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29468700 No.29468700 [Reply] [Original]

Is this her redemption arc?

>> No.29468775

Triggered euros stay losing

>> No.29468826

Whose redemption arc?

>> No.29468839

>GEE Fianana! How come your fanbase lets you play with THREE boys!?

>> No.29468849

Who's redemption arc
Finana has 4 people in a single pov and still losing to a fucking superchat reading

>> No.29468885

>mumei chat
talk girl doesn't know how to talk, she's good at being cute but I can never understand what is she saying

>> No.29468917

Don't blame us on this, it's probably just all the fujos watching their boys.

>> No.29469069

ESL detected

>> No.29469084

>The only way Finana can get above 3k now is having 3 boys on her stream.
Sounds like she's admitting defeat and bowing to the parasocial and fujo's for mercy.

>> No.29469089

Yeah, that’s my experience with her too.

>> No.29469101


>> No.29469192

Its funny you say that because her Visage stream didn't hit 3k until a boy came in to give her emotional support for a horror game.

>> No.29469421

oh fuck, finana is playing dbd?

>> No.29470185


Mumei doing an EU friendly stream is definitely helping her get back in my good graces, personally. It shows she actually gives a shit about her view- wait, you were talking about Finana?

Oh. Idk.

>> No.29470245

This thread was literally made to be revengeposted. The only problem is that it's Finana, and at this point, I don't think anyone besides her fandom hates her. Everyone's just sad for her

>> No.29470263
File: 682 KB, 1063x1211, 35cc8c37995372853921ea12f27db1e9412f6e96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streaming with the most popular talents in her branch
>they don't have streams up
>is this her redemption arc
Nigga, she can't even beat Anya on equal grounds.

>> No.29470377

>She can't beat Anya on equal grounds
neither can council anon. Anya is a fucking monsters right now in comparison to EN branches.

>> No.29470454

What the fuck happened to Anya, how is she pulling 6k now?

>> No.29470513
File: 99 KB, 758x758, lksdjfldsajvxcvxkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself

>> No.29470669


Anya is very cute!

>> No.29470710

ID popped off due to Kobo.

>> No.29470817

>everyone talking about the other three random people in the picture
>the OP is obviously talking about Shiina

>> No.29470866

What did she do?

>> No.29471045

well shit.

>> No.29471153

ID inclined hard due to concert and gen 3.
Noor's hiring is running NijiEN into the ground.
HoloEN way too fucking lazy these days and need to take part in another big cross branch event to regain hype.

>> No.29471162

Damn, I always get hungry for wontons when someone mentions Shiina for some reason.

>> No.29471256

It;s fucking RUSH, it is like the MC boom before

>> No.29471274

No one cares because they don't flirt. They all have very brother-sister dynamics

>> No.29471321

Mysta is streaming on Twitch and ipn is a 2vu.

>> No.29471362

Correct, well partially. Maybe some Ryuguards watching because it isn't gachashit.

>> No.29471413

>Chinese fujoshis rally to the fish's stream to watch her get gangbanged
>Leave when the males leave

>> No.29471687

shiina love u

>> No.29472097

keep telling yourself that, cuck

>> No.29472168

learn english

>> No.29472242

Well that's because you're an ESL retard. Go watch Sesame Street first before watching EN chuubas.

>> No.29472300

go back to school anon

>> No.29472457

kek. well played OP

>> No.29472746

>he unironically is parasocial

>> No.29472864
File: 74 KB, 544x330, shiina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize this same one from somewhere.

>> No.29472911

She's getting 1k for each male in that stream.

>> No.29473335

Guys stop being mean to Finana, we could be shitting on Ame instead

>> No.29473486

i had a 1 year coma, what did ame do and who's finana?

>> No.29473926

Every time I hear this complaint, I seriously wonder what sort of brain damage you must have in order to be incapable of understanding fucking Mumei.
Either that or stop using some cheap ass Android phone you got from China.

>> No.29474080

It's Rust buff, that's it. OP cummed so hard that time he saved that screenshot and use it every time, but that shit it's old news

>> No.29474180

Neither Luca or Mysta are streaming their POV, so all of their fans that can deal with watching it through Finana are doing it.

>> No.29474504

ame told unicorns to die in a fire, now they are angy

>> No.29474548

Two SC readings, actually. Mumei peaked at around 6k for that stream, and Fauna didn’t start until after Mumei switched from pure zatsu to reading SCs.

>> No.29474895


>> No.29478074

it's the mori effect where she fucks up so often all the normal people get filtered, so by now her whole audience are either cucks or on their way to being educated in the ways of voyeurism

>> No.29481386

And that's just another way of saying her audience is parasocial, just not the kind that dislikes males

>> No.29481764
File: 163 KB, 1242x1159, pekopog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing to Anya

>> No.29482317

>male menhera
jesus christ that sounds awful

>> No.29488790

>HoloEN way too fucking lazy these days and need to take part in another big cross branch event to regain hype
Holo EN will have one more member graduating this year.
Two months.
