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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29861753 No.29861753 [Reply] [Original]

rrat theory: The reason most of Holo EN avoids Amelia is because they discovered she was a homeless poorfag back then. So they avoid her out of disgust since the others came from rich families.

>> No.29861965


>> No.29862419

4/10 literally went with her. Even one of them peed on her bed.

>> No.29862560

is this a third world thing

>> No.29867500

Third worlder rrat yes

>> No.29867761

No, it is because she bullied a 4'9" girl who is her "friend" into wearing diapers because the poor girl pissed herself due to anxiety and then told Kiara about it and then the poor womenlet pissed herself a second time while wearing diapers due to the humiliation and the fact she thought she was going to get beaten up by the two 5'2" girls

>> No.29868046

Only Mori would do that

>> No.29868267

thats ridiculous you can see her past life videos and by the look of it she is super tech savy and never had lived without a pc in her life

>> No.29868840
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>Lived like a hobo and surrounded by awful people in literal hell on earth (California)
>has a rich family, could've go to college and have a normal life but decided to live like a hermit, cleaning houses for a living and tried (and failed) to become a voice actress while doing meme videos
>moved to Japan and did absolutely everything to live her otaku dreams
>Slave of chink gacha games hag that still lives with her parents and sleeps on the floor
>worked as a waitress and English teacher living the stereotypical sad gaijin life in her gaijin ghetto
these bitches are real

>> No.29869228

>OP projecting his insecurities and financial instability

How does being a Poor SEAmonkey feel? Is that how your society runs?

>> No.29869309

Pretty sure Mori's family is richer than Gura's. Also Gura has some undisclosed chronic illness that she mentioned on the member's stream that contributed to her pissing in Ame's bed as well as really bad anxiety that made her fail out of high school
Ina's also isn't that bad considering it is canada land where all the homes are owned by china and no one can live anywhere

>> No.29869809
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>Discord Tranny operations

>Gura diaper threads
>When will we forgive Ame Threads
>Snot broke down theeads
>Tempus Niji unity threads

Everytime I post their discord tranny discussion the niggersanji mod bans me for 3 days, I swear it's so forced and up to this day those fags at the server are still looking for me.

>> No.29870890

Admits that brother watson used to steal a bunch of electronics so they had something to use and if they fought back he would use a car seatbelt as a bludgeoning tool.
