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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29920241 No.29920241 [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question from an introvert because trying to be entertaining without leaving too much dead air is hard enough, but you also have to come up with content all the time and catching up with rushing rows of chat. Not to mention you also have to be careful when to stream to avoid yab and overlap popular ones, the pressure jesus.

>> No.29920295

Really aqua? After all the money grubbing that you've done, you stopped streaming and now you're asking these kinds of questions?
Haachama was the better retard anyway.

>> No.29920361

Every (popular) vtuber has some variation of abandonment issues. It's a need to be wanted that outweighs anything else. Everyone craves to be a part of some group, but some retards crave to be the center of the group. Cute anime icons tends to be very good at catching lonely losers who want to be a part of a group.

>> No.29920601

You should check Uto's zatsu, she can't even communicate with her chat
From what I learnt you can fill the dead air by make some anime noise and giggle, it's like *ba-dum-tss* effect for vtubers

>> No.29920846

The original idea they get is the sense that they'll get attention and money for playing videogames from their room, so it sounds pretty good.
When they are PNGtubers they are 1-2view and think they can get away with the scuff, and that they have a lot of improvement room so the golden days will come eventually.
By the time they have a decent Live2D and setup, they have invested too deep into live2D, assets, mic etc so they are trapped into the grind, their social reps depend on it and their life schedule orbits around vtubing, so they accumulate stress and health issues until they explode into menhera moment or have a huge yab.

>> No.29920879

From what I can tell, it's basically if you make it big, you've got it made. You can be relatively anonymous, you don't have to work at some wagie job that makes you miserable, you can play video games or whatever. But most people aren't gonna make it big, that's just the nature of things.

>> No.29920904

Now that I re-read it, I just decribed Needy Streamer Overdose without thinking about it huh

>> No.29921238

I've been thinking about trying it. I have some cool ideas, I think, some stuff that I'd like to show people. On the other hand, though, I don't have that need for attention. So, my ideas remain just that, just ideas.

>> No.29921654

kore koso ga
iberia no destreza

>> No.29921679

>trying to be entertaining without leaving too much dead air is hard enough
Sounds like you're overthinking it and driving yourself nuts by trying too hard.
>you also have to come up with content all the time
To be fair, independent streamers stream whenever and however often they want. Also, the content treadmill is a trap. The quicker you burn through content, the less content you'll have left later on. Pacing is important.
>and catching up with rushing rows of chat
Again, sounds like the issue is being neurotic and not setting reasonable expectations. A single person can only pay attention to so much, and constantly chaffing against one's limits is a recipe for stress.
>Not to mention you also have to be careful when to stream to avoid yab and overlap popular ones
People will always find something to complain about. I don't think chubas should be twisting themselves into pretzels to accommodate other chubas. Rather, I think a healthy, respectful and friendly sense of rivalry is better. Chubas should just stream when they feel up to it.
>the pressure jesus
Everything you mentioned is largely self inflicted, the result of expecting too much from oneself. That's not to say those things don't matter, but they don't matter so much that they're worth having a menhera breakdown over. Aspiration is good, so long as it doesn't devolve into obsession.

>> No.29921902

Being a vtuber is a perfect opportunity for self-expression and interaction for an introvert.
>catching up with rushing rows of chat
Not a problem when you're a 2view, and real introverts are doomed to be 2view.
>to avoid yab
No one cares when you're a 2view.
>overlap popular ones
Not a problem when you're a 2view anyway.
I'm actually enjoying being a 2view vtuber with full freedom and no obligations.

>> No.29922772

You could do all that if you wanted to have all that attention on you without having conventional beauty and normal patterns of socialization. This may be their only shot at getting some rewarding social interaction. Even introvert people like Ars Almal can push themselves to become vtubers.

The problem is, wanting to be a vtuber (not a flesh streamer) is probably linked to some level of neuroticism. Slightly more normal people don't fear using their real faces on stream, and are not as attracted to the overstimulating aesthetics of the weeb world. That's why going menhera is a staple of the vtubing community.

>> No.29923121

A lot of veteran vtubers used to be flesh streamers, which renders your entire post null and void.
People stream as vtubers to cater to a specific audience. It has nothing to do with fearing to use the real face. Also introverts don't stream, period.

>> No.29923447

Or money. Most likely money

>> No.29926695

i want to do fun things and make friends who like my hobbies from my basement, is that not enough? aiming for easy money is cringe when you already have a good job

>> No.29927368

>Why do people wanna be vtubers?

>> No.29927556

most chuubas are just trendhopping roasties who want to get free money from losers. introverts and autists become vtubers because they're lonely and they see chuubas interacting with each other and they think they'll be friends with other chubas if they become one
then they overshare because they're retarded autists and other chuubas use that to backstab them and create drama because that's what women do and they were never actually friends

>> No.29927660

Just like Mori. Many times it's just money and fame.

>> No.29927771

No more vtubers please, we're full.

>> No.29927830

>why do people wanna [do thing]?

>> No.29927988

I'm a woman who isn't super hot and doesn't really wear makeup so it feels like the only way I'd be able to comfortably stream. That's it.

>> No.29928046

You are approaching this from an impure angle and it is right and just these issues are in place for people of such a mind.

>> No.29928135

>, but you also have to come up with content all the time
Most creative people are introverts.
Also avoiding yabs is fairly simple.
Just have a mind that isn't filled with yab shit.
I'm a 4channer but I don't constantly have to patrol myself to avoid blurting out NIGGER in public because my brain is actually focused on more important things.
Hi Kirschey.

>> No.29928175

it looks fun honestly, if I wasn't busy with other stuff I'd look into putting together a streaming setup. it's a lifestyle

>> No.29928233

May you fail. You will take this positively for having a "hater", but it's a curse.
