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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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294902 No.294902 [Reply] [Original]

What do you get out of it?

To me it is very annoying, I need to turn it off.

>> No.294951

okayu's asmr is good, everything else is bad

>> No.294990
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Every day i wake up thankful I am not an ASMRlet

>> No.296575

The last haachama KFC asmr made sounds I didn't know were possible for chicken to make. that moment is when I became an asmr fag and I haven't looked back since

>> No.296816

Tingles and chills, baka. Back in my day it wasn't all about cooming and jacking off to some girl's voice. Those moments where you get that involuntary shiver in your side or that travels down from the top of your head all the way down your back are the best

>> No.296864


>> No.297030

i dont get it either but its apperently something for soundfags just like smellfags have armpits and musk (tm)

>> No.297103

I'm with you OP. Whenever I tune into it its just them making weird/annoying sounds. It does nothing for me. ASMR fags are also some of the most obnoxious in chats. They think everything is ASMR like how Jojo fags think everything is a jojo reference.

>> No.297109

ASMR fag here, 90% of it is degenerate fetish shit like eating and roleplay and 10% of it is genuinely relaxing sounds like massage.
And vtubers are terrible at it across the board because you need to actually understand sound design, which they don't

>> No.297142

I only really enjoy the non-vocal stuff, like shuffling paper and chopping vegetables.

>> No.297199

>Food ASMR
I hate it. I hate it so much. It ends up sounding absolutely disgusting.

>> No.297206 [SPOILER] 
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Do not open

>> No.297248

Its how the lonely cope with being utterly alone. Truly pathetic.

>> No.297277

You either like it or you don't. What's there to explain?
Haachama's KFC Asmr has all kinds of lewd sounds, which is pretty nice.
I prefer lewd sounds """ASMR""" (don't give a fuck about puristic definitions) or the type that Polka does which is just soft voice talking and kissing.

I don't like the more classic Japanese ear cleaning and ear blowing that much.

>> No.297298

Some are good, patra and Mary (both from 774) and Makoto are great. Honestly I think the Japanese in general do Asmr better than us Westerners. I dont know why but they just 'get it.'

>> No.297329

Sometimes it hits just right and makes me horny so I jerk off to their cute voices.

>> No.297346
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Emotional comfort/sleep ASMR is where its at, but if you fall down the hole it gets real degen real quick ||Someone help me||
t. ASMRbeat

>> No.297394

I've heard this one before
She actually destroys her KFC meals. Only recommend listening if you are a vorefag

>> No.297414

Nothing is more annoying than people who feel the need to play ASMR police.
No one cares except for a few autists. The term has been used very loosely for years by now and truth be told if you actually really only cared about real ASMR, then you don't even need a holo girl to do it for you, it could be anyone. Even a guy.

Meanwhile what holo girls can do to make their "ASMRs" stand out is actually apply their holo character to it, which means a lot of talking, even if soft or in a whispery voice. Can be lewd but doesn't have to be, could also just be emotional support or healing.

>> No.298243

I just find it relaxing and it helps me sleep at night.


this too.

>> No.298591

This has never happened to me from ASMR. I assume it is similar to the effect you can get from a particularly good passage of music though?

This one I get though.

>> No.303542

>beyblade ASMR
>just shoots one out, doesn't have the sounds of two scraping against each other or one bursting from the fight

>> No.303710
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There are different types of ASMR. Technically, ASMR is really just a reaction that you get as a reaction to specific sounds. Stuff like paper crinkling, tapping, or nails on a chalkboard. Stuff like that is "real" asmr.

But, while not technically real asmr, it's also become common for people to upload stuff like girlfriend roleplays, or straight up audio hentai, masquerading as ASMR. While I understand the appeal of this, and enjoy it myself, I don't think you can really call it "asmr". It's something else. Unfortunately, this is what most people think of as asmr. Really there's nothing sexual about it.

>> No.303863

It makes my ears tingle and feel good. If it doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you.

>> No.307298

Umm where's the anon who reuploads unarchived streams?

>> No.307329

I don't get anything at all from the generic <sounds> ones, but I do get it from the haircut, pov ones.

>> No.307516


>> No.307600
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I fucking hate Eating asmr, it is the most fake, annoying and disgusting kind of asmr to ever exist, i wish i could traverse time and space to personally shoot the person that invented it.

>> No.308039

So you need to actually "get" the tingles people are talking about to understand ASMR. It's something that usually happens when you go to a barber or hair salon to get your hair cut or to the doctor to have a checkup. Apparently not everyone gets this, which is weird to me, but would explain why so many people are confused about it. You can easily simulate this sort of experience to induce tingles without actually being in the presence of another person so it turned into a whole field of entertainment.
Why the Japanese seem to be so into jerk off ASMR, I have no idea. I don't think you can get tingles and jerk off at the same time but maybe that's my own limitation. Arousal seems counterproductive to the sort of relaxed state you need to be in to get the tingles.
Also eating sounds are gross. Get better taste.

>> No.308406

Haachama is sucking me dry bros she's a beast.

>> No.308421

This shit is peak level faggotry. It's like she's chewing with her mouth open and getting crumbs all over my ear and these breathy whispers physically make me cringe.

>> No.308433

It does, but I think that's the entire point.

>> No.309194

thats the point

>> No.309515

It's Haachama aka vtuber version of Filthy Frank. What do you expect.

>> No.310047

Honestly, that was the weirdest boner I had lately

>> No.311152

Not all asmr is good. You have to be real picky about it until you find the one you like. And even that can change over time or depending on your mood. The same thing that can put someone to sleep can absolutely creep someone else out or piss them off at how annoying it sounds. This stuff helps me sleep but used to annoy me:
I like tappy binaural stuff that you can hear move around you if you close your eyes.

>> No.311449

it's literally audio porn. The kikebook page which started it all even admitted it

>> No.311492

Anyone have the video for this it was sweet I thought I was recording but had sound off like an idiot

>> No.311574

I'm personally not too big on the ASMR stuff either, just feels kind of weird to me.

>> No.312845

>This has never happened to me from ASMR.
Apparently it's not a feeling anyone can get, your brain has to be predisposed towards it

>> No.313577

I'm pathetic for being here and for watching vtubers for an unhealthy amount of hours but I'm self aware about it.
Listening to straight up fucking pillow talk with like 10000 other people is cringe as fuck. From the streamer's perspective, why the hell would you want to be that intimate with so many faceless strangers?
Of course you can empathize with the streamer when she opens up about personal stuff but going full on fucking proxy spouse recording yourself brushing hair and whispering in your ear unironically, no I'm not gonna delude myself into this psychotic roleplay.
I'll listen to anything else, how many eggs you cooked for breakfast or what your favorite species of tarantula or whatever the fuck you're but have some self respect.
Pull yourself up and look at your monitor, do you think any girl thinks a guy who listens to ASMR unironically is worth respecting?
Once AI robots come out I'll probably do the same thing though but at least it's a fuckin robot wife and not a 3DPD larping as one.

>> No.313657

>Listening to straight up fucking pillow talk with like 10000 other people is cringe as fuck. From the streamer's perspective, why the hell would you want to be that intimate with so many faceless strangers?
Sex sells.

>> No.313709

I like that faster bonten ear cleaning stuff because it feels like white noise and it insulates me from outside influences and lets me focus on what I'm doing.

>> No.313828

Feels really fucking good, it's like a milder, prolonged orgasm
It feels like someone's jacking off your spine
Like someone scratching a place you can't reach
Like someone caressing your back, ribs, ass, skull, an intense feeling
Like these chills you get after forcing out a particularly disobedient and large shit out of your ass
Noel and Choco's ASMR streams are orgasmic. They know what they're doing.
