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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30008736 No.30008736 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Haachama flatline in subs?
And don't say she doesn't stream, she streams more than Gura on youtube and quite a bit on twitch

>> No.30009258

The vtuber bubble has burst, it's over

>> No.30009477

Its the fate of all creative streamers if they don't keep pumping out creative streams
She buried herself in this hole so people only seek and watch her for these types of streams

>> No.30009582

I honestly couldn't tell you, she gets good viewership when she actually puts effort into streaming and picking a decent timeslot, she has her own buff content as well, I have no idea why she isn't growing in subs though, it's true her channel might be not favored by the algorithm anymore but this is genuinely too much
it's a mystery imo, unless (You) mean to tell me that people do find her and refuse to sub to her without any actual proof of that

>> No.30009707

Algorithm stopped liking her when she voluntarily demonetized her self as a joke, and since she doesn't do any of her super low effort mass appeal stuff or high effort editing shit anymore she doesn't have an edge that would get her good views.

>> No.30009996

it's truly sad when some vtubers, or youtubers in general, stop making kino content and gets comfy on being average.
Haachama's weird edits, Gura's and Fubuki's memelord videos, Watame's short songs...

>> No.30010594
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She keeps refusing Miko's advances, therefore Miko pulled some YouTube strings (rember, she has remained streaming when the whole site of YouTube was down worldwide, has had her clips recommended onto many that didn't even know about vtubers etc, she has powers) and made sure Haachama's channel stagnates until she becomes less tsun and more dere.

>> No.30010748

Honestly there is truth in both sides here, haachama's viewership has declined but that's when you compare her during her most buff eras, like using her schzio arc months or her return from suspension after the chink out months as a standard.
Now putting into perspective, haachama's viewership isn't "low" because people dont like her, it's because she just refuses to do anything that would attract tourists, like rust, like holocure... Etc, she fucking played coaster tycoon after more than a year of it being actually fotm, and she probably won't ever play it again.
Now haachama wasn't really KNOWN for her gaming prowess except in very few games, so what about the content she's actually known for... When was the last time she did a haashama Sunday? When was the last time she did a haachama cooking? She did an ASMR fairly recently and the asmr itself was only 30 minutes long and it was streamed during one hell of an overlap yet she was able to get about 12k more or less, and that's in 30 minutes... Imagine if she went for a full hour, 20k was in the horizon, when was the last time she did a short shitpost on YouTube? That's her literal staple, that's what haachama is known for, yet she just suddenly stopped doing them.
I'm a firm believer that haachama's decline was because of the shittiest and worst action she's done, and that's enrolling into university, do you know what's the difference between 2020 haachama and 2022 haachama? Time, she just doesn't have the time to do anything, she can't do haachama cooking, she can't find the time to make a haachama Sunday even though there was one that was supposed to air on the 30th, she doesn't have the time to prepare her ASMRs, she doesn't have the time to shitpost or edit videos or anything like that, it's just university for most of the day and streaming whenever she could, she does stream a fair amount but that ended up with her flunking 5 classes because of absences to focus on streams, imagine if she focused even more on uni, she would be barely streaming once a week.
Its the worst decision she has ever made, and care to guess what's even worse? The fact that SHE is the one who wanted to go, SHE is the one paying her tuition fees, SHE is the one doing everything instead of purely focusing on being haachama and that pisses me off so so much, her parents aren't forcing her to go or anything like that, in fact I'd bet they told her that she SHOULDN'T go because why the fuck would she when she's already a millionaire (by American standards) with her own money AND the fact that she comes from an affluent family means she doesn't have to work another day on her life after she's done with hololive.
I don't identify as a haaton in the slightest, but I am an avid haachama watcher, and while I'm very entertained by her and her streams, seeing SO much potential for numbers get thrown down the drain hurt me as a numberfag.

>> No.30010817

busy with college pls andastand

>> No.30011173
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YT subcount sites only counts by 10k after 1M you fucking underage retards. Kill yourselves

>> No.30011194

School anon
And thats smart she wont be a vtuber forever the bubble is already beginning to burst

>> No.30011289

She still streams but she's extremely inconsistent now, putting up frames and changing it the last minute into karaoke because she feels like singing.
She doesn't really produce contents that attract new viewers anymore, like she used to do.
But it's understandable since she's openly attending college.
Loyal Haatons will stay but she won't attract new viewers until she returns to her old self.

>> No.30011435

>streams more than gura
And that ended up with her failing 5 or 6 classes out of 11
She said that she prepares for her stream in th library at her uni, making the title and the frame and the thumbnail, she used to get home at 3:30-4:30 pm earlier in the year and later last year and now she comes home at 6 or 7 or maybe even 8 pm, she doesn't have any time to do anything other than just play some games every now and then, and mostly for an hour, the next hour in her streams are just talks because she wants to talk to her fans.
If you compare the haachama of her book to the nowadays haachama, she isn't even 10% of what she used to be, and that's not because people stopped caring or anything like that, irs because this is all she can give out with the tiny time frame that she has.
>super low effort mass appeal
I don't like the way you phrased that, she has never done anything that's super low effort, a bit low effort? Maybe but super? Never.

>> No.30011503

We know that you subhuman scum, and the fact that she flatlined like that means that it's been more than 30 days since she rolled over 10k, her highest was 60 days or something like that, and she's the only one in hololive who suffers from this for some reason, that's what I truly don't understand

>> No.30011577 [DELETED] 
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We know that retard
The point is, its been more than 60 days since Haachama got a 10K tick. She and Kanata who was on break are the only holos completely stagnated.

>> No.30011745

>I don't like the way you phrased that, she has never done anything that's super low effort, a bit low effort? Maybe but super? Never.
I'm talking about the reddit weekly show that she could easily prepare and react to. It's even less effort to do for then even a Haachama Sunday while having mass appeal due to appealing to the reddit crowd.

>> No.30011870

I would agree on the reddit review one, but not for her latest ones where she actually prepared translations and looked for the context beforehand to whatever she's reacting to

>> No.30012280

>she streams more than Gura
Is streaming over the lazy reddit shark supposed to be some kind of achievement?

>> No.30012366


>> No.30012702

On the contrary anon, we in /#/ actually like haachama very much and are happy when we see her get big numbers, while there are shitposts here and there we like her very much.
I'm pretty sure everyone agrees on the fact that people like haachama, it's just that she hasn't been doing the kind of streams tourists want to see of her, or what tourists are more accustomed to of her.
Also as for the subs, there is a cull in subs that's pretty much ongoing evey day so haachama could be suffering more than the rest

>> No.30012786

Probably got shadowbanned after all the stupid shit she did. In fact, I don't remember getting recommended any of her videos recently.
There's a reason why vtubers avoid triggering youtube's AI moderation.

>> No.30012887 [SPOILER] 
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No shit, why even give more effort to videos/livestreams when you can create banks even without little to no effort.

Looks like there is no more vtuber who actually do shit anyway besides creating banks, it takes
time and effort to make one anyway.

Any anons please shill your oshi if she still create good videography shit.


>> No.30013011

the only one who got lazy here is gura
fubuki is over her meme videos, and probably can get in trouble for permissions like she did with her scatman video
haachama just doesn't have the time like other anons have stated
don't know about watame though

>> No.30013829

its unironically all of them anon, even Aki used to make kino videos like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fqjcg2uRYs
>don't know about watame
Watame had a music program in the morning and everyone would go from there to coco's channel afterwards to watch the holo news. It was a nice period, and you just don't see things like that being done for the most part any more, the most creativity I have seen of late has been Marine's music videos which are great, but the golden age has long been over, and stagnation is rampant among many of them.

>> No.30013984

Too menhera for her own good

>> No.30014005

Sabatoged by management. They're trying to force her out of the company, just like they did with Coco

>> No.30014064

It's been 21 days since Kiara got the tick

>> No.30014145 [DELETED] 

Thats pretty good honestly, better than Subaru in fact

>> No.30014155

It's been 23 days since Amelia Watson got the tick

>> No.30014169

Bad game selection and she abandoned the thing that some people liked, the sister horror stuff. she only plays a select few games, rinse and repeat with minecraft, tetris, and doesn't play new releases

>> No.30014182

I was wondering what type of mentally insane person wrote this Old Testament in here but you outed yourself as a numberfag in the end. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.30014214

She's growing slower than every single NijiEN girl. All of them are over 1000 subs per day. Some of them are over 2000

>> No.30014297 [DELETED] 

Yes, thats how it works. The nijiEN girls have really low subs while Kiara is way above 1M at this point and higher potential for growth

>> No.30014429
File: 35 KB, 555x245, kiara views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara gets 3k viewers on her solo streams nowadays. She's below several of the NijiEN girls now

>> No.30014525 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1069x5473, YouTube-Stream-HoloStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?

>> No.30014534

What is going on here? Covid corrected?

>> No.30014703

Wow, I thought Nene had surpassed 1M subscribers long ago. Always see her being recc.

>> No.30014906
File: 33 KB, 547x241, declining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the hololive girls look like this. They've peaked and started to decline.
Gura is unironically doing the best

>> No.30014976
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The nijis all look like this. Very strong growth. Increasing viewership. Accelerating subscribers

>> No.30015047

Remember when EN girls used to get 15k+ for their karaoke streams? Good times

>> No.30015473 [DELETED] 

>still sub 500K and gets 2K average viewers
Fucking kek

>> No.30015627

People got memeing about "Strongest Idol" and It psyched her out to the point she kept trying to kill all her momentum to go back to being small. It worked.
Blame /vt/ and those youtubers who kept spamming it.

>> No.30015866

that kind of content was crap, there's a reason they don't do it anymore

>> No.30016371

your graph do not record with resolution of 10k anon

>> No.30016578

Sorry to hear that you are retarded.

>> No.30017953

anons really will be contrarian over anything

>> No.30018151

Honestly the state of numberfags who only live off of tribalfagging and shitposting makes me sad, there's nothing wrong about analyzing the numbers the girls get but using it to shit on them is just horrible.
For example, a lot of people used to like to shit on haachama for her numbers because they compare her to her schizo arc number of her late 2020 numbers without using the context needed as to WHY her numbers were like that, it's just sad how they are right now

>> No.30020119

These numbers are shit for someone with +1M subs. Actually that's the case for all of HoloEN where hitting 10k is considered a success. While vtubing in the Wes has declined the JP are just growing bigger. Although it could be because EN doesn't stream, the boys are still getting great numbers for their - 150k subs

>> No.30024197

cause she streams boring things

>> No.30026102


>> No.30026159

>samefag who keeps bumping the thread each time it reaches page 10
actually sad

>> No.30028417

So this is what mental illness looks like. Interesting.

>> No.30029349

EOP niggers stopped watching her. She was pandering to them for a long time so jp viewers have yet to come back to her.

>> No.30029781

Related to Ame. She isn't growing either.

>> No.30030226

other way around anon, me is related to haachama, hence why she's currently going the haachama route
