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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29876423 No.29876423 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't Kiara subbed to Council and Irys? Every myth member except her is subbed to them.

>> No.29876490


>> No.29876527

chill out discord

>> No.29876609

>You can see the rare takobeat species at work, proposing a bait thread to diminish the efforts of the worst Myth member, Takanashi Kiara, when in reality there's no need to, because she's not well liked by the majority

>> No.29876637

>Takanashi Kiara SubCh.

>> No.29876732

Irys is also only subbed to myth

>> No.29876795

God I hate seeing the fat wigger.

>> No.29876861

Gura isn't subbed to IRyS either

>> No.29876909
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>> No.29877025

At least she's subbed to myth.

>> No.29877043

and watson featured herself for yome reason

>> No.29877056

I wonder why? Is it because she doesn’t like rival singers?
As an aside, Mori is the only one who follows Tempus lmao

>> No.29877062

uh...so is Kiara, what's your point?

>> No.29877138

I mean no shit mori would, she's the only one who's went in 100% on that she doesn't give a fuck and took on a dad role so any unicorns already left a while back. The rest would follow on their actual accounts.

>> No.29877254

I didn't expect gura to be subbed to anyone.

>> No.29877380

Gura hates Irys ever since the Minecraft stream. It was her only interaction with Irys and after that Gura cut any ties with Irys.

>> No.29877458

She's based.

>> No.29877462

What's the point of that channel?

>> No.29877557

For awhile, Kiara was getting banned for no reason like, every other week.

>> No.29877593

Couldn't beat Ina so she made a new channel. Now the combined subs from both channels are more than Ina. Checkmate takosharts.

>> No.29877698

big brain moves

>> No.29877892

It's also why she likes ID, they will be her free outsourced labor for finishing Atlantis. Lazy, bratty fish needs correction.

>> No.29878169

she will do german streams on there
there is a already a collab with Iofi, who is also a german speaker for some reason, planned

>> No.29878451

Only subbed to Mori and Ina. Opinion discarded

>> No.29878523

Pretty based desu

>> No.29878560

>Why isn't X following Y?
>Why isn't Y subscribed to X
>Why did Z liked this of Y?
>Why does X not have Z added?
>Why is X collabing with Z and not Y?
>Why was Z liking Y posts instead of X?
>Why isn't X greeting Y?
>Why is Y and Z not playing with Z?
>Why is Z and X not playing with Y?

You're all so fucking tiring your inbreeded mouth breathing retards.

>> No.29878599

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside

>> No.29878663

Takobeats are the strongest race on earth.

>> No.29879006

kek IRyS is so good at unintentionally killing arcs
>Could have had a tetris arc with Suisei, says she is scared and never mentions it again
>Could have an arc with Towa and Kanata since debut, says please dont bother them, Papakin trends months later
>Could had been part of the Atlantis arc with Gura, has one kino stream running from Gura and never interacts again
>Instead has a monthly podcast with Mori and Bae

>> No.29879115

KFPcuck deflection post.

>> No.29879250

kiara is jealous that every single members pulls bigger CCV, even sana in ghost dead dog form.

>> No.29879501

they're paid in exposure

but this time it isn't a scam lmao. gura gives them so much more exposure and it's just content they'd already be doing.

>> No.29879599

thinking about it, Gura could've had free content trying to haggle quartz out of everyone she ran across, JP, EN and ID

>> No.29879613

Why are all the EN girls menheras who hate success

>> No.29879695

>Mori is the only one who follows Tempus lmao
Fun Fact: Regis is the only Tempus member Mori isn't subbed to. This is a reference to her eternal hatred of blue

>> No.29879781

Slow day?
Many JP members are only subbed to their gens. Some are subbed to all of their senpai, none of the kohai, some are subbed to everyone.
There is literally no rule.

>> No.29879863
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>>29879781 (me)

>> No.29879990

I hate Mori for dragging IRyS to her shit collabs. IRyS could have some kino with JP but no. The meagre time she streams and it is with dead air Calli.

>> No.29880485

Really having to dig deep to find something to bitch about when it comes to Kiara huh? We all know she's the hardest worker in EN by a mile and top 10 in the entire company. Stick to complaining about her voice or how her CCV is "low" when she streams at the worst possible timeslot imaginable.

>> No.29880840

Sounds like something she'd come up with.

>> No.29880917

>making scenarios in your head
>getting angry at said scenarios

>> No.29881106

all me

>> No.29881345

yes, having all of europe to yourself, what a terrible timeslot!

>> No.29882349

America and Canada have more English speakers than the entirety of Europe. There's a reason most people don't bother pandering to that timeslot. It's just less efficient. Not talking trash about EU bros but it is what it is.

>> No.29883653
File: 109 KB, 1440x1184, Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are "FEATURED" channels. Meaning channels they manually went in and promoted. It has nothing to do with who they are subscribed to. Haachama's channel doesn't feature anyone. Are you really this stupid?

>> No.29883780

She's just an unpleasant person.

>> No.29883935

That's not how that page works buddy.

>> No.29883944

afterall that Yuri bait with Ame, she cant even click a button to show support kek.

>> No.29884957

i thought it was because she hates ina

>> No.29885013

bullshit pretty much everyone in europe speaks english. Now is vtuber penetration currently low in europe it seems so, but they all speak english.

>> No.29885230

>afterall that Yuri bait with Ame, she cant even click a button to show support kek.
Are you actually retarded or did you mistake Kiara’s featured channel for OP’s subs?

>> No.29885316

t. Never been to France, Spain or Italy
There are plenty of parts in Europe that sucks in English.

>> No.29885616

A lot of the ones with no channels listed did it after cocos graduation announcement.
Luna and Korone as far as I can tell never followed anyone.
Mel stopped following anyone after her personal drama.
Kanata, Haachama and Coco stopped following anyone after the Taiwan yab.
Noel, Miko, Flare, Shion, Fubuki and Subaru all stopped when Coco announced her graduation or shortly after.

>> No.29885669

also when anyone asks about this the members all just say "its a youtube bug" which is the polite way of telling you to fuck off.

>> No.29885750

Probably Jenma hasn’t gotten around to it yet. This exact thread has been made about every Myth member at this point.

>> No.29887088

yes if you go to small towns and talk to old people they won't know english but the kind of people that are potential audience for fucking VTUBERS will be like 95% English proficient. The language of the internet is English and the shared language in all of EU is English. Just look at any esport thing every single EU person involved speaks passable english.

>> No.29887194

No, you really have no idea how bad the English proficiency can be in some places. Even in big cities, even in business meetings, we suck at English.

>> No.29887457
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kronii X irys are by far her best EN collabs
i was glad to finally see some again as of late, but the good collabs are too few and far between
that L4D JP collab was pure kino
i just dont get it; there are so many amazing collabs that she could do but wont

>> No.29887600

She probably has limited editor access to the channel. Unironically no perms lmao.

>> No.29887994

It literally says "Subscriptions" right there. Maybe you're the stupid one anon.

>> No.29888058

She only subscribes to lesbians

>> No.29888741

kek it's like thinking passing JLPT N1 means you're fluent at Japanese and can watch Vtubers no problem
passable doesn't mean you're going to be able to enjoy the content, even if you want to
and that example is at 80% comprehension, which can take years of study and practice as it is

>> No.29888952

Schizo chicken is due for her spazz session soon..matter of time before turn on your cucks

>> No.29889092

Gura stopped trying with karaoke once irys joined too

>> No.29889300

That’s not how youtube works. The "subscription" as shown publicly isn’t ALL your subs, but the subs you want to show.

>> No.29889311

omg phoneposters should just end themselves

>> No.29890192

>IRyS could have some kino with JP but no.
yeah i expected she would do more with that..

>> No.29890760

Where Sanner...

>> No.29891027

Just above Kiara

>> No.29891063

Thank you Anon, I'm blind

>> No.29891106

dumbass nigger go hang yourself upside down, maybe your head needs all the blood in your body for your brain to properly function

>> No.29891282

pego should add gura just to spite marine

>> No.29891357


most books use far more ranging vocabulary than vtubers generally will and also have no contextual clues for what the fuck is going on. yes a marine zatsudon can go fucking anywhere but if they're playing a game you generally have an idea of what they're going to be talking about. this only applies to books and nothing else.

>> No.29893862

even in books context can actually help a lot. and even with low level japanese you can enjoy reading doujins and manga (as long as you're also in the mood to learn new stuff)

the amount you have to know to understand a chuuba reacting to stuff happening in game in context is far less, and also what little you don't know will be easy to figure out.
I think assuming "I can't enjoy this withoout completely understanding it effortlessly" is the mistake here, though I'm sure it's true for some people. I mean half of the fluent ESLs are fluent because they played pokemon and elder scrolls in english despite not understanding a ton of what they were looking at. but they had fun anyway. just like all the people enjoying JP holos without understanding japanese
t. idiot slowly getting better at japanese

>> No.29894346

The point is you'd have to be a specific kind of person to want to have non-trivial amounts of whitenoise as your entertainment over all the other things someone could do instead. Even music in foreign languages, even if it's 100% acapella, still hits notes and is proper music that can be enjoyed over content that you can seldom follow like PASSION ENGLISH.

>> No.29894435

Heyyy Jealousyyy....HEY JEALOUSSSYYY!!!

>> No.29900282

NTA but it's not funny when you do it, cuckbeats

>> No.29901169

IRyS moved to japan after highschool instead of going to college. Mori is a fucking cringe loser who got elevated to rich minor e-celeb by an act of heaven, but to IRyS she seems like Stacy Goldenpussy because Mori acts so unwarrantedly confident, goes clubbing and gets fucked on mixed drinks for funsies. IRyS, who clearly wishes she had had the 'american college experience' or even just the 'young single woman experience' enjoys her time with mori despite mori being incredibly retarded. And on some level Mori enjoys IRyS' company too. Not as much, but in the way a blowhard needs flunkies to tell them how great they are and IRyS serves this sidekick role very well.

>> No.29901236

Pink cat good.

>> No.29901529

Uhh what the point of this thread again?

>> No.29903100

by OP's logic, Kiara isn't subscribed to Pekora or Nenechi, Calli isn't subscribed to Suisei, Watame, or Lui, and Gura isn't subscribed to Okayu or Shion. Well done, retards. Great logic.

>> No.29903441

My rrat is that some chubas just don't care about properly cataloging and organizing their corporate ecosystem.

>> No.29903720

I am pretty damn sure neither Kiara nor the Council members care even 1/100 of what you do.

>> No.29903804

shuccess breev jerusy

>> No.29910842

>she's the hardest worker in EN by a mile
