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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29735293 No.29735293 [Reply] [Original]

fans? merch? stream times? personalities? this thread can be used for venting also.

>> No.29735899

the fact that this hobby is lowkey ruining my life....

>> No.29737247
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you ask someone about vtubers and their answer is 90% "hololive english".

>> No.29741603


>> No.29742387

The underaged ESL fans that don't understand their jokes or references.

>> No.29742825

vtubing has mostly been used for streaming and there is hardly any vtubers that venture outside of that. i want to see more vtubers that make videos that arent clips or vods (not nux though :/).

>> No.29743933

the fact that they have sex with men

>> No.29744045

and relationships with women.

>> No.29744052

youre a grown ass man watching anime streamers chill bozo

>> No.29744426
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The parasocial aspect by far. Now, I don't expect any streamer to become actual friends with every single person that they stream to, but it's still the parasocial aspect.
Can you become friends with people in the chat outside of the stream? No. Everything moves too fast or you have to stay 'on topic' for the stream. YouTube and Twitch don't have private messaging anymore.
Can you become friends with the streamer? You're just a name in their chat. They really can't know anything about you and what they show you may be fake.
It's like reaching into Jello and tightening your grip. It's worse than TV because you know with a television or a VOD there's no chance of a connection, but Vtubing has that 'what if' factor.
I like the content, and I like the Vtubers but there's that wall. I can't lose myself in fantasy, and as much as sometimes I want to I don't think I ever will.
In saying that it means I'm not the target audience, which is painful on its own.

>> No.29744532

If youre here, you never had a chance to begin with.

>> No.29745094

I unironically don't like idol stuff, if I wanted to see idols I'd watch real idols, if I wanted to see anime girl dance and sing I'd watch MMD

>> No.29745992


>> No.29746166

Most of the time they’re just boring but what kills it are low IQ incels that make up their audience and moderation. It could be really fun if you had freedom to say what you want but girls just choose cuck dogs to be their mods who will do anything to protect m’lady so all chats is filled with is soi nice-guy lipservice

>> No.29746617

The fact that if they are not being controlled and having someone tell them what to do they will only do just chatting, reaction videos, and talking about sex while faking being a lesbian

>> No.29746750
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For me, it's coming here to casually shitpost about chubas...only to run into anons like >>29744052. I just came here to be an asshole, not gosling over shitters acting like cute anime girls who're desperate for a phallic attitude correction. These damn uppity brats are always trying to seduce /vt/bros with female shaming tactics. If they're that desperate for male attention, maybe they should just become vtubers instead.

>> No.29746752

Chuubas that play pretend relationship with chat while dating irl that inevitably get caught and act like taking advantage of people's emotions for monetary gain isn't a scummy thing to do and if you disagree "you're an incel haha"
My oshi successfully learning japanese over the past year, doing collabs with japanese chuubas, and slowly gaining almost a sizeable japanese audience
The terrible stream game that is Ark
My oshi's stream times being 8AM and 10PM with her favoring 8AM
The exhaustion from feeling burned out but invested
I can't pick one

>> No.29746855

Shipping faggotry. Literally the worst
