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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30431409 No.30431409 [Reply] [Original]


Also /vt/: Wow, look at these whores, being unrestricted sluts. How is Hololive any different from VShojo?

Pick one. These are mutually exclusive. Either they have talent freedom or they don't.

>> No.30431546

the freedom to participate in a corporate event on the main channel?

>> No.30431599

Okay then they're a black company. I don't give a fuck which one you choose, but saying both at the same time is fucking stupid.

>> No.30437148
File: 722 KB, 1183x649, summer kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just enjoy the kino man, why you gotta be like this?

>> No.30437756

It's really quite simple
Cover bad no matter what

>> No.30439103

Anon, have you ever been to the beach ever? Did you ever see what females wear at the beach?

>> No.30440634

>Shill corporate event

>> No.30441093
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non-ironic, unpopular opinion: despite what /vt/ says, talent freedom isn't equal to acting like a whore. There were multiple instances of holos having their streams and ideas cancelled for undisclosed reasons.
even more unpopular opinion: I think restrictions contribute to creativity. I grew up in a soviet block country and the best films in the history of this country were made under the communist regime. Heavy censorship and lack of resources stimulated filmmakers to make some of the most original and captivating stories of all time. If, when struck by censorship/management, you just give up instead looking for new, creative ways to pull through, no amount of freedom would help your case.

>> No.30441808

They literally need get permission every time they log into their YouTube and Twitter accounts. And their characters are used in videos and shills without they knowing anything about it. Her fans are "congratulations on this event" and they have no idea of what the chat is taking about.

>> No.30443031
File: 2.20 MB, 942x498, freedom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the freedom youtube-kun don't want you to have.

>> No.30443109

>antis are retarded
I'm shocked

>> No.30444925



>> No.30448380
File: 76 KB, 750x480, 98a50b91bc6dd609509eebb755213b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who's fault is it they're using YouTube?

>> No.30448460

Talent freedom but don't hire whores. It's not that difficult.

>> No.30448507

I hate that guy /vt/. He makes a bunch of ame hate threads while having an ame general up. He can't be trusted.

>> No.30450448

Alright I'm going to assume you're not baiting and give you a response.

Youtube is the only platform that can give you a stable place to upload videos and streams.
Twitch's VOD system doesn't keep the full VODS for more than 60 days.
Any media that wants to be saved has to be uploaded to Youtube or some stable video site. Many top streamers (e.g Forsen, Summit1G, Lirik) have their VODS saved on Youtube.


>> No.30453406

What I meant was that if they'd like to do something unsuitable for YouTube, they should stream it somewhere else (or build their own platform) and censor the vod (or just post a trailer) in order to still be YouTube friendly. I don't accept convenience as an excuse for licking Susan's boot. There are and can be alternatives.

Take melody, for example. Rather than sitting around whining about what a single platform does or doesn't allow her to do, she uses the tools available in order to accomplish her goals the best she can. That's enterprising and respectable, while Hololive's insistence on clinging to Youtube and playing it ultra safe just makes the company look like a bunch of sluggish, sniveling cowards at the mercy of Japanese gigaboomers who struggle to keep up with trends and don't even understand why Hololive succeeded in the first place.

tldr Hololive looks like a case study on why "nepotism bad" and "administrative bloat," because in order for a business to function somebody still needs to be meritorious enough to do the work and pump the gas.

>> No.30455208

holy fuck

>> No.30458002

>Standardized swimsuits that are nearly identical aside from color
Sure smells like FREEDOM in here.

>> No.30458217
File: 462 KB, 1200x683, fngewtrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy
