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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29409701 No.29409701 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that the jewbas are quintessential idols
>started from nothing, literally picked up off the street
>most didnt know anything about the culture they were getting into and are learning as they go
>trying to make it big in unfavorable circumstances
>neo is a bubbly, somewhat naive fangirl type who is self conscious about her voice
>emi started streaming to overcome her social anxiety while dealing with chronic illness
>katta admires the vtubing industry and works the hardest to achieve popularity at the expense of her health
>nikki is a tired office lady with a childish spirit who wants to use vtubing to break out of her boring life
>lily, while trying to play the gaki role and actually being quite smart, has huge self confidence issues and a heart of gold
>only you, the viewer can save them and help them reach their idol dream
its so perfect its like the cast of an actual anime.

>> No.29409979

Stopped reading there, the only thing I hate more than females are jews

>> No.29410083

Thanks for reminding me they exist, OP! I will now proceed to forget again as soon as I hit Post

>> No.29410173

>hate both girls and youtube
>spands his time on /vt/
on a scale of 1-10, how much of a loser are you?

>> No.29410190

Look, I watched the debuts but can’t get into them as I’m just following so many other groups. Glad they found a fanbase though

>> No.29410209


>> No.29410256

>literal jew chuubas
Hard pass

>> No.29410332


They are cute

>> No.29410462

you think people come to /vt/ to discuss chuubas?
no, even the most braindead retard can notice this board is a (You) farming simulator, you can post literally anything as the op image and a phrase like "what did she mean by this" and get 300 replies because the average poster here is a low IQ SEAnigger who loves discussing drama about non Japanese Asian roasties posing as anime women because they have nothing else to do with their boring lives.

>> No.29410724

so 8.5

>> No.29410862

Which one is the best GFE?

>> No.29410921

I used to go to /x/ when I wanted to do conspiracy theory rp. Now I come here.

>> No.29410989
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I'd say Nikki or Katta (white hair)

>> No.29411040

katta is too trashy

>> No.29411096

she still plays into it with bathtub streams

>> No.29411234

what a slut.

>> No.29411321
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>> No.29411385

>gigachad is incel

>> No.29411404

didnt gura used to do bathtub streams as well?

>> No.29411582

than i guess its not the content, its the creator

>> No.29411780


>> No.29415003

Nikki has some GFE member videos.
If you are talking about public streams Nikki tends to be the girl who is worried a lot about her fans. At the start of every stream you feel obliged to tell her how are you at this exact moment and if you mention being not in a perfect condition prepare yourself for more questions from her. She's really fine, barely has any time free so she eats on streams (basically food ASMR) or complains she runs on popcorn and cheetos for the duration of the day. Nikki doesn't want you to forget she loves her, does that at the end of every stream, either in form of plain "I love you guys, I really do" or just uses her "love bonk" scene.
Her streams are really chill, after a month of her debut she realized people don't care about the game she plays but her voice and she set up the levels to make sure everything is moderately quiet and only her voice can be heard. Of course you have the walking wake up call which is named Pitsi - her 'mutant' dog. You can expect this dog go absolutely wild at any point of the stream but people love Pitsi so much.
Nikki is a tryhard type of a gamer, bruteforces everything without further thinking. Dies a lot, screams a lot and will make you love her back a lot.

>> No.29416787

A lot of this sounds like you're overselling it, but if even half is true then I am almost sold

>> No.29416979

I refuse to watch them on account of what their people have done to the world.

>he doesn't know how venn diagrams work

>> No.29417125
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>model it's literally a demon child

>> No.29417401

gigachads aren't real anon, they're made up

>> No.29417433

diagrams are combos. a combo of sexist and racist is bigot; thats how the diagram works. a combo of sexist and theorist is incel; a combo of incel and racist - aka an incel who is also racist- is gigachad.
ill say it again, that diagram tells us that gigachads are incels that are also racist.

>> No.29417495

I sometimes watch them, they're cute. Saw bonk girl defeat King Dice.

>> No.29417539

>he doesn't know how subsets work

>> No.29417864

wtf since when were jews cute?

>> No.29418639

It's all pretty accurate

>> No.29419748

don't forget to help us save them at

>> No.29420587

Three cunnies!

Don't the Jews have any shame?!

>> No.29420603

jews are very based clearly

>> No.29420673

the red haired cunny has the voice of a hag, beware

>> No.29420724

My dick is hard

>> No.29420849

Are they actually going for the idolfags or are they just using the name?

>> No.29421022

they dont act idol-like but they did release a song

>> No.29421384

Then i don't really care.

>> No.29421395

they are idol in spirit
ie what israelis consider idols- girls who work at japanese entertainment

>> No.29421490

The eternal victim, don't you people ever get tired of lying?

>> No.29421527

Instead of shilling them on /vt/, the Jews can always accuse anyone who doesn't share or support those women is considered antisemite on twatter. Then they can just watch the cash flow in from obedient goys

>> No.29421719

>worship our women, goys

>> No.29421768

pols will forever pretend the entire world is wrong and only they are right

>> No.29422026

>sexism card
>antisemitism card
They are too strong

>> No.29422115

counter by pedo card and sexism card
>why are you objectifing women
>why is a literal child showing her tummy

>> No.29422427

>The Bible does not specify any particular age requirement for a person to be married; rather, it speaks in general terms of marriage being for those who are “grown up”
Why are you disrespecting jewish religion?

>> No.29422497

>be anti-semitic
> watch Nikki debut, next stream fallout 4 (favorite fallout but horrible game in general )
>pay membership
what happened to me?

>> No.29422573

yeah, try saying that on reddit and see what you get.
also, the bible specify that a peerson past their bar/bat mitzva is an adult (13 for boy 12 for girl)

>> No.29422579

Don't know, anon. Im starting to like jews unironically. Even started learning their language. We fell for jewish women, anon, it's over.

>> No.29422721

Reminder you can shit on jews all you want, but shit on islam and the indog mod will ban you.

>> No.29422801

i'd let them subvert my institutions if you know what i mean

>> No.29422927

if you think about it, they control your bank account and now they control its content

>> No.29423023

actually if you think about it they don't, but if you listen to strangers on the internet they do.

>> No.29423110

i don't see this being talked about a lot but emi suika after one of her recent breaks started to innovate a lot. she is now a lot more comfortable with adding props to her avatar, showing her drawings, making short scenes, preparing for streams a lot longer. these days she sits a lot in clip paint studio and draws there for hours. last stream she said how she wanted to postpone the stream because she felt bad and was glad she didn't because she felt a lot better after eating pasta.

>> No.29423243

yeah these random nobodies are surely the root cause of all your problems

>> No.29423398

>favorite fallout but horrible game
Why is it your favorite then?

>> No.29423715

the tummy one is the most insecure, she privated a stream recently because she sang a capella and she didn't really like it

>> No.29425721

she's so sweet

>> No.29425795

>most didnt know anything about the culture they were getting into and are learning as they go
That's not charming at all. This was just a get rich quick scheme for them, isn't it?

>> No.29425884

How can vtubing ever be a way to get rich?
Maybe if you manage to join one of the big corps and debut with 100k+ subs but otherwise working min wage has better odds of making you rich.

>> No.29426099

I’d trust a pathological liar before I trust any penis farmer.

>> No.29426128

i would say lily and katta know more about vtubing scene more than other girls. neo doesn't have a favourite vtuber, nikki likes mori and ame, emi likes ame and gura, idk what others like cuz i don't watch them that often

>> No.29427438

OP is hiding the fact one of the girls is CEO's ex who was dumped when her health worsened.

>> No.29427505

holy based

>> No.29428125


>> No.29428205
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>> No.29431117

are the 3 girls on the right doing sex asmr ? if yes, i will watch them

>> No.29432891

lily doesn't do asmr, neo pulled out a knife and rubbed it on the mic when asked, emi can whisper if you ask nicely
none of them do lewd shit

>> No.29432895
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emi frustrated moans on hard games are the closest.

>> No.29432951


>> No.29433079
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>> No.29433688

I completely forgot they existed

>> No.29433820
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>> No.29433900

Has Moona replied to her sister's greeting twit?

>> No.29433948

Im not watching jews.

>> No.29433996

based. gays should ditch the trans and help us pedos instead.

>> No.29434336

i don't think so but nyori family is the most supportive one in idol. iku and nato are in nikki's chat quite often

>> No.29434465

I think it's pretty stupid how these girls have a more popular thread on here compared to so many better agencies.
All because haha Israel lmao.

>> No.29434869

lily said towa is cool, watch lily please

>> No.29434972

maybe you should go help and post in those threads instead of sounding jealous.

>> No.29436491


>> No.29436537

I'd agree if they were hilariously bad or something.

>> No.29436898

hhilariously bad is still entertaining

>> No.29438668
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save them. save us >>29331529

>> No.29440879

lily is playing devil may cry 5

>> No.29441087

I would watch them if Threemilk reincarnated as one of them.

>> No.29441357

Those Zionist scum didn't come from nothing. The US pours billions of dollars into that fake country so they can psyop campaigns like this. Remember the social media posts about the sexy IDF girls? Same thing. This is all about building sympathy for Isn'treal.
Soon their occupation will end and Palestine will be free.
As always death to Israel.

>> No.29441471

what's their end goal?

>> No.29441503

Fuck that ven diagram is true

>> No.29441622

With these psyops? Just to gain sympathy for Isn'treal. The US and west wants a stable base in middle east that's why the support it.
There really isn't a conspiracy about global jewry or whatever the whackjobs here think. It's just typical western imperialism like everything else.

>> No.29441632

victory for usa in the cold war: middle east front. for that end, israeli soldiers will gladly give thier life while american incels sit in their chairs and talk shit.

>> No.29441715

Based and true

>> No.29441783


>> No.29443177


>> No.29444038

anime watchalong with the loli hag, you gonna hear many autistic noises as well as some hebrew since this is a dual lingo stream.

>> No.29444473

emi is not a hag

>> No.29445979
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>> No.29448823

Indonesia doesn't even recognise the existence of Israel.
If she can't speak to her Russian friend because of political yabs she sure as hell wont jump on that landmine for a stranger.

>> No.29449185

i didn't know indonesia is rulled by the CCP

>> No.29449795
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I mean in this case it's not either or for them, but both; their greatest motivating animus in all matters and concerns is the reconfiguration of states of affairs in such a way that they are able to molest little boys. That is ultimately what it all comes down too.
'Homosexual' and 'child molester' are equivalently synonymous terms in practice. 80-90+% of all cases of actual prepubescent kids actually getting diddled in reality are cases where a momo is diddling a prepubescent boy. 'Child Protection Services' literally pimps children out to faggot 'adopting couples' who help themselves to the veal and pass them around to their friends like party favors lol. But you can see some people on tv say it is Moral Progress so it must be a good thing eh?

>> No.29449941

sjws hate pedos and love trans so its not both.

>> No.29450245

also what you described are for gay couples ot trans people. so gays + pedos, and trans out.

>> No.29450356
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The 'pedo hate' is just pure projection.
Troons and homos (but i repeat myself) are perfectly fine with banning pictures of lolis on the internet because they don't care about that, they care about putting their crippledicks inside the anuses of little boys.

>> No.29450587

troons != gays.
gays (and pedos) want to diddle little boys. troons just want too be snowflakes. the pedo hate is real, the pedo witch-hunt is real.

>> No.29450676


A fag is a fag is a fag.

>> No.29450914

>troons = gays
but thats whta im sayin, trans aren't gays, they are the opposite. trans want to enforce gender identities while being gay is about breaking free from gender stigma. gays arebeing heldf captive by trans and need to break away from them.

>> No.29451126

The 'pedo witch hunt' does not disambiguate between pictures of lolis on the internet and poopdicking little boys in elementary school, which is entirely on purpose.
There is a massively egregious homosexual boyfucking problem, which presently regnant preaching classes try to distract from by demonizing normal male sexuality, and calling it 'pedophilia'. It is about blowing squid ink and muddying the discourse.

>> No.29451312

>There is a massively egregious homosexual boyfucking problem
which is why pedos and gays should join forces. trans have nothing to do with it.

>> No.29451549
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>> No.29451713

I hold nothing against them personally, but I will be six feet underground before I ever support a zionist in any way, shape or form.

>> No.29451825
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Anon, with all due respect, your train of thought keeps twisting back over itself so much it's like a tangled ball of yarn.
If you like loli then queers will never be your friend, because queers don't care about girls, they care about fucking boys, and troons are the apotheosis of queer.

>> No.29451936

gays want tto fuck little boys and i want to fuck little girls so we have a lot in common.
trans just want to be special and can go fuck themselves.

>> No.29452150

Only in an abstract sense. In practice, they are always the first to speak up for your disenfranchisement. Like many, you fail to sufficiently appreciate the differences in substance between such different 'use-cases'.

>> No.29452267

thats because gays are held hostage by trans who are a part of the sjw community. they need to free themselves and stop alienating us. we need to be open about who we want to fuck together.

>> No.29452459

'The SJW community' didn't come from nowhere, tranny ideology is an outgrowth of queer in the first place. It is modes of thought copacetic to such demographics. A naturally gives rise to B and C, and so on.

>> No.29452575

sjw are just polfags on the other end of the political spectrum, gays have little to do with it. they sided with gays to go against the conservatives and now infected the community with trannies.

>> No.29453453

You are still blinding yourself with merely abstract style analysis while failing to appreciate substance.
'X is using Y to accomplish Z, and A is using Y to accomplish C, so that means they are the same' - no, the fact that X accomplished Z and A accomplished C means they are different.
The is little appreciable wedge between the various flavors of queer, they are fellow travelers who differ merely in favored pathways to the same destination: poopdick.
Pointing out 'logical inconsistencies' between the various rationalizations used by various competing flavors of leftianism is only slightly better than pointless, because it misses the ultimate point, which is that they aren't principles, they are pretexts, purposefully occulted for purposefully occulted aims, which will be shifted and mutated however is convenient for the situation, irrespective of 'consistency' across time, place, or people.

>> No.29453748

can you two fuck off to /pol/

>> No.29454167
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>> No.29454534
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Ultimately what i'm trying to say is, there are indeed fault lines; but that doesn't necessarily mean one or another is going to side with you against other factions; it simply means that after you have been eliminated they will turn on each other next, once the schelling point you represent to coordinate against is gone. The best case you can hope for is that their in-fighting will reduce their effectiveness, such that you can eliminate them instead first.

>> No.29455008

pedo here, ill stop. thread is safe again

>> No.29455572

based and tradpilled

>> No.29455851

I want to shove my whole tongue inside kattarina's asshole

>> No.29456889
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>> No.29457163
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>> No.29460044


>> No.29462835

save them anon

>> No.29467821

