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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29649910 No.29649910 [Reply] [Original]

Graduation is not just "a girl quits job"
A vtuber in Hololive is a character, with design, lore, traits and interaction. Character in her own universe, which inspires related content - fanarts, games, animations, literature, to expand this universe. Establishes relations, fictional and not. And when a girl quits the character fucking dies with her. No more fanart, interactions, content. The character's sudden demise what is sad, not the "girl quitting the job". People watch Hololive for fictional characters and their stories, not for roommates. Many Holo content creators dont even watch streams.

Sana was unique. Her space thematics, attachment to this theme and general design made a broad ground for artists to work on that space theme. And now it is gone. That adorable character just gone, never to return. In less than a year. This is sad, I really enjoyed her art, content and thematics.

>> No.29650001

If only she capitalized on it.

>> No.29650397

wdym, she constantly brought up the space theme, and played space-themed games.

>> No.29650969
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...And that's why she fucked up. Her concept was great. Her character was great. Her model was great and I'm dying on this hill.
She fucked up. She won the lottery and got into the biggest chuuba agency. But she prefers Genshin over Hololive.

>> No.29651322

Dunno about that one. If the person behind the avatar is kind of a cunt, it tends to shine through.
Sana had a good concept it was just wasted on her, she got the golden ticket to an easy life and just did nothing with it.

>> No.29651586

It's this mentality that results in the other former holos getting shitposted so hard on this board. I wish you guys would realize this and support the girls themselves, instead of worshiping a company and dehumanizing the talents.

>> No.29651734

Didn’t read
Didn’t watch

>> No.29651953

This. It feels like a nice secondary character died. Maybe I didn't watch her, but there were people who loved her like I love my oshi.

>> No.29651959

She definitely fit the theme well...she was a waste of "space"

>> No.29651974
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>> No.29652058

I blame /v/ermin and their console war mindset.

>> No.29652075

Nice one

>> No.29652523

It's sad to see the other girls go through this, but I think we all saw this coming a mile away.

>> No.29652668

Go cry in the other thread retard-kun. Vtubing is a business and if you suck at the job you need to leave or be fired.

>> No.29654475

Graduation is death. We get it.

>> No.29655342

Tribeniggers need to die

>> No.29656594

>People watch Hololive for fictional characters and their stories, not for roommates.
You couldn't be more wrong. The "character" is just an avatar for the roommate. They are one and the same. Kiara having fibromyalgia or Rushia having cerebrovascular disease due to having a unilateral vertebral artery hypoplasia is not part of their "character".
Their "voice actress" cannot be replaced because they are literally the same thing as the roommate.

>> No.29658106


I watch Vtubers to escape the real world. Bringing in those things because "muh business" "muh product" and your wierd obsession with doxxniggering completely misses the point. These are cartoon characters and if I cared even a little about those things I'd watch regular streamers instead.

>> No.29658324

The least you conflate the cartoon with a real person, the happiest you'll be.

>> No.29660259

>I watch Vtubers to escape the real world. These are cartoon characters
You're an idiot of the highest order.
It doesn't matter what the fuck (You) want. I'm telling you how things are. If you want "characters", go watch an anime, you smoothbrain faggot. These girls are real people with their own personalities, preferences, goals, and dreams. They aren't written into a script and paraded out for you like some TV show.
If your retarded view of all this is because you're concerned about them being single or something, then just don't oshi a lying manipulative whore.

>> No.29660417

More like: the more you learn English or the less you stop posting here, the happier I'll be.

>> No.29662452

Its funny how artists and animators often do not even watch streams, aside from occasional pop-in for several minutes.

>> No.29663423

The fuck is wrong with you people.
Stop pretending she was good. Stop pretending she wasn't lazy. Stop pretending she's just an excuse making liar. You goddamned brainwashed incel simps.

>> No.29663471

She was a lazy sack of shit
>but back hort

>> No.29663560


>> No.29663773

the genshin thing was sponsored by pixiv you dumbass

>> No.29663941


>> No.29663982

pretty sure she suspended all her roommate activities to make time for this month of hololive stuff

and if you'd actually watched the anatomy stream you'd realize that sana has always been an artist first

>> No.29664058

my point is she didn't choose between hololive and genshin, she chose between hololive and her other job, that happened to involve genshin once

>> No.29664115

So your excuse for her not doing her job is that she was too busy with her "other" shit
And this is supposed to make me think she isn't a lazy sack of trash?

>> No.29664330

she was literally doing her job, retard. it's not the one you wanted her to do and that's why you're mad and calling her lazy even though that's literally the opposite of reality.

>> No.29664606

funny to see these people suddenly care for her being gone. when she was streaming few people bother to turn up

>> No.29664891

Then tell me why Kiryu Coco and Uruha Rushia still have more subs than K-Son and Mikeneko. You can't fully separate the character and the roommate, but vtubing is heavily focused on the character, not the person behind it. Roommates after graduation are like the athletes that used to play for your favorite team. You might still like them, but there's far less reason to care about them anymore. If the change teams you might even come to hate them like some tatsunokos have come to hate K-Son.

I would accept back hort as a reason for not streaming, because I've had back injuries and even moderately sever ones like a bulged disc caused debilitating pain and the drugs they prescribe turn you into a literal narcoleptic (I passed out getting out of my car once, woke up and immediately passed out again). The no streaming on a regular basis for almost the full year she was on Council was what was inexcusable.

>> No.29664977

I can think of many people I want to beat the shit out of that I would respectfully attend the funeral for

>> No.29665077

She signed up for holo. She was expected to put the effort in. Instead she made excuses. She should of quit far sooner. Don't sign up in the first place when you have other commitments. Pretty fucking simple.

>> No.29665126

You have 0 idea what the real person playing these characters is like.

>> No.29665535

We know the real person playing sana was lazy as a streamer and gave out excuses to work her other job more.

>> No.29665622

no shit negro, too bad her character sucks too

>> No.29666176

Graduation streams get a lot of tourists that watch other talents (myself included).

>> No.29668423

Her character is cute and had a nice chemistry with others. I enjoyed their interaction in holocouncil. So fuck off, I may be a nigger, but you are the niggest.

>> No.29668590

she actually had to stream to capitalize on it anon

>> No.29668632

Anon, she's fine when she streams. But some of us won't overlook the numerous problems she had. Hololive is a JOB. Anywhere else would have fired her a long time ago

>> No.29668804

>People watch Hololive for fictional characters and their stories, not for roommates.
Speak for yourself, retard. Not reading the rest of your reddit rant.

>> No.29669155

Kizuna already proved that the character is never going to be the same when played by a different talent and that was with one of the most scripted vtubers ever. Another person playing Sana or Coco or whoever you want would just be debuffed by having to wear someone else's skin, their fans would feel betrayed and they'd be constrained to having to behave in a similar way to whoever came before. It's much better for any talent to just get their own models at that point.

>No more fanart, interactions, content
Nothing has stopped people from making more fanart for graduated talents, any interactions or content that came from someone else playing the character also would never be the same, for the clearest example just look at the inasanaty collabs, Ina acted in a completely different way with Sana than with anyone else and that would never be replicated with another person. It'd be like replacing Okayu and wanting Korone to act the same way with a new talent, no matter how much you force it it would never work.

>> No.29670855
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Meh, I feel nothing at this point, she was the first Council member I subscribed to, then she'd stop streaming for long periods of time without any excuse other than her back hurting. When her graduation happened, a part of my brain thought "good riddance", then her sudden surge of streams and collabs felt dishonest in my opinon, like why couldn't you have done all this during the entire year you were in Hololive? If your work and backpain were already taking so much of your time, why even applying to the agency? I didn't watch her graduation, I just want her to be over and gone so the rest can stream in peace.

Is still kind of sad, she was a huge sweetheart and is understandable if she's graduating due to health issues, but I can't stop thinking about how from the very beginning she showed signs that she'd never take vtubing as seriously as the rest of her teammates who quickly found their footing and capitalized on it, unlike her who only had her being BEEG SANA and her liking bread as her only traits.

I just wanted to get this off my head.

The roommate is the most important part you dumbfuck, I couldn't give two flying fucks about her being a space goddess, I cared about her being an irreplaceable awkward sweetheart of an aussie with a space theme which is the first impression I got from her when I watched her first streams, but then how could I know more about her when she rarely fucking streamed? You know what's my favorite piece of fanart? Pic related, because it had nothing to do with space or planets or her being BEEG, it was because it was based on a heated coffee argument between two very good friends that happened while playing Super Bunny Man, something that we never saw again because correct me if I'm wrong they never did a duo collab ever again until the Tanabata one, right before her graduation announcement when the girls already knew about it.

>> No.29671029

You are a fucking schizo and a bipolar, my friend. Fuck off.

>> No.29671554

And to add:
>unlike her who only had her being BEEG SANA and her liking bread as her only traits
That's literally on her. If she joined either through Ina nepotism, or something else, it is a wasted slot because the roommate decided not to give a fuck about it, nor to try. Imagine any other indie having the Sana role, they would have capitalized on it quickly, like a mommy space thingy or something. But she didn't, and everyone knew this.

She is just plain boring. And the end was 100% hypocresy from her. The only good thing that she brought was Astrogirl, which I consider a really good fucking original song. Hope any other girl gets it from her. I actually almost cried in the end but I realized what has she not done, so I didn't.

Wasted design on a really, really lazy roommate. Fuck Genshin.

>> No.29672357

So what was the real reason of her graduation? Was it really choosing her roommate job over Hololive or did her backpain have to do with it? Because if it's the former that's one really shitty thing to do after spending a whole year without doing anything significant, even worse because she graduated right before Council's first anniversary.

>> No.29673160
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OP, you're not alone. Sana cared about the lore more than anyone in HoloEN, and her emphasis on roommate was the most heartbreaking part of penultimate stream.

Let's hope she'll be able to return as Sana someday, or at least to live without regrets.

>> No.29673273

That's bullshit.
Not all of them are like luna. And even then Luna just changes the way she talks, not her personality.

>> No.29673442

yeah if only a someone that wasn't a lazy cunt got the model. but almost all of the lore of council is complete cringe bullshit from a complete fucking autist retard.

>> No.29673489


Didn't she hurt her back after she debuted as Sana?

>> No.29673640

yes iut was so bad she could only maintain all roommate activity and spend tons of hours gaming. but a tweet or twitter space or tons of things you could do without moving was too much trouble and couldn't be done.

>> No.29673728

cant believe people actually enjoys the lore

>> No.29673743

>Then tell me why Kiryu Coco and Uruha Rushia still have more subs than K-Son and Mikeneko.
That's simple. It's because not everyone is going to follow them to their new channel. Some of their 1M subs were dead subs and others didn't want to follow them to vshojo. Also, some of their subs weren't hardcore fans and expecting 100% of their subs from Hololive to even know about Kson and Mikeneko is retarded.

>sports analogy
Are you sure you understand this hobby or even belong here? You seem like a normalfag.

>> No.29673960
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>> No.29674170


because agency is a humongous boost lmao. you think the like 200k+ subs people were getting BEFORE debut matter? like does that actually impress you? are you retarded??

>> No.29674621

Agency boosts numbers, you retard. Also Coco being KSon was just a secret behind thin air. People started to follow up Coco when she started to do random nonsense and started HoloEN. Did you actually forget that before her, only Haachama knew how to speak in english? Being a native speaker boosted her as well.

Now that her niche has been filled, it's obvious that people would preffer other options. There is also a reason about why Nazuna got a 15k start in twitch, but gets a 7k regularely, and also the chat is full of JP runes.

>> No.29675339

>Pre Holo subs, one year of growth as an indy, and V-Shojo boost put together
Is still not enough to catch up with the permanently dead Coco channel. Mikeneko's termination was recentish, so I'll let that one go. K-Son has clippers, it's widely known that she used to be Coco (which clippers still point out in case anyone somehow didn't know), she was able to collab with big names as an indy, and she now has an agency boosting her new channel again. It's really a double boost since she didn't loose all of her Hololive boost. If it was even 50/50 roommate/character she would have eclipsed her old sub count by now.

>> No.29675398

Vshojo is an agency, retards.

>> No.29675840

>Was it really choosing her roommate job over Hololive
Yes it was. She has good gig for artist in FGO promos and arknights stuff.
This is a major crux of the problerm. Her choosing the roommate job is not a bad thing, it's that she took a spot from someone in hololive who would of put more effort in. Had she left months ago instead of disrupting and holding council back (no costumes, no 3D, no major group projects from the company) then there woudl be far less hate being pointed at her.

>> No.29676862

>we will NEVER EVER hear Astrogirl again
I can't...
it's a good song...

>> No.29677763

You clearly don't understand why people liked Coco. Asacoco was legendary and she can't do that as an indy or in vshojo. Her content as Kson is different than what it was as Coco. Her relationship with the rest of the girls is gone as well.
The overwhelming majority of those who watched Coco never gave a shit about vshojo and most of her english speaking audience despised it and their members, so her presence in that company isn't as big of a draw as you seem to think.
I've followed her this entire time and I have zero desire to see her interact with any of the disgusting whores in that company, for example. I'm pretty much hoping she mostly sticks to collabing with Mikeneko and avoids the rest.
If anything, joining vshojo probably made her lose a bunch of her long-time fans who hate that company. I don't see how it would make her gain fans other than newfaggot casuals who didn't even know who she was because they only watch twitch thots.

>> No.29678009

Do not forget that she, by some random reason, got a backlash for joining VShojo. Not even unicorns as you might think or incels, people did not want her in there. So a lot of "true fans" showed up their true colours and abandon her, mostly EN speakers. The JPs have been always a small minory but those are always in youtube, tho they have not liked the VShojo swap as well.

What she did as Coco was legendary and god tier, what she does and has done as KSon isn't. In fact, if it's not for Coco, she would still stream with her koikatsu model as well, probably with some upgrades, but that it is.

>> No.29678189

That's why Coco's graduation was sadder, her friends in hololive knew that. On the other hand, holoEN is filled with doxxniggers that would shill their second account if management allowed it. They were like "Oh we're still gonna talk to her but she's just not in hololive" so cringe

>> No.29678295

Brb applying to become an astronaut holo vtuber

>> No.29678366

And also because her graduation was a forced one (China), not because of "talent freedom" that faggots keep spouting around. Otherwise YOU KNOW she would have stayed in Hololive.

>> No.29678376

>VIRTUAL Youtuber
>If you want "characters", go watch an anime, you smoothbrain faggot.
Good God I hate idolniggers so much.

>> No.29678501

She wasted it. Sorry anon but it happens at corpos both big and small. I sometimes wis that models could be reused with a new character but I don’t think there’s any way for that to work.

>> No.29678542
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>barely 8 hours have passed since she left but they will seethe about her forever

>> No.29678829

Right she prefers Genshin over Hololive lmao. 2 streams for Genshin that are for pixiv collab event. That is like her contract stream. And judge from her progress in Genshin she is not even far into the game.

>> No.29679065

How can people sell their souls for Genshin? I do not understand. BOTW is the better game and there are like 20 gachas with better pulls, more likeable characters and everything all around.

I just simply don't get it.

>> No.29679231

It not they sell their soul for Genshin. It the contract forced her to play that game.

>> No.29680601

This is what you idiots believe? Holy shit, it's literally a person pretending to be an anime character and because the effect of watching a PNG move just for the design doesn't last that long they shoehorn some "theme" or "lore" so you have an excuse to be invested in the streamer when someone asks you why you waste your time watching virtual youtubers. None of them even do anything with their "lore" it's relevant only in the introduction of the character and maybe you get one comment every once in a while about it and that's it

>> No.29684492
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The biggest thing the world will miss now that she quit is fan art for those monstrous big brown side milkers and wakipai

>> No.29684535

Unfortunately Edgy tourist only understand tribalism and consoom.

>> No.29684909

I really don't get why she chose being a full time illustrator over Hololive. Shouldn't streaming bring more money in and is a better career?

>> No.29684944

even the name of the graduation is so fucking funny "sana is eternal" bitch no one will remember you in a week. literally less of a footprint than aloe. Unironically people will remember Aloe more than Sana.

>> No.29685019

Im disappointed one of the best chuuba themes was wasted on her

>> No.29685055

Cope more
