining for her. I think an AI dungeon stream would be right up her alley.

>> No.3059714

You should try working in Japan or even just work, get out of your mom's basement once

>> No.3059859

Hi Mori

>> No.3059987

There's a difference between working and accepting all work and sacrificing some quality to finish all. You don't really see a lot of holojp girls openly say or act sleepy or tired repeatedly. The only time I have was Suisei with Kiara in Holotalk but she perked up eventually and never once complained. Imagine a teacher working 5 jobs at the same time, that teacher then enters her class low energy and just complains a lot that she's tired all the time. But she tells you she loves teaching. There's a disconnect there. Mori certainly has good days but they are outweighed by all the bad streams she does. Now that her alt is not doing that much, i hope her streams will be better and have more consistent energy in them

>> No.3060136

In the stream i mentioned, Mori said that she had a lot going on behind the scenes with her medical things.

>> No.3060372

Are you being facetious or just retarded? She moved to Japan because she's a fucking groupie, it has nothing to do with weeb shit.

>> No.3060496 [DELETED] 

>makes 70% kill la kill memes on /a/
>Not in any shape or form a weeb

>> No.3060637

Retard-chama, you need your reading comprehension meds. I said she moved to Japan as a groupie, don't act like your pointless tangent addresses anything I said.

>> No.3060728 [DELETED] 

And are they mutually exclusive, anon?

>> No.3060887 [DELETED] 

When is Mori going to finally kill that stupid bitch? That’s the only reason anyone would spend anytime with that obnoxious cunt, especially an agent of fucking death. Do you fucking job Mori!

>> No.3060895

Point me to where that would matter in the context of what I've said. Her reason for moving is confirmed, weeb shit wasn't a factor, she would've just as readily followed them to anywhere else and it just happened to be Japan.

>> No.3060911

When is Mori going to finally kill that stupid bitch? That’s the only reason anyone would spend anytime with that obnoxious cunt, especially an agent of fucking death. Do your fucking job Mori!

>> No.3060949

Pretty sure she's tried, phoenix power is too stronk

>> No.3060952

Also based for making me laugh

>> No.3061160

collabing might not even be her strong suit which is fine a lot of holos are too socially retarded

>> No.3061638

Not the same at all.
1. She wasn't in a bad financial situation before, she didn't need to take this job, she purposely took it yet complains about being busy
2. Unless you're autistic or unaware, it's simply social etiquette to not constantly complain about something you chose to do knowing the full consequences
3. Constantly complaining about something while you're doing it makes it awkward for the listeners
4. She's overworking herself and unwilling to truly compromise which in turn makes majority of deadbeats aka the normies become concernfags which makes things awkward again

>> No.3061879

All of this made worse by her admission that she only auditioned as a joke. She took a coveted job she had no investment in, and then spends all her time complaining about it and manages to somehow overwork herself while completely half-assing her streams.

>> No.3062004

That is truly an accomplishment

>> No.3062127

That's normie shit. Even niggers watch DBZ

>> No.3062353

God damn bitch no one cares

>> No.3065382


>> No.3066312

So... she's a weeb then?

>> No.3066353
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1610530196085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you're autistic
Anon, we are talking about Mori here.
>then spends all her time complaining about it
She doesn't really do it as often as people make it seem like it.

But what in your guys opinion should she do? Graduate or should Cover move her to VSingers?
>and then spends all her time complaining about it
She doesn't really do that though.

>> No.3066614

>I am watching T3 VOD right now
Ah so were arguing with someone who is so bought into her bullshit it doesnt actually matter what we say.

>> No.3067597

Well i am using ARS if that mean anything.
I agree that she has her problems that she should fix and if this happens again with her T3 stream then i will stop paying for the membership.

>> No.3067697

I don't. I'm the coolest contrarian online by calling her Calliope.

>> No.3068074

I call her Calli and get replies because best girl calls her that.

>> No.3068100

>best girl
Her genmates and all of ID?

>> No.3068193

that's not even like D-tier otaku behavior

>> No.3068290


>> No.3068383

Well she is into J-rap which not even a lot of weeaboos are into.

>> No.3068473

It's a 50/50 of her being relaxed or seeming absolutely apathetic to everything happening. I get it, she's playing up her 'immortal reaper' character, but it really does get tiring. I don't dislike her when she's in the genuine relaxed mode, but I can't stand the other half and that kind of person is real grating irl. Watching her play through Omori right now and her lack of reaction to the real world stuff (only through episode 3), especially the lack of emotion/empathy for the church scene is a little upsetting.

>> No.3068726

This, Calli is a sweetheart irl.

>> No.3068748

The omori playthrough is my reason why i stopped watching her streaming games. Her reactions were either to shallow because she wasn't really invested in the story or boring because she was just trying to grind the levels so that she can finish the game. I would still watch her stream other stuff but omori doesn't really deserve that kind of carelessness. You either be straighout funny with your reactions or care about the characters. Don't halfass it. Very disappointing.

>> No.3068800

Is she just bad at doing her regular chill talks while also playing games (albeit poorly or not)?

>> No.3068982

I would say she can't focus doing both naturally. She's better at zatsudans while drinking. She should just do that. Her marshmallows where pretty funny. She knows what to choose. She doesn't really have to play games or at least she should play when she's had enough sleep.

>> No.3069218

I enjoyed the couple of her zats and enjoyed them, which is why I figured I'd give Omoti a shot since it's a game I'm currently playing. Funnily enough I don't think I've ever gotten annoyed with the way a streamer/someone plays a game before.

>> No.3069272

Kinda tired of OP being a faggot.
We get it OP, you like cocks in your mouth.

>> No.3069274

Maybe consider that different people react to things differently?

>> No.3069606

>But what in your guys opinion should she do? Graduate or should Cover move her to VSingers?
Moving her to V-singers actually sounds like a good idea. I think if that option had existed from the start, that's where she would be. She seems like the kind of person who can only put 100% into things she's really passionate about like releasing new music. I don't think there's any point to making her stream games she doesn't care about just to fill a stream quota.

>> No.3070844

That's terrible logic, if the world worked that way I would be fucking around with programming languages all day instead of fixing bugs I don't care about.

>> No.3076765

She doesn't have to move or proclaim to be a vsinger now. She just needs to stream. Some of the girls sometimes only do Zatsudans who occasionally plays games. They would play MC as a background but really it's just them talking while mining. Mori can do the chillout wine zatsus or entertain marshmallows or do watchalong. She was funny when watching the room. She likes trpg right? Then AI dungeon. She doesn't really have to play games. She can just "play" and focus on the talk aspect of it

>> No.3076941

That's fine, as long as she realizes that most people tune in to not hear her half-assedly care about the game and half-assedly care about the chat.

>> No.3077137

I honestly hate her interactions with everyone else, even when she actually has energy all she does is let them talk and then say "yeeeeaah, that's true!"

>> No.3077242

That is why her zatsudans are great because she doesn't half-ass them and has fun stories.

>> No.3077290

So do you prefer her solo streams?

>> No.3077443

I want to have her babies so bad

>> No.3077492

Yeah, that really happened, hahaha

>> No.3077747

based post

>> No.3080617

Hey Kiara nice to see you here again.

>> No.3080658

>Getting cummed inside by an Asian man

That girl is Asian man repellant.
