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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29878962 No.29878962 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the weakest member now that Sana is gone?

>> No.29879034

*cums on you*

>> No.29879061

Roberu's wife

>> No.29879071

Your mother

>> No.29879076

Baelz is probably the worst. Then Mumei.
I wish Kronii would leave though.

>> No.29879090


>> No.29879121


>> No.29879126

Even Sana was much stronger than Bae.
T. Niji observer.

>> No.29879213

Kronii is the worst streamer, but will have the sex buff unless someone in EN3 upstages her. Mumei is the most menhera. Bae is totally under the thumb of her parents, so she could abruptly leave despite being a pretty solid streamer.

>> No.29879428

Let's give it up for the opinion of the threadreaders woop woop! This is the best EN generation now and you'd know that if you watched streams but yeah, let's have a timeloop on Bae and homos, Kronii lazy man or Mumei and Fauna being whores. Break the cycle anon. Watch the streams. Form your own opinion.

>> No.29879465

Bae easily

>> No.29879515

I've watched everyone except Kronii so she's the worst, but she is playing Digimon Survive so thats pretty based

>> No.29879568

birb, she's overrated as fuck

>> No.29879622

the only opinion you'll allow me to form is that everyone is great and is perfect and has no flaws and is trying very hard. you're a toxic positivity retard just like anyone who metaposts and spews buzzwords and racism.

>> No.29879724

Still Kiara

>> No.29879748

*cums on you*

>> No.29879796


>> No.29879860


I've enjoyed Mumei, Fauna, and even Kronii streams.
Bae's loud obnoxiousness can get too annoying and unwatchable sometimes.

>> No.29879888

Bae. Bae was always the weakest because she keeps doing her weird bruh gimmick and her fans want to fuck her but she's firmly in the "anyone but you" camp. Then Kronii because of her mental illness and dodging streams almost as much as Sana but then making fun of Sana for back hort. Then Mumei because she is also mentally ill. Fauna is normal and streams normally and doesn't make waves. She's a little boring though.

>> No.29879912


>> No.29879961

Based fuck racist chuds we negative here.

>> No.29880111

Kys chud/troon/chink/indog. I don't give a shit what opinions you form. Just don't be a retarded threadreader and spew the same posts that have been posted to this board for the last YEAR. Find new material talentless hacks.

>> No.29880154

>little bitch got shit on for formulating a dogshit opinion and came crying /here/
absolute faggot.
*cums on you*

>> No.29881948

Bae can be genuinely entertaining, but she always manages to make me think, “god that’s annoying” in every stream I watch. This doesn’t happen nearly as consistently compared to the others.

>> No.29882028

The holostar’s personal pocket pus Hakos Baelz

>> No.29882087


simple as

>> No.29882097

Only Bae and Fauna are worth watching so either of the other tow

>> No.29882196

Stream frequency aside, I always thought Bae was the weakest member.

>> No.29882281

>She's a little boring though
her vods are really good in 2x

>> No.29882478

Menhera is a strength.

>> No.29882571

Easily Bae.

>> No.29882575

Bae is the kiara off council.

>> No.29882618

None, I love all my wives.

>> No.29882659

roberu's cocksleeve

>> No.29882682
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The real question is, who will lose the most fans once EN3 drops? Riddle me that

>> No.29882684

Fauna is pretty fucking boring so her for me

>> No.29882696

As much as I love her, its Bae. It should be Kronii but she's too sexy

>> No.29882718

Kronii Easily and if Kiara weren't so horribly bad Calli would be the worst of EN1.

>> No.29882769

From weakest to strongest
-----power gap-------

>> No.29882907

Kronii, easily
She loses anytime someone else is in a collab PoV with more energy

>> No.29882988

What does weakest mean?

>> No.29883035

kronii is confirmed noodle arms

>> No.29883502

Also Bae

>> No.29883563

Fauna is simultaneously both the weakest and the strongest, by self-admission. No further discussion is needed, Council has already confirmed it.


>> No.29883702

>watches streams
That's illegal.

>> No.29884018

Mating Press desu, because while she’s hot as fuck, her voice is a huge debuff (generally)

>> No.29884795

All of them have the most to lose. If EN3 does something that makes then easily distinguishable from Myth, Council could very well see a drop in viewers or have their viewer retention fall by a bit.

>> No.29884911

I’m very curious how En3 will turn out and how the EN dynamic in general will turn out. Homos barely dropped so it’ll be a while until we the next batch of girls. Think maybe we’ll see them this year?

>> No.29884921

the rrat at least tries because' she's insecure
mumei is the most overrated chuuba in existence but of course this is not the right place to say that, I know most people would agree

>> No.29885025

>So what are your strengh
ESL clippers are something else

>> No.29885038


>> No.29885057

You are.

>> No.29885063

All of council is weak compared to Tempus. Council girls already reaching out to the boys for help.

>> No.29885265

Fauna and Mumei are the best. The weakest is Bae, but she's eager. In all the wrong ways.
Then there's Kronii who is just kinda there. She's at her best when being stepped on by Mumei.

>> No.29885417

>say bad thing about mumei
>3 day b&
Many such cases

>> No.29885610

Definitely not Fauna.
She has a very unique personality and a distinct niche with very dedicated fans.
It would be very hard for a new vtuber to come steal her saplings away.

>> No.29885619

>mods allow the Ren tweet and Mumei dox shit thread to stay up all day and even reach bump limit

>> No.29885623

Kronii. She just doesn't feel like one of the gang. No consistency in her content, frequently on breaks, always had something going on in her private life. Also most of her meta-development is uninteresting compared to the others:
Mumei has her school and desire to sing along with periodic cursed doodles that makes me root for her
Fauna is always gaming and has good momentum, with the rare asmr
Bae is the Collab girl, has established dynamics with a few members and always seems to have a project under wraps.
What does Kronii have? Like what is she working toward, what is her dynamic?

>> No.29885646

just post in /inf/, its full of Mumei schizos.

>> No.29885695

Councilschizo is just pouting about having to reset his router so many times today

>> No.29885975

disagree her highlights are almost entirely the way others can play off her personality, she's the worst in solo streams

>> No.29885981

if the homos will disrupt the timeline of holoen gens then management is fucking retar...hmm yea
well hopefully by october at the lastest

>> No.29885993

>a very unique personality and a distinct niche
Like what?

>> No.29886027

She's mother nature.

>> No.29886065

Everyone. Sana was the only good one.

>> No.29886338

She's green. Can you name another active Holo that's green?

>> No.29886394

Like Zeta but green

>> No.29886619 [DELETED] 

Tendies were super hot. Also that was during euro hours and his lazy ass is only awake during late NA hours. He is a worst mod on this site and I can't believe what kind of shit he doesn't delete but you say something about moomers and you're out. You can call me names all you want to cope with your feelings but he is a problem to this board regardless if you're human or not. I fully suspect he is going to ban me right now. Fuck you humod, hope you rot in hell you piece of shit. Range ban my whole country because I dared to speak against your iron fist tyranny. Apsolute faggot, grow some thicker skin and a pair of balls.

>> No.29886721

Kronii or Fauna i'd say, but im too Aussie-biased.

>> No.29887132

Boring solo streams
Collabs always feel forced
Dodges streams like I dodge my taxes
Doesn't feel like she's apart of the family in any sense and it hurts the over all quality
Close to 41%ing herself any day now
Unlike Mumei her mental illness is just depressing and I can't laugh at it.

>> No.29887290

what if you tried saying criticism about Mumei that wasn't just doxxing, and also you didn't spam it on cooldown 24/7?

>> No.29887447

If Kronii is the weakest, why does she pull in the best numbers?
Hard Mode: You can't use reddit excuses or memes.

>> No.29887480

exactly this

>> No.29887492

(you) are

>> No.29887942

No, I was banned multiple times for trolling outside of /b/. I agree that doxx posts should be a b& but even there Mumei gets the special treatment (outside of myth). Stuff that would be against rule 1 are not enforced for her genmates to the same extent. Don't even get me started on chuubas from different agencies. And smallcorpos/indies? Kek roru. But good thing he protects his own sanity by deleting anything bad about mumiano. I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm literally seething over a faggy meido.

>> No.29888097

>best numbers
Please point me to those numbers I'd like to inhale copium.

>> No.29888359

The rat. Undeniably. Especially after the way she disrespected her audience with the HomoStars BS

>> No.29888438

>best numbers

>> No.29888503

The one true ranking, SON likewise is the best collab

>> No.29888560

her numbers are the best in Council but the gap between her and Mumei is relatively small. Should be noted that her original song performed the worst, but it had a lot going against it.

>> No.29888661

I'd say a big difference is that the kronies and saplings are pretty happy to rm post, hoomans aren't. that shit gets shut down in /inf/ pretty quick when it actually gets reported.

>> No.29888902

She isn't first in CCV, VODs nor SC. What numbers are you talking about? Her orisong numbers? Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.29894148

That green girl on the outer right next to mumei.

>> No.29894853

Either Bae or Kronii
But Kronii gets a buff from being punching bag of Mumei and Fauna, while Bae is basically left alone right now and very likely will go full homo once collab ban is over.

>> No.29895097

mumei, she's a mumble tard

>> No.29895118

it's Bae, she doesn't have any noticeable talent and doesn't add anything to the table besides speaking japanese, doesn't have good chemistry with her genmates and on top of that she's pretty bad as a streamer. Also, there's a clique on HoloEN that is
>Council - Bae + Gura

>> No.29895170

She will.
But which of the four homoEN is she the most thirsty for? Guess we'll find out soon enough.

>> No.29895373

I genuinely think Bae is too young to be a chuuba. She doesn't have anything interesting or witty to tell because she doesn't know life outside the security of school and her childhood home yet.

>> No.29895432


>> No.29895595
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OP is an unfunny pagpag that loves /pol/ tier threads

>> No.29896042

She loves boomer memes, its why we at /MANS/ kinda make her our mom and vesper our father. We dont ship them by the way, the vibes they give off are just that really.

>> No.29896060
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>I'm the stupid one!

Like, how do people stomach watching her, knowing she peddles herself as borderline brainless. I really don't find it cute.

>> No.29896180

Some women are just retarded, what can you do

>> No.29896268

Fauna for me personally, can't stand her voice

>> No.29896392

But that's the thing, she isn't, but still she just can't go ten seconds without berating herself in some manner. It's like 10% of every stream she does is dedicated to a mental breakdown session.

>> No.29896543

It's because of reddit and memes

>> No.29896561

Fauna and Noel are both similar to me in that they are both perfect for me on paper in every way, and then there's the voice ruining it completely.

>> No.29896620

I used to hate her special kids teacher/fandub anime girl voice, but I got used to it. I don't watch her very often but she's fun

>> No.29896846

If you dislike her voice, then the only problem is the amount of faggotry going on in your brain.

>> No.29896893

Are you kidding? Bae doing an entire month of consistent streams puts her above every other member of Council.

>> No.29896939

The homo shiller.

>> No.29896942

I understand that, she seems like a very entertaining and nice girl with a lot of wit and culture but the voice is too much of a filter for me personally, I can't get used to it and I've accepted that, wish her the best though.

Chill out, I don't hate her for it since I'm not a fucking schizo who hates people for their voices

>> No.29896996

i dont know how to tell you this but its not an act, she has genuine autism

>> No.29897016

Bae in her prime was really good, she needs to get back in her Febaery shape, she's a little confused right now

>> No.29897038

Still trash and that was February, we are in August and she has never done anything like that again.

>> No.29897207

Come back after anyone else from Council has done the same. If Bae is slacking recently, it's because she earned it.

>> No.29897285

Gura was the only one to bring more people in the holo en bubble
all the other cunts are leeching from my wife's success

>> No.29897351

Go back

>> No.29897433

Unironically based and truthpilled, Shitting on the threadreaders like they deserve

>> No.29898018

Based on her work ethic, attitude toward streaming, and relationship with her genmates, Kronii doesn't deserve a single cent from SCs.

>> No.29898222

1 hour streams talking about males and friendtaro adventures... nice

>> No.29898329
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their all strong streamers in their own way

>> No.29898392
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Council just feels lost and has no real consistent content to fall back on other than Fauna with ASMR. They just kind of exist in the holosphere coasting off of brand name alone. No more unity collabs with Council either because Sana is now gone. I don't know but as a group going forward, it's looking rather bleak. Bae to me feels like the weakest link now only because of my own personal opinions about her. Trust me I tried my hardest to like her. She's loud, obnoxious, and she can't read a room most of the time during collabs. She has a bad habit of being hyper-focused zoning in and out of conversations only to ruin them with loud zoomer screams with lingo from 2002. If she didn't have a top-tier design she'd be dead in the water.

>> No.29898407

so anytime someone else is in a collab PoV then?

>> No.29898501
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>> No.29898536

*jerks you off*

>> No.29898595

This is just a thread to get people to shit on Bae now that she is the lowest subbed council member and people /here/ don't watch her right?

>> No.29898686

Didn't Bae fuck up her voice?

>> No.29898762

Kronii for me. I never found her streams interesting. Also her way of engaging her chat or her collab partners are pretty boring. I don't know if she changed now because I stopped watching her three months ago.

>> No.29898808

no that was me

>> No.29898889

the brainrot is a disguise, she is a psychopath under the mask

>> No.29898993

Different chuubas for different anons. Bae has always struck me as a tomboyish kind of girl (I don't watch her), so her being nice to males isn't so threatening, I imagine.

>> No.29899037

Some of it seems to be legit criticism but there are people here who you can tell have never watched her streams before and are making shit up

>> No.29899077

Should've been but I guess shitposters were surprised that others have a valid criticism on other members

>> No.29899402

cool, good to know councilschizo found his new complaint to spam in every thread

>> No.29899478


>> No.29899550
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shes a retard pretending to be a psychopath as a defense mechanism and to not look too simple. shes not the worst council member but she cant pull off the psychopath act shes trying to go for, so the act can get tiring after seeing it the first 5 times.

>> No.29899564

A month worth of shit it's still shit

>> No.29899696

This about who's the strongest streamer, not about who you dislike most.

>> No.29899798

It's funny. Are you retarded?

>> No.29899833


>> No.29899865

She's wheelchair bound, Anon.

>> No.29899916

>ITT: 'the weakest streamer is the one I like the least'

>> No.29899987

There are shitty 2views streaming 4 hours every day
If the content is shitty the streamer is weak, regardless of volume

>> No.29900002

>Mumei is a wheelchair
>Mumei is retarded
>Mumei leans on being le edgy psychopath
why is all this 2021 bait being revived

>> No.29900110

Because she's inclining.
It's the same for the other council girls too,

>> No.29900141

That's just like your opinion bro

>> No.29900168

>she's brainless
>I'm brainless

>> No.29900264

is she actually, ive been unable to get that rrat out of my head. if someone can deconfirm it so i can stop saviorfagging id be eternally grateful

>> No.29900270

Bae, easily.

>> No.29900390

>Bae is totally under the thumb of her parents

How so? I don't watch her but I'm curious

>> No.29900429

>ITT: the streamer who I don't watch is the weakest one

>> No.29900500

>content is shitty

Yeah sounds like a you problem anon.

>> No.29900585


>> No.29900621

>walks her high energy dog multiple times a day
>enjoys hiking and camping
>lives on her own, cooks and cleans for herself more than any EN girl except for Kiara
idk anon, its really up in the air

>> No.29900673 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.29900699

Really the only valid thing would be the good grades expectations while she's at uni.
But they do seem to support it, especially considering Bae's dad building her her own stream room in a granny flat.

>> No.29900732


It would need to be another girl with a similar style and ASMR work

>> No.29900825
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>> No.29900863

she says UUUUUUUU

>> No.29900917

>why does she pull in the best numbers?

Her bra size maybe and that's debatible

>> No.29904308

Ratwhore, easily.

>> No.29905928

threadreaders deserve rope

>> No.29906343


>> No.29908682

Bae, she's maximum cringe

>> No.29908876

What are you comparing to? I'm talking about Council.
And if you want a flat comparison, do Stray. I want to laugh at you.

>> No.29909782

I really like Bae. Whenever she isn't screaming. So like 50% of the time.

>> No.29911055

Fauna has always carried council, Kronii is great now but it took a long time for her to get into the swing of things. They're the good ones. Sana was underrated and was never the worst.

So that leaves Mumei and Bae. Both are good in collabs, but on their own they kinda suck. Mumei is quiet and boring, and Bae is loud and boring. She plays too hard into being xd randum chaos rat. I've seen them have good moments but they're few and far between. They could be great, they're witty enough. But they need workshopping.

I would say Bae is probably the worst. Though I still like her and she has potential.

>> No.29911342

>Fauna has always carried council
I know saplings are the most vocal and annoying fanbase in /vt/ but Fauna is pretty mediocre at best. She's boring, she speaks like she has a mental problem, and she doesn't really do anything noteworthy.

>> No.29911392

>She plays too hard into being xd randum chaos rat
Sorry anon she isn't playing that's just how she is when she gets excited

>> No.29911607

Pitty those fans have empty wallets

>> No.29912186

If she talked lower, could rival kronii in sex voice, but she decides to yell like a child instead.

>> No.29912690

She’s Asian and lives with her parent. Anyone with a similar situation or in contact of one would know the implication of it, depending on how Asian the family is.
>Nosy about you, there is no thing such as privacy for Asian parent
>Can’t leave, won’t let you
>Will hunt you down for “muh gratitude” if you decided to run away

Don’t think Bae’s case is that bad but still, it’s Asian parents.

>> No.29912888

Big boobs and le epic depressed millennial personality.

>> No.29912970

Yeah I have no idea why she does it. I guess being obnoxious is part of her personality, which is a shame. When she talked on stream right after being sick it was fucking sex

>> No.29913130

incredible, 100% of your opinion is shit

>> No.29913314

>They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.29913920

She kinda explained that the my energetic she gets the higher it goes, which tends to be why there a gap between her zatsu's and gaming voice.

>> No.29914722

Yes, but she still says "yo" and "bruh" so I don't care

>> No.29914908

Roundabout way to confirm that Fauna is currently the strongest of council. When the fuck did this happen? I never used to watch her streams but now she's the only one I can seem to stomach.

>> No.29915133

She pulls the lowest numbers
She is the runt of Council
Simple as

>> No.29916118

you are delusional, gsh

>> No.29916175

This. I can't even force myself to watch Kronii solo streams, but her collabs tend to be fun.
I don't know what this says about her as a streamer.

>> No.29916185


>> No.29916325
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lemao, gsh

>> No.29916373

Seems like there's a lot of overlap between Tempus and Fauna watchers.

>> No.29916536

I'm gonna play the devils advocate here and say that Baelz is doing a very good job at filtering people on 4chan who have tinnitus and can't handle a higher energy than usual
This is perfect for the type of streamer that she wants to be and has also lead to her having a more healthier audience in general, she's never been popular in /vt/ anyways so I don't see why she should pander to /here/ fags
Godspeed to the rat

>> No.29916805

Most saplings would never admit it, but Fauna has improved a lot since her debut. (They want to feel validated for picking her up on day 1.) The difference between october 2021 and january 2022 is staggering if you look at the vods.

>> No.29921668

The result of having too much female fans. There are tons of femsaplings who loves homos. Especially Vesper.

>> No.29922163

Mumei is insanely boring. I dont know how anyone can watch her. But people do still watch her so someone must find her entertaining.

The best though is easily Fauna, she's by far the funniest and is an actual gamer. Goes a little hard on the ASMR streams, those arent really for me but thats fine.
