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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29301905 No.29301905 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV (embed) (embed)
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG (embed) (embed)
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg (embed) (embed)
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Tsunderia Auditions have opened:

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>29235084

>> No.29301963
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first for kisses with ain!

>> No.29302178


>> No.29302266


>> No.29302368


>> No.29302467
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/asp/ie with this feels?

>> No.29302537


>> No.29302598
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Here is a good theme song for vtubers, to help better exemplify the spirit of vtubing

>> No.29302622

all being groomed by viewercord

>> No.29302821


>> No.29302880

I figure I will give a final update since everyone has been so nice. My Dad is doing well. Had a surgery this morning and it seems like it went well. He will be in the hospital for another few days, and will either have an open heart surgery or some sort of stints or something put in in the next few weeks. I don't really understand it all but it seems to be going ok.

And please be good to your family, you never know what could happen to them.

>> No.29302894

nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say stop shilling your shitty 'advice' post

>> No.29303041

Everyone has been nice? Well I hope your dad dies on the operating table. Nigger. Take the blogposting somewhere else

>> No.29303067
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Hope the surgery goes well.

>> No.29303188

Thanks friend.

>> No.29303489

Question, when you audition for Hololive, if you get rejected on Phase 1, will you get an email in that first month acknowledging you didn't make it through or is it just silence and you have to assume you didn't?

>> No.29303886

They don't contact you unless they want you or continue to want you

>> No.29304563 [SPOILER] 
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Debut soon, How is the model? put a lot of thought in this one to be as original as possible! I think it will be popular.

Honest feedback only Who is streaming?

>> No.29304705

Where are the boobs?

>> No.29305049

Should someone make an /asp/ rust server now?

>> No.29305636

fuck that shit

>> No.29305697

deku gone... lost another one to the rrats, fuckin sucks

>> No.29305812

Autistic girls don't exist.

>> No.29306026

I wanted to use that doll as my little toy but it seems that he has escaped my grasp

>> No.29306131

When will airplane gorilla stream? They didn’t say.

>> No.29306270

Good riddance. Fucking asshole outing a friend like that.
Hope he finds out which viewer put the final nail in and bans him because fuck that guy as well.
Fucking idiots both of them.

>> No.29306324


>> No.29306424

nobody liked him anyway why are you acting like you're sad

>> No.29306678

fix up the textures and expressions. you can tell its vroid and the default textures are ugly. also wtf is going on with the hair at the bottom?

>> No.29306757

Seriously how retarded could he be

>> No.29306782

no matter how you slice it he fucked up the hardest, there was 0 fucking reason to raid someone secretly doing a test stream to reincarnate, especially someone with known schizos from here. like its so horrendously bad of a thing to do that its almost plausible he did it intentionally

>> No.29307614

does it really matter anyway nobody watched him for a reason

>> No.29307904

QRD on these rrats?

>> No.29307993

Deku raided dog who was reincarnating to get away from schizos and exposed his whole identity.

>> No.29308059

>to get away from schizos
Did they really think that would work?

>> No.29308188

Why are you guys so conceited thinking that everything has to do with /asp/? Dog very well could have reincarnated just for a fresh start or to have a new character or something.

>> No.29308303

i mean outside of these threads being shat up, the schizos dont really do shit do they? they want to gossip and talk drama in here, i haven't see any other form of tangible harm done by them outside of a couple of retards dming weird shit to girls

>> No.29308548

I have never entered this thread before and I have to say it is unbelievably bad. The experience of reading this shitty thread was somehow the textual equivalent of the rancid, sour smell of a decomposing cow anus infested with ringworm. I hope all of you fucking die.

>> No.29308567
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Jesta's workinng on comms

>> No.29308585

how do I make a collar on the new vroid? Kinda retarded when it comes to it, and there's no tutorials for the new versions

>> No.29308640


>> No.29308673

That sounds really funny.

>> No.29308774
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I miss him already. So fucking sex

>> No.29308904


>> No.29308980

oh it actually is kind of sex i really like the pearls

>> No.29309097

How long has miyu been celebrating her birthday now?

>> No.29309558

The birthday only ends when she has received enough presents. Pay up piggies, oink oink.

>> No.29309600

Are you sure that's them though?

>> No.29309796

Every bad thing that happens because of schizos is actually self inflicted by the mark.

>> No.29309924

I think the video sounds kind of like him from what I heard before but I could be wrong.

>> No.29309953

Nobody even noticed he left the discord.

Usually when someone leaves at least one person notices, usually a couple people will talk about someone leaving.


Perhaps they dont appreciate what you did?

>> No.29309978

So now that hololive and Nijisanji are hiring only already established popular youtubers to turn into vtubers (at least the males, and 99% of the people here are male anyways), are you ready to give up on that corp dream?

>> No.29310056

Did (she) make the post though? I hope (she) streams.
I miss (her) already.

>> No.29310195

Based Miyu.
I'm proud of her. She deserves paypigs more than anyone else.

>> No.29310291

No, somebody broke into their house, held him at gunpoint, made a video and recording, and posted it for them.

>> No.29310595

Yeah but the video could've been an inside joke and someone could've repurposed it to the thread, they might not actually be streaming.
Mentioning coming to a stream and streaming in the future as someone who won't do either as a joke to a group of friends seems plausible intuitively, so someone else then taking that video and passing it off as a sincere (if comedic) advertisement isn't that far off either.

So I'm exercising caution and sending out some probing questions for information because I would be disappointed if they didn't stream.

She seems really cute.

>> No.29310816

Just had a my first stream. A few technical difficulties at the start that were thankfully salvaged by me not pressing the Start Streaming button to begin with so I was able to have a smooth sailing once I settled. Two people actually popped up in chat which I didn't expect at all.
Question, would it be better for me to focus on one game starting out or alternate different games every day with a schedule?

>> No.29311024

Tell me about more discord drama

>> No.29311121

alto left too what happened?

>> No.29311195

Crabs are escaping the groomerbucket

>> No.29311407

hope he does good things. he was too good for this place and made a mistake.

>> No.29311577

this. he literally wanted the best for everyone here, sweet, talented

>> No.29311707

What are your opinions on vroid streamers?

>> No.29311774

I would have sex with some of them

>> No.29311783

im sorry but what he did looked intentional and by all practical means was
i cant keep watching someone like that

>> No.29312038

It was absolutely intentional, nobody well meaning would do that shit

>> No.29312315

completely out of the loop, what happened to deku and alto?

>> No.29312326
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They're okay I guess...

>> No.29312595

Is there no bad stigma against vtubers using vroid in the community?

>> No.29312787
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Depends. If your model looks like you just loaded up the default model then yes. If you put the work into making it look good then you should be fine.

>> No.29312807

It can be seen as low effort unless it's customized and textured quite a bit

>> No.29312901

Well no
People don't like bad VRoids though and VRoids do have a reputation for being bad, which makes sense since the skill requirement for creating a usable model is so low people churn out low quality ones constantly
It's also easier to get a good PNG honestly

>> No.29313029

alternate different games everyday with a schedule will help bring in the largest variety of viewers but if you're starting out and still figuring things out or just want to play a super long game, concentrating on one game is fine.

>> No.29313473

Usually yes. The "but" people are talking about is if you're in the tiny, tiny percent of people that have the money or artistic skill and patience to make a REALLY good vroid model. Almost all of them are not good this and odds are yours won't be either.

>> No.29313937

Would Twitch or Youtube be better for a 3d printing and cosplay oriented stream?

>> No.29314174

twitch but post edited vods or content on youtube

>> No.29314336

Twitch unless you're making some straight instructional videos. Twitch is better for live viewership, but if your stuff is of interest then people will still probably watch it after the fact, and vods aren't big on twitch.
I just started learning to sew/make armor make cosplay for myself and was saving it for a stream idea but now I'll feel like a copycat

>> No.29314450

Ive been 3d printing furry degenerate shit. idk about twitch or yt but my fyp on tiktok has awhole bunch of 3d printing stuff that pulls good numbers

>> No.29314451

The aspcord really is starting to feel like a honeypot

>> No.29314452

there's more than enough room for people like you, just post it when you're ready!

>> No.29314647
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>> No.29314656

It always was. All of the early joiners were from viewercord.

>> No.29314715

From what i could gather Deku raided Zun while he was streaming on an alt, no idea about Alto

>> No.29314934
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Vroids need love to get love.

>> No.29315194


>> No.29315302

It should just be links to aspies, a strict advice channel and nothing else.

>> No.29315351

OP, the Tsunderia auditions have been closed for about 3 days now. Remember to remove that part for next thread.

>> No.29315824

where's the invite to the asp discord

>> No.29315903

it's a bit beyond the /asp/ sphere but look up PiCKY if you want to see how far you can go with customizing vroids
frankly I think a good 3D model outpaces a good L2D model even if a mediocre L2D outpaces a mediocre 3D model way harder

>> No.29315944

My rrat is that someone over on viewercord was whining about alto talking too much and they decided to get rid of him.

>> No.29316153

there's one in the last thread

>> No.29316292

I'm glad you saw the light. They accuse us of grooming but they're the ones wormtonguing very promising chuubas into doing stupid shit.

>> No.29316394

What did he mean by this?

>> No.29316400
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VRoids can look really good if you put enough effort into them. Think of VRoids as like a base that you can build upon. The more artistic skill and effort and time you put into a VRoid the better it will turn out. I made a VRoid myself that took a few weeks to complete, I definitely plan to give it some tweaks down the track because it has its quirks, but it can be a great tool!

>> No.29316525

Dog drew lots of art for Deku and from what I can garner were pretty close. Dog hasn’t streamed, but Deku is still subscribed to him since I saw him use one of his emotes pretty recently. It makes no sense for him to intentionally fuck dog over like that. He definitely just had a dumbass moment and didn’t think things through.

Sad that for being such a nice guy and trying to make friends all he received was death threats and apathy.

>> No.29316733

In all honesty if you're so stupid that you're baited into doing stupid, possible self-destructive (for you or your channel) things by complete strangers you met on a 4chan discord of all places, you really have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.29316921

"Well those people I groomed because they didn't knew any better and starting is the hardest part? Their fault, should've not trust me."

>> No.29317232

Deku was also the first follower of that new account (which only had 1 other follower before today) so it seems Dog literally did not tell anyone else as well.

"groomed" these are adults, anon. I'm fully willing to admit adults can absolutely be groomed with the right circumstances, but this isn't one of them. And yes, they shouldn't have trusted a completely random person (often OTHER failed or starting Vtubers) to have their best intentions in mind even if they aren't actively suggesting something malicious.

>> No.29317400
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>They usually commission a decent artist to make an avatar of them and then call that png a vtuber. They never actually get a model made and rigged.

>> No.29317576

All this shit could have been avoided if the dog had not said anything about wanting to be taken off a list.
He should have just left this place and not say anything and cut ties with anyone that clearly breaks containment.

>> No.29317704

And to think he even said that in confidence, in a private conversation. I hope that leaker feels horrible. maybe it was alto

>> No.29317945

No, if you check his twitter he told a bunch of his old mutuals before from that 'smyz' friend group

>> No.29318052

They wouldn't be wrong.
He's hard to listen to. Based Don Mafioso Visage told him to step down or else.

>> No.29318278

Best butterfly effect.
The self inflicted gunshot after gunshot and resulting unfolding drama is amazing.

>> No.29318304

YouTube obviously. Twitch is really bad for stuff that is outside of the norm and has a much smaller viewership that is simply hyper focused.

>> No.29318629

How is it self inflicted? Other /asp/ies asked to be taken off too but dog got hyperfocused

>> No.29318672

If it somehow ends in the death of the listposter's Discord server I would smile

>> No.29318762

How does one self-teach/practice singing? Is it even possible to do without a coach?

>> No.29318809

I haven't been able to stream for 5 days because I got sick and I miss chat so much that I have cried several times.

>> No.29318895

and someone who didn’t ask was silently removed.

>> No.29319044


>> No.29319392

I would've prefered to address this in private but i can't message Visage because you can't message people you're not friends with or share servers with. I got kicked because a few people were uncomfortable with me doing some things, i would've prefered them telling me directly before it came to this, but i understand if they felt like it would start drama or something. I have nothing to do with whatever Deku did (I rarely even interacted with him). I hope that in a few months i'm given a second chance, in the mean time i will refrain from showing up to streams or interacting on twitter and will try to focus on school
-Alto (If it wasn't obvious from the context of my post)

>> No.29319542

It's self inflicted because they get attacked by things they have control or influence over, and that causes them to lose control over the one thing they do have an influence on. Themselves.
Freaking out isn't a solution and it's not my fault if I make someone else freak out like a loser.

>> No.29319566

I stopped posting advice here because all this thread turned into was /wvt/:ngmi drama edition

>> No.29319593

Ok Visage

>> No.29319791

Why do you think he got hyperfocused over everyone else on a massive list of targets genius?
He had the biggest reaction and freaked out the most.

There's a reason every single other person on that list walked away either the same or in a better position than before.
It goes without saying it's probably wrong to pick on the mentally unstable menheras though.

>> No.29319912

I'm sure you actually posted advice and it was really good.

>> No.29319972

I thought this could happen, look for an ushanka on twitter

>> No.29319988

You're lying. I didn't remove anyone.
Sexpest Alto arc, let's go guys!

>> No.29320105

this gave me a good laugh thanks anon
see the threads can still be fun!!!!!

>> No.29320376

that's actually a lie
you were simply told to take a break
nobody kicked you

>pic rel
visage is saying he asked you to take a break
which implies you left voluntarily or agreed to it

getting kicked implies you were forced to leave
which as Visage points out, isn't true

i would appreciate if you didn't start drama in the thread
or you wont be welcomed back

>> No.29320467
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>pic rel

>> No.29320609

This is what happens when you let a creepy groomer run the community's server

>> No.29320701

https://www.twitch.tv/reverie_vt she's on a break but she gives off this vibe

>> No.29320746

Sorry anon. I'm a poorfag & getting a model will take me a few months to save up for

>> No.29320747

Jesus Christ actually discord conversations in a fucking 4chan thread. You guys are beyond insufferable
Anyone looking at this, make a fucking break for it and gtfo of this circle while you still can. All these threads are now is just discord drama

>> No.29321018

I'll give her a view when she goes live.

>> No.29321040

stop leaking

>> No.29321143

He asked like twice and got skinwalked so he made a post ending any credible skinwalking? And he hasn't been back since nor has he interacted with the discord, it's no big deal. I feel like you guys are putting words and intentions in his mouth, schizos

>> No.29321232

Archives don’t lie.

>> No.29321265

That's quite literally what making rrats is about anon

>> No.29321300

>any credible skinwalking
So about none, ya fucking retard?
Skinwalking isn't credible and as far as I can remember nobody in his circle of trust used privileged information to set him up or skinwalk him. So fuck off.
Schizos won't take the fall for someone cracking and shooting themself in the foot. Sorry.

>> No.29321453

I'm just watching everything from the sidelines but if the Discord implodes, then so be it

>> No.29321621

Someone in his circle of trust did set him up, when he discreetly left the discord after the karaoke list someone came into the thread to say he asked dog why he left and was told the bit about not wanting to wind up on a list.

Dog never complained about it publicly. For all we know that was more skinwalking.

>> No.29321696

Oh wow who would have guessed that a discord run by viewercord is a shitty idea. I can understand not liking lance on a personal level but outright removing him should have been the red flag for everyone.

>> No.29321736

Can't wait to for the timeloop to start yet again. I still dont understand why people think making a discord group for 4chan threads are a good idea.

>> No.29321855

Him asking to be taken off the first one and complaining privately about the karaoke list (if that was even true) are two different things.

>> No.29322054

It was not because of the list it was because of the karaoke schizo bitching about pachis

>> No.29322305

The guy attracts drama, according to Visage, believable I suppose, but just look at how much bad attention the viewercord has attracted to the /asp/cord.
There's no reason to think Lance is worse than Visage, if anything his reputation is a lot better because we can understand Lance's motivations and the reason he attracts negative attention is because there's a clear person to pin the blame on, or to hold accountable.

We know that Lance is a generally altruistic person. We only know that Visage is a viewercreep.

The real reason Visage kicked Lance is that Lance advocates moving onto other circles and branching out from /wvt/ /asp/ etc. discord and into discord like EN VTubers and other creator communities as soon as possible.
Visage literally sits silent and lets /asp/ies fall for the /asp/ discord trap. He's passively letting /asp/ies circle the ngmi drain and it's obvious he knows this.

Fuck viewercreeps!

>> No.29322353

I don't really think being cautious and understandably irked is really anything as bad as you're making it out to be. People have been less likeable than dog and gotten kinder reception, if you hate him just state your intentions and move on.

>> No.29322374

Very difficult, you won't know how to fix bad habits unless you have a teacher

>> No.29322631

Same here.

>> No.29322791

It's really not but she freaked out to the point she went menhera and eventually stopped streaming soon after.
She obviously wants to stream as well. Just look at their latest attempt to come back.
Dog is a mentally unstable freak, and if they weren't would be wildly successful as an inc ning VTuber.

My favourite part is the so called friend who would show 'him' posts from the thread shitting on them, while they themselves tried to avoid said posts.

That's amazing.
That's hilarious.l

>> No.29322818

Reminder that if you want to ever make it as a 4chan associated vtuber, you MUST self shill on 4chan's /wvt/ general on the trash board.

>> No.29322878

discord > this thread, only if because we don't have rrats clawing around in the walls

>> No.29322945

Lance only is the focal point of the old one because he said people could reach out to him to ignorantly get around the schizo posting about how it's private. His was always for vtubers only.

>> No.29323125

I always found the Discord encouraging viewers to use it pretty funny. Isn't that what the stream chat is for?

>> No.29323229

You backstabbing faggots. Stop lying about the thread. Dog was betrayed no less than three whole times. The person showing him posts that made him go even more menhera when he was trying to leave the thread behind. The person who leaked his crying about the karaoke list by Visage. Then the goblin DEKU who outed his reincarnation as a reincarnation like a fucking sperg. Who says a reincarnation is a reincarnation? Fucking faggot.
Real betrayal of christ stuff.

>> No.29323551

I can't believe that Ribbon would go and sell out Sprinkle like that! What a bitch.

>> No.29323587

You don't think it might be due to the very visible tech issues in his last vods, the death of people in his life or going to work? Get a grip anon

>> No.29323670

Okay that's well a good for explaining why dog stopped streaming.
Now explain why dog wants to reincarnate by pressing restart instead of just pressing continue.

I'm waiting.

>> No.29323685

Lmao this thread is so full of gay ass drama about literally whos and nothing else. Are you even streamers? Why? Who are you doing this for? The viewers? Lol

>> No.29323707

>Old asp
>Kino work out twink
>Prof bloom
>plentiful meds
>New asp
>zero meds

>> No.29323840

stop using 4chan and 4chan discord to fill the void of social validation if you want to make it. leave this place and stop joining discords managed by never streamers and tbas.

>> No.29323870
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Finally someone else who realizes this.

Imagine letting this viewercord manchild control an entire threads worth of users.

>> No.29323947

Why do all other vtubers rebrand or reincarnate? They resonate more with the character? Like the design more? Feel like the algorithm isn't on their side? They just want a new character? There doesn't need to be a scientific explanation for a fucking hobby anon

>> No.29323987

It's pretty nuts. It's been like this all year . I don't think I've visited /vt/ a single time this year without seeing /asp/ in the catalog, and it almost always exceeds the bump limit.

>> No.29323991

thats kinda cute though to be fair

>> No.29324041

He never acts like this in /asp/cord he tries to act like a tough guy with no emotions.

>> No.29324076

Take the lance pill, get it set up and leave. If you need to be on 4chan move to wvt

>> No.29324122

all the trash schizos moved here and now the thread is full of schizos that have been terrorizing people for almost a year now just shitting up /asp/

>> No.29324146

I really can't even begin to understand the mind and motivations of people that are this invested in the /asp/cord.

>> No.29324152
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>> No.29324155

Never join an /asp/cord with a viewer owner. The owner and admins need to be able to be held accountable. Jignx will suffer no repercussions no matter what happens.

>> No.29324165

Yeah yeah, we get it, he reincarnated and left his previous audience completely ghosted because of muh algo or muh new character or muh resonate, Snore.

>> No.29324194

Because you come here to dump your rrats. These discussions also happen in DMs and servers you're not in

>> No.29324210

You guys are fucking obsessed with someone who isn't even /here/ anymore, holy shit, is he the secondcoming of christ or something?

>> No.29324344

he actually kinda does. his advice is all basic bitch content creator youtube lesson shit

i think he gets it from that. its common advice for content creators to assert or position yourself as an authority because people will like you more or seek you out in particular over other options

kinda sad hes intertested in manipulating people when he could just be a real person who people like

>> No.29324350

anons brain combusting when not everything revolves around numbers in a hobby

>> No.29324366

Why do people even let their kids use Discord? Why would an adult use it for anything other than VOIP during a video game

>> No.29324406
File: 45 KB, 438x416, 1638012047147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is weird...

>> No.29324488

Why would anyone accept advice from someone with no background?

Being the moderator of a Cyberlive schizo isn't a background. What content has Visage created and where has he proven himself to be giving "advice" to upcoming and current vtubers?

>> No.29324511

I'm a new /asp/er currently working on a model/rigging (in VRoid), and that's coming along well so far, but I'm not too familiar with the things regarding social media and outreach and such. In particular, the whole "find an audience for the content you're making" thing. Should I literally just google [content I want to make] vtuber/youtube?

>> No.29324589

>Never join an /asp/cord with a viewer owner.
the original aspcord was yab central because the viewer owner would opening drop racial and homophobic slurs to bait chuubas into thinking it was a safe and open space to use 4chan lingo for screencaps. if you ever want to make it stop joining viewer owned discords.

>> No.29324705

Rin only can account for so much of this drama when he's busy shitting his diapers in trashwvt. It's genuinely just embarrassing what this thread looks like. None of these aspies have the slightest grasp of professionalism and it's sad

>> No.29324720

Being a cute girl playing video games doesnt work anymore, if you can branch out and make content you can succeed.

>> No.29324724

Have you seen how many aliases he has?

Jignx, Mirage, Visage, Phantasmagoria. Thought to also be Seishirou or Melanchonic. Why does this guy go through so much effort to make his name so mysterious? Kind of suspicious.

>> No.29324776

/asp/ - Discord Feud central

>> No.29324838

Even Rin used an aspie to shitpost in wvt. There are other schizos like BB who even tripfags here too not to mention the other unnamed ones.

>> No.29324905

Wasn't one of the more popular aspies here literally snorting cocaine and posted about it on twitter?

>> No.29325029

Deku went live? I think I'll ignore this one today. Maybe even unfollow later.

>> No.29325179


>> No.29325205
File: 342 KB, 512x663, 1630901988549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not done anything yet. Just wait, I'll snatch Ain from /asp/cord and groom her to be my personal blonde cat maid chuuba with a girly anime voice.

>> No.29325374

NTA but from what I understand with the discord it's a little different.
When someone asks for "advice" they're usually not actually asking for advice, rather they are seeking some kind of affirmation of what they want to do, or an affirmation of their doubts about it. So that they can continue the course or abandon it respectively.
This is the kind of 'advice' people ask in the discord, and Visage almost always answers. He answers pretty much everyone no matter how stupid or inane the question.

It's a kind of approval seeking that he's more than willing to capitalize on.
For example if you ask me 'why computer no work,' I would tell you to kill yourself, but if you can ask me why computer no work and share all the different things you've already tried and reproducible steps then things will go a lot smoother for everyone.
The people asking for "advice" are terminally paralyzed by some kind of uncertainty at best and aren't capable of thinking for themselves at worst.

People should be more independent and simply think their thoughts through to a logical conclusion. Asking someone their opinion is a lazy shortcut that inhibits your development, and that's the questions Visage is mostly picking up on.

>> No.29325547

Dog is sitting in there same as ever you guys can stop with the rrats now they're ok

>> No.29325665
File: 9 KB, 472x71, i love him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love him

when will he stream?

>> No.29325685

It's probably another one of their manufactured drama like ain's

>> No.29325774

>Asking someone their opinion is a lazy shortcut that inhibits your development
I can't say I really agree with this part in particular, but I have read several questions in this thread that basically boil down to "should I use a search engine to learn something?"

>> No.29325778

Kabhaal streams are just backlogging streams with a high pitched voice

>> No.29325852

Or maybe dog didn't actually mind? He seemed pretty happy to receive the raid last night

>> No.29325915

You guys really think somebody would just make stuff up about these people and post it in here?

>> No.29326282

No one lies on the internet silly

>> No.29326290

>Kino work out twink
are you talking about pommemade? does he count as a twink?

>> No.29326410

this situations entirely fucked but alls said and done you gotta be impressed at how the /asp/ circle is like a retarded microcosm of what happens with larger vtubers. as a fledgling indie, where the fuck are you gunna go where your opsec is tested to the utter limits and theres schizos at the ready to anonymously rip you a new asshole. this shit is so fucking fun and im glad i get to witness it even if we are all 2 view retards

>> No.29326471

I really love dog, no matter what form he takes I do really like the new one though it's so sex and gives me serious Izanami Hifumi and Fuwa Minato vibes

>> No.29326597

Alto, you didnt have to mention you were making people uncomfortable, now we're going to assume you tried grooming/pesting in DMs.
When visage told you to take a break I thought you were just experiencing some mental health thing and you needed to step away.

>> No.29326801

Why do gay guys like the androgynous design so much?
What's the point in being gay by that point?

>> No.29326914

Neither do my digits. You certainly lie though. The list was consistent. I didn't remove anyone. Only added people.

>> No.29327029

It's a decent discord for meeting aspies. Anything else and you get what you deserve

>> No.29327126

whats wrong with it? i think its cute

>> No.29327147

It's entertaining. Just sit back and watch lol

>> No.29327481

What makes airplane gorillas so based?

>> No.29327550

That was me, and no it wasn't cocaine. It was GFuel that I did on debut.

>> No.29327775
File: 38 KB, 183x237, chrome_hqa5RnkA77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I go either for full femboy or just regular dudes. Don't mind the hair if you got it. Everything else is just fujobait imho.

>> No.29327800

i've literally talked to him and told him to keep a low profile and stop bringing attention to himself with announcements and public apologies too... visage straight up gave the freest outs possible compared to sauz and he fucks himself for no reason

>> No.29327996

It's a host. He's supposed to be fujobait

>> No.29328132


One of the listposters made the change, and most of the rest copied and built on that instance.

>> No.29328986

viewercord list?

>> No.29329204
File: 174 KB, 1080x1156, C14CBD4C-53ED-41C0-8B3D-34E3109EBC28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29329286

What r u gonna do with this?

>> No.29329365

anon asked so i delivered, simple as

>> No.29329472

>misspelled randolurk3r

>> No.29329660
File: 2.31 MB, 2163x1709, 20220727_002159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have Philly Cheesesteak hotpockets 2nite.
Lonelyfags :

>> No.29329805
File: 265 KB, 612x346, lagged_swiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the creative process of harnessed schizo-enegry.

>> No.29330028

>45 days since last stream
not harnessing much of anything there

>> No.29330154
File: 273 KB, 601x1068, rrrrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harness this!
*whips out dick*

>> No.29330389
File: 1.44 MB, 1405x1932, __ump45_girls_frontline_drawn_by_fuku_fuku12290574__250284d784ab2599e4c894c3366b8736 - Copy (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29330480 [SPOILER] 
File: 665 KB, 480x480, google_microsoft_amazon_steam_illuminati.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29330489

I don’t know but it makes me really happy to know that senpai noticed me and my post.
I feel acknowledged and very lucky right now.

I love him so much.

>> No.29330750

Open your eyes instead of your ass nigga. If you just look at the two lists and count you can see every single person on the first one is on the second one. Holy shit.

>> No.29331255

Help me then. Where's Ain in the second list?

>> No.29331481

Wow dude, ya got me So what now? What exactly do you think you're proving. Ain was removed inbetween these two posts. So? So what? That could mean anything. Could even be an error from switching other parts up. You made it sound like there was a grand conspiracy. What now?

>> No.29331748

Who's Ain? I don't know any Vtuber that's named Ain/

>> No.29331885


>> No.29331999


>> No.29332052

Ainslie is list anon? Big if ruse!

>> No.29332151

I’m reading this in an Ain voice and I’m not liking how it sounds.

>> No.29332358


>> No.29332412


>> No.29332618
File: 99 KB, 214x281, 1630765258692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29332953

So how do you attract random people to your stream?

>> No.29333012

Reverie left.
Schizos win again.
Suck a dick Visage.

>> No.29333191

The dog and deku situation is so funny

>> No.29333430

i honestly don't think dog minded that much

>> No.29333670

Based schizos, let's see how many more we can get to leave by shitting up /asp/ more.

>> No.29333673

he removed his vods after we found him because of it so he definitely did

>> No.29333711

Random as in non-4chan viewers?

>> No.29333759

41% incoming?

>> No.29333762


>> No.29333884

rrat: chuubas are leaving visagecord to join lancecord because they don't like the spotlight of a public server

>> No.29334075

i mean minded deku, they're still friendly after all

>> No.29334130

I just wake up with my after stream sleep.
And I didn't vist /asp/ thread a while so I don't even know what is this list thing honestly.

>> No.29334300

So begins the balkanization of asp adjacent discords

>> No.29334583
File: 401 KB, 640x480, 1635371225252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno really but I'm 100% sure if you did the same thing /asp/ies here are doing now, especially the fucktards in /asp/cord, you'll end up with the same audience.

>> No.29335628

You're all fucking pathetic losers that will never achieve anything positive. Your whole existence is a shame and a crime. Just leave the internet and start as ugly 1$ prostitutes!

This post was made by /wvt/ gang, we are superior

>> No.29335767

>/asp/'s retarded younger brother talking shit
oh i am laughing sir

>> No.29335934

unironically, what's the difference between /asp/ and /wvt/?

>> No.29335988

wvt is where people who will eventually stop streaming after they stop getting enough positive ass pats go to shill links endlessly and contribute nothing

>> No.29336224

We are the gods that finally made it out of /asp/. No more cringy two views, we actually stream a lot, something that all the loser /asp/ keks will never do. Once you get out of irrelevance, come and join us! No 2-views and babiniku transgenders allowed though!

>> No.29336308

I am beginning to suspect that spending a lot of time on 4chan under the guise of improving at being a streamer or YouTuber is maybe not a great idea.

>> No.29336342

The dream was just that, a dream. It's time to go back to the waking world, frens...

>> No.29336364

/asp/ is for people who never stream and will never grow
/wvt/ is for crab bucket mentality where people keep each other down

>> No.29336369

I know that's not true. There are plenty of /wvt/ people self posting occasionally who barely stream. Cope.

>> No.29336509

im playing yume nikki :'3

>> No.29336541

I am the dreamer of this dream and eventually a Japanese company WILL pay me to play old-ass games and do karaoke with a chatroom.

>> No.29336560

nice captcha nerd

>> No.29336604

>check the last 3 links posted on wvt. a 1 view, a very low 2 view, a mid 2 view

Wow. What gods.

>> No.29336728

It's just you guys trolling. Stop with this shit, you're not allowed to leave your pathetic cage!

>> No.29336844

If she's posting here that means Visage has finally groomed her.
That's actually fucking pathetic. Visage can you seriously just leave her alone?

>> No.29337027

I got an email!!!!! don't want to say what company, so don't ask

Wish me luck for the interview, anons

>> No.29337158

Good luck anon!

>> No.29337180

Do people still do give advice and do channel reviews in here or did yellow cat completely shit up the thread forever?

>> No.29337255

Not anymore since the schizos took over the threads despite their protest that they're doing it to protect innocent aspies from the big bad discord while shitposting nonstop.

>> No.29337441

The latter.

>> No.29337487
File: 76 KB, 600x800, 1654589989116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, anon!!!

>> No.29337539

Good luck!

>> No.29337568

Best of luck!

>> No.29337630

why did so many people leave the discord all of a sudden
ik about Deku and Alto kinda but Rev and Yairo as well ;-;

>> No.29337703

The schizos won, they keep shitting up the threads causing them to leave the more they shit things up.

>> No.29337774

Wait a sec, to apply to idol (israel corpo) you have to sign an NDA. Does that mean that post rejection you can't post your video?

>> No.29337789

it was fun hanging out with them

>> No.29337833

nobody knows until we can see the NDA but that's pretty normal

>> No.29338076

is airplane gorilla single?

>> No.29338143

Rev was really active before she left and I really liked her. hope she explains, and maybe shows up somewhere else.

>> No.29338248

is the free version of live2D enough for a simple model

>> No.29338266

i feel weird dming because i didn't interact with her that much
hope she's ok

>> No.29338390

Yairobot, a very fresh and relatively active person just left as well!
Lance cord redemption arc.
Schizo victory parade.
Stalkers on suicide watch.
Viewercord command in disarray.
Major paralysis of entire enemy force.


>> No.29338413

just pirate it

>> No.29338472

All Visage had to do was not lie about Alto by implying Alto left voluntarily. How hard is that to do? Visage is a piece of shit and I just can't hang around the discord anymore, it gives me bad vibes now and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.29338695
File: 56 KB, 962x642, 1655979942700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the cord falling apart already

>> No.29339309

Just like your mom's marriage.

>> No.29339519

i was hoping for more "neck yourself" comments
having trouble staying properly in that headspace for long enough to actually do something

>> No.29339524

Pretty sure Yairo and Rev are thread schizos as well.
Just ignore it and carry on. People only want a reaction out of us.

>> No.29339770
File: 12 KB, 671x94, based marburg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Marburg just destroyed faggots like Dog and Alto who feel the need to "announce" shit or address skinwalkers and schizos.

>> No.29339788

deku fucked up with the raid and was getting rratted on, alto was kicked due to sperging, rev idk why she dipped, and who the fuck is yairo?

>> No.29339791 [DELETED] 


>> No.29339881
File: 1.28 MB, 558x558, 1629345018751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sneezed posted.

Anyway, fuck cords and their nonesense.

>> No.29339909
File: 13 KB, 678x90, newfy owns yellowcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfypup (our secret VTuber) just destroyed yellowcat and pointed out the obvious, that yellowcat ruined the threads forever. Yellowcat a literal medicated schizophrenic believed in forcibly changing thread culture for his delusional idea of what would result in a better thread culture, ruining forever when it turned out he was incorrect, he has even mentioned how he made the threads better after he left and before the list and 700 things recently lol. Newfy is kind of pointing out the obvious but its funny to see. Watch this and seethe yellow cat.

>> No.29340035

Hey Sui senpai / hag corrector.
I have a quick question about viewercord. Do you know if airplane gorilla is single?

>> No.29340051

You're totally right. Many revolutions end up creating a far worse status quo than the ones they replace, good intentions be damned.

>> No.29340126

He's a stud. He's dating 2 chuubas

>> No.29340130

yes. if there is a cord it should be for the vtubers own community. every time there is a generic cord for the masses there will be drama and chaos at some point

>> No.29340146

I'm getting mixed opinions on the behringer um2, is it a good cheap option or not

>> No.29340157

Oh, so he's a virgin?

>> No.29340177

Anally, no.

>> No.29340188

have you looked up reviews of it?

>> No.29340217

Why are you bringing up dog like he posted anytime recently at all weirdo
You guys just like talking about him that much? Can't keep the name out of your mouths?

>> No.29340235

Yes, some say it's great, some say it's the worse thing they ever got

>> No.29340313

stop leaking

>> No.29340371

Oh, but orally he's a virgin?
I'm joking, but in all seriousness, I don't appreciate you correcting my airplane gorilla, he's not yours to correct, he was supposed to be mine.

>> No.29340389

it is a cheap brand so probably not the best thing in the world but also not the worst. maybe you could return it if you aren't happy with it? audio is something that is going to cost a bit if you really want it to be good even for schizos like me that listen to the stream with $400 worth of studio monitoring equipment

>> No.29340412

>Can't keep the name out of your mouths?
just like her tomboy juices :OOOOO

>> No.29340430

It's a public discord

>> No.29340470

True, true.

He's all yours.

>> No.29340615

>bluecat in /asp/cord
can someone please tell him to go home. his squid misses him.

>> No.29340657

Remove i didn't like your vocaroo and was going to say something negative, but I was just sick of being negative and shit to people posting vocaroos all the time
something i was admittedly doing a lot to bad vocaroos and generally just being a piece of shit

even though I thought your vocaroo wasnt good i decided to find the bright side
and ulike the other shit ones you put some effort, emotion and confidence into it, and so I just said fuck it, who cares

unlike the other people posting babbies first vocaroo looking for opinions on something they havent even experimented with on their own you had obviously put some work into what you where doing, so after a while i genuinely started to appreciate it for what it was

thanks remove

>> No.29340664

hasn't he always been there? i remember him being there even before i got banned from it

>> No.29340721

His virginity should've been mine though.
Yeah, that's it, I'm sick of being a real viewer, time to join viewercord.

>> No.29340992

If only dog accepted her tomboy nature... I need to correct her.

>> No.29341302

His old groomer is acting up now that a new groomer dropped. Expect some fun rrats.

>> No.29341353

i have the nudes of 3 people in the discord.

>> No.29341469

weve all seen sloth, letania, and hagpires tits anon. they get spammed on the back.

>> No.29341480

but are they good enough to post

>> No.29341533

Eraxs is a free space

>> No.29341541

Any dick pics?

>> No.29341737
File: 590 KB, 1332x749, ShareX_uf8sHlPDiQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this plum is too cute...

>> No.29341899

Then why is the link not permanent

>> No.29341971

Because Visage is a weirdo? It gets spammed enough it might as well be.

>> No.29342166

I never visit this board so I thought this was a place for people who planned on debuting or were seeking advice on starting to stream. Is it instead some clique of dramafags jerking each other off?
Just wanted to ask if it's worth buying a pre-made model that isn't exclusive vs making a png that would be unique.

>> No.29342186

You will never be a real Vtuber

>> No.29342196

i imagine its an attempt to make sure that only people from the thread join. a permanent link could get shared around more but the temporary links have to be obtained from the thread

>> No.29342236

It actually was a pretty nice thread for a while but it’s gone completely off the rails this year, yeah.
Buying a pre made model’s not a bad idea at all.

>> No.29342245

people have used premade models successfully. do what you want, its your content and personality that matters the most

>> No.29342263

it used to be quiet and slow but a bunch of schizos took over so a lot of people left leaving the bad people to keep shitting on everyone.

Premade models and PNGs both work fine and it basically depends on which you prefer. Both work fine as an entryway into vtubing and premade models allow people to do so without spending big money on a real model. However if you want to build your own brand, having someone draw a PNG would work better so not to create too much of a whiplash if you change themes later on.

>> No.29342274

If you plan on staying with a character design for a long time it would make sense to go with the png. However, there was a recent vtuber who was very successful with a premade model so other factors are probably more important.

>> No.29342317

This must be why he's trending on Twitter

>> No.29342760

i sent an audition for Wactor because y not back when it was still in the OP and they're actually getting back to me. is it worth it even for the corpo experience? got a btfo email after a bigbig corpo interview the day before they emailed me so i don't know if i'm just being a desperate bitch

>> No.29342767
File: 249 KB, 720x1090, 1647604534160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious reactive PNG > premade > PNG

>> No.29342949

read the contract before you sign it, if it contains terms you find bad then dont do it.

>> No.29343363
File: 220 KB, 512x512, mugshotsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to Dark Souls 3, starting with a boss right off the bat.

>> No.29343620

I usually skim over all posts, post encouragements to people actually discussing their efforts and then leave

Everything else is just fodder

>> No.29343945

most chad asp froggy
