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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 162 KB, 847x1200, OmegaForcingShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29252868 No.29252868 [Reply] [Original]

>TL;DR below
I'm only gonna make this thread once and never again, so I hope right after reading, you stop your unjustified inflammatory attitude towards Regis.
I'm not gonna disclose who I am, neither confirm nor deny my affiliation with HololiveEN but what irks me the most is when attack and mentally impaired shitflinging is flung unto the wrong person.
So the question is simple right?
>Why the fuck does Regis keep saying WAH?
>Why the fuck does Regis keep trying to speak in a chill voice like INA?

First of all the answer is simple, He's being forced to do it, it was neither his idea nor the group's idea. The thing is they gave that fucking retard a modicum amount of control when it comes to livestream attitude (larping) and time allocation and limits. Yes Omega has control not only for their time but also how they act (as to why Magni is trying to irk that annoying cunt as implicit as he can)

>WTF are you talking about then?
Regis is being forced to act and say WAH all the time like Ina by that fking retard of a manager because if you haven't noticed it yet (which you haven't because the average IQ of /vt/ is room temperature) Regis in the Lore has a Portion of the Ancient One's power, He is regarded as a hero not because it's a role, but because he is the chosen one, the only mortal who can inflict damage into the final boss that is Corrupted Ina.
>you're just making that up
IDGAF what you think, take whatever I said as you will, but if there's one thing I want you fucks to believe is that, He's not doing this WAH larp and Ina imitation on purpose, if you're gonna be angry at someone be angry at their fking managers.

>Omega is forcing Regis to talk like a retard
so please stfu about relentlessly attacking him, he is a cool dude irl and its uncalled for

>> No.29253079

Kek, I ain't reading all that.

>> No.29253136

>IDGAF what you think
Same bro, have a good day.

>> No.29253145

>if you haven't noticed it yet (which you haven't because the average IQ of /vt/ is room temperature)

you proved my point, go back to the drama threads

>> No.29253146

>Corrupted Ina
I'll buy your rrat OP but this saga should come into fruition.

>> No.29253234
File: 2.69 MB, 592x668, Mucho Texto[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzbak2e.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wah nigger, do you really expect me to read all that?

>> No.29253362

fanfiction belongs to the writing general

>> No.29253401

Retard he's not forced to, he's always spoken this way if you did your reps you fat freak no need to ""defend"" him

>> No.29253517


God i wish the shit I said was a rrat, it only takes 4 neurons and an eye to see how obvious Omega's cringe dnd campaign esque's efforts are.

Like why make his wings so obvious? Like jesus, and Omega is forcing him to say wah because every retard at the corner of the community hasn't noticed it yet. They have this retard theory at the office that if the fans has a finer grasp of the lore that more fanimations, games, and fanarts will be made.

>> No.29253829
File: 61 KB, 271x193, ForcedStoryTelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like they even wanted to make this entire saga an EN exclusive, we had allot of problems with this because the upcoming game will hamper the inclusion of EN if they make the story of EN exclusive in Holomyth universe, and its not helping that Omega has his hands not only on the story, time allocation, but also on the future of the gens and what type of people he wants it to be, you guys should be thanking Ame she has a hand on this.

>> No.29254012
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>> No.29254109

>look i've figured it out
>i'm so much smarter than you teehee
>now please stop saying mean things about regis ):
dont really care about what you're saying but you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.29254245

>Omega is a retard
We already knew that

>> No.29254255

>yubigate anon leaks tabled suspension of ollie of a week
>gets called a faggot
tabled suspension happens under the guise of mental health break
>ambergate anon leaks council model
>gets called a faggot
ambergate turned out to be true
>holoen goon leaks office drama
>gets called a faggot

I love this board, never change /vt/

>> No.29254325

All you have done is given people more reason to relentlessly bully him because the management will force him to drop it quicker because they don't want to create an insanely unhealthy work environment for their employess. If true, it is the dumbest thing you could do to even say any of this here.

>> No.29254552

Choosing Ina's lore of all people is retarded because she's the most likely member of EN to throw a hissy fit in the situation chat brings up her connection with Regis.
She'll pull that big stick out of her arse and start using it to point at her chat rules that mention not bringing up other streamers in her stream.

>> No.29254644

>deflect to omega the root of all evil
getting serious, this is just showing ho schizo takodachsi can be

>> No.29254661

I wouldn't have said it here if it wouldn't have done anything, the PR department scans multiple Vtuber discussion platforms to gauge 3 factors (popularity, fondness, and criticism).

They assess the levels of popularity depending on the discussions had, idk how they assessed the fondness thing sounds gay as fk if you asks me, and the criticism one is more like a dropbox which they sugarcoat and give to the talents.

I just don't want the first of the month evaluation to come out that his strata profile is that of a vtuber which is seen as fake and unoriginal when in reality its not his fault to begin with. It's faulty to begin with since Management has allot of control and they have very little freedom to begin with.

>> No.29254686

lmao Reg is an attention whore, he tried to seduce kobo when she's streaming. I will never trust a male Korean, especially after he stole the gimmick from the women from his own country. The blue guy is the 2nd worst after Mag and they both of them should fuck off from the company

>> No.29254770

the average IQ of /vt/ is room temperature
>Insulted /vt/
>Expect /vt/ to trust him
In your dream retard

>> No.29254820

i like how every single "leak" we have on this board is always just "omega bad, talents good"

>> No.29254866

>expects me to respect a community with the same social skills as mori

yeah no

>> No.29254921

Sure, to be honest I hope well for the guy and he has some tastes I like. Thanks for the marketing information. He did lather it on a bit thick that it's fair to think he was trying to set a schizo alarm for people that he doesn't think it's good.

>> No.29254950

you're also a member of that community retard

>> No.29255036

I get paid for reading shit, you don't we're different

>> No.29255055

If you have to pick a guy who "join homo en just to fuck your oshi" it's him

>> No.29255071

Only a woman or tranny would write this, HomoEN was a mistake

>> No.29255094

you cant even speak english

>> No.29255099

you mean to tell me, Mori is being given flash card about how rotten her attitude is?
You're pretty alright Management, pretty alright in my book.

>> No.29255136

That's because it's true. Not a single EN member has ever said something positive about him.

>> No.29255142

I've never heard a holo ever say a good thing about Omega. Even Marine shat on him.

>> No.29255323
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>> No.29255379

that's rich coming from a SEAnig

>> No.29255507

I thought the joke was funny anon. Everyone was too retarded to see that you were joking though.

>> No.29255560

wow anon nice headcanon how did you come up with it?

>> No.29255575

Omega feels like a guy who got bullied at school and power trips as an adult.

>> No.29255661

Apparently he wasn't bullied hard enough.

>> No.29255732

Be right back, I'm gonna time travel and bully Omega into suicide.

>> No.29255784

Hololive is way to incompetent to pull off let alone come up with that sort of narrative

>> No.29255883

you underestimate how much of a lorefag omega is

>> No.29255952

I solidly doubt that omega is the one forming a narrative there. Even for some retarded faggot shit like what hololive is they would hire someone with some bare certification so they wouldnt have to bitch at one another about how the companies own internal logic spits out horse shit. Omega isnt a polymath.

>> No.29255974

Thank you for your service, Ame!

>> No.29256131

Bullying is now a capital sin and cracked down on way too hard. The lack of bullies is why we're currently being overrun with whiny faggots who identify as a liquid.

>> No.29256198

I don't know. Him not getting fired after IRyS and Council makes me think that he is more than some random employee. Maybe he has dirt on someone, or is close to an investor or something.

>> No.29256210

>trying to seduce girls
Unicorn Schizo malding like mad. Wah

>> No.29256214

>bare certification
To write lore? Lmao, omega has his little chuuni hands all over the lore for Council and Tempus.

>> No.29256226
File: 1.08 MB, 4419x2096, 168224448477360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try noor. Keep up the good work!

>> No.29256358


>> No.29256391

>WAH is connected to ancient ones
So why Sana never said it?

>> No.29256493

:^) I too remember being young.

>> No.29256753

Cover shills are getting easier to spot by the day.

>> No.29257125
File: 783 KB, 1800x3200, E9NhfEyVIAcKsaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo thread
oh ok let me come up with some random rrat real quick

Sanas Graduation is not coming from her it is omega going crazy with his chuuni lore shit.
If what OP said is true and AO is a common thread in the EN branch than Ina, Sana and Regis are the big players in the overarching story.
Whatever AOs influence over the world is, Sana was trying to confine it and seal it away. Ina was just the first to break the seal, slowly deminishing the guardians power (sana) and now AOs influence spreads to all kinds of people -like Regis.
Sana was forced to graduate by omega for lore reasons

HoloEN Season 3 will introduce another corrupted by AO or rather a fresh face that will show weird mannerisms after their first collab with Ina.

>> No.29257203

Alright. How much do I get paid if I take omega out for good?

>> No.29257227

Reg thinks Ina is a submissive girl so he can do anything he want, even on stream. What a disgusting bully

>> No.29257287

bro you lost it here

>> No.29257318
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>> No.29257354
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>> No.29257381
File: 186 KB, 603x600, 93A95043-4BE2-43AF-9B3A-8D126E1136AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want that fag near my brotubers, makes collabs almost unwatchable.
>but he is being forced
Idgaf that’s what’s presented to us so that’s how I will perceive him

>> No.29257467

Think repeating your master's words will make you human? Your tail is showing, dog

>> No.29258182


>> No.29258499

I will shit on him harder after reading this.

>> No.29259346

Sis, You smell like Nijinigger

>> No.29259729

Regis stop being such a pussy and do your own stuff. What are they going to do? Fire you just after debiut to create rrats of 7th trumpet level?
yes, I like to larp

>> No.29260296

Omega at least cares, look at how autistic she is about the lore. Mori and Amelia, meanwhile don't give a shit about Hololive as a brand, dragging their genmates down with their shenanigans and lack of care about the idol image. Omega would've been a better replacement for one of the two. If I had to choose though it would be Amelia, the talentless one, because at least Calli can make music and is the second mascot of EN.

>> No.29260522

Ame wanted to learn to sing, but management said that she should stick to playing games

>> No.29262390

Im not reading all that, so either "sorry that happened" or "thats great, dude"

>> No.29262702

okay schizo, i'll play along with whatever this is until you present a source
i'll partially agree with him being "forced"; it's a debut schtick, they play and stick to the kayfabe they're given upon, but eventually they will loosen up and probably forget about it in about a couple more weeks or a month when the collab ban is lifted. remember mumei's "forgor" schtick or even nene's "aru" tic? i'll cut blue guy some slack since he's still on the flourishing phase on the scene

>> No.29263139

t. Omega

>> No.29263904

But there were many faggots here keep saying that "wah" is common Korean expression
Now you say it's part of the lore?
So which is it, faggot?

>> No.29264600
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>> No.29264649

mucho texto

>> No.29265415

Marine did? When? Source?

>> No.29265616

She's in on the lore.
