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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 98 KB, 543x662, 1659859991582916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30266600 No.30266600 [Reply] [Original]

She is not a hag... /vt/ lied to me
I feel betrayed

>> No.30266635
File: 15 KB, 450x253, soredemo0105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30266655

This ina?

>> No.30266663


>> No.30266674

Stop deflecting deadbrap.

>> No.30266681

That kind of nose is rare for asians. Not bad though, i would hit it once.

>> No.30266691

You guys have never met a woman in her thirties, have you?

>> No.30266695


>> No.30266704


>> No.30266725

She's cute you faggots.

>> No.30266727

The newest Minecraft addict on the block.

>> No.30266730

Why are asians all so ugly? It seems like 1/1000 of them are attractive while for caucasians it's more like 1/100

>> No.30266732
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1659185032643709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30266748

Is this THEE autist herself?

>> No.30266756

I've never met a woman or anyone in their thirties.

>> No.30266770

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.30266776


>> No.30266784

have sex brother, you're better than that

>> No.30266801

Nah, Sana is ugly inside and out.

>> No.30266818


>> No.30266823


>> No.30266829

It's Kaela, /catalog/bros

>> No.30266831

I've met several Asian women in their thirties that look like this. I've met an Asian woman in her late forties that looks like this.

>> No.30266835

I will, with her

>> No.30266843

lol nope

>> No.30266855

Asians don’t slather their faces in makeup like roasties do

>> No.30266861

for the greater good nanora...

>> No.30266865

So many Luna's

>> No.30266883

Never imply you're my brother fag

>> No.30266910
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.30266925

So she's a chindo huh

>> No.30266927

it's not her

>> No.30266970

Nyanna ?

>> No.30266977

wait the hagsmith
goomba choosing the right waifus

>> No.30266988

Are you serious right now? Asians apply 10 layers of make up everyday. Japanese and korean make up is so effective you can turn an ugly guy into a cute girl

>> No.30266989
File: 239 KB, 2048x1131, 1651707749780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never tell mikefags about this
>mike: korekore san, let's have sex
>korekore: sure, let's do it so many times

>> No.30266994

Its her, she's hafu

>> No.30267003

she does look autistic enough

>> No.30267008

Literally not a vtuber.

>> No.30267019


>> No.30267037

Are you actually retarded? Western women do the same exact thing but they lie about it

>> No.30267042

They probably think they all look like anime moms, drawn with oversized hips and breasts so viewers can tell them apart from the teenagers that are also drawn like porn actresses.

>> No.30267044

she doesn't even sound like her wtf

>> No.30267054


>> No.30267068

Holy crap you need to get your ears checked.
And your sources too.

>> No.30267093

Khaine is a vtuber?

>> No.30267097

they don't even look alike. she kinda sounds like her but speaks 4x faster.

>> No.30267100

Anon . . . watch streams. Kaela has like 10 voices

>> No.30267117

its not that common for ethnic northern chinese

>> No.30267122

different mic and place, retard

>> No.30267160

Literally fucking deaf

>> No.30267163

I have a lot of love for those exact kinds of character designs but 3D is so much better it’s unreal.

>> No.30267188

If you could not identify your oshi based solely by her breathing pattern. you are not truly a fan.

>> No.30267191

ah yes, just like half of /hag/ then

>> No.30267218

she's literally cute. SEA guys don't think like that? what's wrong with you.

>> No.30267220

Asian makeup is completely different than western makeup. Eyeliner and heavy contour is what changes the face the most, yet Asians use much less of it

>> No.30267222

>normal people speaks normal
Wow, you do realize vtuber is character?

>> No.30267226

That girl is high pitched. Kaela's voice is lower
I've seen one video where she goes to Taiwan, different person

>> No.30267227

Bro if you actually watch her, you would know her laugh in this video

>> No.30267251

If she has 10 voices then why are you assuming this one is the correct one dipshit? It could be any of the other 9

>> No.30267280

Who does the WATATA donation pop up sound? It's too high pitched for Kaela

>> No.30267282

>asians use less

>> No.30267299

really? i always thought that the northern chinese would exhibit the more stereotypical pug-like nose.

t. chink who has a caucasian-like nose that everyone in my family comments on.

>> No.30267306

They said the same about Marine and IRyS.

>> No.30267317
File: 112 KB, 640x505, B3BF1FE8-55A9-4D80-8D0A-88227FFEDC15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really bad for the girls that just look kind of odd and unfortunate like Okayu and Kaela. They can change a lot about their bodies and they don't look horrible but their face doesn't hit your brain right or something

>> No.30267363

she looks cute don't be a fag
she looks far better than Mori in fact

>> No.30267366

kek , so many pignoys here in denial

cause their womans are smelly nigs

>> No.30267372

I can't imagine a deep manly austistic voice coming from that little zoomer

>> No.30267379

okayu is just fat and kaela looks fine, Reine looks a bit unfortunate (sorry if you're reading this I know you browse here)

>> No.30267392

Why am I more attracted to Asian women than most other people? Is this nature or nurture?

>> No.30267405

She's inclining hard enough to get antis, doxxfags and catalog threads, I'm so proud of her :,)

>> No.30267415

Any admixture from a few generations ago?

>> No.30267443

Lol why are you bring Mori into this?

>> No.30267447

kek so many KFP triggered because kaela is cuter than their german whore.

>> No.30267461

It's nothing strange, your oshi's boyfriend is Asian too.

>> No.30267475

Is this real?

>> No.30267480


>> No.30267502

Aren't most of Chinese ethnic in Indonesia are southern chinese? Hokkien and Hakka people.

>> No.30267533

Nahh you just find foreigner more enigmatic than your own kind.

>> No.30267548

reine seems very average to me and just a bit fat

>> No.30267567
File: 73 KB, 738x506, 1658749341389244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek so many KFP triggered because kaela is cuter than their german whore.

>> No.30267581

bro you know plastic surgery and heavy face cam filters are huge with asians right? you can't keep coping about this. explain why all the makeup and filters try to exaggerate caucasian features then. or why attractive anime characters all look caucasian. i'm asian and i'm not coping about this

>> No.30267592

It's her!!! Wtf, just check her laugh at 2:09 if you don't believe me

>> No.30267618

Reine isn't that bad, besides she could buy your whole village so have some respect.

>> No.30267627


Usually it's mostly nurture, but I wouldn't put nature out of the equation. Asians, at least both Japanese and Koreans, tend to be healthier than others. Their slim figures also showcases health in our modern times.

In older societies, thicker was better, because it also meant stronger and more vigorous. After all, diseases ran rampant and skinny people were more likely to go.

Nowadays, with all the sex models, healthy diet promotion and so on, we are more prone to look for a skinnier woman.

And I'm 100% sure, that anime has left an impact on you.

>> No.30267677

back to the fryer kfp

>> No.30267679

isnt pagpag filipino? do indotrash know what it is?

>> No.30267689

She changed her skull shape with make up? Is the average woman as artificial as a live2d?

>> No.30267690

Is this how Aqua incident started?
She didn't even sound like her...

>> No.30267697

she is a hag, asians just look young until they hit 60 then it's instant-goblin

>> No.30267724

here we see pignoy kfp promoting their national cuisine

>> No.30267739

The power of makeup is truly insane anon

>> No.30267782

What are you even saying?flips dont even have internet to browse in this website. Go fuck yourself indog.

>> No.30267797

another thing is whitening cream that these SEA girls fuck their skin up with. asian girls all get wet over white guys too

>> No.30267801

Stop bullying filipinx chud

>> No.30267802

This thread reminds me of those jealous white girls clique who bully my little sister just because they feel threatened by an Asian girl.

>> No.30267807

You can fake your voice but not your mannerism and unique laugh

>> No.30267817

Kiara wears much more makeup than whoever this random Asian is. Take a reality check retard.

>> No.30267831

Why are Filipinos being brought up? Who's supposed to be Filipino? One of holoID?

>> No.30267840

pretty sure i'm the only person in my family to be born outside of shanghai in the past century.

>> No.30267857

shit if only i save that one guy who posted same /vt/ thread on /pol/ with pignoy flag ,

anyone got the screenshot ?
pignoy in denial part 2

>> No.30267864

Indog eating it all the time of course they knew what it is.

>> No.30267867
File: 3.40 MB, 1327x1801, 20220318141626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you choose?

>> No.30267884

flips aren't as bad as other SEAnigs

>> No.30267885

there are a lot of old money chinks that have weird lineages in indonesia

>> No.30267902


>> No.30267914

I always thought Matsuri was one of the cutest

>> No.30267919

Wow looks like kfp employee is on break huh? Clean the toilets now.

>> No.30267939

I'm a flip and I just want to say I hate being lumped with the trash tier Asians

>> No.30267941

>flips dont even have internet to browse in this website

Did you reale miss the whole duterte threatening to send filipino telco execs to the bottom of the ocean and the whole country got high speed internet overnight arc anon?

>> No.30267953

nene is legit cute for a japanese girl

>> No.30267959

That all sounds pretty on the money. I hope I don’t get seen as too much of a shithead for wanting to move to Japan and marry a Japanese woman in the future. I’m an American too, which has to make it so much worse.

>> No.30267961

this is not even her
t.her hs classmate

>> No.30267968
File: 136 KB, 675x1200, Aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is fake right?

>> No.30267972

None, indogs really likes flips even they know they're not here.

>> No.30267974

there's Filipino chuba tried to enter HoloID but failed she becomes Nijisanji now

>> No.30267980

>kek , so many pignoys here in denial
stfu ESL pignoy

>> No.30267989

I always knew Nene was the best

>> No.30268019

I could stare at this image for an hour and my brain would still only register > Generic Japanese Female Face <

>> No.30268021

Go get it to your moms vigina.

>> No.30268034

No drool, fake

>> No.30268035

Miko is legit cute though

>> No.30268044

yeah this is her

>> No.30268050

Mel or Miko easily
Although that pic doesnt rly do Mel justice

>> No.30268056

>grammar card
Shut up retard

>> No.30268080

Huh?? I know you watched porn but please stay like that.

>> No.30268086


Oh, yeah we usually just call them seanigs. You outed yourself as a seanigger by using some shitty petty local rivalry term. Sorry about being born in a South East Asian squalor slum you ESL faggot.

>> No.30268087
File: 12 KB, 321x321, 1631747482764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot pagpag is a thing.

>> No.30268089

>30 minutes still up

Alright, let me pull up selen and... oh, I know mori, that should do it.
let see which one is faster, nijijani or mori's personal jany

>> No.30268098


>> No.30268135

File name anon

>> No.30268134


>> No.30268157

>doxxthread hits top of the catalog
meidos useless as usual

>> No.30268171

History has more interracial relationships than we realise. I hope you do find a Japanese wife whom you love and cherish and vice versa.

Just some pretty big advice. Learn about the living situation in Japan as well as the working environment. If you move there and have to work there, there is a great chance you will run into multiple issues. Be prepared.

Other than that, good luck on your dream

>> No.30268186

There's no way that's aqua. No one that pretty could be that timid and socially retarded.

>> No.30268188

do girls really wear earrings and headphones at the same time
seems scary

>> No.30268220

do you SEAnigs not know how the report function works?

>> No.30268221

Sorry, they are too busy jannying the generals that have been here since the boards inception.

>> No.30268228

I'm diamonds right now

>> No.30268236

LOL HAHHAHAH it's flip you fucker stop being inferior. Your insecurities are showing.

>> No.30268245

So who's the cute lady in the picture? And I know for a fact that she is no one's girlfriend.

>> No.30268258

Why are JP doxx always full of filters and heavy make up? Meanwhile ID and EN doxx pics are natural and sometimes cherry-pick or bad angle.

>> No.30268259

except the hag, these could all be the same person with different angles/filters

>> No.30268269

I choose Towa and Korone.

>> No.30268272 [DELETED] 

you're so retarded it's unreal

>> No.30268281

I can't even tell which ethnicity is mad at who

>> No.30268284

It's still a thing for indogs.

>> No.30268300

She's cute and anyone who replies after me is a jealous tranny

>> No.30268303


>> No.30268307

There is no Mori doxx posted so they don't care.

>> No.30268325

Ok explain it to me like the retard I am. Have YOU ever met a girl that pretty that was just a quivering mess?

>> No.30268326

It's real I even have peko, from the same group of photo.

>> No.30268331

They don't post pictures without filters and heavy make-up.

>> No.30268341

Sorry but I'm white you faggot seanigger. No one cares whether you are from Indonesia, the Philippines or wherever in your brown shithole area and using region specific insults only continues to out yourself as a poor brown subhuman.

>> No.30268380

Post proof or your mom will die tonight

>> No.30268394
File: 32 KB, 720x492, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the flying fuck is that? Do seanigs really consider that as "food"? I'm seriously going to throw up.

>> No.30268417


>> No.30268441

Keep making me cheap products and disposing of my garbage ESL seaniggers, thanks.

>> No.30268461

I have no fucking idea who this is but she looks average.

>> No.30268467

I’ll try my best. It sounds incredibly difficult and completely different from my own culture, but I want that. I don’t want to raise a family here. Thanks, anon.

>> No.30268478

all of them, i want all of them to insult me

>> No.30268513

I rarely seen anyone type "philipines" correctly lmao

>> No.30268530

What is that thing reflecting in Festival’s pupils? Looks like she was drawn by LAM or somebody.

>> No.30268532

>muh insecurities
>caps lock
Holy seanig cope

>> No.30268540

Post proof or your mom will die tonight, come on anon don't be a pussy

>> No.30268541

>/vt/ losing their shit
>Not in the loop
Who is this even supposed to be

>> No.30268543

Yes, all over south East Asia they reconstitute literal garbage as food, Indonesians say on Philippinos do it and vice versa. But it reality they all scavenge for garbage scraps to resell because they are are poverty brown faggots living in garbage dumps.

>> No.30268547

That's how it's been forever.
The vast majority of them are just plain girls.
People freak out because of the mystery, they hype them up to be these walking goddesses.
Nope, they're just average women.

>> No.30268563

Huh??? Killing yourself makes us more grateful and post it online. I really want to see your fucking gratitude. If not your family will die one by one.

>> No.30268572

Food in the trash is still food if you're poor and desperate.

>> No.30268574

So who's the girl in the picture?
Is it really Luna?

>> No.30268585

Read the fucking thread nigger

>> No.30268589

now post the one where shion and aqua said it

>> No.30268591
File: 210 KB, 983x1709, 1659811870982754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm an ab flip
>I'm actually reasonably proud of it
>Seaniggers in thread earning our subhuman title
>Feel slightly bad now

>> No.30268593

Have you never heard of contacts? When looking at these kind of pictures always assume their eyes are 2x smaller.

>> No.30268595

>ITT women picking apart the most miniscule of imperfections
am I in /cgl/ or something? God I fucking hate w*men so much

>> No.30268607

No one, just doxfags being retarded again

>> No.30268629

Bro went full doxx, why?

>> No.30268634

>still up

>> No.30268636

The white man's invention (my people) helps me to speed up my typing while still maintaining the correct spelling of assorted shithole countries full of subhumans that I can barely identify on a map.

>> No.30268637

Anon, try to guess this signature laugh https://youtu.be/pVW31OWKY78?t=129

>> No.30268647

"Awoooga" Humina Humina Humina, howls like wolf, eyes pop out, jaw drops to floor, puts jaw back in

>> No.30268646

>hOlY sEaNig
Oh my fucking shit. You knew how to use internet? That's too much for a monkey don't you think? Gawwd can't really forgive scientist making experiments to this stupid.

>> No.30268652

Matsuri without a doubt.

>> No.30268660

Contacts that make a white ring between iris and pupil? That’s pretty rad, maybe I should get some myself

>> No.30268727

Mega ESL. There is another thousand shipping containers of our garbage headed to your ports as we speak, better hop to and bury it on your shithole island brown cunt.

>> No.30268732
File: 86 KB, 1420x946, elgatoringlight000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a normal ring light.

>> No.30268733

You should shoot some school or something and stop spending your time here

>> No.30268748

>the silent laugh
I laugh like this all the time anon. Does that mean I'm kaela?

>> No.30268759


>> No.30268766

Much better, thank you. Should do my streaming tech reps one of these days.

>> No.30268774

Korone is so much hotter than everyone else on this photo it's unreal.

>> No.30268798

You should take a course in basic English grammar and stop spending your time here

>> No.30268811

at least I have ecchi photoshoots of my whore

>> No.30268831

can we post fantasies about how to eradicate the entire SEA region?
