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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1645418965337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29160950 No.29160950 [Reply] [Original]

>half mexican, half filipino
fucking dropped.

>> No.29161025

half mexican, half filipino is just fill mexican anon. you can't get browner than that.

>> No.29161033

>combining the two most powerful races in the world in one liver
She will be the gura killer mark my words

>> No.29161034

doesn't that make her 100% colonized?

>> No.29161075

Didn't catch her debut, is she the femdom mommy I was hoping she would be?

>> No.29161107

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex uoooh i have become sex

>> No.29161112


>> No.29161117
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>Colonizes you

>> No.29161156

Flips are the mexicans of asians

>> No.29161178

Haven't watched it yet. Did she say any filipino words or sang songs?

>> No.29161179

I dunno but half flips tend to be hot irl

>> No.29161197

Pagpag burrito cooking stream when?

>> No.29161234

She's too friendly with the holoboys.

>> No.29161272

only if her grandpas would be white

>> No.29161312
File: 179 KB, 764x1280, 7a7a07312819a3547c20b2e4a458ae47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be the first cross-corpo ship in EN?

>> No.29161721

So she is a half Latina? Why do rrats say that she is as white as a mutt?

>> No.29161766

don't care, sex

>> No.29161843

Fulgur and Sana already exist

>> No.29161861

based, i love my brown onee-san

>> No.29161965

I didn't expect him to be the Mori of momoEN

>> No.29162049

So, Mexican.

>> No.29162259
File: 46 KB, 627x614, FYeEZ3oVsAUxZz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds Hot Af actually. Would Colonise.

Also her 2nd Debut Stream where she was more unhinged made me love her even more ngl

>fucking dropped.
More like FILTERED Anon

>> No.29163143
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>> No.29163448

based NijiEN and their track record of hiring Filipino gene-havers

>> No.29163509

She was great in her second stream. She is sex. I'm sold on her.

>> No.29163536

She really tried to go for the mom vibe when really she's closer to the dumb gal next door.

>> No.29163538

>Hololive hires indogs
>Nijisanji hires filipinos
Powerful Race

>> No.29163596

Okay but Sana doesn't exist

>> No.29163609

Does a more powerful combination exist?

>> No.29163643

>Filipino ass
>Mexican aging genes
I pity her.

>> No.29163848
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>> No.29163918

Update it with scarle onegai

>> No.29164358

The theiving cat Millie already stole Fuu.

>> No.29164569

Has she sung already? Filipinos tend to be great singers.

>> No.29164654

that's a meme ship

>> No.29164810

>Forgets kobo
Who are these people?

>> No.29164896

Mexicans are the flips of latin america

>> No.29164923

Oh my god.

That makes me want to rape her even more.

>> No.29164971

I will make her an honorary brazilian.

>> No.29165063

bend over, you'll be the one getting raped

>> No.29165205

god i wish

>> No.29165250

Does Mexicans and Flips drink a lot? Will she be the latina Mori?

>> No.29165472

Marine works for the Spanish?

>> No.29165492

Don't even try, you will just embarass yourself.

>> No.29165544

half filipina huh? Ill watch if pro marcos only.

>> No.29165582

>being embarassed on an anonymous site

>> No.29165652

Hololive has the biggest flip vtuber with Haachama though.

>> No.29165795

She is pure sexo, is my Oshi now ñ

>> No.29165957

>the three chicks on the left
Who? Too lazy to find them.

>> No.29166215

Like I give a shit.

As long as I get to fuck her Half-Mexican, Half-Filipino pussy, I don't care what position am I going to be in.

Whether it's me raping her like a good Filipino does to a Filipina, her raping me for wanting to rape her, or having loving consensual sex with her, it's still my dick getting to be inside her pussy.

>> No.29166264

So, Spanish?

>> No.29166295

Ewwww really...? Awww man. I was going to watch her...oh well on to the next one

>> No.29166296

>White girl wearing mexipina genes
>speaks no Spanish

>> No.29166397

So no spanish?! WTF Is this!!

>> No.29166398

im gonna go bankrupt having to support a Mexican and Filipino family

>> No.29166462
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she reminds me a lot of Marimar.

>> No.29166497
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Oh definitely. Picrel is taken from her lastest MV

>> No.29166514

is she from Acapulco? I heard there's a fuckton of Chinky-looking mexicans in there

>> No.29166571

Who is her roommate?

>> No.29166693

How thoug-

>Actually liked Jollibee during her stay in the Philippines.

Yeah you know what? I agree.

>> No.29166748

My penis can only get so erect.

>> No.29166832

fullfil what your ancestors dreamed white man

>> No.29166855

Are you dumb?

colonized = A people who're victims of an invasion from another nation of people that happened in the past whose descendants may still be being ruled over present day.

colonizer = Invaders who colonized a land that does not belong to them and whose descendants may still be occupying the land present day.

>> No.29166942

Because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.29167016

macaco here, we dont want her

>> No.29167041

That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.29167049


>> No.29167056 [DELETED] 

nigger stop trying to kill her

>> No.29167212
File: 221 KB, 1414x1880, Mexican-American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people stereotype Latinos (and Mexicans especially) as dark, native people with really thick accents. It helps them "otherize" them.

>> No.29167322

Which one are you? Portuguese? If so you're white and irrelevant. If black or native should not be rejecting a possible sister.

>> No.29167344

Louis CK is a Mexican jew, not a Mexican American.

>> No.29167554

Deepest lore

>> No.29167640

Because that's what the majority are idiot. That guy on the picture is white dude. His family line goes back to them.

The literal name of Mexican comes from Mexico which originally is attached to the Aztecs or Mexica of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Fucking retarded with your stupid bs putting people whose family lines aren't natives just cuz their fucking parents moved to Mexico doesn't make them mexicans no matter how many generations has passed.

It's bad enough when people say "Americans" instead people thinking of Native Americans they think Europeans of English or German backgrounds.

>> No.29167707

Didn't watch, don't give a shit

>> No.29167987

I'm Chicano. I'm as white as the driven snow and speak with a Midwestern-accent. My uncles range from very white to dark. My family came from Tejanos who lived here before Texas broke away from Mexico.

Not everyone fits your fucking stereotypes.

>> No.29168061

She doesn't have a pussy, anon. She's a futa.

>> No.29168223

she's got this cute gremlin voice she goes to when she starts talking about anime boys or gets excited

>> No.29168271

A girl being mixed race apparantly doubles rather than halves white boy's desire to colonise.

>> No.29168392

I... uhh... nvm you're right

>> No.29168471
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sweet chocolates are a white mans choice

>> No.29168509

guess which race has historically avoided mixing with others? especially in colonial lands.

>> No.29168581

It's not a stereotype dumb fucking retard. You don't turn into another complexion out of the blue. Something happened to make that a reality. Do you even know basic biology?

We were always various shades of brown to black dumb fuck. Know something about our actual history if you family even goes back to an indigenous lineage. Look at the temples with art depicting what we look like including on the codex's that were not burned.

Also, Texas did not break away from Mexico. It was Europeans invading Texas with the help of Polk who then crossed the border into Texas and declared it theirs on a piece of paper then proceeded to setup a war between the Spaniards ruling over Mexico and the U.S.

>> No.29168653

lol fucking asshole putting that Conquistador helmet. That shit made me laugh.

Them girls are pretty hot.

>> No.29168702

None. Even slave masters wanted native and black pussy.

>> No.29169055

Could do without saying words like "breasticles".

>> No.29169303

>Chicanos != Real mexicana
Stfu gringo

>> No.29169381

>Spaniard Helmet


>> No.29169429

>The Contrarian of your entire region
Yes it makes sense

>> No.29169525

It doesn't because you're talking about a region that only exists after walls and borders were built. In addition, Mexicans were shipped TO the Philippines as slaves by the Spaniards.

>> No.29169560

Didn't Mysta were half Filipino too?

>> No.29169622

Nah white men fucked plenty of natives, they just also fucked white girls who weren't allowed to fuck other races.

Making the natives white while still keeping a pure white gene pool present.

>> No.29169654

Chicano is just another word to label themselves that's all. It's because Mexicans in Mexico would bitch at Mexicans who were born elsewhere like California and say retarded stupid shit that they weren't Mexicans. It was worse if they couldn't speak Spanish which made it even more dumber bring proud to speak a language they were forced to learn.

>> No.29169655

he's half???

>> No.29169672

she's not a femdom, she's more like someone comfortable with their feminity and is not Yuribaiting

she keeps saying she's not bottom but I guarantee that she melts at a guy's touch.

>> No.29169674

Some parts of Spain are pretty white.
Americans are just used to associating the Spanish language with Latin America.

>> No.29169765

It makes sense if you know basic history.

>> No.29169881
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>> No.29169991

does expats even count?
dude cant even cook rice properly

>> No.29169992

>>half mexican, half filipino

>> No.29170012

You definitely do not know what you're talking about. White girls were choosing natives and blacks to fuck over white men. In the USA for example they would try to threaten their women into being slaves themselves if they didn't get away from us. Many of them choose to be slaves with us. This got white men so angry they put miscegenation laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-miscegenation_laws_in_the_United_States

Also, whites fucking natives or black women did not guarantee a baby would be produced. I mean, if that were the case why is it that latino's and blacks get made fun of for having many children?

You also ignore the other side that native and black men in latin america would purposely get with white spaniard women to climb up the economic ladder and be accepted by white men into their society. There's lots that go into it but I'm already going too much.

>> No.29170035

Yes they were before they got raped by mud slimes

>> No.29170046

Just imagine birria tacos with adobo sauce

>> No.29170050

So 3/4 Mexican?

>> No.29170059


>> No.29170096

Anon. your history reps

>> No.29170110

>We wuz

>> No.29170114

Filipinos hate faggots tho...

>> No.29170123
File: 376 KB, 733x714, 1648383520135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the good shit

>> No.29170190

Is he a confirmed faggot though?

>> No.29170207

he grew up in Britain, everyone there is a faggot actually. well no not really, Boris Johnson is their PM, maybe not all are faggots there afterall

>> No.29170423

Boris is the biggest faggot of all

>> No.29170472

>Duterte said homosexuality can be cured just like how he cured himself from it
>Pacqiauo said that homosexuals are worse than animals
>Duterte said faggotry is for the west and PH should be a bastion of christianity
Correct desu~

>> No.29170524

So the country is run by a fag in denial.

>> No.29170586

>was a fag and had a jewish wife
he cured himself and divorced with the jewtress

>> No.29170605


>> No.29170646

Once a fag always a fag.
Also he divorced a woman.
Clearly to be with other men.

>> No.29170662

she had the most subs last time I looked, now I wake up and she was passed by some guy, what happened?

>> No.29170714

she did her debut at mcdonalds using their wifi

>> No.29170735

>Becomes leader of a country.
Why does he want to be in charge of so many men? So he can fuck them

>> No.29170741

I dunno man becoming gay after being raped when young is a common occurence for the victims to cope

>> No.29170775

ignore the debut, go straight to debut 2.0
she's not a femdom mommy, but she is a cool onee-san. she's just the right amount of sistuber too.

>> No.29170781

First two I would agree with as they are true statements since animals live while faggots get put to death.

I'd agree with the first part of the 3rd quote but the bastion of Christianity? That will never happen since the religion is fake and doesn't follow what its scriptures actually teach.

>> No.29170814

He dropped an original song in debut and had good wifi, she redeemed herself afterwards but it was a guerilla with less viewers

>> No.29170843

You know a lot about becoming gay huh?

>> No.29170854

Exactly why flips are majority christians. they love fake shit

>> No.29170856

damn dude I was gonna tell her that in the chat to get off that mcdonald wifi but I held back. I should of said it since she's into toxic men.

>> No.29170882

>know your enemies
t. suntzu

>> No.29170915

>No imperial flag

>> No.29170945

Know as in the biblical sense? You know gay men?

>> No.29171129

So basically a normal mexican, since pinoys are basically asian mexicans.

>> No.29171165

That ain't what I am talking about. I'm talking about Christianity says one thing and what the Bible actually says is completely different.

>> No.29171216

sins are the enemies, and one must know what sways it.

>> No.29171283

Anon that's how religion works. ever heard of jihad and isis?

>> No.29171378

yeah they do love fake shit like your mother's love to you

>> No.29171636

That's kind of hot, but I'm Hispanic so I might be a cheap grab Anycolor was expecting. After hearing her though, I have to wonder how many nerdy Mexican girls sound like her. Without any accent or otherwise being particularly ESL, they seem to have this particular way of speaking. Might just be the luck of my experience, but first hearing Scarle I thought, "Yeah, she would sound like this, not like some sultry foreign milf." Very familiar. I like it.

>> No.29171716

why is there so many fucking mutts in vtubing? oh that's right its because they are all ugly so they use avatars

>> No.29171792

so Irish people are 100% colonised? Retard. Colonised in this context means her ancestors got fucked by the Spaniards

>> No.29172002

>how dare this shitskin not speak this white language

>> No.29172022 [DELETED] 
File: 690 KB, 841x1128, 1658545822511825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the /pol/niggers in this 'debate' are likely all either anglos or chic*nos

>> No.29172021

why are you in /vt/

>> No.29172106

>awful wifi signal
fucking dropped

>> No.29172121

i'm a tourist. I like looking at this board as it makes me feel better about myself

>> No.29172284

Yup they are colonizers. Going into a contractual agreement to be indentured servants for specific number of years which doesn't make them a slave whatsoever. They are at the services of their owners and go where ever their master goes. I know some escaped because of their harsh treatment by them but they made the agreement.

After their servitude they became other things even the police. I'm sure you'll find lots of horrible stories of the Irish as police treating black and natives like absolute shit.

What white folks do to other white folks is of no concern to me.

>> No.29172399

I'm not from /poll/. I just know shit.

>> No.29172453 [DELETED] 

niggers selling other niggers is of no concern to me. niggers and natives treated whites like absolute shit so the Irish treated you like you deserve. You have the turks and moors who colonised European lands. you have neo-colonialism where hordes of non-whites are pouring into white lands today. #
white =/= coloniser
shitskin =/= colonised

>> No.29172585

You only post this only if you are not a mutt

>> No.29172671

It's all chinese, koreans, and 1 slav.

>> No.29172821

Jesus the autism from this obese fuck can be felt over here. The sweat filled rage, typing while trying to not die if an heart attack.
You dont know shit faggot. Keep seething

>> No.29173189


>> No.29173466

You're running low on opioids boi. It's making you lose control and running your mouth on that inferiority complex your people have about us. It's seeping out. Maybe I'll catch you out in the streets with your people standing in a single spot like zombies for hours on end or laying down on the street as I walk by laughing maybe take a picture or two for mocking purposes.

>> No.29173522

that's fine, stay away from our women you white people.

>> No.29173836

All I know is that mexicans have fat ass so I want her to sit on my face. She is fun to watch too.

>> No.29175400

Watched her debut. I don't like her. Too superficial for me. Carried by her design. Nijisanji is really bad at this.

>> No.29175479

Any hints on her roommate?

>> No.29175672

You forgot
>Barely knows Spanish
Fucking dropped

>> No.29175757

>90% Catholic
Yeah thats a death sentence if he ever reveal he is a faggot

>> No.29177250

To be fair, flips are honorary mexicans by default.

>> No.29178150

To whom? Not to me that's for sure.

>> No.29178290

Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.29179109

>cant even speak spanish
dios mio...

>> No.29179694

>50% mexican
>50% filipino
>100% fucking dropped
there, I did your joke but better

>> No.29179906

>Comes from two cultures that heavily value cooking and food
>Can't cook
>Refuses to eat anything not microwaved
Guaranteed that her parents AND grandparents never loved her.

>> No.29180458

>valuing cooking
Then why do they produce nothing but garbage?

>> No.29181205

Isnt born in mexico, doesnt know the language spoken in mexico, therefore isnt mexican.
Cmon that makes perfect sense. Why are they so embarrased to be american?

>> No.29181241

The term Latino isn't about race. You Americans are just forcing the world to view it as such. It's an cultural indicator showing a connection to Spain. This makes filipinos Latino.

>> No.29181272

Blacks and natives are like 8% of the brazilian population.

>> No.29181297

You’re a generation late bro. My sister’s the same. My mother and grandma know how to cook hundreds of dishes yet my sister doesn’t even know how to make a simple salsa.

>> No.29181497

Because the current generation is comprised of unskilled cooks that can only survive off pagpag and jollibee.
Ask a filo grandma to cook and you'll be tasting the very best of what their cuisine has to offer. I don't know when the cooking skills get passed down, maybe by their 30s or early 40s, but I've never once enjoyed a meal cooked by a filo woman in their 20s.

>> No.29181529

I just saw her RM in a Sailor Saturn cosplay, she absolutely loss the genetic lottery, plain as an asian, ugly as a mexican, a very wierd shade of brown

>> No.29181540

>country known for being deep in the drug trade
>tries to no you other people
Chilangos lol.

>> No.29181680

I can't tell if you're genuine or not. Regardless, you're an idiot.

>> No.29183217

Holy fuck how much of a retard can you be burger literally you pick one if not the most mix raced country of all latin america as an example of how all latinos look like, acording to you even argentinians should be dark skinned, and if we use your own argument we could say that almost all latin americans arent latinos because almost all latinos family lines come from the spaniards.

>> No.29183597

marine is a pirate, thats a false flag made to look spanish

>> No.29183918

Built for BWC

>> No.29184255

>whites fucking natives or black women did not guarantee a baby would be produced. I mean, if that were the case why is it that latino's and blacks get made fun of for having many children?

White people dont have childrens because whities went full feminist. there's a ton of studies that show that empowered women have lower childrens, also whites are cucks that let their womans take control of the relationship just look at patrialchal societies like the amish or the mennonites their womens make like 7 children.

if something mocking latinos and blacks for having a lot of childrens is just peak cuck autism

>> No.29184829

>>things that literally don't exist

>> No.29184958

These posts reek of shitskin.

>> No.29185505

The shitskin says the truth cumskin

>> No.29185619

how can you walk without having a heart attack from obesity anon ?
you dont even have health insurance

>> No.29185672

>mixed blood of two of the horniest races on the planets
>model is literally sex
She's perfect

>> No.29185876

man one of my best m8s is a flip, some of the realest out there ngl.

>> No.29185965

>tfw no brown nympho gf
I want a girl that will climb on me and never let go

>> No.29187428

you forgot half african
she is the mutt's oshi

>> No.29187642

I dont watch niji but I'm starting to realize that a majority of them are or are partially asian, why is this
Do they just go to the dregs of the world to recruit for your shit chuubas?

>> No.29188029

Romeo and Juliet scenario?

>> No.29188264

i've seen enough pinay prostitution porn and dox site about flips vtuber so i can say this with absolute confidence

they are called asian nigga for a reason

>> No.29188418

most rrats are either Chinese anti (who's too brain damaged to understand Latinas) so they went to basic default white girl or typical basement who think Latinos are like the one depicted on movies and Pinoys are labor worker.
These antis are no fun, they're too stupid to make an interesting rrat. Old rrat makers were more cunning in creating drama and spread lies.

>> No.29188564

That comment was typed by an overproud pag pag pinoy poster

Next time, vote for a better president before you spout bullshit.

>> No.29188639

I hate her already. I can speak spanish and I know ghetto hoodrats when I see one. They're the trashiest spanish girls you'll ever find.

>> No.29188729

So desperate he had to put Haachama in it.
Also the line up of literal who except for the right most bitch.

>> No.29188908

How old are you?

>> No.29189519

>having an actual ship

>> No.29190000
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>> No.29190761

I hope it's balanced with good blowjob skill no?

>> No.29190840

She learned Spanish and show interest in visiting Spain, anon.

>> No.29194081


>> No.29194703

Keep seething burgermutt

>> No.29196195

A mexishart wrote this post

>> No.29196457

for me it's Anya-Petra

>> No.29198220

nah she work for the portugese
she joined along when the portugese were selling gun to the Oda 500 years ago
yeah she is that old
