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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.27 MB, 500x281, curseedpippaunsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29957810 No.29957810 [Reply] [Original]

Antis and Cappipalists welcome

>> No.29957972

i like her dumb sweater and bunny slippers

>> No.29957979
File: 297 KB, 1200x1500, pippigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PIPPIGGER man is the epitome of male submission and femininity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is small. His diminutive size makes his presence unknown without him even needing to hide himself away, forcing him to aggressively shill his oshi in order to gain any kind of attention. He is anorexic, as a result of his addiction to masturbating. This gives him the appearance of weakness and sickness. He is then covered by his swarthy skin. This dung-colored hide reminds us of his lowliness, a feature that developed so that the copious cum of his conquerors could stand out against it. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The swarthy skin reminds us of the dark, deep truth that that some "people" do not deserve any of the rights that ordinary people do.

The PIPPIGGER man's demeanor is one of betaness. He is unfunny, obsessive, and can be explosively faggoty. His behaviour strikes annoyance into the more couth, magnificent breeds of man

The summit of expression of his femininity on his body is his SEA/Latinx/Balkan boipvcci. The PIPPIGGER boipvcci is tightest of all the boipvccis. As the boipvcci is the ultimate symbol of faggotry, this alone would suffice to make the PIPPIGGER man the most feminine of men. This tight hole is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to more than cover the entirety of the BWC. Its design ensures that when it spasms, the potent seed of the man the PIPPIGGER submits to will immediately fill him completely to the brim.

In total, the PIPPIGGER man expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he is fucked, he allows his partner to unleash the entirety of their lusts and desires upon him without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the PIPPIGGER man is the epitome of femininity.

>> No.29958095

i dont know who that is and the more I read the less I care

>> No.29958566

Still not reading it

>> No.29960682
File: 228 KB, 800x800, pippapixel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when she goes pipipipipipipipipipipi

>> No.29961924

Is this the boyfriend thead?

>> No.29962440

mucho texto anon, say in 7 words or less.

>> No.29964109

last thread someone made about her gave me insight into why she shat on ethan ralph and his gf.
now it makes me sick to think i was watching the PCP alongside this fucking whore.
probably a mumkeyfag, all mumkeyfags act like Pippa

>> No.29964338

what the fuck does your schizo post even mean?
boy, are you fucking stupid? speak like a normal person

>> No.29964544

she has talked about pony shit. PCP. if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know, then you simply just won't get what i'm saying. to those who know, it's clear as day.

>> No.29965446

>to those who know
so ...nobody?
i post here and i have no fucking idea what the fuck is your retarded ramble on about

>> No.29965626

this is, at best, 4chan adjacent. you're also probably a zoomer. fuck off

>> No.29965850

dont want to be called out for your fucking insane posts? heres a tip, dont post
then you wont have to tell somone to fuck off, or learn to communicate

>> No.29967478

>I know vtubers that are married
>i don't think there are any women out there that don't have a relationship and stream
This guys one of Pippa's contacts, right? What other vtubers is he close to?

>> No.29968344

hes being hyperbolic, nobody gets married those days, hell, people dont even have sex anymore, according to all polls over 50% young people are single
i will be shocked more than 5% of vtubbers are married

>> No.29968517
File: 19 KB, 305x446, 233051d85855832e17afc54d614439e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you're being such a bitch over something you don't understand.
I don't care what you label my posts as you faggot, my post is clear as day. It makes sense to me now why she's shat on Ethan Ralph and his gf. That simple.

>> No.29968566

i want pippa to give me footjob

>> No.29968568

They are actually friends and hangout in discord. This pretty much confirms the bf rrats.

Why just focus on the married part? He pretty much says every female streamer he knows is in a relationship.

>> No.29968678

It's Pippa. She did a handcam stream with gloves to hide her ring.

>> No.29968863

>makes sense to me
no shit, you wrote it
she made fun of Ethna since metokur cant shut the fuck up about him and she always watches him, before only kiwis and people into internet bloodports knew who he was
still no idea what your point about pippa is

>> No.29969106

My point is that it's funny to see people from what I thought was an extremely niche community in vtubing. This community was adjacent with people like Ethan's current gf, metokur, etc. As I said, if the fact that she was into Pony shit and acts like a once prominent member of said community didn't tick you off, it just won't. I'm not going to explain that to you, either you get that or you don't. If anyone else here picks up what I'm putting down, good. If no else does, good. Thinking aloud is the only reason I'd say I posted ITT.

>> No.29969121


>> No.29969186

>Why just focus on the married part? He pretty much says every female streamer he knows is in a relationship.
thats not what he said, he said you should assume they are, which is the only healthy approach
but as i said, even normies dont get married, yet alone weebs and perma shuts ins like pippa, same goes for relationships, people are lonely, both women and men, and its the kikes propaganda to make you think otherwise

>> No.29969310
File: 270 KB, 1083x1600, 0079-021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to make a containment thread just so that /pcg/ doesn't get overtaken by boyfriend rrat and cuck posting
this thread is shit and jannies should do their jobs

>> No.29969452

She dropped the MLP community before PCP was even a thing which you would know if you actually watched streams

>> No.29969456

pippa is what 22? 23?
she moved out from her parents just 2 years ago, she streams up to 12 hours a day from both accounts up to middle of the night, and has cope animals for lonely people
i wont be surprised if pippa is a kissless virgin, the idea shes married is fucking idiotic
and no, the furry roommate from her old place people doxed isnt her husband, she got her own place

but even if im wrong and she has a secret husband, who gives a shit? most vtubbers arent married

>> No.29969479

it's kinda sad to see pippafags cope so badly.

>> No.29969624

>who gives a shit?
Clearly you do since you engage in world class mental gymnastics to defend her honor.

>> No.29969658
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Would you let your gf touch sweaty con weebs for money?

>> No.29969731

What an idiot. She'd still know the people and they weren't ponyfags when they formed the PCP.

>> No.29969881

she was a literal kid you dumb fucker, there is nothing weird about young girls being into ponies, she wasnt some 50 year old groomer
she was a lonely kid, so instead of getting pimped out by muslim gangs she was making blogs on tumblr at home, a true nerd, our girl

you know what ticks me off? your retarded posts, pippa is alright, im happy she grown up enough to talk about her pony phase

>> No.29969978

nothing to defend faggot, go prove me wrong

>> No.29970002

Ponies weren't the niche community you retarded faggot, the PCP is.
Do you plan on defending this whore's honor much longer in your parade of idiocy and ignorance?

>> No.29970106

You achieved the required mental score the leave the containment
Please unhandle the shizos and proceed

>> No.29970132

Just tell me what PCP is.

>> No.29970199

its the plastic tubes they sell in home depot
you know the one where they have a whole ass aisle for?

>> No.29970218

Phenylcyclohexyl Piperidine

>> No.29970411

That shit podcast that digibro had
Procrastinators podcast

>> No.29970461

pippas cute pussy

>> No.29970669

>Ponies weren't the niche community you retarded faggot
ah yeah, i missed the time every person on the street was wearing pony themed clothing and all my friends talked about it ... oh wait, this never happened
it was niche as fuck
did she call your favorite youtubber shit or whats the deal here?

>That shit podcast that digibro had
>Procrastinators podcast
how the fuck could anybody know this
for legit thought the retard is talking about drugs for a moment there...

>> No.29970697

>I have seen it

>> No.29970724

>oh wait, this never happened
>it was niche as fuck
what fucking timeline are you from

>> No.29970834

i'm just surprised by how much 4chan and the farms likes her when she's EVERYTHING both sites usually make fun and bully people for. it's just weird how she became some sort of super outlier. i genuinely used to think people only watched her ironically before. it's fucking weird.

>> No.29970908

I called her a whore because she is a whore. Why do you call dogs dogs, or cats cats? Because it is what they are.
Yeah, I didn't expect a newfag to know about the PCP, or bronies, the literal million of manchildren watching a fucking kid's show because it's the first time they noticed adults can write both for kids and adults.
Why does all this matter? Because Pippa's personality is very close to Mumkey Jones, one of the faggots in the PCP that got kicked out over some drama, and Ethan's gf is Digitroon's ex.

>> No.29970916

>multiple clips
>her friend says he doesn't know a single streamer that isn't in a relationship
You are embarrassing.

>> No.29970960

That's because the people who use this site are the same people they bully and make fun of.

>> No.29971054

she's a newfag magnet. anyone that has seen a
>hey guys, i use 4chan lmao
internet personality has seen Pippa's type before.

>> No.29971364

>when she's EVERYTHING both sites usually make fun and bully people for.
name other open female neet 4channer vtubbers who behave like the came straight out of 2005 era toxic online gaming, who have interesting personality and watch metokur and other 4chan adjacent creators and spends every second stream being schizo
we know how nyanners turned out ...

>> No.29971403

dashcon 2014

>> No.29971905

She's not confident enough and has too much self-awareness to be a proper lolcow.
For someone with both of these qualities see Mori.

>> No.29972155


>> No.29972580

She only can do two a week on notpippa and they tend to get cancelled lately

>> No.29973255

Guy on the bottom center kinda looks like Larry Gao.

>> No.29976183
File: 5 KB, 329x71, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29976687

Pippa supports Russia!!!!!!!! Z

>> No.29976873

Schizophrenia or Autism?

>> No.29976888

Pippa, I humbly request that you rim my asshole.

>> No.29977027

She doesn't stream as notpippa for weeks

>> No.29979860

honeymoon phase is over I guess, time to go back to /sig/

>> No.29981903

I wouldn't take Vee for a weirdo but holy shit bro
Don't be a 30yrs old approaching a 20yrs old vtuber for no reason besides "I like her, she based" that's creepy
You don't need to befriend your entertainers

>> No.29981964
File: 689 KB, 1280x720, 1659075100790889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THis fucking Rabbit will do anything for clout wont she, reading shitty walls of text because theyre le ebin """""copypastas""""" for content, real fucking creative you dumb fucking bunny bitch how about you come up with your own jokes??? OOOH look she's so fucking quirky she said DICK haha, COCK, PEPEEEPOOO PENIS BONER BONER HAHAH FART SNIF SNIFF SO FUNNNY. LOOK SHES READING THIS GUYS NAME ITS PIPPA FORCEKIN GET IT ITS LIKE FORESKIN REALLY FUNNY HAHA FORESKINFORCEKIN GOOD JOKE LLMAO LOLOL!!! fucking RETARDS I'm so SICK of this shit. you call this fucking ENTERTAINMENT?? yeha well ITS NOT FUNNY ITS FUCKING CRINGE. ITS CRINGE BECAUSE IT MAKES MY DICK FEEL FUNNY WHEN THIS SHITTY RABBIT SAYS THESE SEX WORDS AND THATS SO FUCKING STUPID WHY THE FUCK IS IT MAKING ME HARD. FUCK YOU pippa you shitty ass sex rabbit WHY DOES YOU READING COPYPASTS MAKE ME HORNY FUCK YOU!!! IM NOT FAPPING??? NO? WHO SAID IM FAPPING IM JUSTFUCKING HARD because your voice is a LITTEL cute OKAY???!! a CUTE LOLI bunny girl saying COCK and BONER with her cute fucking voice ITS HOT OKAY!? HAHA she said the fucking foreskin name again haha...FUCK YOU. and NO, I'm NOT fapping to the pekora pastsa OK??? thats fucking GAY!! I did NOT get hard thinking about how hot this fucking rabbit would be with a cute feminine trap dick OKAY!!? that shits GAY and I'M NOT GAY!!! FUCK YOU PIPPA, WIPE THAT SMUG ASS GRIN OFF YOUR FUCKING FACE AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS FUCKING BONER

>> No.29982687

This is good

>> No.29982933

>wanted to learn Chinese
>can pander to Zhangs
This moreso than everything finally proved to me who Pippa really is. And to think I called her based and she became my Kamiosshi, and I wanted to protect her from Kson's fate, to prevent the repetition of history.

>> No.29983479

The day I discover Pippa isn't based my world will crumble
She is my last hope on thinking woman are actually humans and not bots made by lizard people

>> No.29986027

Isn't he in his 40s by now? Talking about creepy, he set up a collab between Pippa and some 19 year old monkey vtuber in exchange for getting Pippa those collabs with the blizzard devs, and then collabed with the 19 year old himself later. Actual grooming.

>> No.29989357

Even if they are adults you don't go out of your way to befriend people half of your age
Any reasonable adult wouldn't see an internet anime brat as an interesting relationship
Tutelage would be the standard as an industry veteran

>> No.29989430
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obnoxious little shit

>> No.29989550

Pippa's niece is 14. She's at that age where they fuck the pain of home life away. She'll get pregnant and drop the kids off at her house. I hope Zoidberg rapes the baby.

>> No.29989902
File: 858 KB, 1600x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope Zoidberg rapes the baby.
and miss out on a free delectable meal? no way
dont tell anyone, but kids are crunchy fry

>> No.29992417

Alright that made me laugh this thread gets a bump too.

>> No.29996108

It is not acceptable AT ALL for any vtuber to have a boyfriend. This isn't because I think I have a chance with any of them. It's because vtubers, whether they claim to be or not, are a subclass of idol and they should by in a pseudo-relationship with their entire fanbase. That's the dynamic and it should not be violated.

>> No.29998656

Vee is the most revolting goblin I've ever laid eyes on and I can't believe this creature hasn't killed itself yet.

>> No.29999437

I wouldn't actually be surprised if Pippa is or was married at some point. It would fit very well with the whole lower class background.

>> No.30001464
File: 230 KB, 401x354, pippachill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the courage to be as cringe as this rabbit.

>> No.30003672
File: 784 KB, 1280x720, 1659603838051643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is the only place where you are willing to bring this up, you are arguing about the vtuber community without taking part in it. Some vtubers in a relationship are successful, your "should"s and "unaccetable"s do not magically change that.
>le backlash after coming out as having a bf/child/libido/crush
don't measure convention by outliers. The average vtuber fan does not give a fuck after watching a drama video or clip about it.

>> No.30004272

Case and point: Pippa. People cuckpost in every Pippa thread and she still manages to be the most successful chuuba in her company. No one cares, most people aren't mentally ill and chronically online.

>> No.30004742

I'm getting there.

>> No.30004892

>If this is the only place where you are willing to bring this up
It's not.
If a vtuber wants to have a boyfriend they have two options:
1. incorporate that into their streams from the offset and don't cultivate an audience uner false pretenses
2. keep quiet about it and gamble on it never being found out, but if it does then you're fucked
