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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 122 KB, 955x1351, ElyXTnMU0AEALqT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
288379 No.288379 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being angry that vtubers want to make money.

The worst criticism I see about vtubers is that they want money. Of course they do! How the fuck are they going to make actually good content regularly if they're working full time and streaming for nothing? The only ones who go into it expecting to get rich are the girls who join hololive, but all these indies are just trying to make enough to justify losing sleep for their viewers. The only way your favorite indie can continue to make content is if they're making money of some kind. They are probably grinding at their shitty retail job just to pay back their initial investment.
It requires funds to make a stream like that work.

What do you idiots want?

>> No.288426

>what do you idiots want?
To complain. Just ignore the retards.

>> No.288492

>noooo you can’t make money for making content
Just ignore speds like that

>> No.288557

The only ones I have issues with are the ones that feed into the lonelyfags to get them to take out second mortgages/sell the clothes off their back to donate, or those that shit on their original fans when they have an opportunity to chase a bigger market. Pretty short list actually

>> No.288748

I can understand that, but who has done this?

Honest question, I've never seen it and would like to avoid these creators

>> No.288851

Aside from random indies if you're going to watch Vshoujo avoid Silver and Nyanners, that new one seems kind of sketchy too. Can't say much for any of the holos because I don't look up roommate shit

>> No.288938

How do you deal with the fact that you are watching a manufactured company personality designed to suck as much money out of your wallet as possible

>> No.289011

Money keeps people alive, do you think I expect the monkey to dance for free?
She has to eat and sleep too.

The design and theme is manufactured, but the people streaming are actually people.
With that being said, I only give my money to Indies
Hololive girls don't make money off of superchats.

>> No.289036

How do you deal with the fact that the company finds personalities that are entertaining and let’s them run along on their own to generate money

>> No.289369

I think people just say this because they're bitter

>> No.289432

shut the fuck up

>> No.289496

Do you watch any TV shows or movies? Do you buy games? How about clothing or food? Everything is made to take your money. You decide if the experience you get out of it is worth it.

>> No.289553

"I hope my waifu has a nice time sleeping in her cardboard box tonight, can't wait to see her stream from her local library tomorrow! I'm so glad she'd rather dumpster dive than ask for money. What a true hearted full time content maker"

>> No.289559

>catered to you so perfectly that you're willing to give them money
Would you rather have the alternative where they don't cater to you at all?

>> No.289578


Who is angry?

>> No.289600
File: 395 KB, 1888x1080, Screenshot_20210205_155058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I hated was during Choco's 2nd anniversary stream, she literally stood there and told people to give superchats so the carpet moves closer and the show can continue. I don't know whose idea was it but it was terrible
Also she sang pretty bad

>> No.289639

Literally scroll up and see someone in the thread already complaining about it

>> No.289695

>implying I watch hololosers

>> No.289876

based Choco findom

>> No.289948

>designed to suck as much money out of your wallet as possible
Well, they're failing to do that pretty badly.

>> No.291627

>manufactured company personality
should i tell him bros?

>> No.291725

Unless you're a filthy commie, who doesn't want to make money
