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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 136 KB, 720x773, Screenshot_20220801_130652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29768248 No.29768248 [Reply] [Original]

Bro, what is going on?

>> No.29768291

The chinese office ladies wanted it so vox is doing it for attention

>> No.29768297

He made an "ASMR" where he was a knight being sent out to war and died so this is the follow up

>> No.29768350

christ. i hope he enjoys doing this shit

>> No.29768348

Probably another BFE stream thingy

>> No.29768373

lmao the absolute state...

>> No.29768378

He genuinely does
Source: his interview on Lewdcast

>> No.29768401

he should do "raped by reeducation camp officers ASMR" next
they'll love it

>> No.29768415

Are there any male brostreamers in Niji eng or are they all female bait?

>> No.29768437

Is this where he gets saved by reimu with a surprise off collab.

>> No.29768441

Bro this is getting weird now.

>> No.29768454


>> No.29768478

He loves it. I stopped making fun of him, because he sees no shame in doing this.

>> No.29768482

Fungus Covid is pretty bro

>> No.29768513

I hope he doesn't, if he does then he's legitimately deranged. With this guy I can never tell. Is he just a hustler trying to make some fat stacks off lonely women, or is he an actual narcissist who wants to be worshipped like a cult leader? I honestly don't know. I just hope he doesn't get depression and decides to pull a Jonestown on his fanbase.

>> No.29768529

He's sad because Reimu said he couldn't satisfy her

>> No.29768542

he said the n, f, and r words at a fighting game tournament during a pop-off and realized the real harm he caused to others at the event

>> No.29768594

why did this deserve a thread

>> No.29768616

Lol wtf.

If I were a vtuber I would do this to troll by making it a group laugh session instead.
>Wanna cry?
>haha! Too bad! Hahahaha

>> No.29768649

I'd have more respect for him if he was a deranged sociopath milking these women for every cent.
If he isn't, he's just an insane faggot running a soon to be suicide cult.

>> No.29768651

That's called the meta game, you try and psychologically damage the enemy with viscious mockery irl by calling them nigger faggot and kike to throw them off their game enough to beat them

>> No.29768663

Is this what women are seriously into? Jezaz...

>> No.29768675

Be honest, if there was a female chuuba this commited to ASMR roleplay you'd be calling her based

>> No.29768700

Why not both?

>> No.29768705

Do chin fujos really???
WTF is this cringe shit???

>> No.29768710

But he's a fudanshi

>> No.29768822

That's kind of fucking weird but also somehow based autism

>> No.29768835

zxc dead inside 1000-7

>> No.29768869

I am that poster and I think he is based, I just put "ASMR" in quotes since what he does is not ASMR but more of a Drama CD or what you should call it
t. throws money at girls doing GFE ASMR and masturbation ASMR

>> No.29768873

Why are Euros such dramafags?

>> No.29768876

I do not get the appeal of ASMR from either gender but the ones he does seem the weirdest of them all wtf.

>> No.29768886

He's a narcissist and 100% is hard as a rock doing these streams for his fans. He loves knowing they obsess over him.

>> No.29768906

Lmao this guy doesn't know what an european is

>> No.29768911

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.29768916

He admitted to getting horny as fuck during these streams, he is unfathomably based

>> No.29768917

He is the latter. He is by all means male Rushia, but less retarded.

>> No.29768922

sad boy hours but for fat fujos

>> No.29768956

Being a fudanshi doesnt "unbro" you. Magni is a fag but still pretty much a bro

>> No.29768957

Vox is the CDawgVA 93% meme of 2022.

>> No.29768962

does he write a script beforehand

>> No.29768975


embrace the cringe commitment at this point.

>> No.29769001

just an outline

>> No.29769016

I don't know why people don't bring up the drama cd thing more, thats exactly what hes doing but for english girls

>> No.29769024

whaaat the fuck are you talking about

>> No.29769025

A good portion of the Kindred are literal faggots mostly from CH and SEA.

>> No.29769049

he trails off and dies with his model eyes and mouth open

>> No.29769088


>> No.29769097

His fanbase is nothing but women, faggots are watching homostars.

>> No.29769110

I always support dudes who can wring the money out of fujo hands

>> No.29769138

>narcissistic schizo that gets off to RPing for lonely chink women and underage fujos

>> No.29769196

if noone of his fans left after he admitted that then he's based

>> No.29769214

I think Luca could be the only one, but I don't watch them.

>> No.29769226
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, 81Lc1tPNL4L._RI_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this board is full of zoomers and tourists here is what he provides girls from one of the legendary animes

>> No.29769241

I'm impressed. This guy knows what the fans want.

>> No.29769244

Show your tiddies onegai senpai

>> No.29769254


>> No.29769264

Trash Taste Connor(CDawgVA) started off doing fujobait voiceovers for years before he got popular from TT. Meme is that his analytics showed that 93% of his viewers were girls.
Based containment chuuba.

>> No.29769283

what are you trying to say here

>> No.29769322

You killed the dramafags based kindred

>> No.29769331

Most if not almost all the guys in chinksanji are fujobait. That's where all their money comes from otherwise they'd have nothing.

>> No.29769403

I get what you mean, but this feels extremely slanderous towards CDawg, kek.
Connor used to do some light RP earlier in his career, but
1) it wasn't nearly as pervy or manipulative, it was mostly comedy bits and he never went for the "boyfriend" experience;
2) he's pretty much done with that clique, since it got too fucking weird (there was a legit paedo in his RP community) and he became more successful as a variety anituber/streamer.

>> No.29769498

I’m curious, is there a single Vox fan that isn’t mentally ill? This shit’s pretty insane. Even if it’s for entertainment I don’t think hearing a man larp as if he’s depressed and crying for more than an hour is a fun experience.

>> No.29769556

I was more so going off of the similar fanbase and following they have not necessarily the content itself. Connor still did stuff like record lewd voice lines for individual fans and we know damn well some of those girls were underage at the time. Ollie said she was into Connor years ago so you can imagine the average age of his 93%.

>> No.29769583

That just means Connor was exploiting his female fanbase and wasn't in it for real like Vox

>> No.29769600

>is there a single Vtuber fan that isn’t mentally ill?

>> No.29769619

That makes Connor look worse imho

>> No.29769634

for a small fringe they may enjoy the "immersion" of listening to a gay knight die for two hours, like one would enjoy going to a ren faire or larpfest.

>> No.29769692

Years ago I was recommended a Connor video where he talked about how he would call his fans on their phone doing an impression of a character of their choice, but some of his fans were literal children that would just give him their home phone number, and sometimes a parent would pickup only to hear some weido saying their daughter's name in a creepy voice. Funny shit.

>> No.29769767

That's actually based kek

>> No.29769788

I get that the minimum requirement for vtuber fans is being retarded but there’s no way I’m watching something that’ll probably put me in a bad mood. These are the same people who threatened a coworker because of a call, I’d imagine that him being dead in a video would affect them in some way.

>> No.29769812

how the fuck was he getting his fan's phone numbers?

>> No.29769860

>there’s no way I’m watching something that’ll probably put me in a bad mood
Drama is one of the oldest and most popular genres for a reason. You do remember that Romeo & Juliet didn't end with them running off happily ever after right?

>> No.29769980

Yea i get that but most people aren’t really attached to a work of art like they’re attached to streamers who fuel their para social relationships.

>> No.29770046

Many women and men are really really attached to actors but they do not go mental when they die in movies you fucking dip

>> No.29770243

Nah. He's just an insecure man who thinks manwhoring for mostly chinese office ladies gives him a purpose in life and operates based on the fear of losing relevance if he stops pandering and slutting it up every stream regardless of whether or not some of his viewers are too young to even understand irl sex.

Goes for a lot of vtubers though and I do like sluts.
Keep it up, Vox.

>> No.29770354

They gave him their home or cell number for him to leave the voicemails. This was like 2015 or so and like the other anon said, many of these girls were like middle school age.

>> No.29770414

sad boii ampta

>> No.29770415

I'm subbed to everyone in Niji. I mostly ever watch clips.

>> No.29770460

>Male vtuber doing streams to appeal to a female audience
>female vtuber doing streams to appeal to a male audience

It's the most incoherent thing I've seen. Somehow Nijisanji is bad no matter what.

>> No.29770509

Weird how none of the parents went after him. I guess that wasn't the strangest stuff their daughters had pulled off.

>> No.29770555

Honestly, yeah, I would.

>> No.29770740

bfe is cringe
gfe is based

>> No.29770760

That sounds pretty fun and creative. More chuubas should try to be interesting, I feel like they just spam random games too much.

>> No.29770767

I would actually fuck the shit out of this girl.

>> No.29770874

> most people aren’t really attached to a work of art like they’re attached to streamers
bruh, fujos and weebs devote their entire
lives to imagining themselves in fantasy worlds

>> No.29771004

join the club

>> No.29771371

He's male Rushia, that's what's going on.

>> No.29771833

Okay I talk a lot of shit about those NijiEN males, but that asmr idea is actually cool. I dont know if it would get a lot of views but I personally would enjoy doing that for viewers.

>> No.29771939

What's ampta

>> No.29772422

an acronym

>> No.29772477

Magni is bi and wants to fuck everything that moves

>> No.29773054

I mean would'nt you anon? I can testify i will anything and everything that has a hole

>> No.29773564

I don’t think any of his fans left, in fact knowing them I think that some of his fans his fans get off from the fact he gets off, a circle of horny

>> No.29773575

>but the same women will say that men are disgusting for not wanting their oshit to suck dick on stream
Bring back arranged marriages and end this charade of a society.

>> No.29774374

Based. He cares about pleasing his fans. Would be nice if us guys had an equivalently god tier rp coombaiter.

>> No.29774637

i am so confused by the knight RP, why does he keep calling the listener My Lord? is this supposed to be fujo-bait? I thought he did ASMR for women

>> No.29774725

As a woman I wish there was a sus English speaking asmr Vtuber that is a woman as well

>> No.29774762

A knight serves a lord you fuckhead
if you are a chinese fujo/yumejo i am sorry for calling you a fuckhead for not knowing about medieval europe / fantasy

>> No.29774792

Nothing its literal fujo pandering. Fujos love that sappy shit

>> No.29774869

Never apologize.

>> No.29774897

What the fuck. Actually mental illness.

>> No.29775045


>> No.29775070

If women learned to keep their fucking mouths shut and stay away from my GFEchuubas instead of crying about GFE is "degrading" and "manipulative" then there wouldn't be a problem. Stay on your side, enjoy what you enjoy, and stay the fuck away from me and my oshi when she's doing ASMR and whispering into my ear how she loves me, it's not that difficult.

>> No.29775089

Dont be mean to the tourists, redditors and newfags

>> No.29775134

shut up faggot

>> No.29775136

Retards don't know that 'yume' exists.

>> No.29775163

I wish our female chuubas would get off to servicing us like that.

>> No.29775236

actual autism

>> No.29775240

Damn, losing the "all out war" against HoloEN hit him that hard?

>> No.29775242

>>29774725 (me)
I used to watch a translated clip of Choco and Matsuri doing asmr over and over again, when that was deleted I was sad… If there is ever a EN Vtuber that does something like that I will kneel to them

>> No.29775313 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 800x450, tracksuit joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was in mid teens i would read/make up angsty fics with sad music in the background, sitting there tearing up and such. trust me, there`s an audience for it. now you get what kind too.

>> No.29775339

What in the fuck.

>> No.29775372

>both quoted posts are wrong

>> No.29775410

Fujo, yume, hime, whatever. All euphemisms for "crazy bitch"

>> No.29775495

Words have meanings and ignoring them because you're too stupid to use them correctly just makes you look like a fucking retard worse than the people you're looking down on.

>> No.29776036

welcome to women
this guy just knows what they want

>> No.29776042

>Fauna gets shit on for being bad in her regular ASMR
>The Fauna x Gura maid-themed ASMR got shat on for them being bad actresses
>The Baelz "boyfriend" ASMR got shit on for using a voice changer
Unless you are Patra then you will be clowned /here/ if you do anything outside coomer baiting ASMR.
Only Mori almost got everyone on their knees with her weird-ass ASMR streams but that was when she still gave a shit about Hololive.

>> No.29776204

Men do not give a shit about women being "bad actresses" during ASMR. That's more the style of ugly women who came here thanks to Luxiem's debut and desperately want to shame men for liking things.

>> No.29776391

>>Fauna gets shit on for being bad in her regular ASMR
I'm not huge on forner so i won't comment but
>The Fauna x Gura maid-themed ASMR got shat on for them being bad actresses
afaik they got shat on by faggot normie greynames saying shit like "wtf is this" "its so cringe lol" meanwhile all of the paying chumbies and presumably the saplings maybe had some issues with the script but were just enjoying it likely weren't in chat because they were trying to relax.

>> No.29776453

Lonely chinese OL's over 30 that no one wants and an insecure brit needing validation. They're made for each other.

>> No.29776488

jesus, the femcel chat is so cringe
are we the same, bros?

>> No.29776577

What are they talking about?

>> No.29776778
File: 383 KB, 1200x913, 1659363599796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lil nigga

>> No.29777302

Ok otaku, don't choke on your jisho

>> No.29777450

don't fujos not self insert though? since they think about boys

>> No.29777454

>calling someone on 4chan otaku
femcel please go back twitter

>> No.29777584
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 14731E6F-5FBA-479D-B18D-E98441DCB709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insanely based on his part. Unicorn cucks will defend their 1 hour of Minecraft a week while there’s niches like this one just begging to be tapped.

>> No.29777937

Every time you make a shitty, Pomu phone post I'm going to cum in her.

>> No.29777995

You're right, "niwaka" fits you better

>> No.29778006

Yikes. Disguting. milk more that fujoshi

>> No.29778012

Your hand isn’t Pomu, anon. Take your meds.

>> No.29778016

fucking fujobait

>> No.29778153

>women put 'cringe' into popular use (using it against men)
>women also like the cringiest stuff
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.29778186

Fulgur is also bi tf

>> No.29778204

i thought twitch is bad because of amourant..and then come vox

>> No.29778799

>check out the stream
>expecting some faggy cryboy asmr
>he's doing a gandalf impression
>talking about his favorite dwarves and youtu e poops
Yeah um BASED?

>> No.29779705

It might as well be, the cup size is the same.

>> No.29780549

That sounds wild.

>> No.29780961

So he's going to be sobbing on mic for a few hours? What a fucking loser lmao

>> No.29781063

perhaps you should read the post that is almost next to yours retard >>29778799
Its just sad women wanted another stream so he made one and talked about making "ASMR" and other random shit that he likes

>> No.29781098

>they just spam random games
Kaela pls don't look

>> No.29781575

I wish he would stream at more NA friendly hours he talks about so much funny shit and deserves a more engaging chat that's not just COP emote spam because every reference goes over their heads
