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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 252 KB, 360x450, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2945961 No.2945961 [Reply] [Original]

Why is her voice so fucked up?

>> No.2946044

Her voice is fine, but her shoulders on the other hand are non-existent

>> No.2946139

I don't know if it has anything to do with her condition or she just normaly high pitched and sometimes nasally

>> No.2946151
File: 1.82 MB, 1069x989, season2modified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lung infection destroyed her lower range.

She fixed that. Also moved the eyes a little closer together.

>> No.2946154

Throat AIDS

>> No.2946160


>> No.2946196


>> No.2946261
File: 84 KB, 555x300, western anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do vshojo characters remind me of those trash western "how to draw anime" books? It's like this weird uncanny art style where it's clearly inspired by anime, but looks like some American kid's ripoff doll.

>> No.2946351

I don't know because her character designer is Nia: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/16800437

>> No.2946376

weeaboo faggot BTFO

>> No.2946415


>> No.2946434

Well, to be fair, Nia is (I believe) Chinese, so it is still "anime inspired" just not western.

>> No.2946689

Vshojo bootlicker BTFO

>> No.2946741

For the record, both >>2946351 and >>2946434 are me. I didn't actually know that Nia was Chinese at first. Not that it makes any difference to me, but the point is it isn't a western thing.

>> No.2946764

Took too many dicks to the throat in high school and permanently damaged her vocal chords

>> No.2946820

Ok so it's the l2d modeller/rigger then

>> No.2946926
File: 1.70 MB, 2000x2000, EwvwweoUcAAAVkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normaly high pitched and sometimes nasally
Her voice is normally high-pitched. She gets nasally probably because of the nasal cannula, she's on oxygen at all times.
I like her voice, I think it's unique and cute.

>> No.2946992

I do to, I just didn't know if it was normal or medical related

>> No.2947020

This is the real answer >>2946151 She used to be able to go lower when singing but she can't quite reach this level anymore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8iESW-pzMc

>> No.2947024

>Ok so it's the l2d modeller/rigger then
I actually think the shoulders were entirely his fault. I mean, look at Nia's drawing here >>2946926
Thankfully she did get them fixed.

>> No.2947032

That kind of artstyle is incredibly SOVLFVL, thank you.

>> No.2947106

You guys can't keep saying this stuff about her. I can't tell if it's real or not and It's making me depressed.

>> No.2947143

Medical and fairly recent, but her singing voice really got hit hard. Singing voices are always amazing to me because you can have someone who sounds like they're always on helium but then they can bust out a low alto that just makes no sense. Same in the other direction. The ability to sing different levels is somehow disconnected from our real voices. Just fascinating really.

>> No.2947199

Sorry, but for all your depression, remember that's her life, and she tries to remain positive and upbeat as much as possible so people don't feel bad for her. All she wants is to be treated like a normal person. Be inspired not sad.

Plus, she's getting better! Being able to afford better medicines and treatments have improved her condition significantly.

>> No.2947257

fun fact in one of the DND sessions she wasn't feeling well so her nasal cannula had to be turned up. normally her mic filters out the sound of it but since it was louder than normal you could hear the steady flow of oxygen for the entire session.

>> No.2947280

Here's something that'll blow your mind:


Those are from 3-5 years ago. Just listen to each of those and you can hear the amazing range she used to have. She used to go so low as well as high. Truly her opera training produced a unique voice that we've lost half of.

>> No.2947329

clicked on that and the very first thing i saw is her cover of michael in the bathroom. cool to think she's liked that song for so long since she still sings a parody version every so often. including in the stream she just did 2 days ago.

>> No.2947408

She's talked about it a number of times, like when she got a nosebleed while playing A Way Out with Nyan. She gets them regularly because it dries out her nose.

>> No.2947582

Lungs are not vocal chords, you idiots.

>> No.2947610

The real question is why does she use an avatar with such souless eyes? Her 3D model is much more alive.

>> No.2947621

no you're right mouse has no idea what she was talking about when she said she's lost a lot of her lower register because of her illnesses. it may not be the persistent lung infection but none of us know the specifics of what she has beyond cvid

>> No.2947695

How do you think vocal cords work, anon?
Lungs are responsible for pushing the air through that vibrates the vocal folds in the larynx.
If someone can't get enough oxygen or is on supplemental oxygen constantly, their lungs along with the muscles within their throat get weaker, and it absolutely can affect the voice and make it high pitched like that.

>> No.2947716

I'm no doctor, but she literally physically cannot sing in the lower octaves like she used to. Take it up with Mousey.

>> No.2947755
File: 636 KB, 784x627, 1618439090584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>souless eyes

She's Satan. Also stylistic choice of the artist I suppose. Her eyes are actually really well detailed they're just more subtle than her previous eyes.

>> No.2948132 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 588x533, 1599703220176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with soulless eyes

>> No.2948363
File: 19 KB, 447x145, AT-cm_648268425-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her old eyes were actually more soulless.

>> No.2948382

Typically, damaged vocal chords make a voice lower, not higher. See any smoker. See any drinker. See anyone who got hit in the throat with a shovel.

>> No.2948436

I don't know about that. You can clearly see her pupils and the eyeshape is softer, thus more organic. Souless eyes are defined by the lack of a clear pupil. It's common in mindbreak doujins for a girl's pupils to disappear after her will is broken.

>> No.2948559

Her vocal cords themselves aren't damaged and corroded like a smokers, anon. The musculature is just atrophied and her lungs have reduced capacity.
Addicts wreck their vocal cords by actually damaging and eroding the membranes on the folds in the larynx, it's a different thing from having shit muscle control and inability to push air out.

>> No.2948625

Would that mean some of it could be restored if she got stronger? Genuinely curious as she is gradually improving healthwise and that includes her lungs. She had a minor freakout 2 days ago when she was able to sing a particularly difficult portion of a song she hasn't ever been able to on one breath.

>> No.2948666
File: 50 KB, 1066x388, EwoAbYdW8AE3XBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But are you ready for OAV Mousey?

>> No.2948700

Yeah, I was going to bring up that moment, when she was able to hit a note she hasn't been able to in a while. It gave her a minor panic attack. It is very possible the medicines and treatments she's getting now are having a bigger impact than expected.

>> No.2948747

Nothing's guaranteed but generally yes. Obviously her whole body would need time to heal for her muscles to start building back up. But if she could start breathing on her own without supplemental oxygen her lungs could get better at filling with oxygen and proper exhales. And I've noticed as well that sometimes she is able to surprise herself like that so it's hopeful. One reason I really want to see mouse succeed is because the money helps her afford proper treatments and stuff. I am a cynical hateful bastard but it got to me when she talked on stream about just wanting a chair to sit in so she can shower without needing help or falling over. Made me think of how much shit I take for granted, here I "want" a ps5 or some shit and this girl just wants to be able to shower without feeling helpless

>> No.2948828

Neat. Cool to know and I'm with you there bud.

>> No.2948834

I want Iron Mouse to live a long and happy life.

>> No.2948894


Mousey's last singing stream. Two hours of Little Devil goodness.

>> No.2948985

I really hope we get to see Mousey belt it out on No Me Queda Mas again someday

>> No.2948989

her voice is pretty much the reason I won't touch a stream of hers

sorry aidsmaus

>> No.2949153

To each their own. You're not the first nor the last person to say that. Nobody is gonna fault you, but you're missing out on one of the most beautiful singing voices, if nothing else.

>> No.2949209


That's great, while you're at it stay away from threads about her, there's enough toxic retards already.

>> No.2949284

She really does have medical issues, I can't really explain it myself but it turned her every day life into shit, that's why she loves streaming because she's able to do something, meet so many people and have fun

>> No.2949315

Hey now, what OP said wasn't that bad a statement. Just stating his opinion. Yeah, maybe he didn't have to, but of the shit that gets flung at our girls, that's a pretty mild comment.

>> No.2949585

Clip? Or stream where that happened? Curious to hear it.

>> No.2949686

Trying to find it now myself actually. I'm right now on Mousey singing Unlasting by LiSA (which, by the way, has quite a few low notes so I don't know if she even noticed it at that point).

Its in here >>2948894 somewhere. I'll give you a time stamp when I find it

>> No.2949815

She's a spic.

>> No.2949899


Found it. It's while she's singing the Kimetsu no Yaiba OP and she wasn't surprise at what note she was hitting (tho she did hit a few) but how strong her lung capacity had suddenly become.

>> No.2949905

Spanish to spicy for you? is mayonnaise just the right amount of spice for you to handle?

>> No.2949933

She's Puerto Rican, coño!

>> No.2950005

Oh lo siento, ella es todavia un spic

>> No.2950021

If you want a particularly hopeful bit from that same stream check out the very last song she did. It feels like it's considerably more difficult than most of what she did and not only did she nail it but it was after 2 full hours of singing which is a testament all its own https://www.twitch.tv/videos/998477307?t=05h08m58s

>> No.2950117

She's sung "And I'm Telling You" many times before, but you're right, there's a couple of parts at the end where the point is to go from a high octave to a lower octave (and in the original song, even the original singer was wheezing out at those points because the song is supposed to reflect the determination and desperation of the singer) but when she did them in the past she would lose air before finishing, not that time. You're right, more evidence that something is improving in Mouse.

>> No.2950150
File: 90 KB, 850x493, sample_9d5890b27d60a029877a692fbb9b87a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking forward to it, also fitting trips you got there. Though I'd really prefer she used her 3D more. But maybe she's just trying to get some use out of S2 before OVA form is finished because she might favor that one..

>> No.2950278

I'm so happy for her, I'm glad she can sing proudly again, even if it's still not the same as before.

>> No.2952064

Hopefully she will get the opportunity to do a live show like Nyanners if she ever feels up to it

>> No.2952113

shes terminal anon

>> No.2952124

She won't be able to do a full mocap suit dance anytime soon, but she could definitely appear and do a song. Prerecorded is easier for her, but Mousey could absolutely perform live on stage as long as she wasn't required to do much more than sing and move her arms.

>> No.2952382

Holy shit you can hear the difference. Her voice is MUCH more womanly here.

I still love her gremlin voice now (it's practically an IRL loli voice) but if there's even a small chance she could gain some of this range back I hope she gets it.

Fuck, I can't listen to any more of the older songs here. You can hear her sobbing in between songs and almost gasping for air.

>> No.2952432

Yep. You can also hear her air machine in several of them. The mic she has now is really good at drowning that thing out. While listening to the singing stream again, I noticed several times during some of the songs where the lower range was required, she tried and you can see her mouth open and nothing comes out. She legit cannot go low anymore. But we'll see what the future holds for our Mousey.

>> No.2952981

And for those of you who Haven't heard the ultimate roundhouse kick of awesome that she was able to do. i give you ave maria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtp4h4KQGGM

>> No.2953166

>thank you for making me feel human
That hits hard

>> No.2953732

Her first avatar was better and it hurts me that she didn't just update it and use the same artist.
