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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.73 MB, 1146x917, Anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2973231 No.2973231 [Reply] [Original]

I can not believe she still has <300k subs.

>> No.2973278

Just imagine how much more she'll have if she shakes those tittays more

>> No.2973305

She will have them removed permanently when her model updates.

>> No.2973312

She plays shit games

She should just play Apex

>> No.2973376
File: 37 KB, 360x450, Anya_Melfissa_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eyes

>> No.2973385

I cannot believe she has >50k subs

>> No.2973424

Weren't people saying that she'd surpass Gura?

>> No.2973459


>> No.2973463


>> No.2973523
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>> No.2973708

I thought she'd be higher up than Reine pre-debut but I always penned Ollie as the big hitter just through character design

>> No.2973810

I can. She's just boring to listen to like Ina. At least Anya's voice is clearer because she doesn't whisper all the time, but she's one of those content creators that you watch for a bit and then forget they exist until someone mentions them to you again.

>> No.2973983

I also feel like she's becoming a lot less relevant now. Reine is trying to become her own thing and Ollie already zoomed past the hard stage. Probably, there aren't any noteworthy clips of her reactions to something. I do hope she plays more games tho, possibly horror like Outlast or RE.

>> No.2974013

It's fine, more comfy streams for me. Can't wait for member zatsudans to be Anya and 7 anons, good shit.

>> No.2974024

She'll forever be turd-tier like Loafy and Risu.

>> No.2974057

Whyre u fuckers so mean to her! She trying her best and her number is not even small if you compared it to other vtuber. She even have higher traffic than hana

>> No.2974163

Instant sub

>> No.2974195

Previous thread with exactly the same topic is gone, Ollie threads are quarantined and almost no one is replying to Kiara ones, please understand, people have a need for (You)s.

>> No.2974241

No she doesn't. Other ID girls try their best to gain subs, not her. Maybe she's stubborn, maybe she simply doesn't care.

>> No.2974452


>> No.2976571
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I love her eyes

>> No.2976802

>Weren't people saying that she'd surpass Gura?
I assume they were thinking loli-types all get high subs?

>> No.2977452

I can. If she didn't have hololive, she wouldn't have even 1k subs.

>> No.2977613

Oppai loli does not appeal to the target audience.

>> No.2977982 [DELETED] 

Distorted Anya faces are the best thing about her

>> No.2978019

her face has so much meme potential, sadly she doesnt take advantage of it, almost like she ignore/hate the community kek

>> No.2978286


>> No.2978441 [DELETED] 

Didn't they force all of them to speak their native language as a secret code so we wouldn't find out they're being whores? Those subs aren't going anywhere with only the indonesian market.

>> No.2980291

She looks blind and it’s creepy as fuck.

>> No.2980334

>her face has so much meme potential, sadly she doesnt take advantage of it
It’s almost like the personality behind the character matters.

>> No.2980400
File: 25 KB, 130x125, 1612571573639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya sees all the ogeyposting with her face
>feels insecure about it just like Pekora did during meme review
>next costume both chops off her tits AND gives her pupils

>> No.2980526

I would like to see that. Does she make pupils out of the tits somehow?

>> No.2980591
File: 212 KB, 1280x800, BOOBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be on to something

>> No.2980860

I can not believe you have sucked >300k cocks.

>> No.2982386

Now that she's become the designated Spanish-speaking holo, expect 1 million subs by the end of July.

>> No.2982701
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>bloquea tu camino

>> No.2982739


>> No.2982858
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>> No.2983040

In a row?

>> No.2984710

what is her appeal?

>> No.2985867

she's in hololive

>> No.2986014

At once.

>> No.2986408


>> No.2986680

>has massive honkers but constantly hides them
>constantly a bitch to other chubas
>monkey accent
>plays some hipster games, never even started meinkampf
anything else?

>> No.2986722
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>> No.2986725

Collab with Connor for the views

>> No.2986732

japanese boyfriend

>> No.2986867

He's right, but they're all boring. Anya, all of ID Gen 1, and all of NijiID, all boring. Reine and Ollie are the only interesting ID chuubas out there.

>> No.2989695

move those two to EN so they don't have to speak crack turkey and you'll see the incline of ages

>> No.2990561

That poor guy, she's gonna skin him and wear him as a suit in her quest to become Japanese.

>> No.2990722 [DELETED] 

>Reine and Ollie are the only interesting ID chuubas out there.
Did anybody watch their past life's streams?

>> No.2990770 [DELETED] 

i only watch some of ollie's past stream, and for reine i only watch some of her vlog from when she's still active on instagram, this bitch literally a spoiled brat living like jake paul.

>> No.2990839

i watched ollie past live and thought she was really high quality for an indie back then. i would prefers if she stay indie desu, hololive just doesn't fit her "rules breaking" tendency.

>> No.2990865

Oho I need hints

>> No.2990921

good. she should stay there

>> No.2990926 [DELETED] 

not him, but you will hate her, she's toxic pompous bitch, she swears a lot too. im surprise she manage to hold it in as reine.

>> No.2990947


>> No.2990957 [DELETED] 

just go to iketog and do ur own doxx reps

>> No.2990968 [DELETED] 

If she's hot it'll make for a spicy fap fuel for me

>> No.2990972 [DELETED] 

not him but here some deleted vid from her mom's youtube channel

>> No.2991337 [DELETED] 

>toxic pompous bitch
You probably know better, but is descrimination towards lower classes in indonesia common?
Someone told that three rrat is in lower middle class then others, i think same applies to Anya.
Interresting why Anya doesn't interract more with others.

>> No.2991389 [DELETED] 

You kinda lost, elmao

>> No.2991505 [DELETED] 

Why is most holos past roommate is fat, dunno how reine now but other holos have been taking care on their bodies and arent fat anymore

I doubt reine would care though

>> No.2991539 [DELETED] 

Thats kinda true, ollie and reine is clear they are from high class family while anya and tree rrat is below common

>> No.2991598
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I do not like the feelings these eyes are giving me

>> No.2991619

That's basically the main appeal of 70% of the holos.

>> No.2991692 [DELETED] 

just like in any other country people look down on you for being poor, in indonesia you also get look down on for being brown skinned, because it imply you work on the field like a coolie, most of ID girls are well-off since mostly they're light skinned. the upper class usually are chink while the lower class are majority native indonesian. chink do look down on native people here since on average they are richer and have lighter skin than the native, that's why the native harbor inherent hate against chinese minority in indonesia.

this is true especially to reine who literally is a daughter of televesion mega corporate empire's ceo. for risu i don't know about her dox as for anya she's a chink, if you notice when gen 2 are together the one that being look down on are ollie, they literally called her a dog, that should tell you everything you need to know about their social status.

>> No.2991697

If Ollie and Moona broke down after reading stuff from here, imagine if Anya doing the same

>> No.2991764

That's a Rrat, Moona thought she was doing something wrong because she saw Indonesians complaining that she spoke too much English, nothing to do with 4chan.

>> No.2991765

I get the impression that Anya has thicker skin. Also most people here aren't that negative about her as a person/streamer, it's more numberfagging.

>> No.2991780 [DELETED] 


I dunno, Ollie's family have enough spare income to simp for vtubers and play gatcha while Anya consider's toast a luxury. They might look down on Ollie for a race thing possibly but I don't think she's the poor one of the bunch.

>> No.2991790 [DELETED] 

I wonder how reine feel when kiara used to bully with her seniority and call reine chicken

>> No.2991807 [DELETED] 

Funny, anya said herself she is too poor that sometimes she can only afford to eat rice and salt

>> No.2991810 [DELETED] 


No idea but I do wonder why they haven't collabed since, both have collabed with Subaru since, and all three dodge Turducken questions

>> No.2991853 [DELETED] 

>being brown skinned
B-b-but they are all brown...

Thanks for the info, will google about it a little more to verify and to get a bigger picture.

>> No.2991871
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, 1618185107470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two unrelated events cannot occur simultaneously

>> No.2991930 [DELETED] 

Chicken has no filter, would be no surprise that some people avoid her.
But anyway thats just narratives.

>> No.2991973 [DELETED] 

i agree with you, i don't think ollie are poor especially now. what most likely happened is a race thing, reine and anya have chink blood in them which maybe is why they look down on ollie for being native.

>> No.2992123 [DELETED] 

>Anya consider's toast a luxury
Have it changed resently? Or everything went to new PC

>> No.2992438

It was like that before Hololive, she used to eat salted rice and nothing else. Now she got some nice paypigs (two of them is Russian for some reason) and is steadily climbing out of poverty

>> No.2993548
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>> No.2993669
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>> No.2994412

She hates tits. I cannot be an ally of tit hate

>> No.2994531
File: 592 KB, 626x720, shitty clap clap meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.2994594

She doesn't hate tits. Anya just don't like the apparent disregard of her original design in the chest area.

>> No.2994606
File: 60 KB, 800x716, 1607265621377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2994962


>> No.2995083
File: 1.56 MB, 1250x1700, 1616374574611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2995134


>> No.2997873

Yea, one of her goals is reaching the same number of subs as Fubuki.

>> No.2997902

Anya is live right now. You guys are watching her, right? Because I'm not.

>> No.2998043

When she'll play game I actually care about sure.

>> No.2998138

This girl only cares about money, she's not interested in the Hololive girls or in gaming. She only collabs when her manager tells her to.

>> No.2998806

>cares about money
>doesn't stream or collab that often

>> No.2998842

Based on the title, its a Japanese chatting stream so don't expect EOP anons to watch.
You can leave out the collab part because we don't know how money goes during collabs.

>> No.2998915

girls in hentai after mindbreak: >>2973376

>> No.2999185


>> No.2999279
File: 200 KB, 463x453, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2999333

Is she based? I don't watch her but I heard she's very smart in an unironic kind of way.

>> No.2999375

I think Ollie was always the favorite as gen 2's obvious meme queen.
Reine is the dark horse that ended up exceeding expectations.

>> No.2999456
File: 108 KB, 1080x1080, 72c91aa934bc040bbebe7a70918332c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did her anime do though

>> No.2999579

it was enjoyable garbage

>> No.2999637

Wait, Moona is confirmed muslim?

>> No.2999716

Bros, what we a going to do, nips are grooming Anya...

>> No.2999885

She literally refuses to take advantage of her own design and goes out of her way to hide its features. She's intentionally sabotaging herself. It's crazy.

>> No.2999962

moona to the very least said "Thank you, i really appreciate it"

>> No.3000293

Anya came from /jp/. I am sure she called plenty of anons faggots for not doing their reps.

>> No.3000347
File: 64 KB, 259x340, 1583177160037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was kinda trashy, but in a cute and fun way.

>> No.3000351
File: 615 KB, 520x500, 1619348027477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3000480

Also there was this scene in the last episode.

>> No.3001986

dagger armpits

>> No.3005779

What does that even mean

>> No.3008210

