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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30391485 No.30391485 [Reply] [Original]

Why are chuubas so bad at video games?

>> No.30391566

Streaming is a debuff

>> No.30391612

If your answer is
you are an incel

>> No.30391615

because they are women.

>> No.30392090

They are women anon.

>> No.30392152

Might have something to do with them being women.

>> No.30392275
File: 222 KB, 480x480, 1650331736313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for your own oshis incels

>> No.30392364

Pic not related she's one of the few that completed Elden Ring

>> No.30392402
File: 39 KB, 800x450, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna isn't that good at video games.

>> No.30394885

being bad is one thing, but their game choices also suck

>getting permissions, etc

idgaf, I want to watch someone play good vidya, not gossip-chat while playing mobile games

>> No.30396885

People have, for the most part, already settled for girls that aren't particularly amazing at video games. So gaming skill isn't highly rated by companies because it has proven itself "unnecessary." Look at the biggest female Vtubers and ask yourself how good they are at vidya. People have decided they would rather watch cute girls that are mildly retarded struggle at games than genuinely good gamers.

This leads to female Vtubers being hired based on marketable skills like singing, dancing, drawing, ASMR, general charisma(because they have to talk a lot), or just plain preexisting numbers. Gaming skill is almost never a major factor for auditions, and any decent gamers we get tend to be people who just happened to be good rather than people hired specifically because they are. It is an unfortunate situation, considering most Vtubing content is playing games. The only real exception I can think of in the EN corpo scene is Selen. Her art is cute, but I doubt she was hired for that reason and there aren't many other skills she brings to the table.

>> No.30397398

Because they're not game streamers, they're virtual idols who sometimes play vidya

>> No.30397537

But Fauna isn‘t good either.

>> No.30405005

What this anon said. Live commentary and streaming are debuffs.

>> No.30408599
File: 10 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting effort into playing video games
wew lad

>> No.30408752

VSPO is alright. Better at fps than most viewers, though none at peak or pro level. Some of them are entertaining while doing it.

>> No.30409085

That's why you don't play games that require effort, attention or thought, and stick to the most brainless shit possible. Or not. I just know that if I see a chuba being 50IQ in vidya, that stream's getting turned off.

>> No.30410706

Most women are stubborn and lack problem solving skills. Just watch any chuuba play a souls game. They will bash their head against the wall until it breaks and then say
>it's ok guys you're supposed to die a lot in these games

>> No.30412868

No one remembers streams like aqua's sekiro speedruns

>> No.30412934

because they're hired for their noises not the actual contents

>> No.30413011

Don't make me post the own goal sapling

>> No.30416973

theyre mostly talent pulled from non-gaming spaces
