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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30435440 No.30435440 [Reply] [Original]

So now that all of the Pippa rrats were proven false, and antis got BTFO'd, what's your excuse for not giving her a chance?

>> No.30435480


>> No.30435498

is she a lesbian?

>> No.30435581 [DELETED] 

Were they really?

>> No.30435632

sorry but i don't watch unvirgin whores who claim to be pure

>> No.30435666

i will rape pippas pippussy and drink her pipiss

>> No.30435894

>all of the Pippa rrats were proven false
You really are sneaky aren't you?
When it all got leaked first you guys said who cares? pippa isn't gfe and never tried to be so doesn't matter.
Now that one, 1, ONLY ONE thing got proven wrong you backtracked on your original point and act as if ALL of it was proven wrong.

The only incorrect rrat was the face, which happened way way after the original stuff

But I thought pippa fans didn't care? What happened to their moral superiority? I thought this stuff didn't bother them?

>> No.30436043

Enjoy your groomed furry.

>> No.30436206

Why are you lying?

>> No.30436277


>> No.30436389

I don't watch anyone that panders to here

>> No.30436391

She isn't gura so why would I care about her?

>> No.30436432

what pippa rrats?

>> No.30436763

Apparently she's balding and a furry and also married her groomer

>> No.30436957

>only cares about Gura
>is here
Why though???
Your oshi streams like once a week why do you bother coming to /vt/, or going outside of her split?

>> No.30437117

This thread is
I'm not watching your bitch because of you lot

>> No.30437216

*clears throat* ahem...
>pickme girl

>> No.30438036

What can I say? I'm not into bald women.

>> No.30438168

She is having a horrible time at the dentist. I hope she is ok :(

>> No.30438179

>the anon rages over the forbidden word

>> No.30438670

I dont want her to spread her filthy mold to my uwuka

>> No.30438744

Actually the rrats were proven true. Keep seething.

>> No.30438765

I watch her when no one else I like is on. Also don't get how anyone could see her as anything but a retarded little sister or autistic neighbor.

>> No.30438841

She’s still an annoying pickme girl

>> No.30438881

I know nothing about the rrats but the fact that there's a thread on the topic every 2 hours makes me feel like they're real and this is just damage control

>> No.30438883

You mean even the video of her with some guy in her room and she laughs exactly like she laughs during her Pippa streams?

>> No.30439006

>retarded little sister
This makes Pippa sound much sexier than she actually is.

>> No.30440040

You have clearly never had a retarded little sister.

>> No.30440107

I will never watch a vtuber that panders to this board

>> No.30440192

Araragi if he posted /here/

>> No.30440202

at least she's not latinx

>> No.30440550

who is this and why do i keep seeing you post her on the catalogue

>> No.30440670

terminally /here/ vtuber who's fans spam her all over the board

>> No.30440685

>what's your excuse for not giving her a chance?
You shilling her here every single day. It's even worse than saplings shilling their green whore.

>> No.30440848

Pippa is cool but her retarded fans sent nigger in donations to my oshi. She didn’t take responsibility for that, so I will not be checking her out

>> No.30440921

Yeah watch josh's newest stream its all confirmed

>> No.30440923

Cope, ralphtard.

>> No.30440957

>actually up is down and the sky is green

>> No.30441190

>who's fans spam her all over the board
some dipshit anti spams her all over the board and you faggots keep taking the bait

>> No.30441458

>intentionally release an obviously fake self-doxx
>now you can say every single rrat is fake
sasuga pink rabbit

>> No.30441548

When will you retards understand that caring about a chuuba's virginity has nothing to do with being a gachikoi. I'd be angry if my sister was a sex-haver furry

>> No.30442493

antis literally in shambles

>> No.30442518
File: 1.80 MB, 1146x972, ApplicationFrameHost_bIXgzVISGK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, another all time banger from the Killstream.

>> No.30442761

She laughed at the wrestling video and I have hated her ever since.

>> No.30442886

Does she have a boyfriend and had sex since 13 or not?
I need to know, this could save the human race.

>> No.30443537

Post in the /pcg/ general, retard. Idgaf about your oshi, I'm going to rape your urinary tract if you keep this shit up.

>> No.30445433
File: 66 KB, 500x1082, baldchamachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Pippa fags coping so hard? If you liked Pippa with her baggage then you shouldn't care that she's B A L D.

>> No.30445620

Seethe harder. Your sleight of hand isn’t going to work here.

>> No.30445965
File: 177 KB, 309x491, pickme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen op go to odysee find @mati watch his latest stream. Note what got brought up and post the disproofs.
No disproofs means it happened

>> No.30446036

She looks exactly how I'd expect someone that posts on kiwifarms to look like

>> No.30446247 [DELETED] 

yes the pippa rats are false, but her boyfriend is factually a grooming paedophile

>> No.30446249
File: 169 KB, 452x394, 1641728512056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"WHAT THE FUCK" ad infinitum
>half her content is just talking about lulcows, mmorpgs, and giving hot takes on society(i dont give a fuck)
all in all I find her more boring then ina

>> No.30446541 [DELETED] 

The bald rrat is absolutely false, that’s not her. But Zax? He is a genuine child predator and should rot in prison. These entire dox did more damage to Zax then it did Pippa, she is just a victim.

>> No.30446619

Gave Pippa a few tries. But I enjoy Tenma, Shiina and Erina a lot more, desu.

>> No.30446681


at least watch the latest stream of @mati on odysee before you claim it's All fake.

>> No.30446689

I gave her a chance when I watched her debut, in my case she's a mildly annoying vtuber I'll watch on rare occasions

>> No.30447472
File: 101 KB, 323x392, 1618762460683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa cucks are so pathetic, holy shit. Imagine damage controlling this hard over a toothless, bald furfag. Really makes one ponder.

>> No.30447518

I watch her and am very disappointed she isnt balding
all the forehead kisses real estate gone

>> No.30447697

Beatani is more boring then any of them LOL

>> No.30447756

No, she has legit unicorns. It was proven more correct than false.

>> No.30447861

Alright champ, I hate Pippa and wish she would just fuck off to her alt account so she doesn’t shit up the rest of Phase. I just stick by the truth, she is nasty and has rotten teeth, but the bald doxx is not her.

>> No.30450991

antis still in shambles

>> No.30451070

not into age baiting

>> No.30451886
File: 1 KB, 255x170, Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a dramafag, and dramafags are obsessed with surveillance, reputational credit scores and activism. They're unironic social revolutionaries with no respect for people's dignity or privacy. I may love me a good doxx, but only in the sense that it helps me make more informed capitalistic choices about which chuba I'd like to patronize. Dramabugs take it a step further, harbor actual resentment towards people they don't even know (like sheeple swarming in whatever direction their dear leader points in), and use it to perpetuate and enforce unfettered social darwinism.

tldr I just don't enjoy her personality, the same reason anyone else would choose not to watch any given form of entertainment. It's nothing personal. I'm just not amused by her.

>> No.30452235

>no u

>> No.30453903

Misery loves company, Pippa loves drama

>> No.30454233

Only the picture was fake, the doxx about being groomed by a furry was never fake and this was the main rrat being spammed by Pippa antis. Mind you the only reason why people are pissed because she's a grifter like Nyanners that lied about being a virgin to appeal to her audience, Pippafags have no honor like their oshi

>> No.30454410

Taken to the extreme, it becomes self destructive. As doxxers who themselves get doxxed should be able to attest to, creating a system designed to keep people down and perpetuate misery only ever keeps (You) yourself miserable. Unless you're profiting from othe rpeople's misery, in which case...good luck living with yourself, I guess.

>> No.30454435

If she wasn't before, she's very obvious smitten with Lisa.

>> No.30454508

Not Gura, not interested

>> No.30454638

Nah, that was all proven false too.

>> No.30454706

Sorry, but I don't watch furries. Rie is cute though and maybe I'll check out other members from phase-connect.

>> No.30454908

nta but no lol lmao, the grooming was not disproven. The Furaffinity leaks are pretty damning

>> No.30455273

When are you going to accept that all of these supposed leaks mean nothing. Pippa is still, like she said, a virgin.

>> No.30455293
File: 32 KB, 680x420, beepboop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest buzzword is "NPC" but me and my friend used to call them "goybots" before that term was popularized. The idea isn't particularly new. There was a Christian theologian that asserted most people don't have souls though his name escapes me right now.

>> No.30455413

You expect me to believe a girl that was groomed and right in the same room as her groomer is a virgin? Yeah good cope Pippatard

>> No.30455448

anon seriously. this level of cope is not healthy. you are in denial.

>> No.30455463

>before you go on a journey of revenge, dig two graves and then jump into a wood chipper

>> No.30455524


>> No.30455998

>There was a Christian theologian that asserted most people don't have souls though his name escapes me right now.

>> No.30457434

I'm trying to dig up the name but most of my results are garbage like "DO ANIMALS HAVE SOULS" and "YOU DO NOT HAVE A SOUL REAL SCIENCE SHOWS HOW." Search algorithms are intellectual cesspits.

>> No.30457877

it was that dude that is the basis for Jehova witnesses claiming only like 144k souls or something due to a narrow interpretation?

>> No.30458313

It's possible they cite him. This guy would have predated Jehova's Witnesses by a hundred years or more. The 144k number is a figure given in Revelations.

>> No.30460183

one drop rule you fag
its once again proof you cant trust schizo doxers

>> No.30460411
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, laughing at pipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, BALD!

>> No.30460573

Not that dude but I'm kind of doubting it. Here are my points of contention:
>she is so disgusting the groomer said he couldn't share a bed with her due to her personal hygiene
>the groomer's voice made me think he's either gay, a tranny, or a pedo
>the room they were both in was in his mommy's house, who she hated (remember the roommates she constantly bitched about?)
>as soon as she could afford it (actual salary from fishman to show as proof of income plus savings) she ditched him and got her own place
For what it's worth I was one of the people saying they were glad pippa managed to find a bf before the grooming shit came out. Taking a second, closer look at things made me change my mind about some stuff.

>> No.30460669

I don’t want to watch people who talk about how bad corporation are while actively being part of one

>> No.30460705

This cope is so delicious, thanks for the good laugh Pippafag

>> No.30460781

I don't want to fuck her and I'm not even saying she's a virgin. I just don't think the groomer got any pippussy.

>> No.30460938

>I'm not even saying she's a virgin
I should have clarified in my original post, sorry.

>> No.30461366

josh is retarded and will insert his own personal assumptions into holes in the script written for him by other people, he's not reliable in any way. remember when he talked about ame?
>they all graduate once they quit streaming beacause... they're children, i guess

>> No.30461527

I don’t think she ditched the groomer. Haven’t we still heard him coughing in the background during some of her post-move streams?

>> No.30461609

>>the groomer's voice made me think he's ... a pedo
You don't say.

>> No.30461786

The point is she wasn't a kid anymore when he got his hands on her. My gut feeling is that pedos who swing both ways, kids and adults, don't have the pedo voice.

>> No.30461959

so she wasn't groomed, isn't in a relationship and isn't a furry? damn i guess i can watch her, if only her content wasn't retarded

>> No.30462008 [DELETED] 

He was still grooming her since her early teens. Even if he waited until she was 18 to do anything physical with her, he is still a disgusting pedo in my eyes

>> No.30462273

What else is he gonna do in between streams? Watch some crusty whore?

>> No.30462457

I agree with you.

>> No.30462787 [DELETED] 

I can forgive marrying her groomer and being a furry. But balding? No thanks I'm out.

>> No.30462875

Yeah, Phase Connect is just like Vanguard or Nestle. Retard.

>> No.30464468

>Watch some crusty whore?
barbie onahole...

>> No.30464539

Got tired of all the thread spam on her, I decided to watch Tenma instead.

>> No.30464855

Don’t bring Ina into this you cock sucker.

>> No.30464973

ok fishy

>> No.30465115

>Hes missed all the apologize and pink rabbit was right threads.
Anon....two vaginas

>> No.30465336

a wise decision anon

>> No.30466261

I'm morally against furrys. They are generally subhuman trash.

>> No.30466471

>thread discussing why people don't watch pink rabbit
>devolves into seething feminists hating on monogamous relationships and men in general
Fans reflect the streamer, I suppose

>> No.30466535

Based choice, I feel like Fishman should make sure his talents don't go full bitch/grift mode but PC is the company for broken girls so this was bound to happen with all the other girls aside from Tenma and the JPs

>> No.30466578

interesting how this lie allows to stay up. really makes you think.

>> No.30467254

These threads, seriously. Also the fact she tries so hard to pander to tourists and containment breakers who want to feel like they're part of this board despite only joining after the Rushia yab or later

>> No.30468158

She's a /here/ chuuba. /here/ chuubas are on the level of band kids acting like Reddit is like some secret society only they know about

>> No.30469035

Still not watching your shitty poster child for why the majority of people /here/ need to be euthanized.

>> No.30469083

Stop pretending you spend money on vtubers

>> No.30469265

So it's true, the antis are all twitter tourists.

>> No.30469447
File: 19 KB, 656x480, cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's BALD, Jerry! BALD!

>> No.30469888
File: 676 KB, 676x878, AndrewTate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being bald nigga?
That shit shows confidence, we need more balding VTubers

>> No.30469989 [DELETED] 

So its true that all pippafags are lonely metokur chat's reject.

>> No.30470077 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.49 MB, 480x480, face-cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, leave my /here/ chuuba alone

>> No.30474541
File: 142 KB, 446x684, 1627752719529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate furfags. Furfags without exception are always faggots, pedos, or all of the above. Case in point being her groomer.

>> No.30475190

shes uninteresting and panders to incel school shooter r*ddit tier poltards
the better question is why would anyone outside the most damaged human beings watch her?

>> No.30475458

Seethe, lier.

>> No.30476266

Fuck this lying whore. I hope she gets raped.

>> No.30476297

>panders to incel school shooter r*ddit tier poltards
>also she's a promiscuous furfag pedo groomer with shit hygene
Disgraceful. Y'all can't even agree on a consistent narrative.

>> No.30476889

>not a kid
ok groomer

>> No.30477004

She is learning Chinese, time to pack it up Henrybros, we must make more Lumi threads now.

>> No.30477294

why do you think those things are mutually exclusive?
i dont know anything about this whore's personal life but please continue to have a schizophrenic meltdown where you believe everyone is getting together to craft a narrative LOL and please don't ever go outside

>> No.30477657

She's literally trailer trash. Of course she has been fucked.

>> No.30477769

You do realise he's still around her right?

He deals with all the notpippa shit on that discord

>> No.30477953

Twitter and notpippa discord indicates they spent her entire vacation apart, including America day. It could just be fabrications but if not it speaks volumes.

>> No.30478516

I don't understand, do all poor women have sex? Is virginity reserved for the high er classes?
I'm not American, please help me understand

>> No.30479385

rich girls fuck their boyfriend at 15
poor girls get fucked by their uncle at 12

>> No.30479482

American women don't care about virginity. It's just something they want to "get it over with". You will rarely see a virgin past highschool. Hell maybe even middle school.

>> No.30480213

America throws young girls into school with lil chad. They're all worthless and ruined for relationships by the time they hit the age of consent. Oh well, nothing can be done. At least not in a dystopic, omnipresent dictatorship.

>> No.30487351

Yes, your daughter's virginity gets stolen by the elites if you can't afford the virginity tax

>> No.30488137

It’s unironically a bell curve

>> No.30488405

Which of those are true?

>> No.30488676

America is not a dictatorship

>> No.30489825

>proven false.
She still lied about being a virgin.
She's dead to me.

>> No.30490467

she lied about being a rabbit too

>> No.30490560

No, she's still a virgin. That part of the rrat was also proven false.

>> No.30491314

Various kiwiniggers told Null to not cover it after it got demonstrated it wasn't Pippa but some 5Head from Germany who hasn't updated her IG in 5 years. He still did.

>> No.30491383

I watched some of her collab with beatani, and decided she wasn't for me.

>> No.30491440

No it wasn't, you pathetic coping faggot.

>> No.30494178

Why don't you just accept that no one believes you any more? You've lost.

>> No.30494605

>what's your excuse for not giving her a chance?
terminally /here/

>> No.30494924

She's bald. I don't like bald women.

>> No.30495016

Because there is tons of proof that everyone has been posting lately showing that she isn't a virgin meanwhile you have literally nothing.

>> No.30495619

I applaud her choice to get married at the breedable age of fourteen, but will not financially support her furfag husband.

>> No.30495834

>legal in Germany and Austria
Kiara would approve of her relationship.

>> No.30496182

Oh yeah, that tonne of proof that just so happened to be from very trusted and relaible source. Yeah, that "proof" that is totally believable. Just give up already. No one believes you.

>> No.30496248

Can you stop trying to revive dead rrats?

>> No.30496941

Holy shit ralphfags even come here to cry about metokur....talk about rent free!

>> No.30497161

The source is pippa herself, you retard.

>> No.30497166

>ITT seething gunt guardians

>> No.30497235

And she's reliable how exactly?

>> No.30497313

Stop lying.

>> No.30500748
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 1603624364041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do pisspa threads bring in these gayass meatspace e-celebs to /vt/ discussion

>> No.30500973

Because she's the one who introduced it into her streams.

>> No.30501854
File: 64 KB, 350x735, urn cambridge.org id binary-alt 20170126184834-00965-mediumThumb-S1537592714001595_fig1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's a oligarchy.

>> No.30501982

because that's what her content is

>> No.30502373

Not giving her a chance because she's irritating as all hell.
You can have your ADHD pandering /here/ zoomer waifu, she's not for me.

>> No.30502752

why do you insist on convincing retards to watch pippa? this is the opposite of what you should be doing which is gatekeeping, which she does a good job of doing hereself.
note to antis: fuck off, we're full, ywnbaw

>> No.30503096

Pippa antis still seething lmao

>> No.30503146

I don't even know who she is.

>> No.30506146

I'm too busy having a job to follow all this can someone summarize with actual proof

>> No.30506377

So is she bald or not?

>> No.30506387

So when will she accidentally drop the f-bomb on accident? (And I'm not talking about the word "fuck")

>> No.30510783

The instagram profile was a copy cat dummy from a russian girl but the assumptions were made in the first place because said girl resembled to a more aged version of teen Pippa which could be seen in family group pictures from Facebook.

>> No.30511066

Yes, she really wants the Mii-chan cunny but Tenma is far too much into muscle machos.

>> No.30511150

Look up her roommate, in past stream she were streaming with a dude that was throwing her around the room and she was biting him. She is not a virgin, and not a single female over 15 are. So kys you naive little kid, your oshi is a whore.

>> No.30511197

>she were streaming with a dude that was throwing her around the room and she was biting him.
That just means she was resisting being raped.

>> No.30511222

If you have natural sex drive then you are no longer a kid, it's 12 for most females and 13 for most males. You are just retarded american that need a reality check.

>> No.30511314

Cope you wouldn't be living with a dude for who knows how many years without fucking him are you 5? Cope harder maybe you will bring back her virginity in your headcanon.

>> No.30511539

Shut up dipshit.

>> No.30511579

better than living as a pathetic KEK KEK

>> No.30511969

you sound like a sex obsessed teenager

>> No.30512846

i'm just stating facts about life you should leave your cave once in a while and interact with people

>> No.30512874

and you should go back to twitter normalfag

>> No.30512918

He's known her since 13, he wouldn't do that to her.

>> No.30512976

Your schizoid doxxer got proven wrong on one thing, he can't be trusted for anything. If you think anything else might be true, find a new source.

>> No.30519445


>> No.30520488

she's annoying and dum
if she wasn't fake making dumb uwu voice
i might think about it

>> No.30521264

it's her real voice

>> No.30521744

Usually on this board the more deranged it sounds to you without links or images to back it up the less likely it is to be true.

>> No.30522498

why do redditors hate pippa so much
