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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 307 KB, 2554x2467, __nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanami9731__d16fbf7f406f7d26a895020760d007e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29551738 No.29551738 [Reply] [Original]

Why do i always get a 3 day global ban whenever i point banter towards the fact that many vtuber fans here are near-voluntarily low functioning, menhera, hyper-possessive dramacow tribetards addicted to shitting up every thread in the most Dunning-Kruger infested way possible and snorting cortisol-laced dopamine sourced from fake culture wars who will never accept enough facets of reality in order to have sex with a woman or realize that their own self-destructive behavior is the primary cause of suffering in their lives?

>> No.29551959

Because the jannies are near-voluntarily low functioning, menhera, hyper-possessive dramacow tribetards addicted to shitting up every thread in the most Dunning-Kruger infested way possible and snorting cortisol-laced dopamine sourced from fake culture wars who will never accept enough facets of reality in order to have sex with a woman or realize that their own self-destructive behavior is the primary cause of suffering in their lives.

>> No.29552044

didnt read
if Selen images have the most retarded posts, Mumei images have the most schizo posts

>> No.29552093

Fuck off Twitter

>> No.29552123

Thank god i’m a zoomer and didn’t read that no cap

>> No.29552135

The mods are themselves vtuber fans so I think you answered your own question

>> No.29552148

You're not incorrect but you're also shitting up the board. Anways, I'm gay and my dick is small. Also it can't get hard.

>> No.29552243
File: 157 KB, 480x480, 1655929147215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because god gives their hardest battles to their strongest warriors

>> No.29552318

I didn't even add projection because that would be too easy, yet here you are
fair. hope your dick gets better anonchama

>> No.29552329

They're trying to save you anon, this place can only bring you down.

>> No.29552465

a real one would have the strength to accept enough facets of reality in order to realize that their own self-destructive behavior is the primary cause of suffering in their lives

>> No.29553133
File: 1.27 MB, 2258x3491, 1658749194057257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jannies are a bit gay and retarded themselves so you probably hurt their feelings or something

>> No.29553197

they only ban people with severe mental illness

>> No.29553439

This post is shit. You deserve it.

>> No.29553476

Kek. I got a one day vacation immediately for bringing this up in another thread recently with no image. They're really sensitive about this.

>> No.29553660

just another quick reminder that men are biologically incapable of being a menhera. when an adult man acts like a hysterical bipolar woman, that's just called being a faggot. please use proper terminology.

>> No.29553672
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, 1648203940991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got any ban in this board and I'm a pretty snippy, bitchy person. Maybe you are just one hell of a tribalfag

>> No.29553736

fucking kek. they're right though.
if your testosterone and security in your status as a man isn't high enough to stand the sight of your oshi with another m*le, that's your problem.

>> No.29553879

>men are biologically incapable of being a menhera
actual fucking kek

>> No.29555441

Anon we're talking about vtubers not your mother

>> No.29555783

Yeah, the newest jannie we got is an absolute fucking retard.

>> No.29556460
File: 47 KB, 792x410, 1659095045316134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29556679 [DELETED] 

The mods will ban what you just described but they'll only warn people who spam the same old wojaks straight out of the /qa/ Discord instead of giving them a global ban like they should be.

>> No.29556701

never got banned, you're probably a newfag

>> No.29556796

> mumei pic

>> No.29557311

mucho texto

>> No.29557406

Worse. They're all those things AND willing to work for free. I can't even begin to imagine it. I've had multi-year-long schizo benders and never did I accept work without pay.

>> No.29557452

Ah, the retard's way of saying that he is incapable of understanding more than a handful of words in a sentence.

>> No.29557558

I don't waste time with pathetic mewls beyond the time I am willing to invest mocking them.

>> No.29557668

because you get offended by mean comments about your oshi and instead of ignoring them like a sensible person you white knight for someone who sees you as chat on a screen.

>> No.29557811

t. retard who got offended by mean comments about his retarded opinions and instead of ignoring them like a sensible person he bitched facelessly online to an echo chamber

>> No.29557915

not an argument neither is just enjoy

>> No.29558811

I wasn't arguing, I was stating self-evident facts.
