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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 65 KB, 1600x900, Hyakumantenbara-Salome-youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29685182 No.29685182 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vt/ hate her so much?

>> No.29685220

I dont its just fun to troll the nijifriends with her.

>> No.29685243


>> No.29685253

She kept getting pushed into my rec videos I hate her so much

>> No.29685273

Stop spamming thread about Nijisanji's IPO scam

>> No.29685419

Nijisanji the company and the liver's cliques hate her more. Nobody wants to collab with a one trick pony

>> No.29685474


>> No.29685514


>> No.29685724

I don't hate her. I'm just tired of seeing people spam threads about her. Same deal with Gura, Kobo and Pippa. They aren't even interesting posts. It's just the same shit repeated ad nauseum. It's not the talent I hate. It's you for being a lazy fuck who can't get new material.

>> No.29685766


>> No.29685777

Fuck off Kanakana

>> No.29686024

No i don't , i still watch her , where you get this information ? From # ?

>> No.29687338

Holotards seething at big numbers

>> No.29687510

Literally an cliche anime character. Boring as fuck.

>> No.29687556

15k isn't big

>> No.29687888

Nijiniggers hate her the most, since she got big numbers without earning it which is insulting to her senpais

>> No.29689106

Because you niggers spammed her across the board when she was riding high, just like you niggers did with vox and Selen

>> No.29689277

All this girl does is play a cute ojou-sama and it makes /vt/ seethe like crazy.

>> No.29689369

Is she reincarnated Gibara?

>> No.29689568

/vt/? you mean

>> No.29689675

She rattled /#/ a little too hard. Even though she's reclined, they are still punch drunk.

>> No.29690753

Salome is Debi Debiru

>> No.29690853

>recommendations spammed with her
>decide to check her out
>unfunniest milquetoast streamer ever

>> No.29691361

But he's still alive and in niji

>> No.29692017

most of vt/ and holofag

>> No.29692074

Yeah and? whats stopping her from being 2 characters in the same company

>> No.29692194

>losing more viewers with every passing week
>bullied online
>bullied by coworkers
>abandoned after Riku got his IPO money
Salome just wanted to entertain...

>> No.29692216
File: 6 KB, 196x197, 1639766776198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a holofag and I find her tolerable at best. that clip of her reacting to an old man dick pic had me laughing and a little horny

>> No.29692224

Better vod numbers than anyone in Hololive. Average ccv only behind Pekora.

>> No.29692304

Because /vt/ doesn't know shit about vtubers

>> No.29694216

IPO scam with the worst shills

>> No.29694430

I don't hate her at all, but God knows I'd love to kick the teeth out of whoever is her "manager" for fucking up her momentum so much.

>> No.29694960

Because it reminds me a certain VN will never have an ojou route and that makes me insanely mad

>> No.29695460


>> No.29695475

this board having absolute shit taste should not come as a surprise

>> No.29695516

Botted to prop up Anycolour's value

>> No.29695530

i dont really hate her, in fact, i dont really care abt her. i just like how everyone hates her

>> No.29696581

I want to drench her drills in my semen

>> No.29696623


>> No.29696633

now that you said /vt/ hates her I'll stop watching her thanks

>> No.29696769

I want her to mouthfeed me all the moldy food in her fridge

>> No.29697026

She mindbroke the numberfags with completely inexplicable popularity (not just by vtuber standards, she was literally the #1 female streamer on earth for weeks somehow)
Her channel had absolutely no mention of Nijisanji on it and they kept her firewalled off from the rest of the company, which annoyed some people. Ibrahim in particular said they were wasting the opportunity they had with her
In the end she's slid down to less viewers than Korone and it seems like most of the new-to-vtubers viewers she brought in ended up watching Hololive, so he was right

>> No.29697166

EOP. The entirety of their knowledge about jp chuubas comes from clippers.

>> No.29697434

>sub 20k streamer
Why should I care about this whore?

>> No.29697522

if you don't mind, why are you replying to this post?

>> No.29697706

Ipo scam, bot view to attract viewer. funny her audience went to pekora according to 5ch

>> No.29697876

/vt/ is 80% holobrony number fags. Especially mods. The fact that she's the most popular chuber made their hairlines recede another 2 cm.

>> No.29697907

Holobrony numberfag detected

>> No.29697973

Malding holofag numberfag fingers typed this post

>> No.29697993

I don't hate her at all, I like her.
She feels more like a holo than a niji.
Her style putting emphasis on the character is very hololive-like.
Her rapid success demonstrated the power of archetypes, tropes, and hype.
This is probably why anime has become so risk-adverse and repetitive, people want their anime girls to act like anime girls, tropes and all.
I understand why Miyazaki hates this, he prefers using real life people to inspire his characters, while here it's the opposite: the person tries to match the character trope.
Sorry Miyazaki, many people use the anime medium as escapism because life is shit. Blame those who made life shit, not those who try to escape it.

>> No.29698001

Scam and look at those eyes, inherently chink

>> No.29698009

I don't hate her or anyone from NijiJP for that matter, but numberniggers spammed the catalog to death when she was at her peak

>> No.29698054

Holofags hate her because she completely overshadowed their top girls.

>> No.29698526

They should be thanking her, according to the JOP autists who track chat overlap most of the new viewers she brought in ended up migrating to Pekora

>> No.29700714
File: 744 KB, 400x273, Elmofire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is cursed and is from Nijisanji.

>> No.29701292

vt is full of eops that got into vtubers though some en whore and do nothing but watch en vtubers, those people hate any jp because they are scared of liking anything anime and jp girls remind them that this is in fact anime hobby

>> No.29703283

Is she really Debi?
At the time when Salome just debuted, some anons said Salome isn't Debi due to different menstrual cycle, but now anons are convinced she is Debi so which one is it?

>> No.29703809

She was a great find for me once Marine went on her hiatus, that deserved my sub and stayed for the long run, I still watch desuwa live when I can.

>> No.29706552

